The Last Cargo

The Last Cargo

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[EN/RU] Proposing suggestions to inexperienced decision donors
Door George_the_Crab en 2 bijdrager(s)
Or in short: HOW DO I PLAY THIS GAME!!!???
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Game has been updated and this guide still contains old information for preservation reasons.
New and old information is marked and sometimes seperated, sometimes when it applies to smaller changes, it's striked through instead. Feel free to point out any mistakes in the comments.
WASD (AZERTY) - movement, SHIFT - sprint boost, CTRL - slow movement (useful for maneuvering), E - activate, LMB - use hud elements (like eating food, by double clicking on "cooked food"), loot containers (double click on shown items) RMB - aim weapon, R - reload current selected ammo once the weapon is drawn. Q (or MMB) - Pulse blast, F - Flashlight. You can also use the numbers on your keyboard to open inventory slots.

TAB - opens the task journal (although if you understood the tasks you wouldn't be using this guide so ignore that and only use it if you somehow skipped terminal text)

F1- show tutorials and controls ingame.
F2/F3 - Consequences of pressing the X (aka Red) button
(explains Buffs and Debuffs that follow)
Hud and its elements

This left part of the HUD displays your current health (red bar), stamina (grey bar), debuffs (circles) and time until death (if infected). Debuffs consist of: Bleeding, Broken wheelchair, Poison. Each is fixed in their respective way. It's also possible to apply temporary buffs for your character once you obtain a certain adaptation. (perk)

Bleeding will slowly drain your HP untill a bandaid is applied. Broken wheelchair prevents you from sprinting. (Any damage done to you will also apply to your wheelchair) Poison will only appear if you eat uncooked food or drink dirty water. (50/50 chance) While it's in effect, you cannot heal yourself. After a while if not treated, it will stop affecting you. Uncooked food/water does not get consumed if you get poisoned.

Once you get your health decreased, you'll notice that a gray bar appears in its place and soon starts to dissipate. Same can be applied to stamina. This is your hunger and thirst meters, it shows how far you can restore your health and stamina. To be able to restore more health, consume cooked food, to restore stamina drink clean water.

The right side of your HUD is fully interactable (Double click to use items). From left to right: Medicine items, Tools, Bullets, Key items, Radar

Medicine items consist of: Food (cooked and uncooked) Water (clean and unclean), Herbs (restore around 40% of HP), Bandaid (stops bleeding), Pills (stall poison/infection time) More about pills in TASK 2

Tools consist of: Lighter (generates a very small amount of light, can be turned on and off and never runs out, it's a useless function), Flashlight (the most important tool in this game, to be carefully managed and not to be wasted), Batteries (for your flashlight, restore 50% of the charge), Candle (illuminates a bigger range of light. always use this as soon as you start the level, it's a better alternative than wasting flashlight energy, it's also fairly durable but needs to be re-used every couple of minutes), Campfire (use this to cook food, boil water, repair your wheelchair if broken. will stay on the level and generate light, enemies that walk past it will burn and explode)

Ammo consists of: Your weapon (duh), Buckshot (regular ammo), Flares (fires 2 flares that fly in a random trajectory and stop when they hit something. may burn enemies and break windows) Exploding ammo (used to stop/kill circular-saw man, red orb, and the naked chained dudes leaning against the walls, serves as the only way to open hidden passages indicated as "weak walls") Pulse blast (use this to freeze enemies and break windows. charges back up as you move, the faster you move - the faster it'll recharge)

Key items consists of: Your journal (double click to check current objective/task), Scrap metal (used to repair your wheelchair on campfire), Glass keys (used to unlock certain crates and doors), Processors (this is your money, easily obtained by shooting experiments and/or found inside certain crates) Task item (serves no purpose inside your HUD)

Radar - Dots represent enemies, ⁿᵘᵐᵇᵉʳ ˢʰᵒʷˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᵐᵒᵘⁿᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵉⁿᵉᵐᶦᵉˢ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵘʳʳᵉⁿᵗ ˡᵉᵛᵉˡ *ᴏʟᴅ

*ɴᴇᴡ: You can now mark a location using the big red button near the radar. It can only mark one point at a time, but has unlimited uses.
There are 5 tasks in total, you get a random mix of tasks each run. Tasks are your main objectives of this game and the only way to progress. You get tasks from a screen-flashing terminal (not the regular shopping terminal), text of each task can be a bit cryptic, but after you accept it, a more clearer objective will be added on your top left screen.

After you complete the task, you need to return to the terminal station and choose to comply with the cargo regulations system or not. (ᶜʰᵒᵒˢᶦⁿᵍ ᵍʳᵉᵉⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ʳᵉᵈ ᵇᵘᵗᵗᵒⁿˢ *ᴏʟᴅ; O and X in the new version)

By choosing the green button (🟢), nothing happens and you can proceed further into the facility. By choosing the red button (❌) you can still proceed, but you get a task-specific debuff that will last for entirety of the run. (ᵂʰᶦᶜʰ ᵉᵃʳⁿˢ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃ ᶠˡᵒᵖᵖʸ ᵈᶦˢᵏ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ ˢᵖᵉⁿᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵘⁿˡᵒᶜᵏ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ˢᵏᶦˡˡˢ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉᶦᵗʰᵉʳ ᵈᶦᵉ ᵒʳ ᶠᶦⁿᶦˢʰ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ ᴏʟᴅ*1) I should also mention that each time you accept a task, there is a high chance that a circular-saw enemy will spawn. (don't try to fight him unless you have 2 explosive shots)

ɴᴇᴡ*1: Now you only need to simply play the game and level your rank. You also get Buffs alongside the Debuffs if you constantly go against regulations

Rewire (replace processors)
ᴾᵘˡˢᵉ ᵇˡᵃˢᵗ ᵃ ᶜᵒᵘᵖˡᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵉˣᵖˡᵒᵈᶦⁿᵍ ᵈʳᵒⁿᵉˢ ⁽ᵉˣᵖᵉʳᶦᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ⁾ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᶦᵗ, ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᵐᵒᵘⁿᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵈʳᵒⁿᵉˢ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇˡᵃˢᵗ ᶦˢ ˢʰᵒʷⁿ ᶦⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ⁿᵒᵗᵉᵖᵃᵈ *ᴏʟᴅ

Changed from the most primitive mission to the most convoluted within the game.

Pulse blast a regular enemy and he will NOT be permanently locked in that position, that is until you get near them and press E to start re-wiring, they will now never move. Insert a number that is not repeated throughout the following order of all 4 codes.
I.E. if the first number in all four codes is 9, you must enter something else other than that number. If the first number of all four codes have 9 and something else, for example 2, 5, 8, 9 you must avoid these numbers for the first digit, means the solution will be one of these: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 but ONLY for the FIRST DIGIT, solve the rest using that logic, if a number repeats for the second, third and fourth digit in any of the shown codes, avoid it in such correlating order. Codes are randomly generated.

Let's solve the screenshot on the left with several working examples:

1354 - any of the four codes don't have 1 as the first digit, doesn't have 3 as the second,
none have 5 as the third, and 4 is in none of the fourth

other examples:

(tip: if you have troubles with this mission, take a screenshot of the four codes and solve them with the game on pause)

❌ Choosing to go against cargo regulations system will remove your radar for the entirety of the run.

You can get a random buff every time you pulse-blast an enemy and solve the codes again, buffs last for a short duration, and you can only have 1 available at the time. See list of buffs.
tip: Unlike the task, enemies no longer permanently freeze.

Spread the disease
You need to find a big gentlemen (called carrier) chained to the wall and press E on him. There are always a couple of them throughout the level, if you accept the task: you activate the timer shown on your left hudbar. (you are now an infection carrier) If that timer reaches zero - game over. You can increase the time by eating pills from the health menu or continue doing your task, each gentlemen you inject with the virus will add you an extra minute. This is one of the toughest tasks to do in the game and i suggest you either memorize their locations before accepting it through the terminal or in the best case - mark their positions with flare shots.

ɴᴇᴡ*: You now can use hospital bed to increase the timer

❌ Choosing to go against cargo regulations system will turn all carriers in the game into enemies. They still won't be able to move, but now they gain a homing attack that starts as soon as you get into their range of vision, if you don't escape from their range in a short period of time, you'll get infected. Infection works the same way, you get a timer and you can stall the time by eating more pills.

Press and hold LMB without a weapon to increase camera range while standing still.

You need to find sacrifical altar and a very specific object called sacrifice. To find sacrifice you need to carefully listen to the bell sounds, you don't hear them from far away but if you do, that means he's somewhere behind a wall. He's always located sitting in dark corners so make sure to bump into the walls or use a flashlight, if you see a crippled man sitting against the wall - that's him. To pick him up press E, then you'll need to get him to the altar. As you carry the sacrifice you can't use sprint, so be wary of that. As soon as you put him on the altar - you finish the task. Next time you see an altar, you can collect a random number of tokens.

❌ Choosing to go against cargo regulations system starts "Deterioration of the condition of found items". Fake harmful items will start to spawn (see list of harmful items section)

Orbs have a 50/50 zapping chance that give extra pulse shot instead of harming you, that can only be spent once (until the next zap)

This one is very straightforward, find generators and turn them off. As you turn them off, level you're located on gets gradually darker. (in the new version only for about a minute) You can find them by the loud, distinct sound they produce.

❌ Choosing to go against cargo regulations system will turn off extra lights on every floor, making your candle and flashlight the only source of light throughout the rest of the game.

You can see in the darkness by spending a processor (X2 LMB) near a generator, until you are damaged

Brain nodes
After you accept the task, you get stripped off of your weapon, which gets replaced with node-detector. Use your newly acquired weapon to look for brain nodes, they look like gray squares on the ground (ᴏʟᴅ*) with flashing dots on them. After you pull out the node detector, move the mouse untill the beam that comes out of it flashes green, this is how you know that a node is nearby, follow that directon. After finding the node, pull out your detector, get really close and hold it aimed directly at the node untill all dots on the lid glow yellow and you hear a *clack*.

There is only 1 node available at a time, after you unlock one - another appears, so make sure to focus on finding those nodes to finish the task quickly. (No order in the NEW version)

ɴᴇᴡ*: Inside walls now

❌ Choosing to go against cargo regulations system will activate "constant presence of the causative entity" (the saw-guy will always spawn at the START of each level.)

You can extract yellow maggots from within the walls (E) and activate them at any point to conceal yourself from the causative entity for a short period of time. Click (X2 LMB) on a yellow maggot while it's at your legs on the wheelchair to activate.


When you finish the level, your health regenerates to the exact amount shown by the gray bar, so make sure you eat before finishing each level. Same goes to "broken" debuff, instead of fixing it at the campfire you can just try and reach the elevator after finishing all of the objectives. Now you need to use hospital beds and campfires that are generated on the floors naturally


When you drink, your stamina meter replenishes to its current max amount, make sure to remember this if your stamina runs out in a chase

Avoid walls and furniture like a plague, wheelchair has a bad habit of getting stuck inside various objects, which will many times prove that mobility is one fo the most important factors in this game.
Get accustomed with tank controls and how you're suppossed to wriggle your way out of certain ways and props if necessary

Instead of wasting the glass keys on doors, try and conserve them for loot chests, you can walk around most of the locked doors, especially those that have something important behind them, don't rush unless situation demands that you use the glass key

Remember to conserve flashlight energy, being the most important item in the game, turn off your flashlights whenever possible, use it in a pinch and try to memorize old locations or switch to radar if you're afraid of bumping into an enemy

Enemies drop processors after you shoot them, which can be traded for scrap metal and/or safe codes*¹ (also small perks that last one floor if you bought a certain adaptation). enemies can also drop coins, although in petty amounts (the amount can be increased in adaptations) try lining up a lot of enemies for the shot, this way you'll be conserving ammo, but also gaining a lot of processors and coins

Don't use flares to kill enemies, instead use them as a way to mark your objectives and/or positions, this way you will never be lost (especially useful to mark the infected before taking the infection mission)

Despite what one might think, it's actually better to play the game on the last level of difficulty. Even if you die, you'll get more money per run, making all future games a breeze to play through. Permadeath only changes token gain as well. Aside from damage taken, difficulty also changes the amount of starting items one might have (and Survival checkbox removes starting items altogether *²).

If you need to shoot immediately after reloading, you can cancel the "steaming" animation by moving and pressing RMB two times.

*¹ ² ᴏʟᴅ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ

Types of doors, containers and *MORE

A box
Usually misled into thinking that it's just another background item. Lootable.

Dead body
Despite what it looks like, is lootable.

Simple container

Locked crate
Regular crate but locked. Will have a higher chance of containing more useful items. (?)

Requires random code combinations to unlock, you can buy them at shopping terminal. Unlocked by sacrificing the processor nodes directly at them (2X LMB on a processor near any safe) Will usually contain some rare and important loot like explosive ammo, coins and more-

Shopping terminal
Now usually appears near the elevator. Made useless since after the update, unless you want to finish the level quick. Looks like a normal terminal, except doesn't blink. ᴏʟᴅ*1: You can buy random safe codes from here (they are not meant for any specific safe so you've got to see which combinations work on which safe). Besides safe combinations, you can buy scrap metal to repair your wheelchair on a campfire. (removes *damaged* debuff only)

ᴏʟᴅ*2: If you've unlocked a special adaptation skill, you can also buy temporary buffs some of which are: poison resistance (protects from food poisoning during certain circumstances), bleed prevention (so you can freely crash into windows without getting damaged, mind that your wheelchair isn't safe from this), Slower hunger (and thrist)

ɴᴇᴡ*: You can now buy a location of the task terminal shown on your radar for the price of 3 tokens. (useless without a radar; works once per floor)


Reinforced door
Metal-textured looking door. Works like a simple door. Can be unlocked and locked behind you, never requires keys to unlock and can always be opened by pressing E. Resistant to explosives

Sliding door
Thin-looking door. May or may not be locked. Use glass key to open (not adviced unless necessary for a quicker shortcut or to risk finding more loot). Can also be blasted with explosive ammo or very rarely blown up by stray experiment (don't try luring one close to it though) and may be broken by a circular-saw man. Important thing to note: OBJECTIVES NEVER SPAWN BEHIND LOCKED DOORS. There are always ways to go around the door, if it's a single room you can be CERTAIN that nothing important will spawn there.

Glass barrier
In other words: a window. You can blast it with pulse, shoot it or sprint through to break it. (TIP: always try to avoid latter option unless it's absolutely necessary to the situation, MAY start bleeding AND/OR damage your wheelchair.) Also stray experiments may try to explode the window once they see you.

Weak wall
Once you approach a wall with a little crack on it, your character will notice it implying that it's breakable. (the only walls that are breakable are the ones followed by the message) Can only be opened by shooting explosive ammo at it, always contains several locked crates. OBJECTIVES NEVER GENERATE INSIDE THESE ROOMS.
Message Example:


Hospital bed
"Can be used for general treatment - it can stop bleeding, cure poison and to heal small amount of HP (one-time use per floor and only with gray bar present) can also extend the timer of infection."

"Looted immediately, mainly used for collecting dirty water but sometimes something more precious can be found in the dark depths of the toilets (luck adaptation perk increases the chance)". From my experience you can also get a random ammo.

After completing the sacrifice task, you can collect a random number of tokens from any subsequent altars in the game.
List of harmful items
These items start to spawn within the containers after choosing to go with ❌ at the mission terminal during the sacrifice task

human heart - may cause severe hunger (lose health)
needle - starts the infection timer
mantrap - damages you (but leaves gray hp area)
human blood - may damage you, but quenches thirst
poison - disabled eating/healing
Adaptations, buffs and upgrades

Can be acquired after going against regulations (❌) after completing the re-wire task.
Has a limited time on the floor.

- 50% resistance to all explosions
- slows down hunger and thirst rate
- no stagger after taking damage
- double tokens from shooting the enemies
- 100% resistance to poison
- bleeding resistance

ᴏʟᴅ* version:

Earn floppy disks by disobeying the system (pressing red button after task completion)
Disks can be used to unlock new set of adaptations.

Earn money by finishing floors on various levels of difficulty or picking them up once dropped by dead experiments. Some safes have stacks of 50+ coins inside of them. Using the altars after completing the correlating task will generate some tokens. It is not required to finish the run to obtain both of these, adaptations will persist for each new game started once you unlock them.

Left side:

Clover adaptation (luck): increase chance to find items inside lootable containers (drop chance of certain objects also increased) very useful perk

Wealth adaptation (processor): despite what it looks like, slightly increases the amount of coins you find in lootable containers (safes and locked chests more specifically)

Coins adaptation (acquisition): the amount of tokens that drop from shot enemies increases (not really worth getting)

Object adaptation (toolbox): increases the number of lootable objects, useful perk

Candle adaptatiion (lighting): increases the inventory space for light objects

Access adaptation (wrench): increases the inventory space for glass keys and processors, great perk

Glass key adaptation (efficiency): gives you a slight chance that you won't use a key once you unlock something (this is a must-get perk, very essential)

Detection adaptation (radar): increases the radar range

Hunger adaptation (fork): eating now restores a bit of your health, fills a bit more hunger

Right side:

Dice adaptation (enchancement): will give you permission to buy random buffs from the shop terminals (they only last throughout the floor, upgrading this ability provides more buffs. They consist of: Poison resistance, Bleeding resistance, Slower Hunger and thirst, More flares fired (per shot), 50% Resistance to explosions, Hp regen, Double token drop, etc. Each buff is tied to a certain tier you need to unlock first, means lvling up this perk)

Gears adaptation (recovery): gain a little chance to preserve a fired bullet

Shield adaptation (vitality): health increased

Wheelchair adaptation: resilence and speed of your wheelchair increased (rarely gets broken+starting and turning speed increased)

Campfire adaptation (crafting): "craft more items at the campfire" (?)* Perhaps meant to use less scrap for repairs, less materials used to start a campfire craft keys, bandages and ammo

Weapon adaptation: reloading time decreased + bigger clip (+1) added

Ammo adaptation: inventory storage for ammo increased

Pill adaptation (medical): inventory storage for healing items increased (also pills and bandages)

Bottle adaptation (regeneration): slows stamina's usage rate and accelerates its recovery (means sprint longer)

ɴᴇᴡ* version:

Left side:

Clover (luck) - chance to find useful items

Coins (wealth) - more tokens from containers and enemies

Dice (chance) - chance to gain processors and tokens from killing enemies

Tools (exploration) - containers per floor increase in number

Lightbulb (light) - increase inventory size for light items and start with more (difficulty dependent)

Processor (access) - increase inventory space for processors and keys and start with more (difficulty dep.)

Key (efficiency) - chance for keys to not be consumed, reduce cost of craft at the campfire once available

Radar (detection) - more radar range

Fork (hunger) - eating restores health

Right side:

Bottle (regeneration) - more, faster stamina

Wheelchair adaptation - faster, beefier wheelchair in every regard (accelerate faster, turn quicker)

Heart (vitality) - more hp and stamina

Pill (medical) - increase inventory space for all types of healing items and start with more (difficulty dep.)

Ammo adaptation - inventory space for all ammo types, start with more (difficulty dep.)

Gun (weapon) - larger mag for shooting, faster reloading

Cogs (enchancement) - each ammo type gains its unique properties:
1/3 chance to not consume a shot
2/3 more flares per shot
3/3 ??? (possibly preserve a rocket)

Campfire (crafting) - craft more items at the campfire (by pressing the NEXT ACTIVITY ↓ button), including:
1. glass keys
2. bandages
3. flares
4. shotgun ammo
5. REST - same as it would be using the hospital bed

Shield adaptation - adds a shield that protects from damage on top of your current hp, renews every floor only

Enemies and hazards
Regular enemies AKA Experiments
Regular enemies that you will have to avoid throughout 90% of the game. Once they notice you, will follow and try to explode nearby. They all function similarly and the only difference is their detonation time. Easily avoided but not to be understimated. Baiting them into exploding nearby is the key, so is the constant mobility. They are pretty dumb and sometimes will help you by exploding nearby locked doors and windows. Their speed is affected by difficulty.
ɴᴇᴡ*: Change in behavior, chance to cancel out of explosion, no more chain explosions (due to this 'crowded rooms' no longer exist)

Summoned by accepting tasks via task terminal. You will hear him from a mile away once he spawns on the level. Will slowly follow and destroy you in one hit once he reaches you. You can outrun him easily since wheelchair moves way faster than he does, another easy way to escape from him is to use pulse to temporarily immobolize. Will break all locked doors and windows in his tracks. Unstoppable unless you shoot explosive ammo at him, which will temporarily stop him in his tracks.
(ɴᴇᴡ*: 1 minute)
Second shot permanently kills him on the current level.
If things start exploding, it means he's out there somewhere

ɴᴇᴡ*: Only appears after going against regulations during sacrificial task (❌)
A giant flying, flashing ball that shoots electricity at you if you come close. No particular strategy of dealing with other than avoid. Getting hit by it gets you stunned, removes a chunk of your health and worst of all, sets pulse blast to 0%. Learn its patrol pattern, it will always have the same one on the level. Can be destroyed with explosive ammo, if too annoying. (2 shots)
ɴᴇᴡ*: 50/50 chance to overcharge the pulse blast. You can use it two times in a row, after which you lose an extra stack until zapped again.

secret tip: green orb will not harm you

HUD example

<- Notice the green light, it means extra pulse

Passive carrier AKA Active carrier
Once you finish the virus delivery task and disobey the system (red button), all carriers will become active. In other words, they wake up and are trying to kill you. They are still restricted to the wall they're chained to, but now they gain homing attacks, which will be active once you get into their FOV. Lose their line of sight to remove the leeching hoses, if you fail to - you'll be infected. There is no way to cure it other than finish the level. You can stall the time of your death by consuming pills.
ɴᴇᴡ*: can be killed with explosive shot, but no reason to do so (drops tokens)



Horrible fate


Your only friends at this forsaken facility
(can be squashed for no gain, nontheless)
ENDING 1: Succumb to the system
Choose only green buttons after every task and die at the end before elevator arrival.

ENDING 2: Failed to escape
Same as above, choose only green buttons after every task but succeed at the final elevator.

ENDING 3: Become a carrier
Vary from green to red (half choices green and the other half red) and die at the elevator.

ENDING 4: Get turned into a token machine
Vary from green to red and survive the final floor before elevator arrival.

ENDING 5: Disposed of
Choose only red buttons after every task but fail to escape at the final elevator showdown.

ENDING 6: Escape
Choose only red buttons after every task and survive until elevator arrival.
ɴᴇᴡ*: removes footprints in the new version, changing the ending's implication

Eech time you get an ending, something new gets added to the title screen.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀^All endings unlocked^
After finishing the game for the first time, you unlock a button that activates a terminal screen at the menu that hint at possible endings and the story.

Here's all of the screens


They are available by pressing a button near the EXP number in the main menu
Cheats lock token and experience accumulation, colors don't affect anything

#1: Unlimited flares

#2: Unlimited shotgun shells

#3: Unlimited explosive shots
-Русская секция-
WIP - Советы, подсказки, решения, интересности/ часть 1
Русский перевод[] на ПЕРВУЮ версию игры

Статья-рецензия с интерпретацией сюжета[]


- В игру стоит начать играть на высокой сложности, пытаясь закончить этажи, либо на норме, включив Permadeath, так как вы открываете большое количество перманентных перков и валюты просто играя и проходя первые несколько этажей.

- Первое время стоит избегать контакта с любой мебелью и стенами. Постоянно двигайтесь.

- Тонкие двери иногда заперты, их можно взорвать или открыть ключом (ЛКМ Х2), толстые всегда открыты. Окна можно расстреливать и таранить, но есть шанс порезаться, если порезались то лечитесь пластырем (оно же повязка), ибо от кровопотери можно умереть.

-Каждое повреждение увеличивает шанс поломки коляски. Если она всё-таки сломается, то то вы перестанете иметь возможность разгоняться. (взрывы, разгон сквозь стекло)


- Вы получаете задания с одного терминала, мигающего. Можете спокойно игнорировать терминал у лифта, так как это магазин, он бесполезен, за исключением если вы не хотите купить там путь к главному терминалу (бесполезно если отняли радар)

- Помечайте важные места чем только можете. Костром, сигнальными ракетами, маячком на радаре.

Решения поручений:



-Прохождение третьего этажа всегда намечает одну и ту же интерактивную катсцену. На ней вы можете походить, и выбить стекло. На этом какое либо влияние на нее оканчивается. Далее можно найти надпись: "F**K ENAMEL" - речь идёт о так и не вышедшей Enamel...

- Зажигалку можно выключить, но данный жест в игре бесполезен (первый минимальный базовый источник освещения).

3 opmerkingen
Unseen 5 jun 2023 om 18:27 
Nice guide I need to get this game eventually looks really cool.
akbaar 4 nov 2021 om 10:22 
yes helped me alot wow u deserve a reward
Ehnenu  [ontwikkelaar] 25 nov 2018 om 10:58 
Great guide and definitely will help a lot of people :TLChand: