Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

271 ratings
Multiplayer - Paths To Victory!
By Gaelica
This is a Multiplayer Class guide to Fall Of Cybertron. This will be a video guide showing the weapons and abilities of all classes and will also give some pointers and recommendations on how to dismantal your enemies more efficiently.
This guide will be giving detailed information on each class, what weapons they have at their disposal, the abilities they use and what attributes make them different from the other bots in the game.

I will also give my personal opinions on most weapons and show vids of what I think are the most effective ways of using them. Feel free to disagree with me as every player has their own play style and what may well work for me, does not necessarily mean it will work for you and your style.

I will also touch on some other important areas of multiplayer gaming such as maps, pickups, and ingame challenges which really do aid in learning your class of choice thus enabling you to tear up the battlefield.

If you find this guide helpful in any way........please remember to RATE it by clicking the thumbs up icon at the top left corner of the page.
The infiltrators are the smallest Bots in the game. In their case size really does matter! Thay have the smallest hit box making it harder for enemies to target them, this is made more difficult by the fact they are also the most agile and fastest moving bots when in Robot form. When playing the infiltrator, put this movement speed to your advantage........ Dont "stand still" in fights or you will get owned as this class has the lowest amount of health points available.

Dont be fooled by their size however when it comes to hitting power! these guys really pack a punch and can destroy even the largest of foes in a matter of seconds if played correctly.

The advice I would give most when playing this class is to listen to CLIFFJUMPER!



The Infiltrator transforms into a sports car and is the 2nd fastest vehicle in the game. In vehicle form the Infiltrator's hit box (which is already small) is decreased even more making them very hard to destroy when fighting head on. The vehicle form uses the MI Tachyon Repeater which does decent damage but should really only be employed when using the vehicle mode to reload your main Robot weapons or when faced by multiple foes and are using the small hit box of the car to fall back or retreat.


This weapon will feature in all the videos for this class as i feel it is the one weapon the infiltrator cannot do without when using your most effective builds.


Part of being an infiltrator is being a Sneaky B*****d to get your kills, the cloak ability enables you to become nearly invisible on the battlefield which as you can imagine, helps you to do this. It must be noted the more you move while cloaked the faster your resource for the ability will be depleted.

The 3 upgrades to the cloak are as follows:

Cloak Intercooler - decreases the recarge time of the ability enabling you to cloak more often

Specter - increases the amount of time you can spend cloaked dramatically

Shadow Stalker - you stay cloaked for a short time after attacking. This is the upgrade I use as staying in cloak that extra little bit of time after the first attack is sometimes the difference in winning or losing a fight as the target may have trouble locating you.


This weapon is a close-range submachine gun with an incredible rate of fire. One full magazine is enough to destroy even a titan if used at close range and you are accurate enough. The other important attribute of the weapon which is sometimes forgotten is that this weapon grants movement speed - the infiltrator uses speed and agility to survive above all else.

The 3 upgrades to the subsonic repeater are as follows:

Ion Cartridge - This increases the amount of rounds in a clip. I know many players who prefer this upgrade over the other two as the weapon is meant to be used at close range so accuacy is less of a problem.

Hyper Interlink - Speeds up reload time - the least effective upgrade on this weapon for me.

Cyber Optics - Increases weapon accuracy - I use this upgrade myself. Yes the weapon is close range but when I play the Infiltrator I move ALOT so the less spread I have on the weapon the more robot wreckage is left behind. Plus one clip without the extra rounds from the ion cartridge is enough to kill anything if they all hit at close range.


This is the sniper rifle of the game. This is one of, if not thee most powerful weapons in the game. This weapon can head shot any class when it is charged to max power - instantly killing your opponent. The weapon can also 2 shot any class although not all the classes require the same amount of charge time to accomplish this.

Titan - 2 full charged shots. Destroyer - 1 full charge and a 0.5 charged either order. Scientist and Infiltrator - 1 full charge and 0.35 charged shot.....or any two shots which add up to the same values will do.

The upgrades to the weapon are as follows:

Ion cartage - Increases clip size... this is same upgrade on most weapons

Hyper Interlink - speeds up reload.. same as before and for most weapons

Deadeye - This is the upgrade you want and need on the Charge rifle! It speeds up the charge time everytime you successfully hit with it. So if you start of with a full charge and hit a target... your next charge will be fast to finish him of...... Or shoot a quick none charged shot first so you can quicky fully charge the next one - this is very effective.

When using the Charge rifle dont be affraid to move or jump when using the scope..... do whatever it takes to give yourself the angle to take the shot. Camping with the Charge rifle is a BAD idea - after you kill someone they know were you are! Keep moving at all times so that you keep your oponents guessing on your location.

The following video will show proper use of these two weapons and the Cloaking ability. I hope you enjoy it:


This is one of the most fun and effective abilities in the game....It partially blinds and disorientates your opponent enabling you to finish them of sometimes before they even know were you are. This works well with all the Infiltrators close range weapons. You can aim the gernade by holding down the button before releasing...however I personally never do this as most the fights will be close range and you need to be moving fast.

The upgrades for the ability are as follows:

Short fuse - the grenade detonates faster...... least effective upgrade for me.

Speed Redirector - gives you a speed boost after an effective detonation..... if used correctly can make skilled players extremly hard to hit even by none emp effected enemies that have just arrived.

EMP Intercooler - the recharge time of the ability is decreased...... For me this is the best upgrade as you can blind enemies more often allowing you and your team mates more time to easily target them without being enaged yourselves. If you use the on map "intercooler" with this ability you can throw an insane amount of emp grenades in a very short period of time meaning you can keep your target blinded for the entire battle.

The emp is also a great ability for using on vehicles as it stops them from using any speed. This is especially true on scientists who try to transfrom to ecape the just leaves them sitting ducks


This is an automatic shotgun which has extreme damage if you are extremly close to the target (almost touching). For me this is the main draw back of the weapon However when it is used with the cloak ability with specter upgrade, it can be alot of fun sneaking up behind targets (dangerous but fun).

The weapons upgrades are as follows:

Ion Cartridge

Sonic Blast - increases the weapons fire rate ... this upgrade should be used when using cloak to sneak up on targets as the last upgrate deceases the damage per bullet and if you sneaking up you want a fast kill.

Fireblast - decreases the damage per bullet but adds a fire dot to the target dealing damage over time. This is very effective when faced with titans using shields as the fire dot will bypass the shield and damage the titan directly! I prefer to use this upgrade with the EMP ability.

The video below shoes effective use of both the EMP grenade and the Scatter Blaster:


The path blaster is another one of them guns, you either hate it or love it. You can fire at the exact same spot 4 times and hit 4 different locations and do the same thing again a few seconds later and hit all 4 shots. The spread is very hard to judge on this weapon but when you get it right the weapon is Brutally Scary in the damage it can do in short periods of time at medium ranges.

The upgrades to this weapon are:

Sonic Blast - increased fire rate - this is the least effective upgrade for me as it is so hard to get accurate when burst firing.

Magma Dampener - decreases the spread and cooldown time of the weapon... meaning you can shoot faster and be more accurate. This is the upgrade I use on the pathblaster and would recommend it over the lights out upgrade if you are going for combat effectiveness over fun!

Lights Out - The last shot in the clip is now an uber powerful blast... this shots aoe can even pass through the destroyers disfraction barrier and damage targets standing to close to it. It does more damage than the standard shot and will Blast ALL Targets standing in its Path hence the name. This upgrade I use mainly just for fun even tho it is extremely useful.

The following video will show the weapon in use. Enjoy:

If you feel I have missed anything or would like more imformation or videos on the infiltrator please leave a comment at the end of the guide and will see what I can do.

Remember to RATE the guide so that it gets some stars.
The Destroyer is one of the most powerful all round classes in the game, as you would expect since this is Optimus Primes class. It has the 2nd largest health pool and has an extremely impressive array of AOE (area of effect) weaponary enabling it to destroy whole groups of targets in a few seconds if played correctly. Its defensive abilities should not be underestimated either as they make the destroyer a real neccessity for any team on the close quarter combat maps.

The best advice I can give when playing the destroyer is to aim for where your target is going to be, not where it is at! This is because the projectile weapons the destroyer uses are pretty slow moving and they mainly rely on the aoe effect for the kill.

When people come face to face with a Good destroyer in a match they can hear Optimus in their heads say

"You choose the wrong side!"


The Destroyer is the most powerful and devastating vechile form in the game. It transforms into a Truck and uses Eclipse Rockets as it weapons. These Rockets fire two at a time and you have 4 shots before needing to reload. Two shots with these rockets is enough to destroy Infiltraters and scientists while destroyers and Titans need 3 (Titans will only fall if they are direct hits.. most times it will take all 4 shots).

Unlike the other Classes i would encourage people to use the vehicle form as much as your main weapons as it is only when you use both forms to the maximum of their ability will you be able to max out your destroyers potential.


This weapon will feature in all the videos for this class as I feel it is the one weapon the Destroyer cannot do without when using your most effective builds.


If you are going for battle effectiveness over fun, this is the ability you must use on the Destroyer. The barrier stops all incoming fire so that the destroyer does not take damage while allowing the user to shoot its own projectiles through the barrier at enemy targets.

The upgrades to this ability are:

Fortify - this increases the amount of time that the barrier can remain active.

Ensare - this is the BEST upgrade for this ability. This slows any enemies who pass through the barrier...... in otherwards it makes them easy to hit and therefore kill. It takes away the infiltraters agility and will stop Jets in their "tracks". Plus it will also give you time to get away from Titan whirlwinds so you can rain destruction on them while they walk in slow mo.

One-way Barrier - Can only see through it from the back side. This is a pointlesss upgrade to me. yes there are some uses for it but they not even worth taking the time to mention. USE ENSARE, not this.


Yes Optimus Prime has stolen Megatrons gun and this is the real reason why Megatron wont let the Autobots leave Cybertron and is chasing them towards the space bridge!

The Riot Cannon is truly an awesome weapon, super powerful when hitting directly and the aoe makes it awesome. With this weapon you should be aiming for the ground your target is on or is moving too in order to make it effective as hitting directly takes alot of practice and will only work in some circumstances. Three AOE hits from the riot cannon is enough to kill Infiltraters and scientists while other destroyers and Titans will take four (Titans usually need a Planet buster hit to be the 4th tho)

The uprades for the weapon are as follows:

Ion cartridge - for this weapon this is a really great upgrade. I would advise using this instead of the 2nd upgrade while you are waiting to unlock the planet buster.

Sonic blast - least effective upgrade for me on this weapon.

Planet Buster - This empowers the last shot in the magazine so that it does significantly more damage, not only this but adds increased Radius to the AOE damage making it almost impossible to miss with this one. This is the best upgrade on this weapon and for me is a must have upgrade on the MUST have weapon for this class.


This is a heat seeking rocket launcher that auto locks onto vehicles so that they can be destroyed easily. I use this weapon on my most effective destroyer builds as for me it is the only real anti aIr that the destroyer has at its disposal. It is also useful for targeting Infiltrators who have went car form and are bouncing about dodging your aoe attacks. Apart from this it is also very powerful and works great in conjunction with the riot cannon to finish targets of.

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Hyper Interlink - Speeds up reload time

Amplifier Pak - increases the amount of reserve ammo you can carry

Omega Pulse Charge - This is the best upgrade for this weapon as it decreases the lock on time when targeting vehicles. This allows you to blow Jets out of the sky pretty fast or force them to transform, you can then kill them with the Riot Cannon (hard to hit jets with a riot cannon). The Thermo Rocket Cannon will also stop other bots using their vehicle form around you.

The following video will show these two weapons being used effectivly as well as the disfraction barrier ability. Enjoy:


This Weapon can truly be alot of fun. It fires an extermely slow moving projectile that can be detonated manually. The protectiles can also stick to surfaces and will explode in few secs - this can be used to destroy enemies who are chasing you when you retreating on low health and so on. Dont forget you can stack the projects on targets if you sneak up on them - before they know you are hitting them they be dead!

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Transwarp ballistics - Speeds up the projectile, this makes the weapon a little more useful against jets but it is still not as effective as the thermo rocket cannon.

Ion cartridge

Cyberthermic Frag - This is the most effective upgrade for this weapon! It increases the explosion radius enabling you to take out groups of enemies in a few shots if used correctly. The extra radius also makes this weapon more effective against all vehicle forms.

Alot of fun can be had with the recommended upgrade on this weapon. Hopefully the video below will make you agree with me:


Fires a single bomb that will break up into small fragments which explode - its a cluster bomb. Personally am not a big fan of this weapon as i usually kill myself with it as much as I kill the enemy. This being said, when it is used correctly it can be a very impressive weapon taking out multiple targets with a single shot. This is also a weapon that can one shot a target if you hit them with the bomb before it fragments on rare occasions. In a match I prefer only to use this weapon when am behind my barrier or if am retreating to stop the enemy from following me easily.

The upgrades of this weapon are:

Hyper Interlink

Amplifier Pak

Chaos Fuse - This is the upgrade of choice for this weapon. It increases The number of flak grenades that are produced on impact of the bomb. This means more damage ,more places the targets do not want to land or place their feet and hopefully more kills!

Not a weapon I use often but hopefully the video will show what it can do. Enjoy:


This ability allows you to jump high into the air, hover and then enables you to do a slam onto a target area. For me this is one of the most fun things to do in FOC as it is hard and takes practice to master. Even then you may not get the kill with the slam. But apart from this it enables the destroyer to get to places it would not normally be able to reach and also is a good evade against attacks such as the Titans whirlwind ability and so on.

The upgrades to this ability are:

Aerial Camper - As long as you stay still while in hover your resource for the ability does not drain. This is can be used to set traps above doorways and so on.....however be warned.... you are a sitting duck while doing this!

Bug Out - Increases Hover speed - but not enough to make this useful!

Divebomb - This is the upgrade you need on Hover increases the radius of the ground pound making it easy to get hits and therefore kills with it. Use this one people and let the fun begin.

There will be a video at the end of the guide showing alot of hover slam kills but the video below will show one match in order to demonstrate how it is used to evade and attack enemies. Enjoy:

If you feel I am missing any information or would like more videos of the destroyer please leave a comment at the end of the guide and I will see what I can do.

Please take a few seconds and click the RATE button (thumbs up) at the top left corner of the page if you found this guide on the destroyer useful.
The Titan Class is truly befitting the name. These guys really could battle with the Gods (at close to medium ranges anyway). This is Lord Megatrons class and playing one enables you to understand why Megatron believes he has no equal.The Titan has the most armor and Health pool in the game allowing it to take more damage than anyother class but not only this the heavy weapons it carries allow it to be a One Bot Army.

The best advice I can give to anyone playing the Titan is to play it like an Infiltrator! Yes you are Massive and have the largest hit box in the game but you dont have to stand there and let the enemy hit you, move jump and take cover just like any other class would and you will survive long enough to let rip with your massive destructive power in the form of the Scrapmaker or the other heavy weapons. Remember the Titan is only a Formidable oponent when it is Alive.

Mr Tron believes any weapon which leaves a trail of Autobot wrecks

"Is a Perfect Symbol of My Reign".

Almost all the Titan weapons are capable of this and then some.


The Titan Transforms into a Tank which is the slowest moving vehicle in the game. The tank uses a Mega Concussion Cannon as its weapon and this is as powerful as a single shot or blast from the destroyers truck. The difference is that the Truck can shoot 4 times before a reload were as the tank needs to reload after every shot greatly reducing its damage per second. This said the tank is accurate and two shots will kill an infiltrator or scientist so you can make great use of it at medium ranges or when chasing retreating enemies.


This weapon will feature in all the videos for this class as I feel it is the one weapon the Titan cannot do without when using your most effective builds.


This ability allows the Titan to carry a hand held shield that can be used to protect itself from incoming fire. Unlike the the destroyers dissfraction barrier the titans shield can only take a limited amount of damage. The more damage the shield takes the faster the ability will be depleted. The shield in my opinion is much more effective than the whirlwind and should be used for the more intense battles.

The upgrades for this ability are:

Brute Force - This enables the shield to take much more damage and therefore last longer. This may be the first upgrade but I find this one the most effective out of the 3 and is my must have upgrade on the must have ability for the Titan. With Brute Force you can do two knockbacks on a whirlwind Titan before the shield is depleted while his ability is activated and you will do more damage to the enemy titan than he will on you.

Basher - Increases Footspeed when using the shield....however most the time it will be depleted before you can get good use out of it.

Blastproof - shield converts incoming damaging into health.....useful but it does not last long enough to give enough health.. plus you have the energon havester, use it to replenish your health.


You cant go wrong with duel mini-guns on one arm! This multi-barrel heavy machine gun truly is a weapon out of Cybertronian hell. It can destroy any target in a matter of seconds and its 200 round ammo belt ensures there is plenty to go around as there is no reload time. The only small problems with this weapon are the wind-up time before firing and that it basically does no damage at long range but this is what you would exspect as the Titan is a close combat specialist.

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Dropshot - This decreases the wind-up time needed before firing... this is useful for beginners but the more you play the titan you will find that you will windup the weapon before fights start. For example... you see the enemy about to turn a corner to your location...wind it up and fire just before they are in the line of fire.

Ion Cartridge - This is the least important upgrade on this weapon....If you have not killed your targets with 200 rounds already odds are you dead and wont have to worry about it.

Cyber Optics - this is my upgrade of choice. As i mention earlier, when you are used to playing the Titan you will not even notice the windup time anymore.....So cyber optics is the way to go as it decreases the weapons spread enabling you to be more accurate at close ranges and do a little better at medium distance. I use fine aim alot when playing titan....Fine aim works great on cars and jets plus if you try to aim at heads on Robot targets they will pop quite often due to the insane rate of heavy damage.

The Scrapmaker was almost the "Drinks must have weapon on this class". The Havester only just beat it.


The havester is a shotgun that will 3 shot any target at close ranges due to its great power, add this to the fact that with the right upgrade it will also heal you to full health from almost certain death with each shot makes this a weapon the Titan cannot do without. Only with this weapon can the Titan jump into a group of enemies take and absorb INSANE amounts of damage and still be the last bot standing.

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Ion Cartridge - more ammo means more health in this case

R-Infinity Finder - increases the effective range of the shotgun, this can be useful when fighting alot of infiltraters.

Reaper - For me this is the must have upgrade for the must have weapon. The Reaper upgrade increases the amount of health havested from the target enabling the havester (at close range) to out heal the dps of a scrapmaker of an enemy titan. At close range the Reaper Havester beats Scrapmaker every time. At medium ranges it is the other way around!

Important point on Havester - If you have the Havester equiped and you do a melee hit which KILLS the target you will get a small heal from it, not as much as a shot from Havester but it does heal a little. (Does not work on Melee hits which do not kill the target)

The following video will show the Flak Shield Ability in use along side the Scrapmaker and the Energon Havester. In this video I also had a very short AFK (away from keyboard) moment - see if you can spot it and enjoy:


This weapon should be used as a secondary only for use against fast moving Infiltrators or for attacking around corners doing damage to your enemy while you remain in cover. Since I consider the havester a secondary weapon and it is the must have on the Titan for effective builds...I would never use this weapon unless it was just for fun. This weapon shoots a continuous beam of Electro energy that chains itself to the target so that they cant get away from it unless they move out of range. The problem is the dps on the weapon is very low.... the magazine size is only enough to kill Infiltraters and scientists...not titans and the range is for nothing. Dont use this weapon....Use the havester on your main builds!

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Ion Cartridge - helps with the titans but if they Have scrapmaker or anything else and dont stay hiding.....they will own you!

Zero-G casing - Increases footspeed while firing - Useful for chasing targets or retreating

Energo-Cell Conductor - Increases the beam Range and is most useful for firing around corners

Using anyone of these upgrades is useful on this weapon...Personally I just dont find that the weapon itself is that good sadly.

This video will show the weapon in action.... Enjoy:


This weapon fires a Projectile of metal corroding slime, when it explodes on enemies it does decent damage but more important it slows them to snails pace leaving them vulnerable to other attacks. Works well in cooperation with many of the Titans weapons and abilities but probably is most effective when used along with the Whirlwind ability.

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Cosmic Rust Disperser - This increases the radius of the goo explosion meaning more targets can be slowed at once making them all easy pickings for your team mates or multiple whirlwind kills.

Sonic Blast - least effect upgrade on this weapon for me.

Corrosion Accelerant - This to me is a very useful upgrade as it extends the duration of the slowing effect making the targets more vulnerable to attacks for an increased period of time. I use this upgrade when i am using this weapon but i find the Rust disperser equally as good.


The Titan is a monstour of a Robot which has the ability to Rotate its body over its legs at incredible speed performing multiple melee attacks in all directions which do great damage to nearby targets. When using this ability the Titan gets an incoming damage reduction bonus and is able to take a few more hits than normal. Remember to use the on map Intercooler pick up with this ability to increase the duration of the whirlwind enabling multiple kills or just to quickly recharge the ability for the next battle.

The Upgrades to this ability are:

Energon Absorbers - This decreases the damage taken while whirlwinding even further giving you more time to finish of your oponents.

Flurry of Blows - This increases movement speed while whirlwinding ensuring your targets cannot move out of range. This is very useful if used correctly.

P.O.K.E. Alpha - This increases the damage of the whirlwind meaning all targets will die with less hits. This for me is the best upgrade especially when used with an on map intercooler..... Saying this however, with the whirlwind all the upgrades can be made work if you take the right apporach to using them.

If you remember to keep the Havester equiped and then use whirlwind you will get a small heal from anyone you kill as it is a melee kill with the havester equiped!

The following video will show the slime cannon working well along side the whirlwind ability. Enjoy:

If you feel I am missing any information or would like more videos of the Titan please leave a comment at the end of the guide and I will see what I can do.

Please take a few seconds and click the RATE button (thumbs up) at the top left corner of the page if you found this guide on the Titan useful.
The Scientists really are the go anywhere do anything Robots of the game. They are the 2nd most agile class in the game with good melee range and have the fastest Vehicle form of all. Not only is their vehicle form the fastest but it adds an aerial dimension to the battlefield which the other Robots can never hope to achieve in that they can basically attack you from anywhere on the map and at any range. They have an impressive array of close combat gadgets and weaponary plus they have some of the most effective long range attack systems in the game.

The best advice I can give when playing a scientist is to play it exactly like Starscream! He may not be the brightest decepticon but he knows how to look after his own a**! If you are in a fight that there is even a chance you cant win transform and retreat early and on good health while Shouting....

"You will Regret that Profoundly"..........Then go quickly get more health, ammo and return and attack them from the rear. There are no coward Robots........ Only those Robots left standing and those wrecks on the ground!

The Scientist can either be a medic or an assault bot but we will get to that later.


As I already mentioned the vehicle form of the Scientist is the fighter jet. This is fast moving, agile and can be used for devastating surprise attacks when flying down from above onto a target - transforming to Robot form after firing one Rocket..... then one melee and a few blasts of any weapon will finish the target of in a few seconds. Trying to escape from a scientist on the other classes is difficult as the jet is faster and can go anywhere before they can, not to mention the fact that 3 Thermo Burst Rockets can destroy infiltrators and scientists no problem. These rockets are also locking on and homing onto targets in vehicle form as a cherry on top.


This weapon will feature in all the videos for this class as I feel it is the one weapon the Scientist cannot do without when using your most effective builds.


The Battle Sentry is an automated defence/attack system that can be placed anyway on the battlefield by the scientist at anytime. It will auto lock onto the closest target and fire until the target is destroyed, the battle sentry is destroyed, the target breaks line of sight to the battle sentry or the abilities resource is depleted. This is one of the most effective abilities of any class in aiding on your kill score.

The upgrades to the ability are:

Resource Recycler - when deployed the Battle sentry will use no resource unless assuming no enemies attack will last the whole match. For me however this is the least effect upgrade as the sentry does not do enough damage to targets without the power core upgrade.

Rust Sentry - The sentry fires a rust beam onto the closest target and slows them to a crawl - this is the most fun sentry as it can seriously fustrate oponents.

Power Core - This increases the damage of the battle sentry enabling it to kill targets on its own quite easily if not destroyed. This is the most effective sentry upgrade and should be used if you are going after kills in the match rather than aiding your team mates.

Using the battle sentry means you are an Assault Scientist - remember to use intercoolers to quickly replace destroyed sentries or to make them harder to kill in the first place.


This is probably the best all round weapon in FOC. It has a steady rate of fire, very little spread, good clip size and does great damage at all ranges apart from the extreme distances. It can destroy any class using only 3/4 of its clip and is a very beginner friendly weapon. This is the must have weapon on this class.

The upgrades to this weapon are :

Ion Cartridge

Cyber Optics

Quantum Stabilizer - This completely eliminates weapon recoil making the weapon a complete joy to use. This is the must have upgrade on the must have weapon in my opinion.


This is a semi-automatic sniper rifle which is extremely accuate and much more user friendly than the Charge Rifle of the Infiltrator. Head shots are not one shotable with this gun but you can take them of in 2 or 3 bursts if you are acccurate enough. A full clip however will also kill any target at any range. The thing I like most about this weapon is that you can also do good damage and be accurate when firing from your hip (not fine aimed) in close combat as well. This is very helpful if you have just spent your clip on the assault rifle and dont have time to reload. This being said I would not use this weapon until you get the 3rd and final upgrade as its rate of fire is to slow without it.

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Cyber Tactical Scope - Shows enemy health while using the scope.... this can be useful for stealing kills (although your team mates may not thank you)

Ion Cartridge

Photon Accelerator - This enables the weapon to auto-fire and for me is the only upgrade that should be used on this weapon...if you have not unlocked it yet, then use another weapon as your secondary until you do.

The following video will show The Assault scientist in action using the two weapons mentioned above. Watch for the lag death...gota love those! Enjoy:


The Orbital pistol is truly a team players weapon and enables the Assault Scientist to aid the team in a diiferent approach to being a medic. The Orbital pistol marks the targets location so your entire team knows exactly where the target is but not only this successful hits from the weapon have an armor reduction effect so that the target will take more damage than it otherwise would have without the Orbital pistols marks targets for team and makes them easier to kill - Great weapon!

The upgrades for this weapon are:

Sonic Blast

Orbital Trace Hack - This increases the time an enemy is marked but only is effective if you can stay alive.....any marks you place are removed when you die.

Energon Stinger - This increases the armor reduction effect of the weapon making marked targets even easier to kill for you and your team. This is the best upgrade for this weapon and should be the one used.

The orbital pistal does have a slow rate of fire but you should only really be using it at distance anyway so this is not a big issue. The following video will show the weapon in use. Enjoy:


The Gear Shredder is a hard weapon to master and you will find that way to many players run around the map with it fully charged.....just to miss then die........Dont fully charge the weapon and hold it for long periods of time! there are a few reasons why I say this, firstly the individual discs do no extra damage than a none charged disc so there is not much more of an advantage in charging, secondly is that when charged your movment is hindered and you emit alot of noise from the weapon giving away your position to the enemy team. Charging the discs can give you a one "blast" kill but you have to be accurate with all the discs in the is easier just to quick fire the discs one after the other then switch weapons and finish of the target if need be.

The upgrades to this weapon are:

Hyper Interlink - this increases reload speed incase you forgot from earlier. This is the upgrade I would ask you to use.....because you will get more kills from rapidly firing single discs than you ever will charging the weapon to 3 disc blasts.

Tachyon Transmitter - increases foot speed while in fine aim mode. This is a pointless upgrade on this weapon for me as it is only on very rare occasions fine aim is ever used with it.

Torque Ripper - Decreases weapon charge time. If you insist on always charging the weapon then use this upgrade as it will make this process more effective. Good time to use is when you are being chased...get to a corner charge and wait for your pursuer.


This is one of the most important team playing abilities as you can imagine. You are no longer an Assault Scientist chasing kills but are the team medic who will help win any war of attrition. Dont think you will have a bad score by helping others rather then killing targets........Healing is the only other way of getting good scores without killing in the multiplayer matchs.

The upgrades for this ability are:

Energon Recharge - For me this is the best upgrade on this ability if you are more serious about healing team mates than chasing kills. There is no doubt that most of the time when healing players in trouble you will take damage yourself because usually the enemy targets will then focus the healer. This upgrade enables the Scientist to heal itself while it is healing others. very effective on Close Quarter Combat maps.

Empowered Beam - Makes the heal beam last alot longer - downside is that you dont heal yourself and then have to go looking for energon cubes rather than remaining with your team this leads to less time spent healing....this is not an effective upgrade unless you can remain in cover at all times.

Battle Medic - After healing teamates for certain amounts of health the healer will get a damage buff on its own weapons. This is for those guys who really cant just leave the assault Scientist behind and want kills as much as ever. However i dont find this upgrade that effective as it is only 0.1 damage increase on weapons. Good but not Great.

The following video will show the Gear shredder and the heal beam in operation. Check the score at the end to see just how much more points are recieved because of the heals! Enjoy:

If you feel I am missing any information or would like more videos of the Scientist please leave a comment at the end of the guide and I will see what I can do.

Please take a few seconds and click the RATE button (thumbs up) at the top left corner of the page if you found this guide on the Scientist useful.

I am not gona run through all the maps in the multiplayer game (you can see most of them in the videos I have already provided). The only point I wanted to make on maps is that all players who are serious about doing well in multiplayer gaming should really take the time to learn were every Energon Cube and Ammo stash is positioned on the map and memorise them so that when you need either health or ammo you are not running to the other side of the map to pick it up. It does not matter how skilled a player is, if they have no health to survive or no ammo to fire..they will not get kills and they will have many deaths!

After battles you have won, dont think to yourself "my health is ok i have 80%" - get a cube picked ASAP as that 20% you dont have may be the difference in winning or losing the next fight. The same applies to the ammo.....Stay stacked at all times!


There are 3 main usable items which can be picked up in the multiplayer games of FOC:

Energon Coil - this item recharges/boosts your health alot over a short time and enables you to survive battles you would not have otherwise had a chance in. All the experienced or good players that have high scores in games will always try to have one of these on them at all times. They will also actively try to control the respawns of this item so that enemy players cannot use the item against them in battles as it makes anyone very hard to kill.

Teams who control the Energon coil always have a better chance of winning the match unless it is countered by the oposing team either by retaking the coil spawns or by using the other pick-ups to negate its effects as explained below.

Intercooler - The Intercooler is one of the most important items in the game. This item almost instantly refreshes or extends the abilities of all classes in the game and can be of vital importantance in countering the effects of the Energon Coil on enemies.

The Intercooler enables:

Infiltrator cloak - can remain cloaked for extended periods but more than this, if you use the intercooler then can transform to vehicle form and drive from one side of the map to the other cloaked! This is great for when needing to retreat and get a health cube for example.

Infiltrater EMP Grenade - can throw multiple grenades in a very short period of time and can keep multiple targets blinded for the entire duration of the battle super effective against players with Energon coils!

Destroyer Dissfraction Barrier - Extends the duration of the barrier or more can place the barrier move forward and then replace it immediately enabling you and your team to move forward even while under heavy fire, or you can replace the barrier multiple times when retreating to ensure you dont take more damage and die.

Destroyer Hover Slam - Enables you to hover longer or do multiple ground pounds in very short spaces of time.

Titans Flak Shield - Increases the damage the shield can take and will replenish the shield for use again instantly meaning you can use the shield (take the damage) use your havester or whatever when the target is reloading and then shield again when you need to reload. The target will basically not be able to damage you while you destroy it!

Titans Whirlwind - can keep the whirlwind running for an insane amount of time or instantly replenish it for use on another target.

Scientists Battle Sentry - enables the sentry to survive much more damage before being destroyed and recharges the resource instantly even after it is destroyed, meaning another sentry can be placed immediately.

Scientists Heal Beam - Increases the amount time the scientist can heal for and restores the resource to full if not being used. The intercooler is a must for heal beam scientists on close quarter combat maps

Important Note - Unlike the Energon Coil the Intercooler works on all nearby team members meaning the entire team can get instant and extended use of their abilities. Be a team player and use it on others as well.

Ultra-Power core (Ammo box) - This item creates a dome on the ground, any team member standing within this dome will get 1.3 damage boost increase. This extra damage can turn the tides of battle. Plus the extra damage is a good counter to any player using the coil against you and your team.

All three of these pick-up items are UBER and yet every game I play I see people running past them or picking and never using. For the life of me I cannot understand why.


The ingame challenges are designed to give new players tips and gently break them into how each weapon works and get them used to each class speical abilities. They are also good enertainment for longer serving players as some of them are not easy to finish as they take some time.

Here is a video showing were you can see the challenges and what they entail:

It is a sad fact that I had to add a section like this to the guide but I felt a little mention on each of these topics would do no harm and maybe stop new or old players following the shameful path of the Losers.


Many players use this term as an insult to those learning a game or just trying to improve themselves at a slower rate than the so called "Pros". I would say that you will never have more fun than playing a game for the first time and learning everything there is to do. Never let other players upset you and dont be put of if you are not instantly good..... Everyone had to start somewere and players with 100's of hours of game time have no right to judge others with only a few.

Noobs Have more fun! I will always be one!


There are many Legends in Transformers FOC and I dont only mean the guys high up on leaderboards (cos many of them are losers as i will mention). Legends to me are the guys who run private matchs to avoid cheaters. The guys who host games and refuse to continue when a cheat enters...not allowing them to play. Legends are guys who constantly block a cheaters shots when they are on the same team and try to hound and harass them until they get fed up and leave.

But mostly Legends are all the players who never stoop to the cheaters level and download the cheats thereby not only ruining the game and the fun for themselves but for other people who have payed their hard earned cash to enjoy a game.

Every player who does not cheat are all Legends to ME!


Yes you have guessed it by now - anyone who uses cheats, downloads or map glitchs for kills. I will never understand the mindset of cheaters......

Do they think they are good by giving themselves an unfair advantage over others? This amuses me because on the TDM leaderboard 9 of the top 20 are Russian cheats. They have played the game thousands and thousands of hours never once without cheating. If they turned them of they be lucky to get 2 kills a game and I know for a fact any beginner would destroy them never mind the legit high ranking players. You cant be good at a game by being a cheating idiot!

Some of them just want to be Trolls and annoy people - spending 100's of hours just to upset people you dont know - you have even less to do than me!

Simply put - having to cheat in a computer game in order to feel good about yourself is just embarrassing by anybodies standards and gives the rest of us a good laugh at your expense.

To finish this section I would just like to ask people to have fun and play the game to the best of your ability in the way the game was intedend to be played. You dont have to be the best to have fun.

Cheating will never make you good at anything.

Feel free to leave comments on anything you would like to see removed or added to this section and I will see what I can do.
Many new players always find it hard to get games other than TDM's. I would suggest that anytime you play a TDM try adding all the players in every game to your steam friends list. The more FOC players you have in there the more people will be online which you can invite to start and play in the other game modes such as Head Hunter and Capture the flag. This would not require a big effort and those games would be running in no time.

There is no spell checker on this steam guide creator that I can see..... so please forgive my many many mistakes :)

I would just like to thank you for taking the time to read my guide and I hope that it was of some use to you.

Its always good to finish on a high Note - so here is a nice gentle and relaxing video of one of my most enjoyable Destroyer Builds, Enjoy:

If you enjoyed this guide, please take a few seconds and RATE it (click the thumbs up button) at the top left corner of the page.

Drink Up - Have fun and/or Sleep well

Fork The Disemboweler 5 Dec, 2021 @ 8:13am 
They could at least leave customizing menu active... I love that shit. Also design rocks, so it was the only way to watch that stuff.
Gaelica  [author] 27 Nov, 2021 @ 1:31pm 
Till all are one!
Zanzibar133 23 Feb, 2021 @ 10:58pm 
f in chat for Foc
ShrapnelVega 27 Jul, 2020 @ 2:40pm 
Omg, I feel so sad that this will be forgotten. Till all are one
z00xx 29 Dec, 2017 @ 11:27pm 
good read, thank you. :otrthumbup::otrthumbup:
Chicken Apple 27 Dec, 2017 @ 1:14pm 
Zay 26 Aug, 2017 @ 3:06pm 
really helpful, thank you!
ClockWorkTerror 20 Jul, 2017 @ 6:09am 
It is really helpful, this coming from a compleate noob x), Love the proper descriptions to each weapon and it is(Almost) Free from personal opinion, Thanks alot! :steamhappy:
xenotoot19 23 Jan, 2016 @ 6:16am 
AMAZING. Love the detail and the awesome footage. Great job! :steamhappy:
Sattellight 21 Jul, 2015 @ 5:53am 
Best. Guide. Ever. I mean it's complete, it only needs battle strategies for each class. And you only need to fill in upgrades with a description with those you didn't write (sorry if you didn't get it) but this is already a complete guide and those videos are awesome. Thanks for making the guide, it helped a lot.