Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Mannlybug
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Třída: Heavy, Medic
Slot předmětu: Klobouk
Velikost souboru
4.857 MB
19. zář. 2013 v 16.49
20. zář. 2013 v 13.17
Poznámky ke změnám (2) – zobrazit

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Are you always pondering:

"Should I take the cute hat or the strong hat? Should I favor fanciness over protection?"

Well, now your problems are over!

The Mannlybug is here!

The only helmet that gives you a fabulous look, manly atributes and head protection, all in one package!

Order now! Don't be the only mercenary on the field without toughness AND cuteness!

Hat available for Heavy and Medic.
Dial now: 0800-Mannlybugisthebest

SFM Poster by Pyro Blaster
The blue Heavy is Tary, a friend from Argentina