Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Оцінок: 147
Hydrophobia: Prophecy - Complete Guide
Автор: letto
The complete walkthrough of Hydrophobia: Prophecy, written by Jallen9000. List of Documents at the end of each act credit to CyanideHappiness (PS3T). Medal guide credit to SparkleNFade (PS3T).
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Kate's Room
Hello and welcome to the game. Your first task is to collect your Mavi; turn around and head over to the desk where it should be marked by a yellow diamond. Cue the next cutscene…yeah I don’t know why they bothered with split it either. You can now either head straight out the door or you can explore Kate’s new apartment and gain a medal (well it’s new to me alright; it’s a lot nicer than
her original one).

Assuming you want to explore; first head over to the balcony for a nice view of the fireworks. Go back inside and look on the table in front of the main TV, you’ll find your first object [Sleeping Pills]. Turning around again look for the single seat just to the right of where you picked up your Mavi to get the document [Classical Engineering]. Go left and up the stairs. Follow it around to the left to find [Weighted Wrist Bands] on a chair. Straight on from that you’ll find [Hand Grips] on the sofa and just to the right of that you’ll find the document [Just Checking In]. Right of that you’ll see a bookcase that’ll have two viewable pictures and a [Roy The Donkey] doll. Finally head back to the stairs and see the dining table (who designed this place, having the kitchen downstairs but the dining table as far away as possible, upstairs?) to find the object [Swimming Certificate] and the document [Sponsorship]. Head out the door but before you do look to your left on the wall to see a viewable picture and then go into the kitchen to the right and see the last viewable item. You should then net the medal [Introspective].

With all that meandering around done, head out the door to trigger a cut scene. When you take control of Kate quickly jump up on the series of railings right in front of you and follow them up as high as you can go. Once at the top head left, press Q to drop down to the lower level and pull yourself up to safely.

Once out head to your left and try to open the door at the end of the corridor to get the document [Malfunctioning Door]. With that bit of foreshadowing complete turn around and follow the corridor down and out the door into the stairway. One Wilhelm scream later follow the stairway up a level to trigger another cutscene showing the door is locked. With that done keep going up the stairs and enter the room at the top.
Kate's Room - Documents & Medals

(1/72) Sleeping Pills: On the table in front of you as soon as the game starts.

(2/72) Classical Engineering: Turn around and head towards a giant t.v. to activate a cutscene. After it ends you'll notice a chair to your side. This is right next to it.

(3/72) Certificate of Achievement: On the table upstairs. You can't miss it as it's probably the first thing you'll see.

(4/72) Sponsorship: Same as above.

(5/72) Roy the Donkey: After going up the stairs you'll notice an open room in the back. There will be a giant shelf with pictures scattered along it. Roy is on the right side of this shelf.

(6/72) Checking In: On the long couch in the same room.

(7/72) Hand Grips: Right next to the above.

(8/72) Weighted Wrist Bands: There will be a chair on the left side of the room (if facing away from the upstairs window) with a big blue pillow on it. This object is right on the arm of this chair.

(9/72) Border Security: This is automatically obtained when you start.


Introspective - Find all the objects in Kate's apartment.
Getting Off A-Deck
My God, he’s dead! Of what nobody knows. Before you download the hack program turn around and examine the desks either side of the entrance; behind the right one on the floor is a document [Review], while the left one houses the object [Queen of the World Replica], then behind the desk and once again on the floor is another document [Vision of the Future 1/2]. Head back up to the terminal but once again don’t access it yet, go right and pick up the document [Briefing]. Now pick up the hacking module and head out the door, revealing....

Yes revealing Kate is a complete moron. Listen people if you ever find yourself in a terrorist/bomb threat situation and you hear mysterious beeping go away from the noise NOT TOO IT! Anyway Kate may be an idiot but she’s not a coward; head back to the terminal where you got the hack module from, look to the left and see that the window is broken. Jump out the window onto the metal beam. Before heading down the beam look straight ahead and notice a red bar; you can
grab hold of that, so jump towards it and make your way along it. Once at the end of the bar swing and jump to the next beam, then follow it to the midway point and pick up the object [Queen of the World Anniversary]. Well there is nothing else out here so head back to the first beam you jumped on and go towards the highlighted panel. Jump off and perform your first hack.

Hacking is pretty easy in this game (and I found it a lot easier on a mouse than a controller) simply match your frequency wave with the one that’s being displayed. Move your mouse up and down to control the amplitude (the height) and left and right to control the wavelength (the length). The first hack in the game is extremely simple but later ones become more difficult. Also note that there is a medal that requires you to successfully hack every console in the game so if you care about in-game medals and you mess up now, reset and try again.

Well hack successfully done and the door now unlocked head back the way you came. Well there is another explosion blocking off the stairs, so jump over the banister, left of the door you just came through, down to the lower level. Follow the stairs down a level to reveal the ship is not only on fire but also flooding. Go through the door at the far end (the one we examined earlier) to enter yet another corridor. Only thing is, this corridor is flooding rapidly, so rush to the end (don’t worry about Scoot shouting “run”, there is no run command) to get through the door before it closes, you may have to press Shift to perform a roll to get through the door. Do this and you’ll gain the medal [Panther], fail and you’ll have to hit a button in the middle of the corridor before the room fills with water and drowns you.

Either way you get through the door you’ll now find yourself in some sort of storage area. Follow the room around and notice the ladder on the far wall, to the left. Head up and find the object [Queen of the World Anniversary Globe] at the end of the raised catwalk. No exits up there so head back down, facing the ladder head right around the corridor and into a new room. This cues Scoot to tell you how lucky you are while a guy frantically smashed a window on the TV screen, nothing of interest in this room so carry on to the highlighted objective.

Which turns out to be another evaluator shaft, groan! Grab hold of the ladder and go up as far as you can, which isn’t far I know. Now lean left and jump to the series of pipes, climb up the pipes and then follow them around the shaft, going up before ending up on the ladder again. Only now the burning elevator above you is about to crash; so quickly climb up the ladder to reveal yet another break in the rungs, lean left again and jump on some more pipes. Don’t go up the pipes but simply follow them around until you see a door, press E to open the door and then quickly pull yourself up. And wouldn’t you know it? You did it just in the nick of time as the elevator crashes just as you got through the door… who could have predicted that happening eh?
Saving The Chief (1/2)
Meanwhile Scorpio is busy bashing the window still not getting anywhere. Turns out he’s Chief Billingham and he’s about to die, this pleases Scoot. Once you gain control turn around and inspect the body that is glowing green (green bodies indicate they have items on their person) to receive the document [1798: Malthus Opens the Debate]. Once that’s done ignore the chief and go rightdown the corridor to see the purple door, this will net you another medal [Systems Engineer 2]. With the door inspected head back to the elevator shaft where you came through and jump on the pipes to the left (don’t fall, you’ll die). Go up the pipes, head left to reach the remaining ladder and go up that until you reach more pipes to the right. Lean and jump over to those pipes and follow them around to reach another door. Drop down a few rungs, open the door and then go inside. Inside this little room is a dead body with the document [Death or Glory]. With that collected head back down, you can jump straightover to the ladder on the opposite side of the shaft to save some time.

Well as the Chief will either suffocate or burn to death I guess we better get started on saving him, head back to where he is banging the window and notice the ladder to the left. Go up it and watch the cinematic where the walkway explodes for no good reason. Jump over the new gap and reach the glass wall, jump to the pipe hanging over the glass wall and follow it around to the next
balcony. Be careful not to be hit by the stream of steam that exits the pipe periodically, shouldn’t be too difficult. Drop down using the Q button to reachthe lower platform.

Enter the door and drop down to the lower level, pick up the document [Mila Krass] on the counter and the other document [Interrogation] found on the floor just behind the counter. Both objects collected go up the ladder and enter the marked room above the Chief. More fire will go off but don’t worry about it. Just to the right of the entrance there is the object [10th Anniversary Commemorative Coin] and in the middle of the room is a dead man glowing orange (orange glowing bodies means that they have frequency keys).

Well with that frequency key you’ll be able to see hidden messages on your Mavi, so bring up the Mavi by pressing 1 to see the room full of crazy. Notice that there are a series of yellow arrows which you should follow. Well actually you don’t need to follow them anymore, see in the original you had to follow them but in this game it automatically adds the location to your map. Whatever, you’ll need to head over to the purple door (purple means encrypted if you haven’t figured that out already), use the Mavi again and you’ll see a large purple logo that is actually the encryption key. Once targeted with the Mavi press the Left Mouse Button and you’ll be able to get through the door like it was unlocked. Again this is a change from the original where you had to use the Mavi to unlock the door.

Once through the door you’ll notice a gaping hole with a lot of fire around it, yeah don’t think about jumping it. Instead look to the left wall and jump up to the red pipe. Now you should inch along the wall being careful not to be barbequed by the flames that switch on and off…for some reason. Go through the next door and then down the stairs to reach yet another door. Once through that door you’ll trigger a cutscene where two Malthusians shoot a person and then wonder off, oohh the tension! Keep following the corridor and go through the purple door with a large glass window to the side of it. DON’T touch the terminal, instead bring up Mavi (press 1) and look to the right, do you notice a purple logo? That is a portrait of Thomas Malthus and if you scan it you’ll gain a little snippet from one of his Publications. I will refer to these as [Malthus Logos] throughout this guide. Right that done, now activate the terminal to gain the S.I.T.E Module, this allows you to open doors from a distance with the Mavi.

Now that you’ve got the S.I.T.E scan suddenly the game remembers that being stuck in a burning room isn’t good for you, so you have 60 seconds to make it back to Billingham or its game over. So quickly head back the way you came, don’t worry about the water pouring in. Run up the stairs and use the pipe again to cross the gap and trigger a little cutscene when you reach Billingham. After that bring up Mavi and target the green door behind Billingham, press the Left Mouse Button to open the door and let in the water behind it; which extinguishes the flames.

With the Chief saved the lower door to the holding cells are now bizarrely open, so go inside to get the praise you deserve. Yeah, we should have let him die. Well before you hack the system to the left of the door on the first desk there is the object [Character Profile: Chief Billingham], on the next desk by where Billingham is standing there is the document [Honesty Corner] and finally on a overturned cabinet there is the object [Commanders Cut]. Now you can hack the system and once done Billingham once again proves why people don’t like him.
Saving The Chief (2/2)
Once you’ve regained control go back through the door you came through to get a video from Mila. Mila wasn’t in the original game so it’s nice to see an actual villain in this one, no matter how stupid she actually looks/sounds. Go back to the area where you picked up the S.I.T.E scan. On the way you’ll notice that the fierily pit has died down a bit and a beam now lies across it, balance on the beam and walk across. Once down the stairs and into the corridor the door at the end will burst open under the pressure of the water. You would think they would have built this ship to be a tad more waterproof but anyway, swim through the door and you’ll find yourself in one of the rooms you went through to get to the security office/cells/type place. Key thing to remember when swimming is that the Shift Button makes you dive, the Space Button makes you surface and the Ctrl Button makes you swim faster. This is the first room where you really get a chance to safely practice the controls so you may want to take advantage of that. Once you’re ready head through the only door that is working to enter the room with the ladder and follow it around to the room you originally came in. Another flooded corridor and the water is rising, hold down CTRL to swim quicker and go through two corridors and then surface in the stairwell. Yes all that work and you’re back at the entrance of the Shuttle Plaza. Go through the door to trigger a cutscene.

And of course they’ve encrypted the elevator so you’ll have to backtrack yet again. To make matters worse the water outside this room is now a lot higher. Before you open it however bring up Mavi and look to the right of the elevator door to reveal a [Malthus Logo]. Now open the door and dive down one level and go back the way you came. The elevator shaft you came out of at the start of the game is now flooded and you’ll have to swim up to the top of it; hold down the Space Button to swim upwards quicker.

Now apparently this is where you gain the hidden medal [Deep Breath] but I’ve never got it to trigger correctly. When you’re swimming up the elevator shaft look for the second door, you can open it and swim inside. At the end of the corridor is a green body with two documents [Review] & [Settling In]. To get the medal you’re supposed to swim all the way from the stairway, into the corridor and then surface in the elevator in one breath, only I did that and didn’t get anything. Although the medal makes it sound like you’re supposed to reach the surface of the elevator and then go get the documents but again I did that and didn’t get the medal. Finally I heard that if you triggered the cutscene where you get your gun and then went back to collect the documents you got the medal; again I tried it, and got nothing. So I honestly don’t know what you’re supposed to do but I’m guessing you don’t care too much anyhow.

Well once you get out of the elevator shaft and walk a few paces into the corridor you’ll pick up your gun, hell yeah. Only thing is the gun doesn’t shoot bullets but sonic’s. Which are not blue hedgehogs, but instead concussive blasts of sound. You can still kill enemies with the sonic ammo but it’ll either take a few shots for them to go down or one charged shot to the head; as you’ve just now gathered you can pick up different ammo as the game progresses.

Well it’s a good thing you have a gun because there are electrical cables hanging down which will electrocute you if you go near them. Aim (hold down the Right Mouse Button) at the top of the wires and shoot (press the Left Mouse Button) them short. Two hits should sever the cable but you can also charge your shot by holding down the fire button. Just to the left of the cables is a glass window with a lot of water behind it, these are dotted throughout the ship and a charged shot will destroy the glass letting out a torrent of water. There are also explosive barrels scattered around the area; a normal shot will just knock the barrels around whereas a charged shot will cause them to explode. Keep a few around through because you may need them later, hint, hint. Well at any rate go through the door to complete Act 1, yay you!
Act 1 - Documents

(10/72) Bloated Existence: On the wall to the left of the Central Access Station door.

(11/72) Briefing: After the cutscene where you find a dead Yates, look on the floor to his right.

(12/72) A vision of The Future: Turn around and head down the stairs. Go behind the desk to your right to find this on the floor.

(13/72) Queen of The World Replica: Same as above, only on the desk this time.

(14/72) Review: On the floor behind the desk on the opposite side.

(15/72) Queen of The World Anniversary: After the giant explosion, jump to the metal beam. Instead of going right, their will be another pipe in front of you. Swing from that to another beam and walk along it.

(16/72) Queen of The World Anniversary Globe: After entering Distribution Centre Alpha, look for a ladder. Go up it and follow the catwalk.

(17/72) The Truth: After entering the Lower Security Complex, this will be behind a wall to the left of the doorway.

(18/72) After the flaming elevator breaks off, head back in and head to the top to find this on a dead body.

(19/72) 1798- Malthus Opens The Debate: After climbing out of the elevator shaft where the elevator breaks off, to your left will be a dead body. Search it.

(20/72) Epitaph: Right above the previous dead bod will be climbable bars that lead to a secret room. Head in there and search the dead body.

(21/72) 10th Anniversary Commemorative Coin: On the desk in the room you find the keycard.

(22/72) Interrogation: After getting the keycard off the dead body, exit the room and head down the ladder to find this on the floor.

(23/72) Wanted- Mila Krass: On the desk in the same room as the above.

(24/72) The Simple Solution: After using the MAVI to access the door behind the Chief, scan the wall to his left to find a red symbol.

(25/72) Commanders Cut: After entering the room with the chief, look on a desk to your right.

(26/72) Morton: See SITREP

(27/72) RE: FW: Morton: See SITREP

(28/72) SITREP: These 3 are automatically obtained by picking up Billingam's character profile. It's in the same room he is.

(29/72) Security Breach: On the table opposite Commanders Cut.

(30/72) Honesty Corner: On the table right next to the chief.

(31/72) The Coming Storm: In the office next to where you obtain the SITE scan module.

(32/72) Harvest of the Unworthy: After entering the newly opened Central Station Access door, you will find this on the right side wall next to an elevator.

(33/72) RE: Review: See RE: Settling In.

(34/72) RE: Settling In: After entering the elevator shaft that you need to swim up, you will notice a door half-way through. Get some air and swim to the end of the hallway for this.

(35/72) Will of God: To the left of the body will be another room. It's on the wall.

(36/72) Doctrine: At the end of the act look to the right side of a giant t.v. screen.
First Enemies
Before you do anything else go forward a bit, turn around and look up. There you’ll find a [Malthus Logo] above the door, high up. It’s possible to get later in the game as you will revisit this area, oh yeah backtracking is very much the name of this particular game. Also I just noticed if you walk around this area Kate will grunt bizarrely…erm moving on from unclean thoughts head through the double door at the far end of the room.

It’s the generator room, or a generator room at any rate. The floor is covered with water and electricity is running through it. So go forward and up the ladder to reach the catwalks above. Once up there you’ll see a beam connecting the platform you’re currently on to the other side of the room; Kate, for some reason, decides now is the time to worry about falling to her death but ignore her and balance your way across the beam. Turn right and pick up the semi-auto rounds for your gun. These work like normal bullets but I would advise rationing them for future use.

Now go the other direction and attempt to jump across the gap. Yeah I know it looks like you won’t reach it but hidden just out of camera view is a sign that Kate will grab hold of; swing and then jump to the next section of the platform. Once across you’ll see another beam, balance your way along then to get to the opposite side of the room. To your left there is another dead guy with more semi-auto rounds, you can jump over and fetch them but it isn’t necessary, now head right and fall down to the ground below. In front of Kate there should be a wall of fire, position yourself so you can see the door behind it, use your Mavi and open the door to unleash the water and extinguish the flames. Now enter the room and pick up the frequency key from the dead guy. Follow the arrows in the room to find the next frequency key. On the wall furthest away from the entrance to this room are four transformers (maybe), use a charged shot on each of them to shut down the generator and allow you to wade through the water and back to the entrance.

Only now two Malthusians will appear, take cover by pressing C on a wall or chest-high-wall. You might be able to shoot the explosive barrels with a charged shot as they enter the room and end the fight extremely quickly, if not don’t worry about it. Use charged sonic rounds and aim either at their heads or explosive barrels as they go past. It only takes one charged shot to down a Malthusian on normal difficulty, two charged shots max on hard difficulty. You can also switch ammo by pressing R to switch to semi-auto rounds but it really isn’t needed at the moment.

Once you reach the door get a charged shot ready and open it, there should be another two Malthusians in the area so take them down and go back to the encrypted door, the one you found just before the start of this act. Once in the corridor there should be another Malthusian, hopefully he’s standing next to an exploding barrel so take aim and let sonic destroy the badniks…or just shoot him, whatever. Decrypt the door at the end of the corridor.

Once through the door you’ll see another enemy strolling around, take cover and shoot him in the head or use the exploding barrels to take him out. Be careful as there is another enemy around but this is the corridor of death! Lining the walls are electricity conduits and gas-lines with exploding barrels so you should be able to have some fun with the environmental damage. Word of warning though, be careful not to get too close to these before shooting them with a charged shot…for obvious reasons. There are also windows you can break that will sweep the enemies off their feet if they get close enough.

At the end of the corridor this is a massive “vent” on the wall to the left. Scoot will tell you about it too and then go on to make a Die Hard reference, ugh. Even without your annoying fake Scottish accent I still don’t like you Scoot. Don’t follow the directional marker and instead head left out of the vent. Now go right and look at the wall away from the vent with your Mavi to find another [Malthus Logo]. Now go back into the vent and continue down the passage until you come to a red-laser-gird-type-thing. No idea what purpose this thing is meant to have but it will kill you if you touch it. Simply wait for it to move and follow it until you reach a fork in the vent, duck into the vent and then wait for the laser grid to pass you the other way before rushing out to follow the remainder of the short passage.
Cycloconverters (1/2)
Once out of the vent head forward to see the door overload, or something, trapping you in the room. See this is why not every room needs to be electrical doors, or for that matter doors shouldn’t have the ability to kill you. If a door overloads there should be a fuse switch that shuts the down the link to the main grid, not something that lets the excess electricity spill out killing anybody that tries to open the bloody door. The Malthusians don’t need to kill these people; frankly it’s a miracle the boat has lasted 10 years in the first place. But at any rate Scoot isn’t worried about the safety regs at the moment and instructs you to download the CCTV Hijack Module for your Mavi from the console.

Once done bring up your Mavi; look up and to your right to see camera (looks like half a yellow orb). Once found press the Left Mouse Button to see from its point of view, now cycle between the cameras on that network by pressing Q/E. You’ll now see a cutscene where a Malthusian is killing people, look for the door to the left and open it to let in the water. This will kill the Malthusians and allow that random person to escape. It will also overload the Cycloconverters setting off a chain reaction of explosions that’ll cut the power surge (but not all electricity) in the area. You see what I mean when I say this ship isn’t safe? Adding water to your generator isn’t great granted but I’m assuming the energy production of the ship has something to do with water and that the thing should have a fail-safe system that means it doesn’t explode when a foot of water floods the room.

Anyway with that rant out of the way, go back to the malfunctioning door and left into the door just to the side, on the desk there is a document [The Cycloconverters Operational Overview]. After that exciting read bring up the Mavi and look behind the desk on the wall to find a [Malthus Logo]. After that shoot the window out (to the right of the desk) and head down the stairs. More enemies will enter the room. To quickly dispatch of them look at the wires hanging above the water where they enter from; charge a shot and shoot the wire as close to the far left wall as possible to have the wire drop down into the water and electrocute them. That should kill one, if not both of them. If you missed them then there are plenty of gas bottles and other electrical wires around the room to use and of course if all else fails you can just shoot them.

However you deal with the two intruders go down the stairs. Directly opposite the end of the stairs is a raised platform with two streams of gas that are currently on fire, you can’t do anything at the moment but remember that location because there is a document under the flames. Now head to the marked door to enter another series of corridors which should be clear of enemies. Through the corridors you’ll now enter Cycloconverter B, which is a mirrored image of the room you were just in. This room has three enemies in it so crouch down using the Ctrl button. You can also hack into the camera’s looking over the area to see the location of the guys with guns. There are a series of hazards scattered around the area; gas tanks and electrical wires, so make use of those to take out the enemies and remember to use cover. Once the three are defeated head upstairs and shoot out the window…isn’t 100% necessary but shooting out the window now means you won’t be heard when you open the door later. Once you enter the room bring up Mavi and view the wall on the far side for the next [Malthus Logo], now hack the console to turn off the cycloconverter.

Once you’ve hacked the console more enemies will spawn. If you’re on hard difficulty one will spawn in the same room as you. Or at least I assume it’s only on hard because I first played it on normal and it didn’t happen. Either way enemies will spawn near you so crouch and make use of the gas tanks and electrical equipment on the walls to take out enemies when they head to your location. Remember enemies won’t close the gap on you while they have cover and you’re shooting at them. I count a total of six enemies in the room, take them out and one will have a frequency key. The cipher will be on the wall of the room you used to come in, on the lowest level of the room. The way you need to go is on the opposite side of the room to the cipher; but before you enter the next corridor head right (facing the door) and find the raised platform; bring up Mavi and on the green lockers will be a [Malthus logo]. Now go through the marked room, down the corridor, decrypt the door and use the terminal to shut off the gas.
Cycloconverters (2/2)
A quick Zelda tune later head back the way you came. Don’t rush into the cycloconverter B room however, because there are two Malthusian’s patrolling the lower area. Simply charge some shots and shoot them from the doorway, entering the room will probably lead to you being attacked from two sides which isn’t recommended. Go through the series of corridors but watch out, after the second door there will be two guards patrolling the corridor; there are breakable windows and explosive barrels if you need some help taking them down.

In the Cycloconverter A room yet another Malthusian has spawned but he’s all by his lonesome and should be easy to pick off with a well-placed charged headshot. Remember the raised platform with the jets of heated gas I mentioned? No, well on the far left side from the door you entered there is a document [Anxiety] behind some lockers. Before you go through the marked door instead head through the door where you let the water out of to save the hostage in CCTV mode. Go down the corridor and enter the encrypted room, turn around and find a [Malthus Logo] above the door. Now go to the marked door.

Once though you’ll notice that there are more streams of heated gas…what gives ,I thought we turned off the gas? Well anyway timing is key; make your way through the stream picking up object [Anxiety No More] halfway. Once through the door you’ll come across a gap in the floor and a lot of fire, Scoot will ask you to find a water source. Bring up Mavi and hack into the CCTV on the ceiling straight in front of you; pan to the left and open the door using S.I.T.E scan.

Jump down the hole into the now flooded corridor and swim forward to find a dead body with a frequency key on him. By the body there should be a ladder, climb up it and out of the water. Directly in front of the ladder will be the cipher, so bring up Mavi and scan it. You can now open the mesh door just to the left of your current position. Go out through the door and follow the corridor around to the left, open the door and a lot more water will pour out. Inside of that room will be a [Malthus Logo]. Nothing else is in this room so go back to the room where you had to run between ruptured gas lines by jumping over the gap in the floor.

Once past the gas (again!) open the mesh door to the right. Jump down to the lower level and turn the override valve. After that the room will predictably flood. For some reason this will also cause the door at the top to lock... because the developers were lazy. At any rate it’s not a long swim back to the ladder where you found the last cipher, just swim under the collapsed walkway and you should know where you are. Once up the ladder look to your right, just around the corner (where there was heated gas before) is a [Malthus Logo]. With that collected go out into the corridor and follow it around to the right and enter another vent.

Go down the vent, being careful to avoid the jets of gas (again, we’ve turned it off twice now!), at the end of it you’ll find new ammo for your gun Gel rounds. These are explosive round that detonate 10 seconds after hitting their target. You can also press the G button after firing to detonate a round immediately. Outside of the vent you’ll find a dead body with the document [Resistance]. By the way this room isn’t a corridor but a rather large room with one angry Malthusian in it; Scoot will tell you to use your Gel rounds to take him out “quietly”. How explosive rounds are quieter than your virtually silent sonic rounds is beyond me; but whatever use them if you wanna.

Scoot will also tell you to hack into the cameras…don’t because almost immediately two guards will enter the room, position yourself so you’ve got some cover and make use of the explosive barrels in the area. Killing these guys should be second nature by now so I don’t think you’ll have too big a problem. On the opposite side of the room from where you entered there should be a small maintenance room; enter it and bring up your Mavi to scan the [Malthus Logo] on the wall just above the gel ammo on the floor…which you should pick up obviously. By the gel ammo there is also a document [VFD overview] on the floor. now hack the marked terminal in the room.

Once you’ve done that two enemies will enter from the direction of where you came in, take cover and make use of any remaining barrels to take them out. Don’t be too smug because once you do a door will burst open and the room will flood and just to make things interesting another Malthusian will spawn from the area you entered the room. Kill him and enter the room that just burst open (should be right from the direction of the vent where you entered from), bring up your Mavi and scan the wall to find a [Malthus Logo]. Now swim to the marked location on the other side of the room, surface and you’ll find yourself at the exact height of the catwalks above the room, well wasn’t that convenient? On the catwalk will be another dead body with another frequency key, once you’ve got the frequency walk down the catwalk and find the cipher on the wall just beyond the bend.

Head back to where the dead body is and open the purple door. Doh! The door won’t open so instead bring up Mavi and hack into the camera beyond the door, cycle through the different cameras until you end up in a corridor, use S.I.T.E scan to open the door and drain the water from the room. Head to the marked door ,yet another purple encrypted door, and go through. You’ll end up in another corridor like room and there will be a Malthusian in it. Take him out but pay close attention to the walls, this is the first area where you can destroy walls which will let in a torrent of water.

With the guy dead head to the right of the encrypted elevator to the loading bay and up the ladder. Once at the top of the ladder bring out the Mavi and scan the area directing in front of you for a [Malthus Logo]. Just around the corner from that logo is a series of red pipes, climb up them and go around to the right. Drop down and enter the room picking up the document [Miracle] from the desk. If you don’t normally read documents you might want to read this one, it’s written by that guy we saved earlier; hey this is the only thing that indicates any of our actions matter in any way, so you might as well attempt to enjoy it!

Now jump out of the room and grab hold of the red scaffolding, shimmy around until you’re opposite the vent and backwards jump at it. Open it up and then enter it following it around to the right. Before you drop down take aim with your pistol and shoot out the wires electrifying the water. Be sure to cut them short too because the water will be rising in a minute.

With all the cords cut, drop down and loot the frequency key from the dead body. Just to the right of the console you have to hack is another [Malthus Logo]. Now hack the marked console which causes the VFDs, that are right next to you, to explode; stupid on several levels but never mind we’re about to do something stupider. We are now trapped because we can’t reach the vent, turnaround from the terminal you just hacked and look at the wall. It should be leaking water and glowing red, charge up a shot and shoot the wall causing the ship to flood even more; thus allowing you access to the vent. I don’t care if we do stop the Malthusians this ship is either going to sink soon after or be impossible to repair.

Go back down the vent and jump over to the small room where you found the “Miracle” document. Once inside you’ll hear a radio message about how horrible life is, everybody is going to die, SAVE US SUPERMAN! Or something, bring up your Mavi and scan the room for the cipher. Cipher in hand drop down to the lower level and exit through the door.
The Loading Area
Through the door you’ll get a pop-up telling you to disable to gas jets. There will be a column to your right and but that will be a vending machine, climb onto the vending machine and jump up to the red pipes. Don’t enter the vent but instead go to the left and up more pipes and the broken glass sign…Kate’s hands are impervious to glass don’t you know? Keep following it around to the left, drop down on the catwalk and then use the valve at the end to stop the gas, again!

With that done jump down, shoot out the glass to the separating wall. Walk down the corridor and find the three weakened walls, shoot them to get them to break and let in more water. This should gain you the medal [Vandal]. With that bit of sacking done turn around and head to the marked door.

Right now in the next section don’t panic; Scoot makes it sound like it’s urgent but you can always surface to catch your breath. Dive straight down into the water and head to your left when you reach the bottom and head towards the valve, and then turn it. Remember to hold down CTRL to speed up your swimming. Now turn around and swim around the corridor around to the left, left again and then right at the fork. The second valve is behind glass so aim and charge a shot before shooting it out and turning that valve. With the water receded you’re not going anywhere just yet, instead dive down again and enter the room in the middle of area, bring up Mavi and scan a [Malthus Logo] just by the grate you opened in the cutscene.

With that done surface close to the second valve and head up the red pipes. Follow them around and up and you should reach a piper where you can swing and jump onto the next platform. Exit the room and enter the stairwell but don’t go through the next door, instead go down a level and submerge. Bring up Mavi and scan the wall for a [Malthus Logo]. Now go back up a level and open the door.

After the short cutscene telling you to clear the elevator hit Ctrl to crouch down and enter sneaking mode, back out the door you just came in and then bring up Mavi. Look to your left and hack into the camera system. Right now a cutscene will play out and Gollum will waffle something about nanobots destroying the world, you can see him via the camera if you cycle through once. If you cycle through the feeds three times you should see the lowest area in the room with a door just below the corridor the corridor Kate is almost in. Use the camera to open the door and that’ll flood the area gaining you the medal [Maelstrom].

Now you can either start killing the guys in the area or you can sneak down to the right and hack the terminal just after the corridor (you shouldn’t find any enemies going this way). Behind the newly hacked door you’ll find a dead body with a frequency key, some rapid-fire rounds behind the desk and a [Malthus Logo] just to the right of the door you came in. There is also a completely pointless camera in this room...

With all the mysteries of the room solved it’s time to move out. If you didn’t decide to kill the Malthusians beforehand there should be one patrolling the corridors now so you’re more than likely to get into a fight. There are plenty of explosive barrels, electrical boxes and gas mains to destroy so shouldn’t be too hard to defeat these guys by now. I count four on the higher level and two on the lower, if you flooded the area to get the medal these will be swimming around and so you might miss them. With the enemies dealt with for the time being go back to the entrance of this area and look for the cipher just but the first door on the right.

With the cipher gained another Malthusian should spawn behind the mesh fence in the large open room. Either kill him now or just ignore him as he only has a clear shot at you if you stay up the top…which you’re not going to be doing. Head down to the lowest level of the area and head left to find the bottom of the elevator shaft, shoot the glowing red wall behind the stacked yellow boxes to flood the room some more and to allow the lift to fall to the bottom of its shaft. Now swim up to top level and swim through where the red-lift was blocking the way to get to the highlighted door. Do note that another Malthusian will spawn in the area and combat while swimming can be a bit disorientating at first.
Kate To The Rescue
Once through the door you’ll come to large room with a gap between you and a security guard desperately banging on the window…with his gun? Listen I’m by no means the smartest guy in the world but if I was going to burn to death/was suffocating to death I would shoot out the window and jump. Well seeing as Kate is the only person on the ship that isn’t a complete idiot it’s time for you to save the day once again. Head over to the gap in the railing, bring up Mavi and look down to see a door behind the flames, open it and water will flood the lower area.

With the lower area filled with water jump down, dive underwater and look for the yellow barrels. Swim up to one and press E, this will make Kate grab onto it, drift down to the bottom by pressing Shift and place the yellow barrel into the blue storage container blocking the marked door. Yes you guessed right you’ll going to make a metal storage container float, perfectly balanced by the way, by placing 4/5 barrels in it. Barrels that provide so little buoyancy that Kate can grab them and submerge them with no visible effort. Carbon-fibre containers obviously, or maybe they’re made of the same stuff the Ark was made of in ‘Brink’?

Anyway with your levitation trick complete swim under the container and enter the door. Swim forward and then left, Scoot will start talking but ignore him (as normal) and pay attention to the Malthusian swimming in the corridor, shoot him quickly. Take note of an air pocket at the end of the corridor if you’re running out of breath. Before you go through the marked door look to your right and notice the window, shoot it and then bring up your Mavi to find a [Malthus Logo].

Once through the door you’ll enter another corridor with another Malthusian in it, there is another air hole in the roof just to the right of the entrance. With the Malthusian dead and Kate’s lungs filled with oxygen quickly swim down the corridor that has hot streams of water spurting out of the side, try to avoid the streams but don’t worry too much about them as they barely hurt you. Turn right and enter the stairway and surface. Go up the stairs and hear Kate plead in the blandest way possible for Scoot to get away from the Malthusians that are closing in on his position...you know what? I don’t think Kate likes him either and is just using him. Ignore the marked door and go up more for level to find a dead body with some ammo and a [Malthus Logo]. Now go back down and through the door.It’s time for another fire-fight. You’ll be in a room split in two with a large gap in the middle of it, there will be one Malthusian on your side and two more on the opposite. The area is covered with explosives and other deadly hazards so you should be able to make short work of them. Once they’re dead look up and shoot short the live cables that hang from the middle of the room; once safe hop on the moving platform and make your way to the other side of the room and search the bodies for the frequency key. Enter the room on the far left, pick up the Energy rounds on the floor (I really recommend you stock up on this ammo, final boss can only be beaten with this particular ammo type). Now scan the wall for to find the cipher. Once done enjoy the best cutscene in the game. Well it seems that we’re leaving that guy burn to death and we’re going to make a run for it. Go out the door and more Malthusians will have spawned, one on your side of the room and another two on the opposite. Once dealt with jump on the now stationary platform and oops!

End of Act 2 people, home stretch in sight!
Act 2 - Documents

(37/72) True Virtue: When you're in the vent, you can go either left or right. Go left to find this in a dead-end room.

(38/72) Graves of Mankind: In the room that becomes un-electrified after saving Grimely.

(39/72) Cycloconverters Operational Overview: Same room as above, on the desk.

(40/72) Anxiety: After shutting off Cycloconverter B, head back to the raised area with blue lockers. It'll be on the ground floor.

(41/72) Impure Temptations: In the raised area with green lockers. It'll be on one of the lockers on the ground floor.

(42/72) Unworthy Masses: In a room at the topmost floor. It'll be at the end of the room.

(43/72) Ultimatum: Head back to Cycloconverter A. Before heading out the exit there will be a door to the left. Head in and go down the halway to find a room on the right side. It's just above the door.

(44/72) Anxiety No More: On the floor between the 2 pipes that let out fire in an on/off fashion.

(45/72) The Sum of All Men: After shutting off the gas valves, head back up the ladder and look to the right for a room previously blocked by fire.

(46/72) In the room where you remotely open the door to let water in and douse out the fire.

(47/72) Balance of Power: When you reach the periodically flaming pipe, turn left to find this on the ground next to an electric grate.

(48/72) Resistance: After exiting a vent, this will be on the dead body right next to you.

(49/72) VFD Facility Overview: On the floor of the room where you hack the VFD control sub-systems.

(50/72) Ravaged Earth: same as above, on the bottom right of the t.v. monitor.

(51/72) Purer State: After hacking the VFD Control sub-systems, a door will be blown off by water. Enter the newly opened room to find this.

(52/72) The Cleanse: After climbing a ladder in the Loading Bay Access, this will be on the wall right in front of you.

(53/72) Miracle: after climbing a set of pipes, you should see a room. Enter this room and look on the desk.

(54/72) Higher Purpose: After dropping down a vent in the Loading Bay servers, you will find this to the right of the consoles.

(55/72) The Prophecy of Malthus: in a corner created by yellow rails. Dive underwater to find this on the floor.

(56/72) The Cause: After climbing some pipes in the Loading Bay Entrance, enter the vent and head to the end of the floor.

(57/72) Damnation: After turning a valve to drain the water out of a room, you will find this on the whit panel.

(58/72) Assisting The Convulsions of Nature: When you reach a stairwell, dive underwater to find this at the bottom.

(59/72) New World Order: In the room where you obtain the frequency key.

(60/72) Launching Mankind's Great Hope: After opening a door to drain water in, swim into the corridor to find this on top of a yellow container.

(61/72) Eternity: After completing the physics puzzle, head through the door and make a right to find breakable glass.

(62/72) Fatal Urges: When you reach another stairwell, head all the way to the top for this.
Pills Here!
Well now enter into the part of the game where things are more obviously different from the original XBLA version, in that one there was no nanobot subplot and the Malthusian plan was completely vague…sure it was probably planned to be revealed in the second episode but that didn’t work out so well, did it?

Anyhoo Kate will die soon if you don’t get some pills so slowly stagger over to the glowing green body to pick up your first dose of meds. Screaming “Grabin’ pills” optional, but encouraged. This won’t save Kate however; it’ll only postpone her death until she gets the real “cure”, so you’ll be picking up more pills as you progress through the game now. Funny thing is that the description for this medication says that all personal involved with the nanobots should carry a full dose of these pills, which means the other dead guy in the hazmat suit should have a full dose too…but that would ruin the pacing and indicate that these people aren’t complete idiots.

You don’t have time to think about it though as water will start to flood the area and two Malthusians will rush in, jump up on the collapsed walk way and shoot out the enemies now before the water rises, mainly because it’s a tad more difficult to shoot guys from the surface of the water while they have cover. Don’t rest on your laurels yet because another enemy will spawn on the other side of the gap and another enemy will somehow appear in the water in the centre of the room. Once everything is safe you should swim over the railings and enter the marked door that has just opened.

Once in the corridor Scoot will say he has to go and Kate actually reacts with emotion this time, yeah she’s definitely doesn’t like him and was just using him the entire time. Well you’re on your own now (apart from this guide that you’re reading) so carry on down the corridor and pick up the rapid fire rounds. Go through the first door but don’t rush ahead, there is actually a fork in this corridor and two Malthusians will emerge from it, so take cover and be ready to fire. The corridor will start to flood but it won’t completely fill the room so don’t worry about time. Once the coast is clear keep heading forwards.

Once in the room you’ll notice electric cables hanging down blocking the exit, you know what to do, shoot them short and proceed. You’ll be in yet another copy-pasted corridor, a Malthusian will enter from the left so be ready for him, another two will shortly follow him so don’t relax just yet. The corridor is lined with windows with water behind them and a few have some goodies behind them; going down the right fork in the corridor the first left room will be some ammo and in the right room will be a [Malthus Logo]. With that collected go back the way you came and take the left route. Smashing the marked window, pick up the ammo on the floor to the left and going through a door. To your left you’ll see another window and behind that you’ll find some more ammo. Quickly keep going (because there are no air pockets in here) through the next door. Before doing anything else immediately turn to your right and shoot the Malthusian who is waiting for you to come through the other door.
Triangles of Death
Now this is rather a tough fight, there area will have several Malthusians in the water with you; so dive and take them out best you can, but it’ll also have enemies on dry land shooting at you from above. Take cover behind the triangle pillar-things best you can move over to the right side of the area, look for the stairs leading up and shoot out the electrical wires blocking your way. You may want to take out a few guards from the water before proceeding but it can be tricky to get to them and judge their distance from the hazards, it’s at this point in the game that I recommend you switch to more deadly ammo because the game will now be swarming with enemies and armoured Malthusians will start appearing more often. Once you’re ready quickly swim to the stairs, go up them and take cover. You should then be able to take out the remaining guards with ease.

Once done head over to the marked terminal and begin a hack, it’ll stop the power surge just below. Immediately after you’ve hacked the terminal two guards will spawn near you, run to the wall directly opposite to the hacked terminal and shoot the explosive barrel next to the newly spawned enemies to make short work of them. If you’ve already used the explosive barrel in the area crouch down (Ctrl) to avoid being heard to give yourself time to aim at their heads to quickly take them down. Of course this isn’t the end of them; two more enemies have spawned in the water and are waiting for you to enter unawares. Kill them and enter the marked door.

Once in the flooded corridor head to your left to find an air pocket and a checkpoint. Go through the next door and down the next corridor (ammo to your left), behind the next door there should be another few Malthusians swimming around (don’t these guys breathe? At any rate there are some air pockets in the rooms to the side. Through the next door is almost a mirror image of the one with three triangle pillars. There should be three guys swimming in the water at first and a group shoot at you from one of the sides of the room. The key difference this time is that the triangles are sloping upwards towards the attackers so you can climb on them and look over their cover to kill them quickly.

Don’t rest too long on the triangles because another goon will appear on the opposite side of the gap, so quickly swim over there and take them out. Once you walk towards the marked exit the door will overload and kill a mook, only another two enemies will spawn behind you so watch out. It’s possible to crouch and to get a drop on them however.

Once the coast is clear run up the triangular pillar closest to the stairs and jump off the top, you’ll grab hold of a bar that will allow you to swing down to a broken part of the catwalk, now shoot out the glass doors and hack the terminal in the room. There is also Energy Gel ammo in this room and I strongly recommend you save it for later.
Once hacked the usual happens, the enemies respawn, two in the water and two on the land. Annoyingly there is a tough enemy guarding the top of the stairs so I would recommend being quick or using deadly ammo on him at least. Kill the enemies or just ignore them (the ones in the water pose no threat once you’re out) and go through the door to see yet another corridor. The first stretch of the corridor is free of enemies but just around the corner there are two Malthusians. Go through the next door and Kate will start begging for more pills, kill the Malthusian and hurry forwards and you now have a time-limit... a generous time-limit but let’s not tempt fate here.

Through the next door you’ll find yet another flooded room and the pills are right in front of you, so swim over and pop ‘em down. Look around though and you might actually recognise this room from back in early Act 2, swim down and find a route through the debris but under the fire on the surface of the water. Once through you can surface but two Malthusians will be there to fill you with lead, and while you can kill them there is nothing up top that you need, so head left aim at the barrels blocking the door; shoot, and then go through.

You may want to quickly surface and catch you breathe, while doing this bring up your Mavi and look for a [Malthus Logo] just above the surface of the water on the wall…you may have already got this earlier in the game. Now it’s time to grab hold of some yellow barrels and to place them in the object that is blocking the way, if the barrels don’t seem to be doing anything shoot them to loosen them up and to get the buoyancy working correctly. Swim through the door, along the familiar corridor and enter the elevator shaft.

You should know where we’re going by now’ submerge quickly, enter the marked door, swim along the corridor and surface in the stairwell. Those observant enough (and those making a walkthrough) will notice that the water level has actually dropped in this area, as opposed to everywhere else on the ship, and that vending machines are apparently highly flammable. With this noted go through the door and if you missed it the first time collect the [Malthus logo] to the right, now finally open the encrypted door to the Shuttle Plaza.
Shuttle Plaza
After the cutscene open the door and prepare for the biggest fight in the game, if you’re like me you have plenty of lethal ammo left; this is the time to use it. Kate will start to need more pills at this point so kill the first three enemies that are just around this corner. There is a dead body with some pills just jump the stairs to the left. After picking up the pills two Malthusians will spawn close to you and others will appear beyond the electric wires. Kill the two near you, shoot the wires and carefully make your way to the right away from the central plaza. Remember to make good use of cover; those shotguns are very accurate, even at long distances.

Once you’ve reached the area away from the plaza go around the billboards and bring up Mavi to find a [Malthus Logo]. Head back to the main area and work your way along the right side of the plaza, shoot the live wires and keep going to trigger a checkpoint. It is very important to shoot the wires before you hit the checkpoint, if you don’t you may end up restarting and getting electrified to death a second later.

At any rate more enemies will spawn so take cover again and take them out, slowly working your way forwards. There is nothing off the next area to the right so don’t bother heading down there. Keep going until the reach the final pathway off the main plaza and get into cover; as a group of heavily armed men will spawn there. With all the enemies dead shoot out the live electric wire and head up to the marked ladder. For those that played the original you may remember that there was an object hidden on top of one of the shacks, well it’s not any more. Instead look behind the eat Boy shack just after the checkpoint (with the dodgy wiring) and it should be a purple [Official Anniversary Big Boy Hat] just by the fire. You can also gain a medal here for knocking enemies over the side, I didn’t do it so I have no advice other than it’s harder than the original game because your sonic rounds actually hurt the enemy in this version… try explosives?

Once at the top of the ladder jump at the girder that has fallen on the roof and climb up it, SLOWLY. After a few rungs an explosion will happen shaking Kate from the girder knocking her down to grab one just before she goes splat. It’s meant to be a nice set piece with no real danger involved but if you’re too eager and are pressing up at the time Kate will slip a bit too far ahead and won’t be able to catch the railing on the way down. Well with the explosion done keep heading up the girder until you reach the top. Line up to the hole in the vent and perform a backwards jump. Pull yourself up and go left and follow the vent around until you drop down into a large room.

Cutscene should trigger, showing Mila getting into an elevator and Kate has begun to glow again, we need the cure damnit so get after her! Blocking your way are two normal thugs and inside the actual elevator are two stronger ones, you should know what to do by now. Of course the elevator is encrypted; but before picking up the frequency key look to the left of the elevator to find a [Malthus Logo], now pick up the key.

After picking up a key a door will open in the middle of the room and a Malthusian will come out of it. Enter the building and kill the two guards left inside and work your way up to the top floor. Look to the right with the Mavi and gain the final cipher. Yes the end of the game is close at hand, and of course this is where the original game ended. Well exit the building and discover that Kate can now control water, yay?
The End
Now the controls get a bit annoying; you can create a pillar of water by holding down the Right Mouse Button and move it by dragging the mouse, if you have an object in the pillar you can throw it by pressing V. Simple enough however it now means you can’t aim and you can’t bring up Mavi (however there is no longer any reason to bring up Mavi as I haven’t found any hidden logos in the next area). To switch back to normal controls press 4 (I don’t know why either, but it’s the button they picked).

Well this room is starting to flood and there is a small barricade now blocking the door; create a pillar of water, pick up the objects and throw using by pressing V. Now enter the elevator to start the final stretch. Out of the elevator you should find two Malthusians; use your new found power and sweep them off their feet, pick up an explosive barrel and throw it at the dazed opponents. Through the next door is another enemy, kill him and keep going forward.

Well turns out that Mila knows Kate and now considers her a threat, she has a pretty good line to explain this too; “When it’s your policy to kill everybody, you quickly discover who your enemies are. They’re the ones who survive”. Well I like it. Go across the corridor and down the stairs, and through another corridor until you end up in a room with electrified water and no visible way of opening the door or getting across. Look down and see the three boxes, create a pillar of water and move them around creating stepping stones for Kate. Your aim is to get Kate near the opposite catwalk so she can grab it and pull herself up. Once you’ve done that go through the door, kill two Malthusians, and continue forwards to face the final boss.

Okay it’s time for random boss battle, what purpose did that thing have? I mean she couldn’t have brought it with her so that means that an armed orb attached to a tiny ceiling track was already installed in the bowels of the ship. Well ignore any questions you have and duck behind one of the pillars on either side of the arena. Bring up the ammo wheel and select Energy Rounds (hope you’ve been saving them like I suggested). When she loses track of you get her to fire again (running in a straight line should always be fast enough to avoid her attacks) and that should make the vents on either side of the orb, er well, vent! Shoot a vent with the Energy round to open her up to damage. You may want to switch to normal mode (press 4) in order to aim again. Once you’ve hit the vent create a pillar of water and grab one of the explosive barrels in the centre of the room and throw it at her using V. This can be a bit fiddly but try to get the barrel just in front of her and high in the pillar before throwing.

After the first hit enemies will start to appear from the two sides of the room, remember to switch ammo types if you’re going to shoot them or simply use the water attacks to make short work of them. Remember to keep cover between yourself and Mila’s orb of death. No matter how many enemies you kill more will respawn, this is actually helpful if you don’t have enough ammo because they’ll drop the needed energy rounds. Clear the room of enemies when you can and repeat the pattern of; getting her to attack you, shooting the vents, and then throwing a barrel at the centre of the orb. Do this three times (of course it’s three times!) and you’ve defeated her and won the game.
Act 3 - Documents

(63/72) Futility: At the bottom of the loading bay, look for 2 blue containers stacked on top of each other. This will be on the wall behinf them.

(64/72) From The Flames: After shooting some electrified cables, head through the door and make a left into a corridor. Turn right into another corridor to find a locked room to your right with breakable windows. It'll be on one of the machines.

(65/72) Anniversary Preview: Head back to the room where the cables were. Go the same direction as the above, except stay to your left this time to find breakable windows. Head into the room to find this on a blue machine to the right.

(66/72) Queen of The World Anniversary Flag: After exiting an elevator and killing some enemies, look on the bench to your right.

(67/72) Moral Dignity: Walk out of the first walkway to see the 2nd walkway to your right. This will be located next to the closed elevators, behind the signs.

(68/72) Official Anniversary Big Boy Band: The 3rd walkway around the corner, on a bench.

(69/72) Official Anniversary Big Boy Hat: From the 3rd walkway look straight ahead to see an Eat Stop. This will be behind it, to the right.

(70/72) Satisfaction: In the 4th walkway on a bench.

(71/72) Scales of Injustice: To the left of the Plaza Station elevator door, on the wall.

(72/72) Duty: After exiting an elevator and killing an enemy, head into the water on the left. It's underwater at the base of the central machine-thingy.
Medal Guide (Story Related)
Story Related (Unmissable)

Infiltrate - Gain access to the Cycloconverters

Survivor - Complete Act 1

Ciphers - Crack the Malthusian frequency key to discover the first cipher in Security Control.

Justice - Kill your first Malthusian.

Battle Joined - Destroy the VFD's to take the fight to the Malthusians.

Fighter - Destroy the Cycloconverters.

Firefighter 2 - Use CCTV to remotely open the door and extinguish the flames in the Maintenance Corridor after the Cycloconverters.

Draining - Drain the water from the flooded Loading Bay area.

Destination - Reach the Shuttle Plaza.

Climber - Climb to the Shuttle Station from the Plaza.

Nemesis - Discover who is behind the Malthusian Attack.
Medal Guide (Miscellaneous)

Geek - Complete the game without failing a hack.
I'm listing this first, as if you fail a single hack in the game, you will have to replay the whole game, from start to finish to get this medal. One great method to get this is if you are hacking something and you think you are about to fail, simply hit to disconnect and try again, as this will not count as a fail.

Introspective - Find all the objects in Kate's apartment.
There are 6 objects in the apartment. They are:
Sleeping Pills - on the coffee table in front of the giant TV.
Classical Engineering - it's a book on the floor to the right of the desk where you pick up Mavi.
Certificate of Achievement - On the long red table at the top of the stairs
Climber's Choice - Weighted Wrist Bands - On the white chair to the left after you come to the top of the stairs.
Climber's Choice - Handgrips - To the right of the Wrist Bands, on the white couch.
Roy the Donkey - To the right of the Handgrips.

Systems Engineer - After escaping the elevator shaft, examine the malfunctioning door.
Pretty Self-explanatory. In the beginning Act 1, just after the cutscene with the crashing elevator, turn around and walk up to the broken door.

Item - Find an object outside of Kate's Apartment.
See the description for the 'Private Eye' trophy.

Acrobat - Explore the ceiling area around the Shuttle Plaza.
Right after you discover the dead officer, the window will explode and you'll have to jump out the window onto a steel rafter. When you do, climb onto it and jump to the red bar in front of you. Then swing off of it to the next girder, and its yours.

Panther - Dive under the closing door before the corridor floods on your way to Security Control.
Right after the 'Acrobat' medal, run down the stairs. When you reach the bottom, run as fast as you can down the corridor, jumping over debris and water surges. When you reach the half closed door, press while running to dive under it.

Systems Engineer 2 - Inspect the encrypted door in Security Control before finding the frequency key.
In the room where the Chief is beating on the window, before going up the ladder to the left, examine the glass door on the right that is glowing purple.

Explorer - Find both hidden rooms in Security Control.
First room: Just after you climb out of the elevator shaft and the burning elevator crashes, go back into the elevator shaft and climb up.
Second Room: After you climb out of the elevator shaft, and the Chief is directly in front of you, climb up the shaft to the left.

Fire Fighter - Extinguish the flames in Security Control
When you save Chief Billingham by opening the doors to flood the room, it will put out the fires and you got the medal.

Collector - Find all the collectables in Act 1.

Deep Breath - Retrieve the hidden underwater collectable halfway down the elevator shaft in one breath.
You actually have to collect two documents, not just one.
Towards the end of Act 1, you will have to swim up an elevator shaft. Halfway up the elevator shaft is a door you can open. Swim through that and go all the way down the corridor to the right. At the end is a body that contains the first document, and if you look through the doorway to the left with Mavi, you will see a wall document. Then quickly swim back to the elevator shaft and up. This must all be completed without breaking the surface.

Note: If you collect these the first time and you take a breath, or if you collect them and then drown before making it back, you will not be able to get this medal without deleting your save file and starting from scratch. The reason for this is that while you can collect objects and normal document several times, once you pick up a wall document, you cannot collect it again.

Valour - Rescue both Billingham and Grimsley.
This is a pretty easy one.
Chief Billingham: In Act 1, you must make it to Chief Billingham before the timer runs out.
Grimley: In Act 2, right after you hack into the CCTV for the first time, you must remotely open the door in time to save the engineer.
It isn't too hard, but if you think you are going to fail, you can press and select "Load Game" and reload from the last checkpoint to retry.

Heroism - Rescue Grimley in the Cycloconverters.
See 'Valour'

Espionage - Use CCTV to soit the Malthusian in the Cycloconverter B control room.
WHen you enter the Cycloconverter B room, you will see a security camera on the ceiling. Hack it using Mavi and cycle through the feeds using or until you see the enemy.

Stealth - Kill the first 3 Malthusians first VFD facility without being detected
This happens right after you pick up your Gel Rounds for the first time. Equip them, and shoot the guy on the right while his back is turned. Drop into the water, and crouch using immediately. Take cover. Wait until the two remaining enemies are grouped together, then take them out with another Gel Round. If you are discovered, reload the checkpoint.

Breach - Shoot the breach in VFD 2 to escape.
Right after you hack the console to destroy the second set of VFDs, Shoot the flashing red portion of the wall a few times until the water bursts out.

Maelstrom - Use CCTV to find the first loading bay.
Near the end of Act 2, in the room with the shipping containers, hack the security camera, and use it to open the stairwell door.

Collector 2 - Find all the collectables in Act 2.

Flood - Flood the corridors after leaving the Loading Bays.
Near the beginning of Act 3. After the room with the wires touching the water that you have to shoot, you will go into some corridors. There are a total of five windows you must shoot and break. After shooting one, wait a few seconds to allow all the water out of each room before moving to the next one.

Gravity - Launch 2 Malthusians over the side of the Shuttle Plaza.
Just use explosions to send enemies flying over the edge. Alternatively, you can knock out an enemy that is standing near the edge, then as he tries to stand up, shoot him again, and he will slide under the railing.

Collector 3 - Find all the collectables in Act 3.

All Items - Collect all the items in the game.
Humanitarian - Headshot a Malthusian while they are on fire or being electrocuted.
I found this MUCH easier to accomplished while they are being electrocuted, as they stay relatively still whereas with fire, they shake uncontrollably. Simply watch out for an enemy standing next to a fuse box. When yo spot one, shoot the fuse box and while the enemy is still being electrocuted, quickly shoot him in the head.

Resourcefulness - Kill a Malthusian by exploding a barrel.
Very easy. Keep an eye out for an enemy near a barrel, and shoot the barrel when you see one. There are barrels located near a lot of cover points throughout the game, so there are many opportunities to get this medal.

Bad Dream - Kill a Malthusian with an explosion while they are unconscious
Simply wait for an enemy to be near a barrel, then shoot him in the chest with non-charged Sonic Rounds until he falls over, knocked out. Then blow the barrel up. (You'll know the enemy is unconscious and not dead if he is still flashing red while on the ground)

Vandal - Destroy 50 objects.
You should get this on your first playthrough. Simply destroy barrels, fuse boxes, and glass windows until you get this one.

Mermaid - Spend 20 minutes underwater.
Once you get to Act 3 and you haven't gotten this medal yet, simply go underwater until Kate is almost out of breath, then resurface. Repeat until you get it.

Combos - Get a total of 20 combos in one playthrough.
It is easiest to rack up combos in Act 2, as there are a lot of barrels, fuse boxes, and pipes on the walls to use.

Mega COmbo - Score 7000+ points in one combo.

Hydro Power - Complete the first two waves in the Challenge Room without firing your gun.

Poseidon's Daughter - Complete the Challenge Room without firing your gun.
Коментарів: 30
MESYA 18 листоп. 2020 о 14:32 
@letto yes i found a solution. I have locked FPS at 60 via Nvidia Control Panel and everything works fine. I have a 144Hz monitor, so vsync is not a solution for me.
letto  [автор] 18 листоп. 2020 о 13:42 
@Messian Hiya, yes it's an old glitch in the game. Others have found that turning Vsync ON in the settings has bypassed this issue.
MESYA 18 листоп. 2020 о 7:48 
" Line up to the hole in the vent and perform a backwards jump."

My game is broken. She does not jump to ventilation, every time I fall down
RoseBuster 15 черв. 2017 о 5:52 
❤ Moron ❤, I know how to help. Your problem is actually a game-breaking bug that not only makes this jump impossible, but also a jump near the end of the game where you need to get in a vent to even complete the story. You'll also notice the timers on gel rounds and electric rounds not counting down. And the electrifying effect of the latter doesn't stop over time and can block your own path. All this happens when the game is working too fast. Check your framerate. You need to bring it down. Sometimes enabling V-Sync in the initial config window is enough (V-Sync caps your framerate to the frequency of the monitor). For me it wasn't. But I went to Windows power settings and in advanced options of my power plan I found a setting for managing processor energy. There I set the maximum CPU energy to 30% which slowed down the game enough for me to bring it down to about 60-70 FPS. If you do that, Kate will jump straight to that red bar and you'll succeed on the first attempt.
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 11 січ. 2017 о 10:57 
Thank you 4 the guide
Kayo 28 жовт. 2016 о 10:24 
From here --> "Yes revealing Kate is a complete moron. Listen people if you ever find yourself in a terrorist/bomb threat situation and you hear mysterious beeping go away from the noise NOT TOO IT!"
I am not able to do a straight jump on the red bar. I tried to jump straight, but Kate jumps in a cross but not straight. I tried dozens of times. Any help ? :'(
Challenge your mental 4 серп. 2016 о 18:01 
and getting slammed by a bouncing fucking door
Challenge your mental 4 серп. 2016 о 17:58 
this game is so fucked... i can't even get the panther medal. stupid shit keeps hitting me on the way
CCFAN 17 листоп. 2015 о 23:17 
Thanks! Really in detailed.:postcardf:
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶ 31 лип. 2015 о 5:26 
Where you say "nothing of interest in this room" is actually the wall scan "The Truth" which you have not included for Act I