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Destiny 2 Quest Guide
JAW 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
A walkthrough for some (eventually all) quests in Destiny 2 (updated with GIF) NOT UPDATED!!!!!!
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This Guide contains most of the destiny 2 weapon quests with included pictures and Youtube guides for some visual aid. I will add the Pinnacle and Ritual Weapons when I have time

If you do find this guide helpful in any way please rate and favorite it, it helps heaps.

Big thanks to Lord Denley for his amazing work on the statistics on the weapons and for being kind enough to give me permission to use them. Check out his guide here: https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1877837238
Exotic Quests
Death Bringer
Weapon Type: Rocket Launcher
Energy Type: Void
Ammo Type: Heavy
Special Perks:
-Dark Deliverance: Fires remotely detonated projectiles that drop Void orbs on enemies. Hold to fire. release to detonate.
-Dark Descent: The further a Void orb falls, the more powerful its detonation becomes.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Amazing ad clear once mastered
Weaknesses: Lower boss DPS compared to other options

How to Unlock: "Eris Morn" Quest
1. Complete three Moon Lost Sectors and hand in the Lunar Spelunker bounty
2. Open the system core vault in the K1 Revelation Lost Sector
3. Kill Nightmares on the Moon with Arc abilities
4. Open the chest in the portal next to Eris on the Moon
5. Complete the Faculties of the Skull mission in Circle of Bones
6. Complete Hellmouth Public Events, K1 Revelation and kill the Bone Collector
7. Kill the High Conductor enemy within the Scarlett Keep strike
8. Defeat regular, elite / mini-boss and bosses or other Guardians
9. Return to Eris Morn to receive the Death Bringer

For more detail please watch this guide:
Weapon Type: Trace Rifle
Energy Type: Arc
Ammo Type: Special
Special Perks:
- Judgement: Sustained damage with this weapon envelops the target in a field that weakens and disrupts them.
- Penance: Targets under the effects of Judgement long enough are struck with a burst of damage.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Great for supporting boss DPS, great damage for trace rifle class
Weaknesses: Low damage for total DPS, requires completion of GoS

How to Unlock: "Garden of Salvation" Exotic Raid Quest
1. Travel to Lunar Battlegrounds in the Moon Patrol and clear Vex enemies to start the quest
2. Scan Oracles within three Nessus Lost Sectors
3. Kill Vex enemies on the Moon to get Decryption Cores
4. Buy an Empowered Decryption Core by spending 30 Phantasmal Fragments
5. Run the Garden of Salvation Raid and complete the seven puzzles along the way

For more detail please watch this guide:
Lord of Wolves
Weapon Type: Shotgun
Energy Type: Solar
Ammo Type: Special
How to Unlock: Random drop from Spiders’ “Wanted” bounties, Xûr
Special Perks:
-Shrapnel Launcher: Fires a powerful short-range burst of solar damage.
-Release the Wolves: Hold reload to swap to a longer, more powerful burst.
How to find Catalyst: Strikes, Crucible, Gambit
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills
What the Catalyst does: Fang and Claw
-Fang and Claw: Increases reload speed while Release the Wolves is active, and increases stability when it is not.
Strengths: Strong burst potential
Weaknesses: Ammo consumption CAN a problem if not careful
Weapon Type: Hand Cannon
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Explosive Shadow: Shoot tainted slugs that burrow into the enemy. Stacking enough slugs causes them to explode.
-Taken Predator: Bonus damage against Taken enemies and Gambit invaders.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills
What the Catalyst does: +20 Range
Strengths: Every 5 shots provide a big burst of damage, decent damage, low recoil
Weaknesses: Missing shots reduces full damage output potential (landing all your shots results in 3 total explosive shadows per magazine)

How to Unlock: "A Fateful Gift" Exotic Quest
1.Summon Primevals in Gambit matches until you fight and beat an Ascendant Primeval Servitor (Random chance) but spawns more often when the curse on the dreaming city is at its highest
2. Speak to drifter in the tower
3. Kill 25 Yellow health bar taken (blind well is easiest)
4. Complete a modified version of "The Corrupted" Strike
5. win 10 games of gambit and deposit 400 motes
6. Defeat 25 opposing guardians and achieve an "army of one" medal (Kill all 4 oposing guardians on one invasion)
7. Return to Drifter in the tower and clam Malfeasance

For more detail please watch this guide:
Weapon Type: Submachine Gun
Energy Type: Ark
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Arc Conductor: When taking arc damage, this weapon becomes more powerful and resists incoming arc damage. Kills extend the time in the overcharged state.
-Superconductor: When Arc Conductor is active, shots fired have a chance to become chain lightning and return ammo.
How to find Catalyst: Heroic strikes and Nightfall bosses, "Pain and Gain"
How to upgrade Catalyst: 300 kills and 300 chain lightning kills (Superconductor)
What the Catalyst does: +30 Range
Strengths: Excellent versus fallen or other arc damage sources
Weaknesses: Range and damage can be weak (catalyst helps these)

How to Unlock: "Pain and Gain" Banshee-44" Exotic Quest
1. Complete a lost sector in the EDZ, Complete a Heroic public event, Complete a Nightfall strike
2. go onto the map and on earth start the Risk/Reward mission
3. pick up the Riskrunner near the end of the mission
4. complete the mission and talk to banshee-44 to receive the catalyst

For more detail please watch this guide:
The Chaperone
Weapon Type: Shotgun
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Special
Special Perks:
-Precision Slug: Fires a single-slug precision round.
-The Roadborn: Precision kills briefly grant bonus handling, range, and precision damage with this weapon.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Precision slugs are great in PVP
Weaknesses: Not much use in PVE

How to Unlock: "Holiday Family History" Exotic Quest
1. Visit Amanda Holliday after receiving the 'Holliday Family History' quest from any activity
2. Get 20 Shotgun Kills in Crucible
3. Get Arc, Solar and Void Kills in Crucible
4. Get 20 Guardian kills in Gambit
5. Return to Amanda Holliday to receive The Chaperone

For more detail please watch this guide:
Weapon Type: Combat Bow
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Queen’s Wrath: While aiming down sights with a fully drawn bow, enemies behind walls are highlighted.
-Broadhead: Piercing arrowhead that damages the target on entry and exit. One shot can over penetrate multiple targets.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Broadhead arrows can damage multiple enemies (damage going in and out)
Weaknesses: Slow charge time, DPS is horrible

How to Unlock: "Wish-Ender" Exotic Quest
1. Complete the Shattered Throne Dungeon
2. Complete the Mystery Mission to receive three tokens
3. Return to the Shattered Throne Dungeon and defeat the three bosses to charge the tokens
4. After defeating the bosses head to the statue to receive the bow

For more detail please watch this guide:
Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Energy Type: Solar
Ammo Type: Power
Special Perks:
-Pyrotoxin Rounds: Fires high-powered explosive ammunition.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Very high damage, good for major enemies and lower
Weaknesses: 120 RPM makes it very slow compared to other machine guns, low DPS

How to Unlock: "Pit of Heresy" Secret Quest
1. Interact with the statues near the Pyramid to start the quest
2. Light the six plates in Anchor of Light
3. Complete the four puzzles at the end of the K1 Lost Sectors on the Moon
4. Find the hidden switch within the Pit of Heresy dungeon
5. Find the hidden orb later in the Pit of Heresy dungeon to open a secret room
6. Defeat the secret boss, Volmar, the Tempted
7. Return to Eris to receive Xenophage

For more detail please watch this guide:
Exotic Archive 💛
- Year 1
Weapon Type: Hand Cannon
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Accomplice: Kills with this weapon fill the magazine of the energy weapon from reserves.
-Storm and Stress: Kills with the Drang reload this weapon and overfill a bonus damage round into the magazine.
How to find Catalyst: Random drop from Nessus enemies
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills with both Sturm and Drang equipped
What the Catalyst does: +20 Range, +40 Handling
Strengths: Storm and Stress overfill can be very powerful
Weaknesses: Needs Drang to be fully utilized

How to Unlock: "Sturm/Drang" Exotic Quest
1. Complete the main story and all follow-up Nessus story missions to get the Drang
2. Decrypt Legendary Engrams, an Exotic Engram and use the Drang to defeat Fallen enemies
3. Use the Drang to defeat powerful Fallen enemies, as well as regular Fallen enemies without reloading
4. Complete a new mission to defeat a Servitor

For more detail please watch this guide:
MIDA Multi-Tool
Weapon Type: Scout Rifle
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-MIDA Multi-Tool: This weapon boosts move speed.
-MIDA Radar: Radar stays active while aiming down sights.
How to find Catalyst: Competitive wins at “Legend” glory rank
How to upgrade Catalyst: 200 precision kills in Crucible
What the Catalyst does: Outlaw
-Outlaw: Increased reload speed after a precision kill
Strengths: High fire rate with great precision in PVP
Weaknesses: Outclassed by basically any other primary ammo weapon type

How to Unlock: "MIDA Multi-Tool" Exotic Quest
1. Complete the main story and all follow-up EDZ story missions
2. Get the Mida Mini-Tool from Devrim Kay as a quest reward
3. With a Scout Rifle, get 50 precision kills and 25 Multikills (without reloading)
4. Dismantle five Blue or Legendary Scout Rifles
5. Get 50 airborne kills with an SMG

For more detail please watch this guide:
Rat King
Weapon Type: Sidearm
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Rat Pack: This fully automatic weapon becomes stronger when nearby allies also have it equipped. Stacks up to 6 times.
-Vermin: Reloading immediately after a kill grants a brief period of invisibility.
How to find Catalyst: Heroic strikes and Nightfall bosses
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills from fireteam members using Rat King (does NOT need to be with Rat Pack)
What the Catalyst does: +20 Aim Assist, +20 Recoil Direction, Infestation
-Infestation: Refreshes health on Vermin invisibility trigger
Strengths: Extremely strong with Rat Pack 2x or higher
Weaknesses: Weak when solo, sidearms outclassed by other primary ammo weapon types

How to Unlock: "Rat King Riddle exotic quest" Exotic Quest
1. Complete the main story and get to level 20 - this unlocks the Enemy of my Enemy quest on Titan.
2. Complete the quest Enemy of my Enemy - it's a blue quest marker you'll find in the world and on your map, which ends in you being given the option to kill or save an enemy captain. Either way, when you complete it, you'll get the Rat King's Crew item. The item takes up a Kinetic Weapon slot, but can't be used as one.
3. On the Rat King's Crew you'll find a strange riddle. This is, in fact, the first of four riddles, and you'll need to solve them, and then complete their respective tasks for a detailed explanation on how to complete the riddles please follow the video below.

For more detail please watch this guide:
Sleeper Simulant
Weapon Type: Linear Fusion Rifle
Energy Type: Solar
Ammo Type: Power
Special Perks:
-Dornröschen: This weapon’s laser over penetrates enemies and refracts off hard surfaces.
How to find Catalyst: Prestige Spire of Stars raid
How to upgrade Catalyst: Kills with each Escalation Protocol weapon: 1000 sniper kills, 1000 shotgun kills, 2000 submachine gun kills, Whisper of the Worm Oracle Chest, 500 Sleeper Simulant kills
What the Catalyst does: +75 Charge Time, Accelerated Coils, Deeper Pockets
-Accelerated Coils: Speeds up the weapon charge time
-Deeper Pockets: Increases ammo reserves
Strengths: Very strong versus minor and major enemies, refraction damage is very strong
Weaknesses: Refraction damage can kill you

How to Unlock: "IKELOS" Exotic Quest
1. Complete the main story in Warmind and subsequent missions Legacy Code and A Piece of the Past
2. Receive the IKELOS Hand Cannon as quest reward, then visit Ana Bray and pick up the Violent Intel quest item
3. Defeat Hive and Cabal with an IKELOS weapon equipped
4. Defeat yellow bar enemies with an IKELOS weapon equipped
5. Complete 5 Vanguard Strikes with an IKELOS weapon equipped
6. Complete 3 Escalation Protocol levels and find 15 Sleeper Nodes with an IKELOS weapon equipped
7. Complete the 'Will of the Thousands' mission with an IKELOS weapon equipped

For more detail please watch this guide:
Worldline Zero
Weapon Type: Sword
Energy Type: Arc
Ammo Type: Power
Special Perks:
-Tesseract: While sprinting, press your heavy swing to perform an area of effect attack. After sprinting and then jumping, press your heavy attack while airborne to teleport forward.
How to find Catalyst: Kills in PVE with a Sword
How to upgrade Catalyst: Hit each Level 7 Escalation Protocol boss with the Tesseract perk
What the Catalyst does: Another Dimension
-Another Dimension: Reduces the activation time of Tesseract
Strengths: Best speed run weapon
Weaknesses: Minimal range without experience, average damage (uses exotic slot)

How to Unlock: Find 35/45 Data Nodes on Mars
1. all you have to do is find the Data Nodes to unlock this sword and the easiest way to explain how to find those is through the video below.

For more detail please watch this guide:
Polaris Lance
Weapon Type: Scout Rifle
Energy Type: Solar
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-The Perfect Fifth: Precision hits return ammo to the magazine. Landing 4 precision hits loads a delayed solar explosive round for your next shot.
How to find Catalyst: Complete the Nascent Dawn exotic quest
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills and 50 “Perfect Fifth” explosive kills
What the Catalyst does: Dragonfly
-Dragonfly: Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion
Strengths: One of the strongest PVP scout rifles
Weaknesses: Perfect Fifth is weak for the requirements to build it up

How to Unlock: "Nascent Dawn" Exotic Quest
1. This is a very complicated quest to explain through words so I would recommend following the steps in the video below

For more detail please watch this guide:
Legend of Acrius (EA)
Weapon Type: Shotgun
Energy Type: Arc
Ammo Type: Heavy
Special Perks:
-Shock Blast: This weapon fires blasts of high damage arc energy that over penetrates enemies.
-Long March: Detect enemies on your radar from farther away.
How to find Catalyst: Prestige Leviathan raid
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills
What the Catalyst does: +40 Reload Speed, Deeper Pockets
-Deeper Pockets: Increases ammo reserves
Strengths: High DPS
Weaknesses: Requires very close range with small amount of reserves

How to Unlock: "On the Comms" Exotic Quest
1. Acquire the "On the Comms" quest from a random drop from killing some cabal (nessus)
2. Kill Cabal on nessus to obtain 5 Red Legion Communications which is a random drop and the easiest way to find cabal on nessus is to do public cabal events.
3. Complete the Leviathan Raid
4. Speak to Benedict 99-40 in the tower and obtain the next step
5. Complete the modified version of the "Arms Dealer" Strike
6. youll then receive the Legend of Acrius for competing the strike but there is still another step to upgrade it and unlock all of its perks
a, eliminate 25 cabal
b, eliminate 15 cabal at close range
c, eliminate 10 cabal without reloading
this step is easy to to on nessus the same way as previously
8. acquire 100 emperor seals, this can be done by running the Leviathan Raid 2 times
9. Complete the Leviathan Raid on Prestige difficulty

For more detail please watch this guide:
- Year 2
Ace Of Spades (EA)
Weapon Type: Hand Cannon
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Memento Mori: Reloading after a kill loads a magazine with a few extra-damage bullets. Grants radar while aiming down sights.
-Firefly: Precision kills with this weapon increase reload speed and cause the target to explode, dealing solar damage to nearby enemies.
How to find Catalyst: Strikes and The Ordeal, Crucible
How to upgrade Catalyst: 1000 kills
What the Catalyst does: Firefly deals more damage while Memento Mori is active.
Strengths: Memento Mori is very strong in PVP (best hand cannon by many)
Weaknesses: Memento Mori goes away once weapon is stowed

How to Unlock: "Cayde’s Will" exotic quest
1. Complete Forsaken's opening mission 'Last Call', then visit the Gunsmith in the Tower to claim "Caydes Will" exotic quest
2. Finish the Forsaken Campaign
3. Return to the Gunsmith in the Tower
4. In Gambit, kill invaders with a Hand Cannon
5. Kill 250 enemies in Strikes with a Hand Cannon
6. Get 25 precision kills in Crucible matches with a Hand Cannon
7. Open Cayde's four caches in the Tangled Shore, EDZ, Io and Nessus
8. Complete the mission 'Ace in the Hole' on Titan
9. Visit the Gunsmith one last time

For more detail please watch this guide:
The Last Word
Weapon Type: Hand Cannon
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Fan Fire: This weapon can be fired quickly and continuously. Faster and increased accuracy on successive hip-fire damage.
What the Catalyst does: High Noon
-High Noon: Readying this weapon grants a brief period of bonus precision damage
Strengths: Extremely good PVP weapon, high fire rate
Weaknesses: Not good versus major and boss enemies

How to Unlock: "The Draw" Exotic Quest
1. Visit the Drifter in the Tower
2. Defeat Hive with Solar damage, collect 75 Hive Tablets and defeat three Hive bosses
3. Kill players in the Crucible
4. Complete mission The Damnation on Titan
5. Kill 15 Wanted escapees from Lost Sectors, earn 25 'revenge' medals in the Crucible, defeat 50 Hive with precision damage and complete three Witches' Ritual Heroic Public Events
6. Complete mission The Conversation in the Tangled Shore
7. Visit the Drifter to receive The Last Word

For more detail please watch this guide:
Le Monarque (EA)
Weapon Type: Combat Bow
Energy Type: Void
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Poison Arrows: Arrows fired quickly after a full draw become poison arrows. Precision hits with poison arrows spread to nearby enemies.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Poison splash damage is a great for ad clear
Weaknesses: Splash damage only applies for precision hits, not good for DPS

How to Unlock: "Butterflys Grace" Exotic Quest
The Le Monarque used to be obtain from a rare drop for a Bergusia Forge completion but in has changed with the release of shadowkeep and as of now this is how it is obtained.
1. Claim the quest "Butterflys Grace" from ADA-1, while there claim your 2 weekly Balistic log quests
2. Complete the Balistic log bounties and claim 2 legendary frames from ADA-1
3. Complete those frames and repeat over 5 weeks as the quest requires 10 legendary frames
4. The final Step of the quest is to kill fallen which you can easily be done on earth
5. Once completed Return to ADA-1 and claim Le Monarque

For more detail please watch this guide:
Jotunn (EA)
Weapon Type: Fusion Rifle
Energy Type: Solar
Ammo Type: Special
Special Perks:
-Charge Shot: Hold down the trigger to charge up a tracking shot that explodes and burns on impact.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Tracking is great with strong damage
Weaknesses: Charge time is long

How to Unlock: "a Giants Might" Exotic Quest
The Jotunn used to be obtain from a rare drop for a Bergusia Forge completion but in has changed with the release of shadowkeep and as of now this is how it is obtained.
1. Claim the quest "a giants might" from ADA-1, while there claim your 2 weekly Balistic log quests
2. Complete the Balistic log bounties and claim 2 legendary frames from ADA-1
3. Complete those frames and repeat over 5 weeks as the quest requires 10 legendary frames
4. The final Step of the quest is to kill vex with a fusion rifle which can be easily done on Nessus
5. Once completed Return to ADA-1 and claim Jotunn

For more detail please watch this guide:
Izanagis Burden (EA)
Weapon Type: Sniper
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Special
Special Perks:
-Honed Edge: Holding reload consumes the magazine and loads a round with additional range and damage.
How to find Catalyst: Heroic Menagerie completion with masterworked Chalice of Opulence
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills
What the Catalyst does: Damage bonus with 4x Honed Edge
Strengths: Honed Edge has great burst damage
Weaknesses: If you miss your shot, you have to reload a new clip or new honed edge

How to Unlock: "Mysterious Box" exotic quest
1. Find the Mysterious Box location from the Volundr Forge
2. Open the locks for the hand, a butterfly, a fishhook by completing the Volundr, Izanami and Gofannon Forges with Maximum Temper (by shooting drones mid-battle)
3. Get the Black Armory Key Mold quest from Ada-1
4. Kill Watchers in the Leviathan Underbelly, then get Glimmering Amethyst from opening Public Event or Strike chests
5. Clear the Bergusia Forge with Maximum Temper (by shooting drones mid-battle)
6. Complete a rare Black Armory Bounty
7. Complete the Shattered Throne dungeon
8. Complete a special version of The Pyramidion Strike
9. Complete a special version of the Bergusia Forge
10. Return to Ada-1 to recieve the Izanagi's Burden

For more detail please watch this guide:
Weapon Type: Hand Cannon
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Mark of the Devourer: Rounds pierce and deal damage over time. Kills with this weapon leave behind Remnants.
-Soul Devourer: Absorbing a Remnant strengthens Mark of the Devourer and partially refills the magazine.
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills
What the Catalyst does: +20 Range, +30 Stability
Strengths: Good PVP hand cannon, Soul Devourer is very potent versus guardians
Weaknesses: Small magazine, Remnants can get you killed if in the open (PVP)

How to Unlock: "Thorn" Exotic Quest
1. Start the Thorn quest by finding the camp in the Salt Mines on earth
2. Visit Banshee-44 in the Tower
3. Complete destination bounties on Io, defeat Warlocks in Crucible matches, or complete Nightfalls
4. Complete destination bounties on Titan, defeat Titans in Crucible matches, or complete Blind Well runs
5. Complete destination bounties on Mars, defeat Hunters in Crucible matches, or complete Escalation Protocol waves
6. Defeat Guardians in the Crucible using Void weapons or Hand Cannons
7. Visit Tyra Karn at the Farm
8. Complete a special version of the Savathun's Song strike

For more detail please watch this guide:
Weapon Type: Hand Cannon
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-Noble Rounds: Kills with this weapon leave behind Remnants. Absorbing a Remnant converts your next hip fired shot into an ally-seeking Noble Round and partially refills the magazine.
-Blessing of the Sky: Using a Noble Round on an ally heals them and grants both you and them a weapon damage bonus for a short duration.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: One of few supportive weapons, good healing and damage boost, Noble rounds track extremely well
Weaknesses: Low damage (main focus is to support others)

How to Unlock: "A Fateful Gift" Exotic Quest
1. Acquire the "A Fateful Gift" quest in the salt mines on the EDZ in a chest
2. you will then be given a location that is different for everyone a list of them can be found here
3. You then need to generate 250 orbs of light in any activity, you'll then receive the Rose legendary hand cannon
4. you'll then be given 3 different quests to restore the Rose's perks
a, Complete Blind Well, Black Armory or Escalation Protocol rounds
b, get a score of 50,000 or above in Nightfall
c, get 100 enemy kill streaks without reloading your weapon
5. complete activities with the rose equiped, this step gives 3% per person on your fireteam with the rose equiped making the easiest way to do this to find some others with the rose and ask for some help or just grind out some strikes solo.
6. you're then given 3 more steps
a, defeat guardians with hand cannon final blows
b, genetare orbs of light
c, defeat invaders in gambit before they defeat a teammate
7. Complete the Will of Thousands strike with Rose equipped while destroying 11 Crystals along the way (must be done in the same run)
8. claim Lumina from your quests menu

For more detail please watch this guide:
Weapon Type: Rocket Launcher
Energy Type: Void
Ammo Type: Power
Special Perks:
-Prototype Trueseeker: This weapon’s rockets have tracking. Lock onto targets when aiming down sights.
-Grenades and Horseshoes: Projectiles will detonate when they are within close proximity of their targets.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: Tracking and proximity rockets are great for PVP and gambit invaders, 3 shots per magazine
Weaknesses: Weak in PVE (nothing special compared to legendary rocket launchers)

How to Unlock: "Truth" Exotic Quest
1. Complete a run of the Menagerie
2. Talk to Petra Venj in the Dreaming City
3. Complete an Ascendant Challenge
4. Find four map fragments by completing a Nightfall, finding Ascenant Chests on Nessus and the Dreaming City, and killing an Orgre in The Tangled Shore
5. Decode the four map fragments by completing three Dreaming City Patrols, killing enemies of Nessus and Tangled Shore, complete three Nightfall Strikes with a handicap
6. Find Fallen artifacts in the Warden of Nothing strike
7. Kill the Warden of Nothing strike boss while ascendant and platform to a hidden chest

For more detail please watch this guide:
Bad Juju (EA)
SniperWeapon Type: Pulse Rifle
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-String of Curses: Kills refill the magazine, increase damage for a short duration, and grant Super energy based on the strength of String of Curses. Fires full auto.
How to find Catalyst: 45 tributes claimed in the Tribute Hall
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 kills
What the Catalyst does: Extends duration of String of Curses.
Strengths: Refills supers much quicker compared to not using Bad Juju, String of Curses x4 or higher is a good damage source, auto refill saves time while in combat
Weaknesses: String of Curses x3 or lower is very weak damage

How to Unlock: "Bad Juju" secret quest
1. Visit Werner 99-40's barge on Nessus and open the chest next to him
2. Enter the Tribute Hall, accessed from the Director in Nessus
3. Speak to the Visage of Calus and complete one of the vendor's Daily Bounties
4. Deliver the Boon of Opulance reward to unlock the Tribute Hall
5. Unlock 18 statues in the Tribute Hall
6. Complete The Other Side mission
7. Collect Bad Juju from the Tribute Hall

For more detail please watch this guide:
- Year 3
Leviathans Breath
Weapon Type: Combat Bow
Energy Type: Void
Ammo Type: Heavy
Special Perks:
-Big-Game Hunter: Fires a massive heavy bolt that staggers unshielded enemy combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions.
-Leviathan's Sigh: When fully drawn, the bolt creats a large concussive blast that knocks enemies back.
How to find Catalyst: There is no catalyst for this weapon
Strengths: High damage, good versus unstoppable champions, one shots supers in PVP
Weaknesses: Very slow draw time, weak DPS (unless you are facing Calus haha)

How to Unlock: "Make Bows, Not War" Exotic Quest
1. Acquire the "On the Comms" quest from Banshee-44 in the tower
2. Find Banshee-44's workshop (accessed through the hanger)
3. complete 2 nightfall strikes or 5 normal strikes on any difficulty OR 3-4 gambit matches depending on how many you win
4. Kill 75 vex or cabal with precision bow shots, i recommend going to mercury and killing enemies as they both spawn there
5. Complete the modified version of the "Arms Dealer" Strike
6. Speak to Banshee-44 at the tower
7. Return to Banshees workshop and claim Leviathans Breath

For more detail please watch this guide:
Eriana's Vow
Devil's Run
Tommy's Matchbook
The Fourth Horseman
Legacy Gear 💜
- Crucible Weapons
Redrix's Broadsword
- Gambit Weapons
Vanguard Weapons
Currently Unobtainable
Whisper of the Worm
Weapon Type: Sniper
Energy Type: Solar
Ammo Type: Power
Special Perks:
White Nail: Higher base precision damage. Rapidly landing three precision hits will refill the magazine from reserves.
How to find Catalyst: Complete The Whisper (Heroic).
How to upgrade Catalyst: Completing The Whisper (Heroic) and opening chests within the mission to collect Blighted Essence.
What the Catalyst does: +30 Reload Speed, Whispered Breathing
-Whispered Breathing: Aiming this weapon without firing for a brief moment grants bonus range and precision damage as long as you remain zoomed when fired.
Strengths: Extremely high boss DPS
Weaknesses: Nerfs to the weapon made D.A.R.C.I. and grenade launchers better DPS options

How to Unlock: "The Whisper" Secret Quest
1. Starting the 'Taken Blight' Public Event in Io's Lost Oasis area (likely during the planet's Flashpoint)
2. Kill specific yellow bar enemies, then enter the portal it spawns
3. Complete secret mission 'The Whisper' within 20 minutes to receive the Whisper if the Worm Sniper

For more detail please watch this guide:
Outbreak Perfected
Weapon Type: Pulse Rifle
Energy Type: Kinetic
Ammo Type: Primary
Special Perks:
-The Corruption Spreads: This weapon creates SIVA nanite swarms on rapid hits and precision kills.
-Parasitism: This weapon does more damage to enemies based on the number of SIVA nanites that attach to them.
How to find Catalyst: Complete Zero Hour (Heroic)
How to upgrade Catalyst: 500 precision kills, Complete Zero Hour (Heroic) and solar/void/arc configurations to collect SIVA particulates.
What the Catalyst does: Increases nanite damage. Enemies that die with nanites attached to them generate additional nanites.
Strengths: Great DPS when 5+ people are using it, nanites clear ads quick
Weaknesses: Not good as DPS weapon with less than 5 people using it

How to Unlock: "Zero Hour" Secret Quest
1. Scan the device within The Rig on Titan
2. Visit six Lost Sectors and find Fallen Transponder nodes
3. Visit The Farm and find the quest giver
4. Complete the Zero Hour mission within the time limit

For more detail please watch this guide:
Heir Apparent
Ruinous Effigy
Traveler's Chosen
Activity drops or Xûr Exotics
Eyes of tomorrow
댓글 4
Comeback 2019년 12월 4일 오후 8시 32분 
you nice work :-)
Lone_Warrior_87 2019년 12월 2일 오전 9시 12분 
nice work
Antscool 2019년 12월 1일 오후 8시 01분 
Nice work!
Not the size but how you use it 2019년 12월 1일 오후 6시 12분 
This is the best destiny 2 guide ever!!!!