Gas Guzzlers Extreme

Gas Guzzlers Extreme

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Gas Guzzlers Extreme Achievements Help
By Lord Of War
Hints and instructions how to get achievements quickly.
Hint 1: 100% completion, including all multiplayer achievements, can be done solo with impossible bots.

Hint 2: some singleplayer achievements will unlock from 2nd or even 3rd try, don't panic and carry on playing.

Hint 3: make copies of your saves regularly (you will progress faster if you don't have to replay certain races and catch up with the opponents.

[blahblah]You may discover other ways of completing specific achievements and more than welcome to do so, since I'm just sharing what worked for me and not saying how to get self-explanatory ones.[/blahblah]
Tournament Kills
Chicken owner, It's bigger than it looks!, My guns better than yours

Kill the most bots within these three tournaments. Kills made priop qualifications do not count.
So close

(Finish race first with less than 10% of health in any game mode)

Go to "Quick Race" mode, select any of very long desert track i.e. BadWater Basin Rally, Mud Spring Trophy, Furnace Creek Pass; add two bots and laps amount set to... 4-5.

Get your car damaged below 10%, then rocket away by picking up all nitros you can see. These tracks provide enormous space for escaping and manoeuvring with low hp.

(Win the race in any racing game mode by killing the top-ranked opponent in last lap)
Easily done in a battle race. Target the top bot during first laps, then finish him off in the last.
Pacifist, Brand new

These two appear to be glitchy. When I was just learning how to play this game, I didn't notice the health indicator. I got rammed at the start and exploded, then "Brand New" popped out...
In another race Pacifist unclocked when I shot a rocket =/
Try to earn them normally, if that's not unlocking them, carry on playing and hope they will be triggered somehow.
5, 10, 20 wins
Eat my dust, Too fast for you, I'm on fire!

The wins have to be done in a singleplayer in one go. Not in a quick race mode, not in multiplayer. The game must stay open, so you are likely to complete a whole cup qualification.
Quick Races
Too much smoke, Strike!, Its mine!

Go to "Quick Race" mode, select any of long desert track i.e. BadWater Basin Rally, Mud Spring Trophy, Furnace Creek Pass; select 8 players and 10 laps.

Pick up smokes and mines and drive until you smoke and hit enough bots to trigger these achievements.

K.O. Master
Go to "Quick Race" mode, select Knockout race with 4 players and... win it!
Pimp daddy

1) In Multiplayer menu, go to Presets.
2) Load a preset, choose the first car, customize sticker, wheel, rename number plate so you will know this car is done. Highlight that by default it will say "unnamed".
3) save as "a new preset", name it after that car (easier to remember).
4) Select "load preset", continue from the second car and repeat customisation steps 2 and 3.
Feed me MORE!, It's a power
Feed me MORE!, It's a power
Hard to get ones. Plus, these two achievements might not open at first. Keep your saves ready, and replace the save file where you have one race remain to win to qualify for the tournament. Sometimes, you may have to play one race from a tournament to trigger these achievements.
Elite club
I suggest playing a Survivor mode on Impossible difficulty on Route 66, then you need to complete at least 5 waves, or do an Easy run, and finish 10 waves.
I am not explaining other achievements, as they are pretty straightforward, however, should you have a question, feel free to ask. Or, look out for the hint ;)
Server launcher
You may significantly ease your achievement hunt via... server launcher.
There you will discover max kills per deathmatch, race duration and flag captures.

Say, you need to get My favourite toy or Bulletproof.., set max kill to 1, make that kill and win. Boring, yeah, but that's for those who struggles.
Mikado the Glaceon 18 Dec, 2022 @ 4:02pm 
Some of these achievements you have to put the Bots on Impossible difficulty.
Yens X. 18 Dec, 2022 @ 3:34am 
Ok. Thank you for answer.
Lord Of War  [author] 18 Dec, 2022 @ 3:32am 
Eh... All multiplayer achievements can be done with bots, I did mine with bots long time ago. Try setting bots to Impossible AI, and not Arcade mode.

Carry on playing with the rest trophies, maybe these glitchy achievements will unlock all of a sudden.
Yens X. 18 Dec, 2022 @ 3:17am 
"Dead Couple" and "I Want you". I do just like you said and nothing. I tried to make it in MP and SP. Maybe here any hidden conditions? Just like in "Brand New" that can be done only in Career Mode.
Lord Of War  [author] 18 Dec, 2022 @ 2:55am 
What doesn't work? Exactly?
Yens X. 18 Dec, 2022 @ 2:45am 
@ Lords Of War thanks, but it doesn't work.
Lord Of War  [author] 17 Dec, 2022 @ 1:15am 
1) "I want you!" - create MP match for last standing man, destroy 3+ opponents and win (pretty much get most kills and stay alive).
2) "Dead Couple" - in a race mode finish first and destroy two other cars before finish line,
3) "Hands of Doom" - have your car AND enemy car at low health, and smash into it at high speed, you both die, but you get a trophy.
Yens X. 14 Dec, 2022 @ 1:05am 
Hello, can someone explain how to make "Hands of Doom", "I Want You" and "Dead Couple"?
[CMA] Clayinator 29 Aug, 2022 @ 5:03pm 
@ DD-2000 Got it working, thanks for the info :thumb:
Lord Of War  [author] 29 Aug, 2022 @ 8:11am 
... this is easily my worst guide I ever made. One of earliest as well. I should really re-write multiple explanations.
Thank you, DD-2000, for extra steps/tips :cupup: