Оцінок: 405
A Beginners Guide to Counter-Strike 1.6
This guide will provide basic information (i.e. joining a server, gameplay basics, weapons, and controls) on how to play Counter Strike 1.6! Let's get started!
До улюбленого
В улюблених
What is Counter Strike?
Counter Strike is a competitive, online, multiplayer, FPS that requires teamwork, communication, and skill! While learning to play Counter Strike is easy, mastery is a journey that takes hours upon hours to perfect.

The next section will cover how to navigate the menu screen.
Menu Screen
The menu screen looks like this:

From the beginning you are provided with some options. Here is a list of all the items you can click on and what menu they take you to:

Find Servers: Click on this button to find servers to play on. When you click on it a server browser should pop up. From there you will have a pretty sizable about of servers to choose from. Never join a random server that appears suspicious! Because Counter Strike downloads content unique to that server you could end up getting a virus or other malicious software on your computer. If you strongly feel you need to join a server like the one mentioned always scan for viruses afterward! Some of the tabs above say things such as favorites and and friends. Click on the favorites tab to view your favorite servers. To add a server to your favorites simply right click it and click "Add server to favorites." The friends tab will show you the servers your friends have been playing on recently. The history tab will show you a list of servers you have joined in the recent past.

New Game: Click on this button to create your own server! From the popup you will be able to choose many settings pertaining to the server. Use the tabs above to choose more options other than the map.

Options: Use this section to adjust the games settings to your own personal preference. You can adjust the resolution, sound quality, video quality, and multiplayer preferences.

Quit: Click this button to leave the game! Wait not yet we still haven't even talked about the controls!
Default Controls
The default controls for the game are as follows:

B: Buy Menu
Notes: This is the main point of entry for the buying menus

M: Select Team
Notes: Pressing M will allow you to change sides. If you do choose to do this you will immediately die and have to wait until next round starts.

G: Drop Current Weapon:
Notes: You can only carry one primary and one secondary weapon. To drop your weapon press G. To pick up a better weapon from the battlefield, press the G key.

Z: Standard Radio Messages
Notes: Brings up a list of standard radio commands. Press the corresponding number to utter the message

X: Group Radio Messages
Notes: Brings up a list of group radio commands. Press the corresponding number to utter the message

C: Report Radio Messages
Brings up a list of reporting radio commands. Press the corresponding number to utter the message

W or UP ARROW: Move Forward

S or DOWN ARROW: Move Back

D: Move Right (Strafe)

A: Move Left (Strafe)

Mouse Y Axis: Turn or Look Left

Mouse Y Axis: Turn or Look Right

Mouse X AXIS: Look Up

Mouse X AXIS: Look Down

Note: In spectator mode space also cycles through the three observer modes

CTRL: Duck
Note: In spectator mode this also opens the "Spectator Menu"

Note: Move forward at slower, quieter pace (important for stealth)

Notes: Fire Weapon, Throw Grenade, Plant C4. In spectator mode clicking will jump to next player in observer mode

RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON: Special Weapon Function
Note: Invokes your weapons secondary function, i.e. burst fire, sniper scope etc

R: Reload Weapon
Notes: Tops up your clip…good idea before joining a firefight.

E: Use
Note: Interacts with the environment (ex. get hostage to follow you, defuse bomb, etc)

N: Night vision
Note: Toggles the Night vision on/off (must be bought via equipment menu first)

F: Flashlight
Note: Toggles your flash light on and off

T: Spray Logo
Note: Pick logos in the multiplayer tab of the "Options" Menu

0: Menu Item 0

1: Menu Item 1

2: Menu Item 2

3: Menu Item 3

4: Menu Item 4

5: Menu Item 5

6: Menu Item 6

7: Menu Item 7

8: Menu Item 8

9: Menu Item 9

MOUSE WHEEL DOWN: Previous Weapon


Q: Last Used Weapon

TAB: Display Multiplayer Scores
Note: Shows scores, teams, wins, frags, status, bomb carrier etc

I: Recap Mission Briefing
Note: Press Jump, Fire or Special Weapon function to make the mission briefing go away

Y: Chat Message
Note: Broadcast message to all

U: Team Chat Message
Note: Broadcast message to team
Game Modes and Gameplay Basics
There are four types of game modes in Counter Strike. Each one corresponds to specific maps with the following prefixes: DE, CS, AS, or ES.

DE_Maps: In a bomb/defuse map, the goal of the terrorist is to plant a C4 bomb in the designated area then prevent the CTs from defusing the bomb. Players must remember to stay well clear of the bomb when it explodes, as it has a large and deadly blast radius. The bomb is randomly assigned to a terrorist at the start of the round. Team members can identify the bomb carrier by the backpack they are wearing and the player with the bomb will see an icon on their Heads Up Display (see HUD, bomb carrier). To plant the bomb, the carrier must be in the vicinity of the bombing target. While having the bomb as their currently selected item, the player must then press and hold their fire key (see Controls, Fire) for three seconds for the bomb to be planted. The bomb will go off after a set period of time has passed (45 seconds by default). The level is won by the terrorists when the bomb explodes (maximum payoff) or if the CT team is eliminated (smaller payoff). CTs can win a defuse map in two ways: by defusing the bomb or by eliminating the Terrorists (if the Terrorists managed to plant the bomb before being eliminated, CTs must still defuse the bomb to win the round). To defuse the bomb, CTs must stand near the bomb, target it then press and hold their ‘use’ key until the bomb is defused. Buying a defuse kit will halve the time required to defuse a bomb.

Terrorists Goals: Plant the bomb at one of the two bomb sites and protect it from being defused until detonation OR eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists.

Counter-Terrorist Goals: Eliminate all Terrorists OR if the bomb is already planted defuse it before detonation.

CS_Maps: As a terrorist, your role in a hostage rescue level is to prevent counter-terrorists (CTs) from leading the hostages from where they are being held to the hostage rescue zone. Terrorists win hostage rescue rounds by eliminating the counter-terrorist force while preventing them from rescuing hostages. CTs win a round by finding the hostages and leading more than half of them to freedom. CTs can get the attention of a hostage by moving near him then pressing their ‘Use’ key (see Controls, Use). The hostage will now follow the CT back to the rescue zone. If a CT wants the hostage to stop following, they need to press ‘Use’ again and the hostage will stay put. Sometimes when you have a group of hostages following you, they may block you into an area; you can push them out of the way by simply walking into them. CTs can also win a round by eliminating the terrorists.

Terrorist Goals: Prevent the Hostages from being rescued by the CT's OR eliminate all of the CT's.

Counter-Terrorist Goals: Rescue the Hostages and bring them to the safe zone OR eliminate all of the Terrorists.

AS_Maps: One member of the CT team will serve as the VIP. The object is to get the VIP safely to the pre-defined escape points. If he dies, the CT's lose the round. If he makes it safely, the CT's win. The VIP has a unique skin, only carries a knife and pistol, and has ample body armor.
The terrorist job is to assassinate the VIP, but with the other CT's guarding the VIP it is never an easy task.

Note: Certain weapons cannot be purchased by each team in this gameplay scenario, and these will be grayed out on the weapon selection screen. Also the Assassination game mode is RARELY ever played on any of the Counter Strike 1.6 Servers.

Terrorist Goals: Eliminate the VIP OR eliminate all of the CT's.

Counter-Terrorist Goals: Protect the VIP and get him to the extraction point OR eliminate all Terrorists.

ES_Maps: The terrorist team starts out in a fortified location and must "escape" to one of the pre-defined escape points. The CT's must exterminate them before they can escape. The Terrorists win the round once 50% of the team has successfully escaped. They can also break into the armory to steal weapons, or just get out of there. The two teams will switch roles after every 8 rounds of play. Both sides can also win the scenario if they manage to wipe the opposition team out.

Note: The "Escape" game mode is practically NEVER played on any of the Counter Strike 1.6 servers

Terrorist Goals: To have 50% of your team get to the escape zone OR to eliminate all CT's.

Counter-Terrorist Goals: To prevent 50% of the Terrorists from escaping through extermination.

Joining a server
The following passage will tell you how to join a server:

Find Servers: Click on the "Find Servers" button from the menu screen. When you click on it a server browser should pop up. From there you will have a pretty sizable amount of servers to choose from! Double click a server to join it! Never join a random server that appears suspicious! Because Counter Strike downloads content unique to that server you could end up getting a virus or other malicious software on your computer. If you strongly feel you need to join a server like the one mentioned always scan for viruses afterward! Some of the tabs above say things such as favorites and and friends. Click on the favorites tab to view your favorite servers. To add a server to your favorites simply right click it and click "Add server to favorites." The friends tab will show you the servers your friends have been playing on recently. The history tab will show you a list of servers you have joined in the recent past.

Strong Caution: Never join a random server that appears suspicious!
Oilrig - Assassination
Map by MacMan

Background: The most important criminal
witness in history has been hiding out on
an oilrig as part of a witness protection
program. But word is that his location has
been discovered. A transport helicopter has
been sent in to move the witness to a new

Counter-Terrorists: Protect the VIP at all
costs. Escort him topside to the helicopter.

Terrorists: Eliminate the VIP before he

747 - Hostage Rescue
Map by Stephen "Judas" Superville

Counter-Terrorists: Infiltrate the
plane and rescue the remaining hostages
from the Terrorists holding them.

Terrorists: Prevent the Counter-
Terrorist team from rescuing the

Assault - Hostage Rescue
Map by CryptR

Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the hostages.
Take out the Terrorists without jeopardizing
the hostages. The Terrorists may be watching
you with their cameras.

Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist
force from rescuing the hostages. Use
whatever force needed.

Alleyway - Hostage Rescue
Map by TYR

Infiltrate Terrorist stronghold and escort
the hostages to the rescue zone. Take out
the Terrorists without jeopardizing the

Eliminate the Counter-Terrorist
force before they rescue any hostages.

Zaphod's Estate - Hostage Rescue
Map by Zaphod Beeblebrox

Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the three
hostages being held captive in the mansion.

Terrorists: Prevent the Counter-Terrorists
from rescuing the hostages.

Havana- Hostage Rescue
Map by Ido Magal and Macman

Terrorists: You are holding political hostages
in Habana Vieja, awaiting a chopper lift which
will arrive to evacuate you immediately after the
round ends.

Counter-Terrorists: You have control of the perimeter
and must now rescue all of the surviving hostages before
the terrorists manage to escape.

Italy - Hostage Rescue
Map by glenC Bastard

Counter-Terrorists: Navigate your way
around the Italian city and get those
Hostages from the foreign Terrorists.

Terrorists: Prevent the Counter-Terrorists
from rescuing the Hostages or eliminate
the Counter-Terrorists.

Militia - Hostage Rescue
Map by Andrew Aumann

Counter-Terrorists: Enter Cliffe's
Compound to rescue the hostages. Take
out the Terrorists without jeopardizing
the hostages.

Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist
force from rescuing the hostages.

The Office Complex - Hostage Rescue
Map by Hobbit

Counter-Terrorists: Enter the office
building and rescue the hostages.
Take out the Terrorists without
jeopardizing the hostages.

Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist
force from rescuing the hostages.

Map by CaRbOn

Counter-Terrorists: Storm the office
building and rescue the hostages.
Shut down or detain the Terrorists without
jeopardizing the hostages.

Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist
force from rescuing the hostages.

Canyon Siege - Hostage Rescue
Map by N0TH1NG

Counter-Terrorists: Enter the POW
stronghold and rescue the hostages.
Take out the Terrorists without
jeopardizing the hostages.

Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist
force from rescuing the hostages.

Airstrip - Defusion
Map by Barney (aka narby)

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the terrorist
planting the explosives in the airstrip

Terrorists: Plant the C4 inside the airstrip
compound and destroy the fuel and cargo areas.

Aztec - Defusion
by Chris Auty (Barney) (
Texture builds by Macman

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorists
bombing the archeological site.

Terrorists: Destroy the valuable Aztec ruins.

Cobble - Bomb/Defuse
Map by DaveJ and Macman

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing Lord William's country
farmhouse. He has been the target of
assassination in light of recent government

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must place the bomb at one of the two
bomb sites around the map, thereby
killing Lord William and severely
damaging his home.

Chateau - Bomb-Defuse
Map by Macman and Ido Magal

Terrorists: After the loss of
Cobble, Lord Williams is rebuilding
his summer chateau. You must prevent
his remodeling. Plant the C4 at
either the front, or the rear courtyard.

Counter-Terrorists: Protect Lord
Williams' investment and prevent the
Terrorists from destroying his new home.

Dust - Bomb/Defuse
Map by DaveJ and Macman

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing chemical weapon crates.
Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the chemical
weapon stashes.

DE_dust II:
Dust II - Bomb/Defuse
Map by DaveJ and MacMan

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing chemical weapon crates.
Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the chemical
weapon stashes.

Inferno - Defusion
Map by Chris Auty (Barney)

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the terrorists
from destroying the pipelines.

Terrorists: Destroy the two gas pipelines.

Nuke - Bomb/Defuse
Map by Jo Bieg

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the nuclear missile. The
mission can be targeted from above and
below. Team members must defuse any
bombs that threaten targeted areas.

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the nuclear missile.

Piranesi - Bomb-Defuse
Map by Fingers

Background: a sprawling neo-Romanesque
palace known as Villa Piranesi is to be
opened to the public as a museum.
Restored furniture and works of art are
being shipped into the compound.

Terrorists: Prevent the museum from
opening by destroying one of its two
main attractions; the antique sundial
in the front courtyard or the grand
celestial orrery in the back garden.

Counter-Terrorists: Protect the
historical site against the terrorists.

Prodigy - Bomb/Defuse
Map by Hobbit

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the computer lab or the fuel
pipeline control room. Team members must
defuse any bombs that threaten targeted

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the targets.

Storm - Bomb/Defuse
Map by FLiPMoDE|Daank and Fingers

Counter-Terrorists: Protect weapons
crates. These weapons are to be
delivered to an allied country
threatened by terrorists.

Terrorists: There is an attempt to arm
a small country your faction wishes to
attack for the political reasons. Stop
the weapons from reaching them.

Map by Michael Visser aka 3D_Mike

-Bomb Truck or Crashed plane.

-Prevent the Terrorists from bombing.

Trainyard - Bomb/Defuse

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the nuclear payloads on two
trains. Team members must defuse any
bombs that threaten the payloads.

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the payloads.
The FPS is complete without it...

The knife is the most basic weapon in Counter Strike but it is also one of the most powerful. Two stabs from it (right-click) can take out you enemy. Five or six rapid slashes (left-click) will neturalize the enemy. The knife is (possibly) the most difficult weapon to master in Counter Strike. It takes aim, perfect timing, and sheer skill to remove you enemy with the knife. Here are some interesting facts about the knife.

  • Equiping the knife actually makes you run faster. I know it sounds totally dumb but it is true. Try it for yourself it really does work.
  • The knife is free! The knife has and unlimited supply of amunition and automaticlly is in your inventory when starting a match. You cannot drop the knife like the other weapons.
  • Some servers have throwing knives! Just left-click or right-click to throw. Use your recticule to aim.
  • Originally when the game was first of a mod for Half-Life you had a crowbar instead of a knife! (Just kidding!)


Price: $400
Country of Origin: Austria
Clip Capacity: 20 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 0.9 KG
Projectile Weight: 8 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1132 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 475 Joules
Silencer: No

KM .45 Tactical

Price: $500
Country of Origin: Germany
Caliber: .45 ACP
Clip Capacity: 12 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 1.0 KG
Projectile Weight: 15.2 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 886 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 553 Joules
Silencer: Yes

228 Compact

Price: $600
Country of Origin: Switzerland/Germany
Caliber: .357 SIG
Clip Capacity: 13 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 1.03 KG
Projectile Weight: 8.1 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1400 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 600 Joules
Silencer: No

Night Hawk .50C

Price: $650
Country of Origin: Israel
Caliber: .50 Action Express
Clip Capacity: 7 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 1.8 KG
Projectile Weight: 19.4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1380 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1650 Joules
Silencer: No

ES Five-Seven (Counter-Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $750
Country of Origin: Belgium
Caliber: 5.7 X 28MM
Clip Capacity: 20 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 0.618 KG
Projectile Weight: 2 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2345 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 465 Joules
Silencer: No

.40 Dual Elites (Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $800
Country of Origin: Italy
Caliber: .40 S...
Clip Capacity: 15 Rounds per pistol (Total of 30 rounds)
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 1.15 KG
Projectile Weight: 8 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1280 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 606 Joules
Silencer: No

Leone 12 Gauge Super

Price: $1,700
Country of Origin: Italy
Caliber: 12 Gauge
Clip Capacity: 8 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Empty): 3.5 KG
Projectile Weight: 3.8 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1250 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 2429 Joules
Silencer: No

Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun

Price: $3,000
Country of Origin: Italy
Caliber: 12 Gauge
Clip Capacity: 7 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 400 RPM
Weight (Empty): 4 KG
Projectile Weight: 3.8 Grams/Pellet
Muzzle Velocity: 1250 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 2429 Joules
Silencer: No

Instagram Mac-10 (Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $1400
Country of Origin: United States of America
Caliber: .45 ACP
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 857 RPM
Weight (Loaded): 3.82 KG
Projectile Weight: 15.2 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 919 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 584 Joules

Schmidt Machine Pistol (Counter-Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $1250
Country of Origin: Austria
Caliber: 9MM Parabellum
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 857 RPM
Weight (Empty): 1.3 KG
Projectile Weight: 8 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1280 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 606 Joules

KM Sub-Machine Gun

Price: $1500
Country of Origin: Germany
Caliber: 9MM Parabellum
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 800 RPM
Weight (Empty): 3.42 KG
Projectile Weight: 8 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1132 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 637 Joules


Price: $1700
Country of Origin: Germany
Caliber: .45 ACP
Clip Capacity: 25 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 600 RPM
Weight (Loaded): 2.27 KG
Projectile Weight: 15.2 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 1005 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 625 Joules

ES C90

Price: $2350
Country of Origin: Belgium
Caliber: 5.7 x 28MM
Clip Capacity: 50 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 900 RPM
Weight (Empty): 3 KG
Projectile Weight: 2 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2345 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 465 Joules

IDF Defender (Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $2000
Country of Origin: Israel
Caliber: .308
Clip Capacity: 35 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 675
Weight (Loaded): 4.35 KG
Projectile Weight: 4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2013 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1712 Joules
Silencer: No

Clarion 5.56 (Counter-Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $2250
Country of Origin: France
Caliber: 5.56 NATO
Clip Capacity: 25 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 1100 RPM
Weight (Loaded): 3.40 KG
Projectile Weight: 4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2212 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1712 Joules
Silencer: No

CV-47 (Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $2500
Country of Origin: Russia
Caliber: 7.62 NATO
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 600 RPM
Weight (Loaded): 4.79 KG
Projectile Weight: 7.9 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2329 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1992 Joules
Silencer: No

Schmidt Scout

Price: $2750
Country of Origin: Austria
Caliber: 7.62 NATO
Clip Capacity: 10 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Empty): 3.3 KG
Projectile Weight: 8 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2800 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 2200 Joules
Silencer: No

Maverick M4A1 Carbine (Counter-Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $3100
Country of Origin: United States of America
Caliber: 5.56 NATO
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 685 RPM
Weight (Empty): 3.22 KG
Projectile Weight: 4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2900 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1570 Joules
Silencer: Yes

Krieg 552 (Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $3500
Country of Origin: Switzerland
Caliber: 5.56 NATO
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 727 RPM
Weight (Empty): 3.1 KG
Projectile Weight: 4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2900 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1570 Joules
Silencer: No

Bullpup (Counter-Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $3500
Country of Origin: Austria
Caliber: 5.56 NATO
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 727
Weight (Loaded): 4.09 KG
Projectile Weight: 4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2900 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1570 Joules
Silencer: No

Krieg 550 Commando (Counter-Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $4200
Country of Origin: Switzerland
Caliber: 5.56 NATO
Clip Capacity: 30 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Empty): 7.02 KG
Projectile Weight: 4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 3100 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1650 Joules
Silencer: No

Magnum Sniper Rifle

Price: $4750
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Caliber: .338 Lapua Magnum
Clip Capacity: 10 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 6 KG
Projectile Weight: 16.2 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 3000 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 7000 Joules
Silencer: No

D3/AU-1 (Terrorist Team Only)

Price: $5000
Country of Origin: Germany
Caliber: 7.62 NATO
Clip Capacity: 20 Rounds
Rate of Fire: N/A
Weight (Loaded): 4.41 KG
Projectile Weight: 8 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 2800 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 2200 Joules
Silencer: No
Machine Guns
Machine Guns:

Price: $5,750
Country of Origin: Belgium
Caliber: 5.56 Parabellum
Clip Capacity: 100 Rounds
Rate of Fire: 600 RPM
Weight (Loaded): 6 KG
Projectile Weight: 4 Grams
Muzzle Velocity: 3000 Feet/Second
Muzzle Energy: 1600 Joules
Silencer: No

Flashbang Grenade:
Price: $200
Description: Makes a loud noise and blinding flash when thrown at enemy (pull pin first). Useful for causing distracitons before entering and area.
Maximum amount you can carry: 2 Flashbang Grenades

HE Grenade:
Price: $300
Description: A high-explosive device. Pull the pin, release the spoon and throw.
Maximum amount you carry: 1 HE Grenade

Smoke Grenade:
Price: $300
Description: A diversionary device that can be used to provide temporary cover for moving from place to place.
Maximum amount you can carry: 1 Smoke Grenade
Tips and hints
This section will cover some basic gameplay tips to help you out when playing!

  • Sometimes stealth is key. Running around all the time will alert the enemy to your position making it easier to flank you! Using the silencers on your weapons is a very useful feature so remember to choose your weapons wisely based on your situation!
  • Use flash bangs frequently! Running into a room filled with enemies is the worst situation imaginable. Before you enter a room, toss a flash grenade into the center of the room. Exposing yourself while throwing a grenade gives your enemy the perfect opportunity open fire. Rather than expose yourself when throwing the flash grenade, try bouncing it off of a door, wall, or ceiling.
  • Communication is key! Don't forget to use your radio, text chat, or VoIP to communicate with your teammates.
  • Be a team player! Shoot the enemy not your teammates.
  • Know your role! If you are a sniper, don't jump to the front lines. Find a nice safe spot that you can snipe from while giving your teammates support. If you are on the assault division, make sure you fight hard and smart (i.e. use HE grenades/flashers, conserve ammo, and eliminate your enemies quickly and sensibly). If you are playing the support role, try to keep your eye on all of your teammates. Although you can rush to the front lines you are better suited to stay a little behind the assault players, as your larger weapon will usually slow you down. Also as support, you have more time than the other players to keep your eye out for enemies, so don't forget to report them in! Finally, if you are playing as a Special Operative, use stealth to your advantage. Remember as the most elite of your team, you need to encompass most of the roles and lead your team to success!
  • Be frugal with your money. Try not to always buy expensive weapons (unless you are an extremely experienced player). Remember that the most basic SMG costs around $1200-$1400!
  • Think before you shoot! Don't just start spraying at the first sighting of an enemy. Spraying usually doesn't work very well. Instead, try aiming for the head or if they are farther away do short bursts or single shots.
  • Aim for the Head! Usually a head shot is an instant kill with most weapons.
  • Check your corners! When moving into a new area try to find spots where the enemy won't see you. Also do a quick scan of the area when entering a new sector.
  • Bomb Away! Make sure to clear the area before planting/defusing the bomb. If a CT is still in the area all he needs to do is kill you and guard the dropped bomb. Also you NEVER want to be caught in the middle of a bomb plant (or defusal) and have people shooting at you.
  • Have fun! While Counter Strike is a very competitive game it is also a heck of a lot of fun! Make sure to enjoy yourself!
Conclusion and other guides!
Thank your for reading this guide! If you have any questions or concerns please leave a comment on either the guide page or my profile. I hope your journey in playing Counter Strike will be an enjoyable one!

If you are looking for other useful guides on the Counter Strike series please refer to the following links:

A Beginners Guide to Counter Strike: Source

How to disable blood on Counter Strike: Condition Zero:

How to disable blood on Counter Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes:

How to disable blood on Counter Strike:

How to disable blood on Counter Strike: Source:

I hope this guide has helped you immensely! Thanks again and God Bless!

Keep on Striking!
Коментарів: 69
Yogi 15 верес. 2023 о 9:50 
More questions:
- Is there an indicator on each map (or mini-map) that shows you where the key points are, or do you just have memorize the maps to know?
- Since communication is important, can team members hear you or see your text messages when you're dead?
Yogi 15 верес. 2023 о 9:47 
Serious questions though:
- What are the differences between the four classes on each team?
- What determines how much money you have available to spend per round?
Yogi 27 серп. 2023 о 14:20 
Where's the part of the guide that teaches me how to speak Russian?
woundfucker 1 берез. 2023 о 9:24 
most useless guide ever lol
Balbula 15 лип. 2019 о 19:01 
exists a guide with all commands of cs?
Clean 9 лип. 2019 о 4:11 
Well Reviewed :)
what'sawingedhorse 18 берез. 2018 о 6:50 
How to see the velocity of your character
FF31 1 серп. 2017 о 3:22 
I cant change my controls, even with a userconfig :steamsad:
someone help ?
Krevlinmen 29 черв. 2017 о 9:23 
Is silencers worth it?
That_1_Guy 27 груд. 2016 о 23:49 
I opened up my server browser and all I see are servers that has that "Free VIPs" on their game tags instead of counter-strike and the player count is broken ( 2 0/32) feels good to be a beginner on CS 1.6