Pony Island

Pony Island

257 ratings
Pony Island - 100% Guide
By TheNinthAlly
This guide will go through the entirety of Pony Island's story and game, the ticket ending, the final secret, and all of the random achievements in this game!
You'll begin at the menu screen of Pony Island. Starting the game doesn't work, so head into the Options menu. There will be an option to fix the start menu. Now exit the Options menu and start the game!

Except, you can't. A portal will open up at the start menu. Click on it to begin a tutorial on Pony Island's main puzzle: coding. Throughout the game, you will have to complete code portals to progress. This first one is basic. Simply place the down button in the hole to complete the puzzle!

As the game begins loading, you'll have to solve another portal. This one teaches you how red pieces work. Afterwards, Satan will begin talking to you. He says that what he did was going to work and that you didn't need to fix anything. The game will then begin.

Pony Island's main gameplay component is the game itself. You play as a pony, jumping over gates. Very simple, make it to the end of the first level.

Now you'll be on a strange level up screen. Simply hit continue to keep playing. You'll get back to the level up screen later. You'll have to continue again, but this time you'll have to solve a portal that teaches you about directional blocks that will ultimately break the game, causing you to be unable to play anymore. Click the X button at the top right to close it and begin Act 1!

Act 1
Click on the Messenger app on the desktop and start speaking with a person named Hopeless Soul. He will ask for your name, so just type whatever you like. He will then say that he is a prisoner of this machine, and says that you might be too. He will then say that he has a plan to escape, and will ask you to help him. When you try to respond, another message will come up from Satan. He knows you hacked your way out of Pony Island and insults you for it. Hopeless Soul will then ask who you are messaging. After you tell him, he will tell you not to message anyone else on here, and then tells you his plan. The computer runs on three Core Files that it depends on. Every time one is deleted Satan is weakened, but to escape, all three must be destroyed. He will ask if you understand. When you respond, Satan will message you in all caps raging, asking you who you are talking to. After responding, Satan says that he has made changes to Pony Island, and sends you back into it.

Enter the game and Satan will summon enemies. As it is impossible to attack them, die three times to get sent back to the menu. The Options menu will work now, so go in. Break down the options to spell "Advanced Options" and enter the tab. Click "Advanced Gameplay". Now find several hidden tabs to reach Pony Lasers. When you try to collect them, Satan will stop you, making the tab small so he can move it away from you. You'll now have to solve several portals to make the tab big enough to press. From there, kill everything on screen.

Return to the game and beat the level by shooting the demons while jumping above the fences. Click continue to beat a second stage this way. Afterwards, Satan will become raged over the fact that you cheated, killing the pony, and flying at the screen to crash the game.

Hopeless Soul will then create a portal to the first Core File. Head in to begin the first boss fight.
Act 1 - Boss (Azazel)
You will see the Core File in the room for the taking, as well as a strange creature locked up to the left. Hopeless Soul says that's a Daemon, a defense mechanism Satan set up to guard the Core File. When you try to delete the Core File, the file and Daemon will switch, activating Azazel. The Core File will be trapped in a forcefield where your mouse can't go unless you destroy the locks around it.

If you double click any of the locks, a portal will appear. When you complete the portal, the lock will be destroyed. However, these puzzles get very hard, because Azazel is trying to trick you by picking up his own pieces and putting them in bad areas. This sequence also introduces the player to black holes. If a block is put into a black hole, it will stay there forever. This is a hard fight on a blind playthrough, but if you are able to beat it, you will destroy the forcefield and leave the Core File vulnerable.

However, when you try to destroy the file, a confirm message comes up, and Azazel will quickly try to delete it. You'll have to click fast to delete the file in time. Azazel says that you've been deceived as the whole game crashes.

Act 2
You'll come across three users and a guest user on the screen. The other users require passwords, so enter the guest and talk to Hopeless Soul. He says that security has now been increased, and that making a portal to the next Core File will not be as easy as before. He then tells you to go into his user profile, and gives you his password: 2734.

Enter his account to talk with him again. He then says that Satan hasn't figured out his password yet. He'll ask you to open a tool and search for applications that have a low security level. As it turns out, the best option is Pony Island, meaning that we'll have to go back into it. He then tells you to find the game, and that we should look at the corrupted user profile. If you enter the password screen for it and type a bunch of characters, the text box will break, and you'll be able to enter the profile to find the password to Satan's account: "ponies".

Enter his account and head to Pony Island to begin the next part of Act 2.

Act 2 - World Map (Adventure Mode)
This is possibly my favorite part of this game, because of how much of a reference it is, and how much it focuses on the actual gameplay.

When you start the game, the menu will drop revealing that this is Adventure Mode. Satan will appear, and will say that this a brand new version of Pony Island, and will ask you to refrain from cheating this time. However, you'll have to complete yet another portal to access the game. This one teaches you how teleporters work. Now you can play the game!

You will appear on the World Map at Pony Hills. Hopeless Soul explains that because there is a lot of corrupted data north of where we are, that's the place we need to get to in order to reach the next Core File. Now enter the first stage on the world map and begin!

However, the Pony Lasers are disabled, so you'll have to do a portal to reactivate them. This is where the game gets much more complicated, as now you have to deal with values and charts as well.

This stage introduces you to a new demon, who has much more health and fires beams at you. You'll then reach The Big Gap, a stage where you have to cross a river. But you can't get across, so you'll have to exit the level. Satan will notice this and tell you to grind for EXP, opening a new stage in an area called EXP Beach. After you beat the level, you will gain 1XP. You need 100XP to unlock Pony Wings, so Satan tells you to keep playing over and over again to get enough XP. However, a code portal will appear, allowing you to hack your way to 100XP.

This will displease Satan, and you will be able to continue.

From here, there isn't much to talk about for a while, as you'll just be completing stage after stage. Head past Ticket Lake and into the Cliffs of Trials to find the next portal, again utilizing value gates.

Next you'll enter Bloodmist Pass, and have to locate blocks to move forward on the map. Entering Sin Desert, complete the next stage, which will introduce you to an even stronger demon, to access the Keep's Approach. After beating that stage, Satan will applaud you on your progress, and will ask you to take a break while he codes up more content. What happens next I'll leave blind, as it's pretty hilarious.

Continue to reach the Satantech Keep, where Satan tells you that you are not ready for the boss fight. He then codes up the game completely, leaving you to wander aimlessly in the darkness.

Follow the snowmen to reach a portal puzzle while Satan codes more gameplay. Completing the portal will spawn random sprites. Head back down to solve another portal to load everything else. This will break the game, sending random stuff everywhere, and the world map is upside down. Wander until you find the Keep.

Enter to begin the boss fight!
Act 2 - Boss (Beelzebub)
When you enter the Keep, Satan says that he is the final boss, and that if you die, he'll take your soul. However, Hopeless Soul is able to create a portal to the Core File just in time, allowing us to fight the next Daemon.

To defeat Beelzebub, use the Pony Lasers to destroy his body. After you beat him, the Core File will be vulnerable. However, when you try to delete it Satan will appear, telling you that if you destroy the files you'll never be able to play Pony Island again. Hopeless Soul then says that deleting the Core File is the only way to continue the story. This confuses Satan, and Hopeless Soul takes this opportunity to stun Satan with his beam, leaving you open to destroy Core File. After doing so, the game breaks and sleeping gas bursts out of the arcade machine, and you black out.

Act 3
Act 3 is probably the most intense part of the whole game. It's time to destroy the final Core File and escape, so let's begin!

You'll wake up in the arcade, and return to the Pony Island machine.

All of a sudden, the game seems happy and cheerful. A character named Louey will appear and tell you about Pony Island. You will supposedly play as a beautiful pony leaping over gates. Louey will start up the game and you will begin playing this strange, colorful world.

Louey will put you through some basic tutorials of your moveset, making you first jump over gates. Next, it seems that the Pony Lasers have been replaced with a gust of air to blow away butterflies.

Next there will be a long row of fences, requiring you to use the Pony Wings. When Louey sees this, he says that he hasn't even told you how to do that yet. He then laughs and says it's alright, and continues the game. However, the next flag glitches out and you walk past it. Louey gets confused by this but covers that up, saying that it's time for a puzzle break!

Now you have to get butterflies back to their homes, instead of the keys in the portals. Instead of the code blocks, we use signs in the same way to move the butterflies around. This area also introduces colour buttons. When pressed, they will open up the colour gate, allowing us to progress!

However, the next puzzle is impossible because Louey forgot to give us another sign. He notices this and gives us it, allowing us to get past! However, this is actually a brand new sign! When we step on it, we seperate into two butterflies, each moving one of the directions on the sign. This will allow us to reach the house.

In the next puzzle, Louey tells us that only one butterfly needs to get home. After the next puzzle, we go back to playing Pony Island! However, there are now white and red enemies that instantly kill you if you attack them. Also, in the split second when you attack them before you die, it looks like you are using the Pony Lasers. Anyways, you'll have to blow butterflies away while dodging the death enemies in the same enemy pattern.

Now you'll be asked if you want to unlock Premium Mode by giving up your soul, or if you want to continue in "Filthy Peasant Mode". Continue in this "horrible" mode and reach the next part of the game!

Now you'll have to fight Jesus. Once you kill him, the game will say "YOU KILLED JESUS". As you continue, more and more of the game turns to the corrupted Pony Island sprites. After you get to the goal, you'll walk past it and... the game seriously breaks.

Louey suggests doing another Puzzle Break, and that's broken too. You'll then be put back into Pony Island, which is completely destroyed.

Eventually, Louey will appear in the game, and he says that you've already beat the fun levels, and that you should leave. But if you attack him...

And now, another portal will appear. Complete it to access the end-game.

Act 3 - Desktop (Pony Island Trilogy)
You'll end up on a desktop menu that looks very different from what we've seen before. Open up the message app and send something. Then Hopeless Soul will begin talking to you. He says you've been asleep for 331 years, and thousands of other souls have been trapped in Pony Island in this time. He then says it's time to destroy the final Core File. He tells you to open the recycling bin, which contains several different versions of Pony Island, and to find one that is weak enough to create a portal to the Core File.

First off, the corrupted files do nothing.

Next, Pony Island META will restart the actual game to the menu, and when the game is reopened we are on the same screen.

Now we need to complete all three other versions of the game.

The text based one is self explanatory. Everything is written in text. Even the logo is written. You'll have to choose between a couple options in order to beat the level.

Next, there is a 3D Pony Island, where we only jump over gates in 3D for a while, really simple.

And lastly, Devil Island. This is a weird one. You essentially have the same physics as regular Pony Island, but you are a demon-like dragon yourself, and you are shooting at ponies.

When you complete all the games, Hopeless Soul will be able to make a portal in the last one you played, allowing you to access the final Core File.
Act 3 - Boss (Asmodeus)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the end-game. The final Daemon guarding the final Core File. Asmodeus. This is it.

But don't relax for this, because this is, by far, the most complicated boss in this game. Lets get started.

Activate Asmodeus and face him.

He says that he is going to be a much greater foe to you, and he's right, because some of his puzzles are outright trickery. Note that if you fail a question or pause the game, Asmodeus will attempt a jumpscare.

He will first ask you to say his name, simple enough.

Next he will ask you to say something disgusting. For this question, you can say anything.

All of a sudden someone from your friends list will start messaging you. They ask you if you got hacked, then go crazy, calling you a mortal and pathetic fool.

While this is distracting you Asmodeus will ask you to type a phrase for him. If you were too distracted from the messages, you lose. The phrase he asked you to say was "INFERNAL".

Next he will monologue for a while until he asks what horselike creature appears most often in this game. Very easy, "PONY".

Now he will summon a pony and monologue about it, distracting you. Because while he is doing this, his name changes for a split second. After he finishes talking about the pony, he asks you what was written underneath him. The answer is "REMEMBERTHIS".

He then asks you to type "666". However, his name changes for a split second again, telling you to type "777".

Then he tells you to remember a code. He says "2023". Then he tells you to type it. But when you type "202" the game will freeze before you can type "3". It acts as if the application is crashing, even bringing up the error message. However, wait this out and Asmodeus will wink at you, and you will be able to finish the code.

He then says that he will let you destroy the Core File, and that for him, death will be a great adventure. He then disappears, allowing you to destroy the final Core File, breaking the system. You will then need to open the system in Recovery Mode, allowing you to access the Finale.

Finale (System Dump)
In Recovery Mode, Hopeless Soul will appear. He then tells you that this is the end. It is time to preform the System Dump and finally escape. However, your soul will not be safe during the dump, so we must stay ahead of it. He says he's prepared a pony vessel for this. He then says it's time to claim our victory. From here, initiate the System Dump. Hopeless Soul will rally all the other souls, and you will all break free!

You will all begin running through the game code as the dump deletes everything. For the first while, you'll have to shoot at incoming corrupted files. However, you will soon face enemies from Pony Island, so you must defend yourself until the dump deletes the AI.

But then, Satan enters the battlefield.

He is in his true form that he built in all the centuries we were asleep. We should keep shooting at him while dodging his lasers and everything else flying at us. When the System Dump is almost to the end, Satan will say an old friend wanted to say goodbye. Louey will come flying in and will try to kill us using the death butterflies. Keep shooting him, and soon enough he'll die. Keep shooting at Satan, and eventually the ponies will tear him apart.

Then, running for the exit, you and all the other souls escape from the arcade as it explodes.

The End. Just the credits now.


Hopeless Soul speaks to us in the credits and explains the truth to us. He says that even though our soul escaped in the game, his soul will be trapped until Pony Island's ruins are erased from our computer. He says that he guided us all the way to the end, because he knew that if we did not beat the game, we would not delete it. He then tells us to save his soul.

Do you understand what this means? If you want to free Hopeless Soul, you'll have to delete Pony Island.

So will you delete the game and set him free? Or will you keep the ruins of this blasted game on your computer and trap him for eternity? His life is at your mercy.

This is it. The last part of the game. The final choice. And it's all up to you.

Good luck.
Extras - Ticket Ending
The ticket ending can be achieved by unlocking all 24 tickets after beating the game at least once. If you collect all 24 tickets on your first playthrough, instead of Hopeless Soul monologuing at the end of the credits, you'll just go straight to the ticket ending.

Here are all of the ticket locations:

1. Enter the intro then head to the graphics settings. There should be a tab that says "Free Ticket".
2. In the intro options menu, there is a tab that says "Free Ticket".
3. In the intro, watch the credits.
4. When on the second level up screen, complete the portal in the top right.
5. Get a score of at least 50 in Pony Galaxy.
6. Click all of the letter applications to spell out "TICKET".
7. In the Act 1 menu, click the left pony to reveal a portal. Complete it to unlock the ticket.
8. In Act 1, head to Advanced Audio and turn all music to the highest possible setting.
9. In Act 1, the first level has a ticket floating in the air that you'll have to jump to catch.
10. In the corrupted profile, use the applications to freeze both icons on the desktop to a ticket symbol.
11. Enter the corrupted profile to spawn the eye on the desktop, then head to the guest user and place the triangle application on it.
12. In Satan's profile, get 666 on resources in Settlers of Satan.
13. In the Adventure Mode menu, click the left Satan to spawn a portal. Complete it to unlock the ticket.
14. Play the random stage in Adventure Mode to the left of Ticket Lake to get a coin. Head to the beginning and find a secret path to the left. Eventually you'll reach a boat. Enter the boat with the coin to get the ticket.
15. To get the ticket in Ticket Lake, utilize the strange way you can walk to stages to go out of bounds to collect the ticket.
16. When getting to the Keep at the end of Act 2, you'll walk by a corrupted gym. Below it is a lake. Keep walking by the lake to spawn Missingno, unlocking a ticket.
17. At the bottom right of the corrupted map you'll find Buer.exe. Activate him to get some dialogue and he will ask a favor, and pays you back with a ticket.
18. At the Act 3 menu, simply click the left pony to get a ticket.
19. At the premium mode screen, there is a ticket hidden in the first picture.
20. When Jesus first appears in Act 3, beat the level without killing him.
21. In the text based Pony Island game, there is an option that says "Free Ticket".
22. In Devil Island, if you place your mouse on the ponies, they will spit out blood. Keep doing this until the blood fills the whole menu.
23. On the desktop, there is a small chart that has several numbers in the corners ranging from 1 to 4. These numbers corrospond to the four faces on the desktop. Click them in the correct order to unlock the ticket.
24. In Pony Island 3D, you can move the left head around in a 3D motion until the ticket faces you.

I won't spoil what happens in the ending, but I'll say this much. After you think the ending is over, try moving around. You might fall out of bounds and find something else.
Extras - The Final Secret
I am not the one who figured this out. I will link the whole discussion here if anyone is interested in seeing how everyone in the community figured this out.


If you don't want to read through the whole thing, simply enter Act 1, and head to the options menu. Go until you have to click the tab "There are better options than this" but don't press it. Instead go to the bottom right and click a hidden button to make the gates open in the background. Now head back to the beginning and click the last menu to talk with Baphomet. Type in "David" and experience the ending, which I won't spoil.

Extras - All Random Achievements
Glitch City + For The Crusade

They seem random at first glance however you have to get these to get the Ticket Ending as both of them hold tickets.

I Am Error

Head to Act 2, go to the corrupted profile and type "iamerror". This should bring you to the secret.

The Full Truth

I'm just going to count all of the achievements required to get this one as one achievement to make this easier. This achievement involves speaking with Baphomet many times in specific locations. I don't know the exact way to do this, so I will link a guide that contains the information necessary to complete this achievement.

Thanks For Reading
I truly hope I've helped you today with anything involved with this amazing game. Pony Island was the third ever game I bought on Steam, and I'd be making an understatement if I said it made a good impression on me.

Thank you very much to Daniel Mullins for making this amazing game, and thank you for reading my guide!
Jatopian 13 Apr @ 1:56pm 
"final secret" doesn't work.
KERNBOOM 8 Dec, 2023 @ 4:17pm 
Thanks for this guide. I might go back to do the other endings before Pony Island 2.
MrZentase 7 Oct, 2023 @ 8:04pm 
Saying "solve a puzzle" doesn't really help
TheNinthAlly  [author] 21 Jul, 2023 @ 8:59pm 
Jesus Christ seeing this guide after nearly four years is absolutely cringeworthy. I’m glad most of the people who saw it found it useful though.
tynian87116 21 Jan, 2023 @ 11:03pm 
I never wanted to kill jesus more than when I had to suffer through his shite for that damned ticket.... I mean, I pretty much had the crown of thorns and crucifixion nails ready and raring to go by the time I finally got the ticket.... and that's saying something because I actually decided to grind the 100 xp for the wings and did so.
jcdenton666 10 Jan, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
without the fucking butterfly puzzles this isn't a walkthrough
Epiphamy 3 Aug, 2022 @ 2:21am 
Thanks for the guide!!:steamthis:
aaaaaa 12 Jul, 2022 @ 10:10pm 
@Rec theres a short cutscene that happens after falling out of bounds
some garlic 28 Jun, 2022 @ 10:19pm 
asmodeus' message came from my dad's steam account which was a genuine heart attack for me lmao
Father B. 14 Jun, 2022 @ 9:26pm 
Anubis saved my bacon on ticket number sixteen