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Vanilla Events Expanded
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16 déc. 2019 à 10h08
27 mars à 9h42
44 notes de changement ( voir )

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Vanilla Events Expanded

Dans 2 collections faites par Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
103 objets
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 objets

See changenotes.

After playing the game for a long amount of time, you’re not really looking forward to events anymore - they become boring. We have decided to come up with a reason to once again get excited when a colourful pop-up shows up in the right corner of your screen.

Vanilla Events Expanded adds several new events to the game, all in line with vanilla events - nothing too drastic. A new tier of events is added - Purple events. Instead of having strict negative or positive effects, purple events force players to adapt as they last significantly longer than events like Toxic Fallout or Volcanic Winter.

Purple events are extremely rare, and can only occur after 3 ingame years pass. They can last between 15 days and 120 days. Their minimum time before repeat is 300 days. Favorability is VeryBad. Chance is 0.04 (⅓ chance of a Volcanic Winter, which has the lowest chance in vanilla game). Category is Big Threat.

This mod also allows you to disable events added by this mod and any other mod, so feel free to use it to get rid of events you dislike!

Removing the mod whilst any event is active will break the event. Please use the menu in the Mod Options ingame to turn off the events.

Weapons cargo pods sometimes drop Turret-Tops, which will disappear as soon as they are picked up. We are looking into fixing this.


Q: Can this mod be added to an existing save?
A: Yes it can!

Q: I don’t like a particular event. How do I disable it?
A: We have added a mod options menu that allows you to disable any and all events if you so desire.

Q: Can I suggest a feature?
A: Absolutely, leave a comment down below!

Q: Will you keep updating the mod with new events?
A: Yes, that is part of our plan. Periodically, we will add new, interesting events - both local events and world map events!

Q: Can you add any world map events?
A: We are looking into potential options, yes.

Q: These events are super OP!
A: Bear in mind we tweaked the occurrence chance of the events according to how big of an impact it can have. We will constantly tweak the values, so be sure to leave us some feedback!

Q: CE compatible?
A: yes.

Q: Can I disable specific event?
A: Yes! In mod options you can alter the chance for events to appear - even lowering them to 0!

Graphics are created by me, Oskar Potocki.

Code work created by Kikohi.

Ideas gained from Helixien.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]


Every dollar donated allows us to spend more time refining the mods and creating new content. If you’re feeling generous, even the smallest donation is always welcome!


Discussions populaires Tout voir (7)
16 oct. 2023 à 6h45
ÉPINGLÉ : Bug report
26 aout à 11h21
Put your ideas for events here!
17 mai à 9h30
Biomes break permanently after Ice Age and Global Warming events overlapping: restoration with save editing
Mike Kerman
1 827 commentaires
i fucking hate psychic rain
Chowder 28 oct. à 20h45 
The space shuttle glitch is hilarious, just happened to me. Like 50 dudes crash landed.
CanadianHussy 28 oct. à 15h32 
Anyone else get the Space Shuttle crash and that mfer keeps popping out pawns? I am currently watching it, it's at 53 and counting lmao. Conflict I'm assuming but curious if anyone ran into this
SuperGurren64 28 oct. à 15h32 
Just reporting that the shuttle event seem broken, it spam the dev log and spawn infinite downed humans until I destroy the shuttle :/ Doesn't seem like a mod incompatibility
V∆ŁĶẎŘĒΞ 23 oct. à 1h03 
с сейф оур шип 2 все так же конфликтует да?
FacuPlay525 17 oct. à 10h52 
this mod aged like milk FR and needs a remake because of how old the mod is, vanilla events are made to "STORYTELLING" or be a fun challenge and this "vanilla" mod dont do any of that. The "Vanilla expanded team" really had a different vision of Rimworld in 2019 when this mod was launched, just compare this mod to the newest and overhauled ones of 2023 or 2024
zzkknn 7 oct. à 2h19 
im gunna disable this mod cause it's cool but some of the events last waaay too fucking long for how crippling they are. global warming making my temperate forest go from 34c peak to 64c peak is just really not fun. for the first 3 months it was an interesting survival challenge, but it just became really tedious and massively game warping.
Cash Money 😎 4 oct. à 3h08 
Quite interesting, I got an Ice Age event, and 3 days later Global Warming. All during a Long Night event.
Maybe those long events need to be balanced a little. I don't actually feel any difference as I am playing on an ice sheet so it's cold anyway. Rain intensity also doesn't seem to increase, contrary to what all three events state.
Kham 29 sept. à 10h12 
@Hayrock, yeah that's totally what I said.
Hayrock 29 sept. à 3h06 
It's a waste of time @Crimson, people like @Kham think that the fault lies with the user who should check every line of code of the mod, and if there's an error in the mod despite it not being the user's fault, well, they would say, 'That'll teach him to download a mod he didn't check on a compiler before trying it on his own save.'or 'No one forced you to install this mod.' Absolutely unbearable, guys like that are just selling their opinions like that.