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Remove hidden items from your Steam wishlist! (Outdated - 20/11/2024)
Vytvořil: The HopelessGamer™
This is a tool designed to automatically find and remove hidden items from your wishlist!

Steam updated the Wishlist on the 20/11/2024 and have resolved the bug that this guide was providing a solution to fixing. Thank you to everyone who utilised this guide, I really enjoyed creating and maintaining it. It is a little sad to see this project be archived, however, it is no longer required and means my job here is now complete.
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How to use
1. Login to the browser version of Steam.
2. Go to your Wishlist on the browser version of Steam.
3. Press F12 to open the Developer Tools.
4. Go to the Console tab in the Developer Tools.
5. Copy the Automated Removal Script below and paste it into the Console.
(You may need to type "Allow Pasting" in some browsers before you can paste the code)
6. Press Enter to execute the script.
7. Follow the on screen Prompts.
8. Once complete, the webpage will refresh automatically. All done!

Video tutorial of the steps above in 43 seconds:
How the Automated Removal Script works
  • Compares every game from the entire wishlist with all the visible games.

  • It makes a list of all the games that are not duplicates; I.e games that are hidden. Games that are hidden will not show up in the list of "Visible Games" however they will show up in the list of all games.

  • It then removes the hidden games from the wishlist.

  • If a game from the entire wishlist is not in the list of all the visible games then my script will detect this as a hidden game.
Warning | Additional & Important Information
Using the Automated Removal Script to remove more then 50 unlisted games is NOT recommended. Steam may rate limit your IP, temporarily resulting in you losing access to the steam community for up to a few hours.

The technical term for this is "IP Based Rate Limiting". <-- Google this if you want more information.

Removing less than 50 unlisted games is fine.

Information about Rate Limiting and how it works for Steam
Being rate limited is not permanent. At worst you may have a temporarily cooldown from accessing the steam community ranging from 15 min to a few hours.

Rate Limiting is used to prevent things like DDOS Attacks. What my script does to remove games is send a request to steam for every game removed.

When you send a lot of requests (50 - 100) in a very short time frame of for example 5 seconds, Steam will block your IP from accessing the community to keep their servers running smoothly.

Think of the server as a mail box, it is required to check all mail no matter what. The mail box cannot discard mail without checking its contents first, now if you overload the mail box with lots of mail (Lots of requests), it has no choice but to read it all. Rate Limiting is designed to stop that mail box from being overloaded, thus the temporary IP Ban, as this stops the source of the requests from sending anymore by blocking its connection to the servers.

Note: Wishlists containing more then 50 items overall can bug out causing games to become invisible despite not actually being hidden by the developer or removed from the store front. This is not something i can fix, your best option is to keep your wishlist under 50 items.
How many unlisted games are on your wishlist?
If you would like to find out specifically how many Unlisted games are on your wishlist then i recommend you use this: Steam Wishlist Calculator[] <-- I built this website. Source Code[]

That website will tell you how many unlisted games you have aswell as additional information about your wishlist.

How to find unlisted games on the website:
Calculate your wishlist > Click "Export wishlist" > Click "Unlisted" > Games will be displayed as both links and Appids.

Show Unlisted Games Script
I also made a script that can show you your unlisted games. The games will display in a dialog box as appids and links to SteamDB. This script does not remove any games.

console.log('This software is Licensed under GNU GPLv3 Copyright © "2024" - Sean "The HopelessGamer".');
let modalDescription = "", modalTitle = "Show Unlisted Games";
wishlistData = g_rgWishlistData.filter(function (wishlistItem) {
return !g_Wishlist.rgVisibleApps.find(function (appId) {
return appId == wishlistItem.appid;
for (var i = 0; i < wishlistData.length; i++) {
modalDescription += '<a href="' + wishlistData[i]["appid"] + '/" class="titleLinks" title="' + wishlistData[i]["appid"] + '" target="_blank">' + wishlistData[i]["appid"] + "</a>" + " ";
if (wishlistData.length !== 0) {
ShowDialog(modalTitle + " (" + wishlistData.length + ")", modalDescription);
} else {
ShowDialog("No Unlisted Games Found");
Automated Removal Script
console.log('This software is Licensed under GNU GPLv3 Copyright © "2020" - Sean "The HopelessGamer".');
let removed = 0, result, modalTitle = "Remove Unlisted Games";
wishlistData = g_rgWishlistData.filter(function (wishlistItem) {
return !g_Wishlist.rgVisibleApps.find(function (appId) {
return appId == wishlistItem.appid;
let plural = " ";
if (wishlistData.length > 1) {
plural = "s ";
async function cleanWishlist() {
for (removed = 0; removed < wishlistData.length; removed++) {
results = await fetch(g_strWishlistBaseURL + 'remove/', {
body: `appid=${wishlistData[removed].appid}&sessionid=${g_sessionID}`,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
method: "POST"
setTimeout(function(){location.reload()}, 500);
if (wishlistData.length !== 0) {
if (wishlistData.length > 50) {
let modalDescription = "Removing " + wishlistData.length + " game" + plural + "is not recommended. Steam may rate limit your IP temporarily. Are you sure you would like to proceed?";
let Modal = ShowConfirmDialog(modalTitle, modalDescription);
Modal.done(function(result) {
if (result == 'OK') {
} else {
let modalDescription = "You are about to remove " + wishlistData.length + " unlisted game" + plural + "from your wishlist! Are you sure you would like to proceed?";
let Modal = ShowConfirmDialog(modalTitle, modalDescription);
Modal.done(function(result) {
if (result == 'OK') {
} else {
ShowDialog("No Unlisted Games Found");
Manual Removal - Plan B
If the Automated Removal Script above is not working, don't worry, there are other ways of removing unlisted games.

This website will give you the appid for each unlisted game on your wishlist:
Steam Wishlist Calculator[] <-- I built this website. Source Code[]

How to find unlisted games on the website:
Calculate your wishlist > Click "Export wishlist" > Click "Unlisted" > Games will be displayed as both links and text.

Once you know the appids for each unlisted game you can then replace the 0 with the appid for the game that you wish to remove in this script:

$ + 'remove/', { 'appid': 0, /* Replace the 0 with the appid of the game you wish to remove */ 'sessionid': g_sessionID });

This function below is built into steam so you can also use this instead of the script above. It is executed the same way as the script above.

RemoveFromWishlist(0) /* Replace the 0 with the appid of the game you wish to remove */

These scripts can only accept one appid at a time so you will need to remove each game one by one.

(You may need to type "Allow Pasting" in some browsers before you can paste the code)

What do these scripts do? They perform the same exact action that occurs when you click the "remove" button on any item within your wishlist.
No Script Alternatives
Not everyone is comfortable in using scripts which is completely fair. Here are some methods that may work without using scripts.

Option 1
If you are able to find the hidden games store page, you can click the wishlist dropdown and remove the item from your wishlist directly from the store page.

Option 2
You can use Big Picture mode to remove hidden items. This does not always work but in some cases it can be worth a shot.

How to find unlisted games on the website
This website will give you a link to each hidden game on your wishlist: Steam Wishlist Calculator[] <-- I built this website. Source Code[]

Calculate your wishlist > Click "Export wishlist" > Click "Unlisted" > Games will be displayed as both links and text. From here you can find the store page assuming it exists.

What causes games to become unlisted on your wishlist?
When a product is removed from the Steam store or made unlisted at the request of a developer, It not only gets unlisted from search on the store front but is also hidden from your wishlist, however the store page is still visible though only if the product was made unlisted and NOT removed from the store front entirely.

All information regarding the product is hidden from your wishlist except for the APPID which is what ties said product to your wishlist.

Steam is not able to show you the information for the unlisted product on your wishlist how ever will still count said product on your wishlist because the "APPID" has not been removed, just the "product information" has been hidden.

If the product was to become visible by either being re-added to the store front or made visible by the request of the developer then the product would show up on your wishlist once again.
Community Made Removal Scripts/Solutions
Made by Joseahfer
// With this script you can delete several App IDs you choose manually, at once! // Add App IDs you want to delete below, separated by comma, for example: [210870,292710,1285600] var IDsToDelete = [id1,id2,id3]; IDsToDelete.forEach(TheDeletion); function TheDeletion(value) { $ g_strWishlistBaseURL + 'remove/', { 'appid' : value, 'sessionid' : g_sessionID }) .done( function() { console.log("The App ID " + value + " has been removed successfully from the wishlist.") } ) .fail( function() { console.log("The App ID " + value + " has not been removed, check if the ID exists or you have it in your wishlist.") }); }

(You may need to type "Allow Pasting" in some browsers before you can paste the code)
License / Disclaimer
This software is Licensed under GNU GPLv3 License[] "2020" - Sean "The HopelessGamer".

By using the scripts shown in this guide, you (The user) agree that I (The HopelessGamer) am NOT responsible for anything that happens to your Steam account in the event my scripts do not work as described or due to misuse of any kind. (Misuse is described as not following the instructions to the letter and or attempting to use the script incorrectly)
Počet komentářů: 731
Botan626 28. lis. v 0.31 
After my previous comment I managed to entirely clear my WL with just written script and I re-added some items.
The HopelessGamer™  [autor] 27. lis. v 18.01 
You sure there is 500 games in there? If that were the case, I would be able to see it by going to your profile. Your wishlist is only showing 25 games, so are you sure you are in the right account?

If they were removed from the store or hidden in anyway, they would also show up on my website in the wishlist table instead of needing to go into the export popup.
Botan626 27. lis. v 13.05 
Idk wether they fixed anything or not, but on my profile Wishlit doesn't show any count, though there are almost 500 games there.
I already removed all unavailable items in Big Picture mode, but it didn't help.
Sad that these scripts don't work anymore, look like there still remain some hidden games.
And your site doesn't have "Unlisted" button now.
Kenpoleon Bonaparte 20. lis. v 12.57 
Thank you, Hopeless Gamer, for your work on this guide. It obviously helped hundreds, if not thousands, of Steam gamers get their WishList fixed over the years. You're a star. :sherrifstar:
IDMooseMan 19. lis. v 10.08 
Thank you for the update. I appreciate the work you accomplished on your project. This script helped me greatly over the years.
The HopelessGamer™  [autor] 18. lis. v 21.05 
Hi Everyone. This script currently is no longer operational due to Steam's recent Wishlist Update.

I am not entirely certain if the bug that this script resolves has been fixed by Steam in this recent update, however, currently, none of the scripts in this guide are currently functional.

Currently, I do not know if this can be repaired.
The HopelessGamer™  [autor] 17. lis. v 16.02 
Hi Noctum,

I am not sure how you are seeing that as I have just tested it and it appears to work without issue.

Watch the video above and make sure you follow it to the letter, just use which ever script you prefer.

Please let me know if you are doing anything different than whats in the video. It should be identical.
Noctum 17. lis. v 8.32 
Here is some additional information: Mozilla Firefox has an auto-complete feature for the development console and informs me that $, $_, $$, $0 and $x are available, but no $J. There are a lot of functions starting with "R" including RefreshSteamNotifications(), but no RemoveFromWishlist().
Noctum 17. lis. v 8.02 
@The HopelessGamer™
I now tried it in Microsoft Edge with all browser extensions disabled. I opened:
and logged into my account (I wasn't logged in with the browser before). Same result as before:
Uncaught ReferenceError: $J is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: RemoveFromWishlist is not defined
The HopelessGamer™  [autor] 17. lis. v 6.59 
All fixed. Now says the following: "Error: Invalid Id or Wishlist Private!". Steam has updated the error page for wishlists that are private. It originally loaded a wishlist style page, just with an empty wishlist. Now it loads an actual "Oops" page.