Agarest: Generations of War

Agarest: Generations of War

28 ratings
Walkthrough (Post Fifth Generation)
By Frenzy85
Explaining tactics for powerlevelling, gearing up, etc. before fighting the gods.
Also strats for the actual fight, since all of them are kinda annoying except for Mercury, imo.

No vods except for Chaos, because my internet sucks, and I can't upload too much!

Edit: Oh wow, I totally forgot to finish this... well, the basics are all there already, so I guess the important bits are done... but yea... I probably won't be updating this with what I had planned since I don't have my notes with me anymore. I lost it sometime while moving from my old house.
After obtaining the True Ending, you'll get dropped off in the Boundary Plane, and told that you have to beat 6 more bosses on top of the supposed final battle against Summerill you just won!

Some of you may have up and gone to fight one of the gods... and it likely didn't end well. They're level 300 with really good stats and pretty imba Willpowers. I gave it a shot right after beating Summerill.

My party was all level 102, consisting of the A-End group: Leonhardt, Ellis, Borgnine, Zerva, Vira-Lorr and Winfield. I can't recall their exact stats, but I was able to overkill Summerill by a lot. I dealt something like 1.7 mil damage to Summerill, and my party's strength was stronger when I tried fighting one of the gods since I got Leo's Sword and an E.O.M.

Guess how it turned out? Yep, I got wrecked... I was able to rack up 350SP for everyone, and I executed A-End + Extra Stream + 3*EX2's, and then some. I had to use some AP to resurrect someone on my final turn, so I couldn't execute all my SP, but that's beside the point. I dealt a total of about 70% of Deeth's HP. Not even close to victory, much less overkilling. At 25% HP, they get much stronger, and I wasn't even able to get to that threshold.

In conclusion: you won't be beating the gods right after beating Summerill unless you grinded an obscene amount beforehand. This is perfectly feasible, btw... You had access to ATK +999 and MAG +900 actives in Gen 5, and several of those would definitely give you enough strength. Just that you'll need to spend a huge amount of time to get enough of these to actually beat any of the gods. I was barely able to rack up enough EP for one of these, and I used it to enhance Leo's Sword instead.

So, what to do? As I mentioned before, you were dropped off in the Boundary Plane right after some cutscenes, with a convenient message informing you that this place can be used to gather resources. Do so.

The rest of this guide will go into more detail!
So... what exactly is there to do after Summerill?

Here's a (not so) short list:
  • God boss fights
    • One god in each continent
      • Lucrelia: Mercury (Knuckles)
      • Graccea: Mobius (Breaker)
      • Fendias: Deeth (Scythe)
      • Enhambre: Nemesis (Staff)
      • Aegisthus: Mayastia (Spear)
    • One extra god after beating the 5 others, found in the Boundary Plane
      • Sealed One: Chaos

  • Boundary Plane
    You will have 11 boss fights in this area(excluding Chaos). Unlock more of the area by defeating bosses. For the first two rows, the left side contains magic-based bosses, while the right side has physical-based bosses.
    I highly recommend starting on the right side, as physical mobs are much more pedictable and therefore easy to beat. After a few bosses, your team should be strong enough to handle things as they come.

  • Extended Boundary Plane
    After defeating Chaos and all the 11 bosses of the Boundary Plane, go defeat the Holy Dragon node(bottom-most node) for a second time. This will unlock more nodes, with mobs that are much higher levelled, and some stronger bosses, too.
    Note that mobs you fight here don't count toward titles. You'll have to farm up the lower level ones for the titles.
Prep work
Party Composition
While all characters are viable to use, some characters are just more useful than others. I switched out 5 of my party members, and it didn't make much of a difference, as they levelled up incredibly fast.

A good party composition would be one that has both physical and magical users, usually 3/3 or 4/2. You also want to diversify your weapon choices, since the best weapons in the game are limited in quantity.

To maximize damage output with minimal stats, you should try using a team that can chain their EX moves. The best of these are A-End[Leonhardt, Ellis, Borgnine, Vira-Lorr, Zerva, Winfield] and UFormation [Leonhardt, Ladius, Thoma, Duran, Rex, Dyshana].

The Heroes + Dyshana team depends highly on your choice of brides. For example, if you picked the canon choices, you will have 5 physical sword users. This is an awful setup, if I do say so myself.

To make positioning infinitely easier against bosses, you could use an XL monster(takes up a 3x3 space) + any 5 characters. Use the XL monster as "tank" and have everyone else hide behind him. You can stay within range to use Fragment of LIfe and be outside the range of most bosses' EX moves. Also, bosses won't be able to easily go around an XL monster, as opposed to going around a regular character.

Here are some of my favorite characters to use:
  • Leonhardt
    Better than average stats and good Willpowers. Very nice extended area. I use him on the 1 slot on Force Field, and I can get everyone on his extended area, giving my team 36 AP total with Energy.
    More importantly, he can use the best swords in the game and he can be used in both of the strongest attacks in the game: A-End and U-Formation.

  • Ladius, Thoma, Duran, Rex
    They're variable. Most descendants turn out well, no matter what your choice of brides. The good thing about them is that some of the best swords in the game is exclusive to the Spirit Vessels.

  • Ellis
    Her range makes her an invaluable asset to the team. No other skill comes close to her EX2. Her stats and Willpowers are also quite decent, making her a good character even if we disregard her EX2. Also part of the A-End crew, which is helpful if you're trying to beat the bosses without too much grinding.

  • Winfield
    Gun user. Guns are great. They have 4 range, and hit everything in a line. With a bit of positioning, it makes clearing weaker mobs much more convenient. There's no downside to it, either... guns aren't exactly weak in terms of offence.
    More importantly, his EX is awesome, having 2 EX Steals and one of them being also a Bind.

  • Plum
    SP giving EX skill. Not too useful earlier on, but saves you a lot of time when your party is stronger.

Right off the bat, I would recommend the A-End crew. It's not unthinkable that you've been using a few of them, particularly Ellis and Winfield, given how useful they are. This means they won't need any effort to catch up.
Also, Leonhardt can use Leo's Sword, which will be by far your best weapon at this point of the game. In fact, I do believe it is the best weapon in the game.

Do note that Turn Count doesn't matter anymore. Farming in dungeons is always slower than in the World Map, since you have get instant encounters if you fight battles on the World Map. If you have a choice, then don't go to dungeons.

ATK +999 and MAG +999
Ring Dragon + Greater Devil = Griffin -> Large Mithril Claw -> ATK +999

Ring Dragon + Silver Dragon = Gold Dragon
Gold Dragon + Silver Dragon = Crystal Dragon -> Stardust Fang -> MAG +999

Farm these whenever you have enough EP.

Ring Dragon: Baubles. 2 nodes to the right of the starting node in Boundary Plane.
Greater Devil: On the 5 on-water nodes SW in the 5th Gen.
Silver Dragon: On the 5 on-water nodes SW in the 5th Gen.

Defeating the bosses in the Boundary Plane unlocks titles. Most of them give you a unique material that you can only get one of in every run. They also give crafting manuals for the best gear in the game.

You may not be strong enough to beat the gods just yet, but you can probably beat the bosses in the Boundary Plane with little trouble. Simply beating every node once is way more than enough to get your team up to par with the gods.
I find the bosses on the right side to be generally easier to beat, so you may want to fight those first. Remember to spend your EP after every boss fight, as you should be getting a lot after each.

Start farming these up. Instead of just trying to get levels, why not get both titles and levels!? Two birds with one stone. With the Boundary Plane, you should be able to get most of these... Nearly all of it, except the all Weapons/Items/Accessories/Armor I think, since you need to have killed the gods for some of these.
Completion Order
The way I did things on my first run was:
3 bosses on Boundary Plane -> Gods -> Boundary Plane -> Extended Boundary Plane

What I did on my subsequent runs, and what I would recommend you do is:
Boundary Plane -> Gods -> Extended Boundary Plane

and if it wasn't obvious, I use up all EP gained after every boss fight to power up my team.

The reason for beating the Boundary Plane first is because if you beat the gods first, you will get less total rewards from beating the bosses. If you beat the gods, then your level will probably be close to the bosses of the Boundary Plane, which means you don't get the huge boost from level differences.

Which god first?
You might be wondering which god you should kill first... choices choices choices... Here's the list of the 5 continent gods and what they drop.
  • Lucrelia: Mercury (Knuckles)
  • Graccea: Mobius (Breaker)
  • Fendias: Deeth (Scythe)
  • Enhambre: Nemesis (Staff)
  • Aegisthus: Mayastia (Spear)
You should aim to Overkill all the gods for their weapons. This saves you some effort later on if you plan on collecting the all weapons title. On my first run, however, I didn't. I knew I was going to do a NG+ run, so I would get another chance. On that note, I was using the gods as a levelling tool. They do give decent EXP/EP, after all.

If you plan on Overkilling everything, then start with a god that drops a weapon you can use.
If you are like me, and just want a few levels, then kill the gods that drop a weapon you will not use. Save the gods that drop useful stuff for later, when you can easily overkill them.

In terms of how difficult they are, I would rank them (easiest -> hardest):
Mercury -> Mobius -> Deeth, Nemesis -> Mayastia
General Strategies
'Sacrifice' method 1
What you need
  • Characters with Resurrect, or a bunch of Fragment/Stones of Life.
  • (optional) Someone who can outspeed the boss. Five characters at most, preferably just one.
  • (optional) Self-targetable move on every character
  • (optional) Revive. This is a skill, in case people didn't know.

  • If you have someone who outspeed the boss, have him stand in front of the boss(leave one space between tank and boss) to tank hits. Tank should be given Resist Direction.
  • Have someone stand 3 spaces behind your tank. This will be Resurrector 1.
  • Have someone stand 3 spaces away from Resurrector 1, as far away from the boss as possible. This will be Resurrector 2.
  • Get everyone connected in each other's Extended Area somehow.
  • (optional) Have someone stand within 3 spaces away from Resurrector 2. This will be Resurrector 3. This usually isn't too useful. Just do this to be safe if you want to.
  • (optional) Have everyone within 3 spaces of other party members.
  • (optional) Have everyone as spread out as possible.
  • (optional) Combining the above two, have everyone 3 spaces away from each other.

    Turn order should be manipulated (through giving more AGI to certain characters, and also residual AP at the end of every turn).
      Boss -> Resurrector 3 -> Resurrector 2 -> Resurrector 1 -> Tank(optional)
    That is, Resurrector 1 should always go after the other Resurrectors, and Boss should go before all Resurrectors.
    Tank should go last if possible, but it's not necessary for success.

The fight
    1. Position your characters. As long as the boss doesn't try to get around your tank, don't move him at all.
    2. Resurrect all dead characters every turn.
    3. Keep buffing and healing to accumulate SP with spare AP. Cast Revive on as many people as possible, except for your tank.
    4. Once you have enough SP to pull off your EX3, start saving up AP so you get capped next turn. (Save as much as your base AP)
    5. Go all in and hope for the best. Use EX moves first to break the enemy, followed by Break Arts. Note you can also cheese the boss with your EX1 and EX2 every other turn to make it easier to Overkill.

Sacrifice Method 2
What you need
  • 1 character with Resurrect
  • 1 character with 4+ range and lower AGI than the boss: Initiator.
  • (optional) Someone who can outspeed the boss. Five characters at most, preferably just one.
  • (optional) Self-targetable move on every character

  • If you have someone who outspeed the boss, have him stand in front of the boss(leave one space between tank and boss) to tank hits. Tank should be given Resist Direction.
  • Have everyone at least 4 spaces away from your tank.
  • Initiator should be within range to target your tank in order to resurrect him.
  • Connect everyone in each other's Extended Area.
  • When your Resurrector jumps forward to revive your tank, it must not break your party's connection. This is not necessary if 5 characters is enough to kill the boss, meaning you don't need your Resurrected in order to dish out the necessary damage.

    The fight
      1. Position your characters. As long as the boss doesn't try to get around your tank, don't move him at all.
      2. Resurrect tank every turn.
      3. Keep buffing and healing to accumulate SP with spare AP. Cast Revive on as many people as possible, except for your tank.
      4. Once you have enough SP to pull off your EX3, start saving up AP so you get capped next turn. (Save as much as your base AP)
      5. Go all in and hope for the best. Use EX moves first to break the enemy, followed by Break Arts. Note you can also cheese the boss with your EX1 and EX2 every other turn to make it easier to Overkill.
Specific set-ups
XL + 5
    Use an XL tank with Sacrifice Method 2. It makes positioning much easier, but nothing is different other than that.

A-End team
  • Sacrifice Method 1
    + W+ + + + +
    + + + + + + +
    + + + + + + +
    + R + + + + +
    + + + L + + +
    X + + R + + X
    + X + + + X +

    W = Winfield, facing down
    L = Leonhardt, facing up
    R = Resurrectors
    X = Spots where you put the rest of your team
    + = empty spots
  • Sacrifice Method 2
    + + +W + + +
    + + + + + + +
    + + + + + + +
    + + + + + + +
    + V + L + V +
    X + + E + + X
    + + + + + + +

    W = Winfield, facing down
    L = Leonhardt, facing up
    E = Ellis
    V = Vira-Lorr, facing Leonhardt
    X = Someone needs to stand in at least one of these

    Alternatively, you can have Zerva/Borgnine standing beside Leonhardt. You need their extended are to cover right in front and right behind Leonhardt.
Blah blah... this is not all the strategies that you can use... blah blah... try out some of your own if you want...

You know... all that stuff you already knew I was gonna say :P

Have fun!
kurayami1234 4 Apr, 2024 @ 11:00am 
One thing needs to be said about the gods though. Deeth has a special AI that makes her untankable, like catbeasts, angels and a few other regular monsters. That alone makes her the hardest god. You can trap her in a corner, but this still needs two sacrifices.

All in all, I would say Mercury, Mobius and Nemesis (and also Chaos) are similar in difficulty cause they are all tankable. Mayastia comes next cause he starts closer to the center of the arena, making certain link structures impossible without somehow coaxing him to move to a more favorable postion. And then Deeth, for the obvious reason.

On a sidenote, stealing from Deeth has alot lower chance than from the other gods. And I strongly suggest stealing all four items from each god before overkilling.
Frenzy85  [author] 29 Jul, 2015 @ 11:50pm 
@Gea Force
That definitely works. Although you may want to consider using an XL monster instead of Rex.
Pink Poison, as you said, doesn't deal much damage. Imho, an XL monster's ability to tank far outstrips Rex's contribution to the team. With an XL monster tanking, grouping up to use Plum's EX2 poses next to no risk!
Gea Force 26 Jul, 2015 @ 1:49pm 
Pink Poison team works fairly well (Rex,Qua,Plum,Reverie,Beatrice and Murmina).
It has a good amount of combination ex attacks, and since most of them don't involve Plum, she can use her Ex2 skill to speed the things up.
Wind Breaker: Murmina+Qua+Reverie
Deep Strike: Rex+Beatrice+Murmina
Quintet March: Everyone but Rex
and well... Pink Poison: as itself doesn't do too much damage, but it can be used as a combo starter since it's cheap to use and it has a decent break value
Frenzy85  [author] 20 Mar, 2014 @ 4:01am 
Casting revive takes a lot of AP. Using Ressurect gives a lot more AP to use among all your characters.

But apart from that, yes, that strat would work perfectly fine, too.
tsu1 19 Mar, 2014 @ 12:56pm 
My fighting strategy is Let one member with most AGI (dramatically more than boss) stand as tank. let him cast Revive on himself then die. He will revive at the beginning of new turn and cast Revive again. looping doing this till your party got enough SP and finish the boss.