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Droid Counter
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27 gen 2020, ore 0:51
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Droid Counter

Simple droid icon show how many droids you own and how many are following you
11 commenti
Gaorynik 31 mar 2022, ore 5:37 
938/1025 drones
BackHDLP 3 feb 2022, ore 13:44 
How does one deactivate droids?
CoconutGaming 29 dic 2021, ore 11:15 
I'm just going to assume this was made with DangerouslyFunny (DF) in mind.
吉巴日鬼 30 giu 2021, ore 8:27 
evil juno 4 8 gen 2021, ore 9:37 
i know a lot of people are saying this too but my total is 4 more than my actual total (20/24)
Don 11 lug 2020, ore 0:51 
currently sitting at 103/65629. Has to be a bug.
mortinho  [autore] 27 mar 2020, ore 23:51 
sorry about that. I know about that issue, thats the number of droids in your "inventory" and i dont know where the true count is stored in game
nicolas5852 27 mar 2020, ore 10:45 
i'm having problens, it seems when you break a building with a droid in it, the game adds a new droid on the counter, my counter has many more droids than the actual droids i have
纯纯娱乐玩家 1 mar 2020, ore 3:04 
when i have 76 droids ,it just says 7676 instead of 76/76.could you fix this problem?
kyo 23 feb 2020, ore 14:15 
10/10 should be part of the game