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A Faster Way to Get Ring of Apathy
By mccoinj
We read other one's guide and know how to get Ring of Apathy (beat UUG THE at brutal at normal mode).
Here is a faster way to avoid beating UUG THE that many times.

Step 1
Beat UUG THE until unlocking his brutal mode.
Step 2
Once you unlock the brutal UUG THE, don't need to beat UUG THE any more, go back to Forest and Ring of Apathy can be dropped there.
This way you can gain far more dropping rate and faster dropping/upgrading speed of Ring of Apathy.
KamikaziFly 20 Jan, 2023 @ 6:52pm 
I'm at boss 111 this run.
162% Drop chance in Adventure.
103% Drop chance in Yggdrasil.
+0% In NGU.

Hm... I thought I'd catch that crumbly ring by now, in the Forest, fighting Droop.
Todyscau 25 Apr, 2022 @ 6:55pm 
oh you can set the autoadvancer zone. Maybe i buy it now halfway through sad
dood8face 8 Jul, 2020 @ 3:18pm 
to all those who look at this guide as of this message, UUG THE is now different from other things previous. you must beat boss 100 to unlock obtaining the ring of apathy and then from there you just start farming forest to get the ring from droop and droop alone. a good way to maximize your chances of getting the ring, bc it most times disappears before you can get it, is to increase your drop chance multiplier bc that increases your chances of actually getting the ring of apathy. (also he is garunteed and can only be able to drop the ring after boss 100 but there is an extremely high chance it will "crumble on his finger before you can grab it". also the daycare menu works just as effective as farming because it will only take 200 hours for a level 0 ring to reach level 100 which at that point you can start auto killing UUG if you have enough power and toughness, etc.
Merciless 15 Feb, 2020 @ 10:50am 
@Meli Things changed, UUG used to have different versions and this used to be a required thing. Now you just farm it at Forest, going off the hint of being called a Droop (which is the forest goblins name)
MeliBear 14 Feb, 2020 @ 5:49pm 
I am confused by this guide, Ugg doesn't have versions and you don't need to fight it to make the Ring of Apathy able to drop in forest