91 ratings
Squad Leader Personalities
By CaptainX11
Squad is all about the players. The very best game sessions arise thanks to your fellow squad mates and most importantly, its leader.

This guide will help you to quickly identify red flags at the snake's head. It covers most, if not all the different types of questionable leader personalities you may (not wish to) encounter on the battlefield. Please do not take the content too seriously or it may hurt your feelings.
The Incompetent One
It is probably his first attempt at leading a squad in this game. His overall experience sums up to a maximum of 20 hours in-game.

He clearly lacks game knowledge, which is usually indicated by him neither being able to open the placement/building menu nor to establish communication with other squads. He cannot place markers and typically also fails to check the map before moving anywhere or giving orders. This poor soul does not inform about his plan as he will usually be overwhelmed by requests and suggestions by his fellow squad members. Most likely, such a plan does not even exist.

Your squad will be having a hard time completing any objectives, should more experienced players remain unwilling to actively assist him.

Most likely, he will learn the game mechanics soon, but it may be just a little too early for this risky journey to hell. Good luck with this one.
The Hesitant One
This kind soul takes all possible measures to ensure he makes no mistakes - but utterly fails at it. He avoids decisions, replacing them by suggestions, which leads to a catastrophic sequence of pseudo-democratic discussions, ultimately resulting in the loss of integrity, lack of trust and, most importantly, reduced combat effectiveness. Essentially, he is the mistake.

This fellow simply does not understand what it takes to be a leader. He feels the irresistible urge to unnecessarily apologize for every casualty and wastes a lot of time explaining his actions on the squad radio channel.

But don't get me wrong on this one: This squad leader type has spent more than enough time playing the game to know his way around. His skills are definitely above average. But when it comes to actually leading a squad, he will pretend to be new to the game in an effective but questionable attempt to disguise his lack of confidence.

Don't end up in his squad, unless you are willing to take over.

Suggestion: @Soviet Doggo
The Toxic One
Most likely British. Has been part of a MilSim community or is a current member of such a community and does not accept the fact that Squad is just a game. For him, you are at war - in real life.

He will angrily shout at you for not following orders even before the staging phase ends and will threaten to kick you out of the squad just for picking the marksman class. He is very likely to get overly frustrated when things are not quite working out as intended, resulting in a shower of swear words and insults directed at his poor squad mates, or a rage quit at worst. Although he may be very experienced, his uncontrolled emotions will not help your team at all.

This is not the kind of person you want to spend your spare time with. Do yourself a favor and join a better squad. Don't support this kind of behavior.
The Ghost
Is he there or not? Nobody knows for sure.

But what people do know is that silence dominates the radio channel. Even the hardest attempts of establishing some form of communication will fail when facing this particularly special kind of squad leader. It's either because he fails to understand the essence of communication or that he does not own a microphone, whilst thoughtlessly occupying the most important role of the game. It does not make a difference anyway; your squad is bound to fail the objective.

From time to time, there may be a new marker on the map, giving you a vague idea of what needs to be done. However, most squad members will likely mind their own business since there is no communication and one could just as well play alone rather than being part of this combination of soldiers that should definitely not be called a squad.

Don't we all like Squad for its unique team-oriented mechanics? So let's just avoid being in this type of squad.
The Explorer
Works best in combination with an ambitious commander. At first, it will seem like there are some advanced tactics behind this fellow's marker placement. But you will eventually come to the conclusion that you are not getting anywhere on his route. You just keep moving across the map as you watch your team bleeding tickets.

In the best case scenario though, the enemy faction may at some point find itself entangled in a pointless battle, quickly bleeding tickets and soon having to defend their last stand since they are being attacked from all sides. But unless The Explorer manages to time all movements perfectly and build all necessary installations across the map before being engaged, he will not succeed.

A squad led by this kind of individual is especially prone to getting blown up in a logistic truck whilst moving to the other end of the map, just minutes after the round started. If you're lucky enough to survive, you will probably get really frustrated at some point, where it may actually be too late to explain to yourself how you just spent an hour exploring the map, not helping your faction in any way.

If you happen to like participating in combat activities from time to time, stay out of his squad.

Edit: @Sgt. Meatwad
The Strategist
Makes excessive use of military terminology including tons of abbreviations and the NATO alphabet. Spends the majority of time staring at his map, pretending to lead "elements" (which are in fact just fire teams). This guy would probably be better suited for a commander role.

At first, The Strategist will follow his own ambitious, carefully developed plan. In fact, his plan is so detailed that it will be too challenging to keep in mind and therefore stick to it. The Strategist will make sure every single step is communicated to his squad mates, but he will have a hard time following the progress on the battlefield as he is too busy checking his map and giving overly complicated orders. His squad will be slow to reach the assigned objectives, regularly encountering enemy bases that have just been cleared by another squad.

This type of leadership will result in a catastrophic sequence of events with failure being the ultimate outcome. If the frustrated squad leader happens to decide against quitting after failing for the first time, the initial plan may soon be replaced by an equally fatal alternative.

Being part of this guy's squad can be seen as a blessing, but the situation may get out of hand quickly as people are likely to mind their own business when not being accompanied by a squad leader. But on the other hand, he will unknowingly teach you certain words you've never heard before, which is nice.
The Rambo
First in, last out. He is usually accompanied by a personal medic.

This type of SL was born a point man and will ensure to score more kills than you do, usually ending a round with at least a dozen of them. His offensive tactics may draw his attention away from his actual task; leading the squad. In the heat of battle, he may even forget that he is actually the one in charge. This trigger-happy individual may pick good vantage points for himself, but this does not bring the squad anywhere as he will most likely forget to place a rally before the enemy is too close.

A less severe case of squad leader with the "Rambo-Syndrome", and pray that it will be, might be using his squad radio more than twice in a round and actually make an effort to let his mates take part in his glorious killing spree. Using some advanced negotiation techniques, you may even be able to convince him to equip the SL-kit again instead of the grenadier kit he secretly switched to while everybody was distracted.

If you want to join this fellow's squad, I highly recommend you to just pick a marksman or machine gunner-kit and go on killing whatever he sees before he can even open fire, rather than just covering his flank. He will almost certainly leave the game once he realizes there's nothing left to hunt wherever he goes.
The Terminator
Creates a squad upon game start but then quits, leaving the responsibilities to one of his poor unprepared team mates. A particularly annoying piece of ♥♥♥♥.

Make sure he gets banned from the server if you know an admin.
The Traitor
Usually does a fine job until something goes horribly wrong. He will then suddenly start lashing out at his fellow squad mates in pure rage - not only verbally, but physically. In other words, he starts eliminating members of his own faction. It is his very own method of coping with anger issues. This special kind of a**hole is likely to attempt to continue the game afterwards as if nothing happened, thus implicitly revealing his mental illness.

However, his cover will quickly be blown when checking his score; a negative value may be shown for his teamplay score. If you are lucky enough, he might even get banned before doing more harm to his own ranks.

This is one of the most rare types of SL. You might encounter such a person maybe once or twice in your Squad career. But if you do, avoid going near him at all costs and let an admin take care of him.
The Digger
This fellow loves construction. Somehow it seems to arouse him watching his squad mates dig up the entire map, building FOBs everywhere.

Even though his good intentions may be helpful at first, these tactics may overwhelm the whole team with defending their newly created spawn points, eventually resulting in a major defeat.

This individual's logistics demands may be beyond the team's capacity, leading to a lack of combat roles. Furthermore, his "runners", namely the soldiers who get to move all the materials from the base to the FOB, may sweat quite a bit of blood on their way once the opposing faction realizes what's happening. The sound of your logistics truck being hit by a high explosive shell is music to your ears, isn't it?

Join him if you like digging, driving and/or have an fps average of less than 20.
The Relaxed One
This one is most commonly found during extensive night sessions. He has probably enjoyed a few beers already and will openly admit that he is drunk if you ask him. He may as well just announce it in the first place - as there is usually some pride attached to it.

Contrary to most other types of SL, this fellow makes very little effort to lead the squad, although he may be skilled enough to make a decent SL otherwise. Instead, he will ensure there is a consistent supply of jokes, usually resulting in the entire squad being highly motivated. However, this SL, and therefore his entire squad, will be slow to realize when they need to step it up. The Relaxed One is at a particularly high risk of being insulted or threatened by other SLs or the commander.

There is really nothing wrong with being a little relaxed - but in Squad, some situational awareness and initiative are key to success.

If you're being led by this fellow, make sure to be clear on what he needs to provide: objectives. Push him to realize that he is the one in charge or make him pass on his role.

Suggestion: @Lxcust
The Cold Warrior
This guy will keep warning you about the enemy. He will constantly claim to have heard or seen something and pretend to know their exact strategy, only to find out that he's mistaken.

Last time he said the enemy would be just around the corner he was almost sure. Nothing. But now he's absolutely certain... Still nobody? It must have been the other buildings he meant.

Similarly to The Explorer, this squad leader will have his mates gradually lose trust in him as they are repeatedly informed about fictive threats and keep on moving across the map without getting anything done. Some squad members may suggest a different approach at some point, but the answer is no. The enemy must be where The Cold Warrior believes them to be.

But fate will hit him hard when he expects it the least.

Squad leader down. Now it's his squad mates fault. They've failed to warn him. They're to blame.
At least that is what we can tell from what he said just before he quit the game.

Think twice about staying in his squad as there is a high likelihood of it ending in a disaster.

Inspiration taken from: @Daddy Pig
The Alien
The Alien heavily overestimates his English language skills. He has a really strong accent and most likely originates from Russia. His squad has a hard time understanding his orders, whilst he gets increasingly frustrated over the fact that people don't seem to receive his radio transmissions and therefore not behave according to his plan.

Nobody knows about this squad leader's true intentions. The Alien will usually either miss questions from his squad members or provide answers that are completely off-topic. Misunderstandings will either be followed by an apology, or an insult. The more experienced players might simply take the initiative instead of listening to their boss, splitting up the squad. The rest will just end up doing what they think is expected from them in general. Either way, the squad will fail at its primary task.

Given the impaired communication within the squad, being part of it is a challenge even to the most experienced players. Even if the The Alien may have some real expertise, his squad will remain unable to perform on the battlefield since communication is key to success.
IRONBROW 19 Mar @ 8:58pm 
I am a digger, i love building fortifications and i am unashamed, though i have yet to bully people into getting my building supps
Matofact 7 Mar, 2022 @ 2:06pm 
@CaptainX11: Your a card Captain! Met my first traitor last night..wow, just wow! He followed us everywhere Destoyed our tank with friendly equipment deployed his men with rockets from a friendly chopper, took out two friendly tanks against us..we only managed to get to the front once, destroyed 2 enemy tanks and he came up and shot us from behind! Because I hate his guts and he ruined a whole game for me my crew and my entire team he shall remain nameless :p
CaptainX11  [author] 13 Oct, 2021 @ 1:00pm 
Completely agreed haha
Ushotan 12 Oct, 2021 @ 6:12pm 
hey forgot his own type the *judgmental*
Capt. Joe Trojan 11 Oct, 2021 @ 9:21am 
Ahhh, I get it now. "The One Shot." Throws it all in on his first hab then stays silent for the rest of the game.
HAITIAN ATE MY DOG 10 Oct, 2021 @ 6:13pm 
lol the alien
CaptainX11  [author] 9 Oct, 2021 @ 11:55am 
[FTQ] Capt. Joe Trojan
Thank you for your feedback. I guess my guide is to be taken with a grain of salt. I don't want to spread any negativity, but if you were into this special type of humor, you'd certainly enjoy reading it.
Capt. Joe Trojan 9 Oct, 2021 @ 11:28am 
I scanned the paragraph titles, saw the first last response and what it was in response to. Checked the only one I thought sounded positive, "The Strategist", which it wasn't then didn't bother reading anything else.
CaptainX11  [author] 9 Oct, 2021 @ 9:27am 
@JP "Gates"
Thanks for your input. Of course there are lots of squad leaders doing a great job! But I must admit the negative connotations are intentional since this guide was primarily created for entertainment purposes and should be a good laugh for those who get frustrated by bad squad leaders.
OkayIshGamer 9 Oct, 2021 @ 5:56am 
Literally all of these have negative connotations. How about adding some positive one's as well? Because they do exist.