Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)

280 valoraciones
PezBOT Setup: How to play Bot Matches offline!
Por 5persondude
A guide for setting up Bot matches for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I couldn't help but notice that there are no other guides for setting up bots in CoD 4, so I took it upon myself to create this guide for anyone interested.
Step 1: Download PezBOT file from ModDB
Click on the link below to download the latest version of PeZBOT for Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare.

PeZBOT for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Vanilla)

Special thanks to @da_bez_man for notifying me about the previous link not working correctly. The current link should be working now.
Step 2: Exact the file to your "Mods" folder
Disclaimer: I neglected to mention that Call of Duty 4's "Mods" folder is usually missing when you install the Steam version. All you have to do is go to the install directory for CoD 4 and create a new folder called "Mods"

Once you have downloaded the file, extract it to your "Mods" folder in your Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare install directory. It depends on where each user installs their games, but it is usually something like

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 4\Mods"

Or, if you'd prefer to simply drap-and-drop an extracted file, just make sure you select the filei] inside of the extracted Zip file named "PeZBOT", as well as all of the files inside of it, and drag it into the "Mods" folder.

Both methods will work perfectly fine, however i decided to include both because I, personally, prefer the latter option, although the former is muc simpler and less likely for the user to make a mistake
Step 3: Launch Multiplayer, then enable the mod in-game
Once you have done everything, then launch the Multiplayer executable for Modern Warfare. You can either launch the game normally then select Multiplayer from the in-game menu, or right-click the game and select "Launch... Multiplayer"

Once you are in CoD 4's Multiplayer mode, click on "Mods"...

...then double-click "PeZBOT" to launch the mod.
Step 4: Create a private, offline game with Punkbuster disabled
Once you have launched the mod, it should have a darker, night background to indicate that the user is playing a modified version of CoD 4's multiplayer. Click on "Start New Server"

It is very important that you make sure that Punkbuster is disabled! You can disable it from the Match Setup screen

You can change and tweak the settings as you wish, however be warned that having too many bots can cause severe framerate problems even on modern hardware, so i would recommend about 12-16 Maximum Players to start out with. Once you have finished tweaking the rules to your liking, start the game.
Step 5: Start spawning Bots!
After you launch the game, you may notice that there are no bots. Do not be alarmed! The mod simply requires one console command!

Type the following command into the Developer Console:

/set svr_pezbots XX
with the "XX" replaced by how many Bots you want in that current match

After that, Bots will spawn in and start fighting! The best part is that you will be able to progress and gain XP as you would in the Ranked multiplayer, so have fun with some good-old fasioned CoD Multiplayer grinding!
Additional Notes
On the download page, the author left some additional notes about extra command lines for the Developer Console, known bugs, etc.

I will plan on implementing those details into this guide in the near future. If not, then I'm just as lazy as i was when i made my DSFix guide a few years back =P
85 comentarios
Logan Barron 17 OCT a las 15:45 
aslo lag bots
Logan Barron 17 OCT a las 15:45 
no is bad bots
DustMan 1 SEP a las 14:49 
Eh BotWarfare is better than Pezbots :/
EliteOverlord1 4 JUN a las 6:00 
Love moddb and the community thank you for this made the experience so much better works like a charm!:zommetal:
Miu 13 ABR a las 6:47 
the only problem i have is that the COD4 Console Commands wont open all though i click on the right buttons still dont see anything i only hear the sound of it. i do have the mods and stuff and version 1.7
HorseRadish SpamDingle 4 MAR a las 14:40 
doesn't seem to be doing anything.
YannisP2004 3 FEB a las 16:42 
The number of bots, their skill level, their play style etc. may be set in the pezbot.cfg file, which is easier than having the type commands in the in-game console.
Jester 29 DIC 2023 a las 4:42 
Here are all the PezBot commands {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
hiro1protagonist 1 DIC 2023 a las 19:18 
I like this mod, its easier to install than others. There have a COD4 X multiplayer mod, that allows great server set up and it has a variant of bots but its more involved install wise. Pez works on COD 4 MW 1.81xx that I have (i have the original not remake) .

I notice it works first game, but on subsequent games don't spawn but if I exit and make a new game on a new map, it works. If you add bots in title screen they will load up first game.

Also set the bots skill to 0 for an easier time. If they are on skill 1 or higher, they tend to aim through walls and hit you (if wall can be shot through), and they tend to come with m60 and hit ya across the map. /set svr_pezbots_skill # (# 0 or 1) .

More bots the more choppy it gets.
APeiceOfToast 8 OCT 2023 a las 15:15 
bro this worked thx so much made my experience 200000x better