Garry's Mod
330 คะแนน
How to Jump in Garry's Mod
โดย alex
This guide will walk you through on how to jump on the online/singleplayer video game known as Garry's Mod created by Garry Newman and Facepunch studios.
How to acquire Garry's Mod
To begin with, Garry's Mod is only available on PC's. (A PC is a secret code for "personal computer").
Consoles and phones cannot be used for this guide.
Computers or PC's may cost hundreds of dollars to acquire.

In order to possess Garry's Mod, you must make a steam account with an "email" (Email means "electronic mail", this is used to verify your account. Additionally, if you have a phone, you can add a mobile authenticator to your device, though this isn't required for the guide. Furthermore, you may also add a "profile picture" (a picture for your account that can be viewed by anyone and your friends).

By now, you should have your account made. However, Garry's mod is not free, therefore you must add monetary value to your account.

Click on your account (on the upper right-hand corner).
Then, click on "Account Details" (If you cannot see it, I have provided advanced sensory visuals to aid you).

Now, "left-click" on "Account Details" (The action of clicking is performed by pressing down on the left-side of your "mouse". Your "mouse" is your "PC's" external pointer device used to select and click items on your computer screen).

To continue, left-click on "Add a payment method to this account". Now you should see this screen.

You need a credit card to add monetary value to your account. A credit card is a small plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit. (Google)

You may use: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, or JCB.
Follow the process and add $10 to your account. ($10 is about 8.87 Euros, 5.46 pound sterling, and 460.23 Russian Ruble).

NOTE: you may also use a digital Steam gift card. They are usually available at your local retail store!


Now, you should have $10 or more in your account ("or more" means that you may have more than $10 on your account, it will not ruin the walkthrough).

Go to the "STORE" button (I have highlighted the button for you in case thy cannot find it).

Afterwards, you will want to go to the search bar and search "Garry's Mod" (in case you aren't a very good typer, I have provided a photo of a keyboard so you may look at it and find the letters you need. You will need 1 G, 1 A, 2 R's, 1 Y, 1 ', 1 S, 1 M, 1 O, and finally, 1 D).

Click on Garry's Mod on the results that will show up.

"Scroll" downwards, until you see this image. (The act of scrolling is performed by interacting with the middle scroll wheel of your "mouse" in a downwards or upwards motion. In this case, you want to make it go downwards).

Click on "Add to Cart". (Note: you do not have a physical shopping cart, this is just an online term)

Follow the buying process. You will be asked if you want to gift Garry's Mod to someone else. For this guide, this will not be needed, so do not partake in the act of gifting.

Once the purchase is complete, you will see "Garry's Mod" (an online video game produced by Garry Newman and Facepunch Studios) in your Steam Library.


Congratulations! You are finished with the first part of this guide! Acquiring Garry's Mod!

Launching Garry's Mod
After following the procedures described earlier, you should now have Garry's Mod (a sandbox game created by Garry Newman and Facepunch Studios) in your Steam Library.

Follow the installation process (since I already have Garry's Mod installed, I used another game as an example, but there is no difference).

Depending on the PC (personal computer) you have, the installation of Garry's Mod may take many hours or less. Make sure you have enough space on your "hard drive", (your PC's storage) or else you cannot install Garry's Mod.

Steam will install Garry's Mod. Do not worry, Steam will notify you once the installation is over.

Once Garry's Mod is installed, go to your Steam Library and "left-click" "Play" (left-clicking is the act of pressing down on the left side of your "mouse". Clicking "Play" signifies that you want to open Garry's Mod, the sandbox game created by Garry Newman and Facepunch Studios).

Once the step above is complete, Garry's Mod will begin loading (don't panic! This is a normal part of the process!).

Once the loading is complete, you will be greeted with the main menu of Garry's Mod.

Click on "Start New Game" (visionory aid has been established in the picture to guide you).

You will now be greeted with the map selection screen. Choose "gm_flatgrass" and left-click the large blue button titled "Start Game".

You will be put through a similar loading screen as as you have probably noticed with launching Garry's Mod, except this time, it may take longer to load (this is because the game must load assets and the whole map! Don't worry, this is normal!).

Congratulations! You have completed the second part to this guide! Launching Garry's Mod!
Understanding The Science Behind Jumping
Before we discover how to jump in Garry's Mod, we must first be acquainted with the science behind jumping.

"Jumping or leaping is a form of locomotion or movement in which an organism or non-living (e.g., robotic) mechanical system propels itself through the air along a ballistic trajectory. Jumping can be distinguished from running, galloping and other gaits where the entire body is temporarily airborne, by the relatively long duration of the aerial phase and high angle of initial launch." Wikipedia[]

Although replicated in many forms in video games, jumping is very much real. Many animals, such as
hares, kangaroos, cats, humans, spiders, frogs, etc. can jump in real life!

But how does this happen?

Jumping occurs by applying force upon on the ground, which will then, cause the ground to apply force back to you. Of course, this is made possible by specific bone structures (not all animals can jump) and strong leg muscles. If you do not possess the right bone structure or powerful enough muscles to jump, do not worry, it is not required for the guide.

What if jumping never existed?

We can be sure if jumping never existed, parkour wouldn't exist, trampolines wouldn't exist, doing skateboarding tricks wouldn't be possible, and for sure, jumping itself wouldn't exist in Garry's Mod itself, as we would have no idea what jumping even was if it never existed!

Understanding The History And Use Of The Spacebar
Now that you've understood the science and amazing use of jumping, it is time to learn about the "spacebar".

"The space bar, spacebar, blank, or space key[1] is a key on a typewriter or alphanumeric keyboard in the form of a horizontal bar in the lowermost row, significantly wider than other keys. Its main purpose is to conveniently enter a space, e.g., between words during typing.

A typical space bar key is very large, enough so that a thumb from either hand can use it, and is almost always found on the bottom row of standard keyboard layouts." Wikipedia[]

Right below the "B" key is the 'spacebar". Knowing the exact location of the "spacebar" is cruical to jumping in Garry's Mod.

The history of the spacebar dates all the way back to 1843 with the earliest versions of the "typewriter" (a machine similar to the keyboard of a PC, used to print out words onto physical copies of paper).

The spacebar is typically used to "space" out words. Additionally, it is a very long "bar", hence, the name, "spacebar".

This knowledge will become important later on during this guide.
Take a break!
You have done so well throughout this guide, it is time for some rest.

Go outside! Or lay down...

Maybe...go to a beach?

Or...the city?

Your life is short. You should make the best of it.
Follow your dreams, and don't let anyone put you down.

(Note: Quitting Garry's Mod will not delete Garry's Mod from your Steam Library, it is safe to do so if you plan on taking a long break.)
Jumping in Garry's Mod
Did you enjoy your break? I hope you did...because now it is time to jump in Garry's Mod! (The sandbox game created by Garry Newman and Facepunch Studios).

Launch Garry's Mod.
If you forgot how to do so, go back to "Launching Garry's Mod" earlier in the guide.

You should now be in-game, in "gm_flatgrass".

(Your screen should look something similar to this.)

Now, press the "spacebar" (the keyboard key discussed earlier, it is the long, bar-like, key under the "B" key).

Your character should now "jump" upwards.

If you want to see your entire character "jump", you must press "esc" on your machinery's keyboard.

Afterwards, left-click "Options", then go to "Advanced" located in the bottom section, and left-click it.

Now, "check" "Enable Developer Console".

Now, press the "~" key on your keyboard.
You should now see the "Console" on your screen.

Type "sv_cheats 1" in the console (don't worry, you will not be VAC banned for this!). Press "Enter" on your keyboard afterwards.
Then, type "thirdperson" in the console. Press "Enter" again.

You should now see your character.

Now, jump again using the "spacebar"!

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to jump in Garry's Mod!
213 ความเห็น
corybutter 7 ต.ค. 2022 @ 11: 34pm 
how do you walk?
Herb 7 ต.ค. 2022 @ 1: 09pm 
i think i did it wrong.. i pressed alt f4 :missing:
your local jet 23 ก.พ. 2022 @ 10: 43pm 
um when i pressed spacebar i accedently pressed the w key and it made me jump on a button and i heard an explodion coming from a childrens hopital is that allright or is it not?
AJackFox 27 มิ.ย. 2021 @ 5: 47pm 
misleading i accidentally had sex with a cat
fazexxohiolordxx 12 พ.ค. 2021 @ 11: 57am 
thanks now i know how to jump
Chev 18 ต.ค. 2020 @ 5: 15am 
i dont have a keyboard
Randruf 17 ต.ค. 2020 @ 9: 11pm 
thank you so much i just realized my keyboard was a cat and when i tried to press the long bar key it bit me but suprisingly it did jump
bread 16 ต.ค. 2020 @ 2: 34pm 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░░IS FUCKING DEAD
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄░░HOLY SHIT
Bird_ 16 ก.ย. 2020 @ 8: 57am 
thank you