Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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After the update, I will leave a message in the description

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如果出现闪退、爆内存导致的游戏退出,建议在启动项加入 -lv 指令
方法如下:游戏库找到L4D2-右键选定-选择属性-最下面启动选项输入 -lv 即可

模组名:Nico Nico Niinfected! - Love Live

按G快捷键 bind g "thirdpersonshoulder 1"

crosshair 1 打开准心
crosshair 0 关闭准心

cl_crosshair_alpha 0~255 设置准心透明度(数值为0准心即为透明)
如果和朋友联机发生以下情况如他不进了你房间or你进不了他房间的情况,请让房主在控制台输入"sv_consistency 0"

用记事本打开cfg文件:xxxxx\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\cfg\autoexec.cfg
然后把"sv_consistency 0"写进去就解决了

https://p an.baidu.com/s/1rPw6IAxgetDIaLKhDsUiFw 提取码: ft92 (删掉链接里的空格)(`・ω・´)

https://p an.baidu.com/s/1chD-mAiYpR1nxMj5Q2fqLQ 提取码: rkip (删掉链接里的空格)

目录示例:steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\media

!!! !!! !!!如果想还原成默认的主菜单视频的话需要提前备份好一份l4d2_background01.bik源文件

steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\sound\music里的l4d2文件夹
Item (131)
乌丸千岁 表情包替换小电视动画 - Karasuma Chitose TV animation
Dibuat oleh 这把一定过
使用了乌丸千岁的表情包替换了游戏内小电视的花屏 烏丸 千歳(からすま ちとせ) 渡航原作、QP:flapper插画的轻小说企划《少女编号》的主人公之一,女主角。大学一年级女学生,其颜值高、外表可爱、性格人渣腹黑,所属No.1 Produce旗下的新人声优。曾是声优训练班里的第一名。自认为业界门槛很高,如果没人知道“乌丸千岁”这个声优的话,那么那不就和“乌丸千岁”这个声优根本不存在是一个意思了。虽然很容易得意忘形,但内心却十分强大,甚至被做成表情包 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
少女前线 Q版小人药丸(60种随机) / Girls' Frontline Pain Pills 60RNG
Dibuat oleh PIO
替换了止痛药,50种随机小人 猴妈画的小人真是越看越魔性! 瓶盖瓶身分别展示了三种不同立绘,夜光 身上每小关只随机一种药丸,野生的药丸是完全随机 少女前线医药箱:https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1546777727 2018.10.28更新: 更新至54种人物,增加了9A-91! 2018.11.19更新: 更新至60种人物,增加了部分二星、三星角色!...
希丝缇娜·菲伊贝尔 电脑显示器 - Sistine Fibel PC Monitor
Dibuat oleh 这把一定过
用白猫(希丝缇)的表情包 替换了游戏内电脑显示器的动画w Replace the pc monitor anime with Sistine Fibel 希丝缇娜·菲伊贝尔 (システィーナ=フィーベル),日本轻小说《不正经的魔术讲师与禁忌教典》及其改编动画中的主要人物。阿尔扎诺帝国魔术学院二年二班的学生。祖父是伟大的魔法师,为了继承其意志而努力学习的优等生。常称呼银发的她为“白猫” 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
Dibuat oleh 蒜蓉炒面
替换了高爆和燃烧 老爹:要用魔法打败魔法...
190 Sexy & Cute Anime Paintings
Dibuat oleh Ellie
Okkay, so I KNOW that this is Anime, I KNOW that most of you will immediately say things such as "GTFO weebo". But please, I like doing mods for L4D2 (at least until now) and yes, there are people who like to fill L4D2 with Anime. I am mostly not part of t...
600+ Sounds (Physics Only)
Dibuat oleh voidtouched joe biden
This part of the 600+ collection modifies over 150 physics sounds. This also includes bullet impacts and scraping sounds....
AK12 Miku (ak47)
Dibuat oleh 蒜蓉炒面
第三次更新.......总算是真正意义上的完美了 修改了枪声,换弹音效,调整了部分色区和发光区域 “【真】儿童节礼物已经呈现在主人大人的面前了,不打算把人家抱走吗” 求订阅,求点赞,求收藏,求包养.........(说怪话的瞬间) 注意了!注意了!出了一个bug,那就是装备上AK之后.......角色的裙底会出现一个柱状物体......没错,这就是我女装大佬蒜蓉炒面的自带buff!!! 重复一遍以前的老话:转载请写上我STEAM的ID 原模:杀地板2 AK12.......模型 LT. ROCKY...
Call of "⑨" (Mega Mob Alert)
Dibuat oleh Saika
Question: Why do a crowd of zombies suddenly rush over? Because they all desire for Cirno's math class! Replace mega mob incoming alert with "The Call of Baka"(beginning of 《チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室》).Have fun....
Charger's rainbow
Dibuat oleh fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
Charlotte Tomori Nao For Zoey | 夏洛特 友利奈绪 替换佐伊
Dibuat oleh PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Charlotte Tomori Nao 友利奈绪 Replaces Zoey 替换佐伊 V2.0更新:全新的面部表情、全新的骨骼系统和飘动骨骼特效以及第一人称手臂系统 V2.0 Update:New flex animations,bones,jiggle bones,first person rig feature 模型特点: flex animations 面部表情动画 w model & v model W模和V模 Zoey's animations 佐伊的骨骼动画 jigglebones 飘动骨骼...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Chocola For Ellis(Nekopara)
Dibuat oleh Peakness Yang
Replaces Ellis for Chocola from Nekopara Voice Pack: Chocola -ncludes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync This is my 14th mod on workshop,This time,we can play with Cat Girl in...
Crescent Rose Scythe (Fire Axe)
Dibuat oleh Winter
Includes: * Blood added when killing Model designed in the 3D Custom Girl program by an "Unknown User"...
Crosshair - Simple Dot (Cyan)
Dibuat oleh Red Schism
*CUSTOM CROSSHAIR COMPATIBLE H.U.D. REQUIRED FOR THIS MOD TO WORK. (this mod is made for use with "Schism/HUD" and is compatible with all Urik HudLayouts and Crosshair_support.vpk.) *To disable the default crosshair open the Developer Console and type "cro...
CSGO USP-小姐姐 替换小手枪
Dibuat oleh 虾彦祖
替换:小手枪 枪声跟CSGO一样! 源文件作者:http://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=954967977&searchtext=CSGo+USP 我替换了武器的声音!如果有侵权!我会删除这个MOD!...
Duang~~~ - Frying Pan sound
Dibuat oleh gepaoDIAO
Update:2016.1.20:Delete some sound Changed the sound of the Frying Pan. The voice is Jackie Chan Duang~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sound of a wave is less than a hit. ============================================================= 2016.1.20更新:去除了空挥的声音 更改了平底锅的击打声 改成什...
Fire Gas Can - RNG Colors (TLS Update)
Dibuat oleh •9Chiro•
Replaces with new and glowing skins. Enjoy! P.D.: Added new textures for gas cans from "The Last Stand" update! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check other versions: Gas Cans: Yellow: http://steamcommu...
Fireworks Pack 1
Dibuat oleh Methadone Kitty
Changes the colours of the stage fireworks on the Concert map and the boxed fireworks explosives on any map. The individual mods (Will conflict if you install both seperately) : Concert Fireworks only Bluey Greeny Fireworks only http://i.imgur.com/T7YGOxf....
GenJi Katana(No Sound)
Dibuat oleh ClearSkyC
No sound version, have fun~ 都说声音听多了很吵,所以弄个无声音的版本(不拉裤链,不拉裤链)...
Getting Mikuer And Mikuer! (Special Infected Attacking Music Pack)
Dibuat oleh Saika
Please watch the vedio to know the detail,it's my favor with anime mods! Replace all special infected attacking music with several different parts of two songs:《だんだん高くなる(Getting higher and higher)》and《だんだん早くなる(Getting faster and faster)》(feat.Hatsune Miku)...
Go! Pokeball! (Vomit jar)
Dibuat oleh
http://i.imgur.com/UqMRK8k.gif New version : https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228728070 The pokeball from Pokemon replaces the vomit jar (Boomer bile bomb). Be the Pokemon Master ! LOL ! Credits : Model & Textures : Rafael De Jongh C...
Hatsune Miku Concert and Credits
Dibuat oleh Mio
**UPDATE** Louder concert songs (tank themes are loud enough) Changed intro song to San Kyuu (sasakure.UK x DECO*27) Changed credits song to Deep Sea Girl **UPDATE** This mod will replace both the concert music, tank themes at the Dark Carnival concert and...
Hatsune Miku News39 van
Dibuat oleh Authentic Mikutard
"This just in: Survivors found, News39 to the rescue!" Replaces the news van with a van from News39 with your favorite news anchor: Hatsune Miku! Credits: - All edited images used were screen captures from the video - A big thank you to "MrFunreal" for his...
Hatsune Miku tag alerts!!!
Dibuat oleh Authentic Mikutard
Hatsune Miku will help you detect friends in need by alerting you when one of them is grabbed by a special infected. BONUS: When a teammate dies, they will poop their pants and Miku will sing a jestful melody for their departure. Hope you like it, 39 :D Cr...
Hatsune Miku Tunnel of Love
Dibuat oleh Ellie
Hi everyone and hi especially to people who like Hatsune Miku. First of all, yes this is an "Anime / Vocaloid" themed mod, but I guess there's room for this in the Workshop since a lot of people do like Anime, and that this mod is, I guess, nicely done. I ...
HD Luminous ladder
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
This mod replaces the all ladders. It shines in the dark and is easier to spot. This is a gift for those cute novice blind gamer :P Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my cr...
HD 30 Sexy Manga Vending Machines
Dibuat oleh Ellie
Complete Overhaul Due to Valve's new file size restriction thing, I had to redo the entire mod. So to change a bit, I included new pictures :D, if you are interesting in where you can find it and "more", visit (NSFW) Danbooru (do a Google search) This mod ...
Hatsune Miku Fan Van!
Dibuat oleh Authentic Mikutard
Changes the rusty vans into Authentic Miku Fan vans. You would think producers are driving those around! Credits: The cute Miku in the thumbnail is by KEI Garou (original and v2 Miku). The beautiful Miku on the van roof is by IXima (v3 Miku). The cute Miku...
Hatsune Miku Leek (XenoAisam)
Dibuat oleh alatnet
------------------------------------------ (Note from uploader) This model is not mine, all rights are XenoAisam. I am only uploading it to the steam workshop. If you would like to know more about this model visit http://xenoaisam.deviantart.com or http://...
Hunter's rainbow
Dibuat oleh fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
Hyperdimension Neptunia bus stop
Dibuat oleh Veda
11 pictures Replace every 4 sec...
L4D2's winter is coming~
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
It's so cold! This MOD only contains the snow ground, and the rest of the MOD in the collection Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. L4D2's winter is co...
Lasersights - UltraGreen + YellowPink (for particles manifest)
Dibuat oleh Urik
This mod replaces: - personal lasersight to bright green - teammate laser sights to yellow~pink ( within color range between the two, randomly selected, randomness... is random, so not always guaranteed ) - I know the dot color doesn't match, it's unfixabl...
LED Flashlight (infected & survivor)
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
Infection with Led light, Let the infected vision become clear.soft and not dazzling, replace the main line of sight of infected and survivor https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
McDonalds replacement for Burger Tank
Dibuat oleh Ellie
Ever felt that you couldn't get good burgers and good fries in L4D2 ? Now you can : McDonalds - Replaces the Burger Tank in (at least) the No Mercy campaign with a McDonalds - New walls, floor, table fabric, menus and sign. - Big Mac not included Enjoy ;)...
Megadimension Fireworks Box
Megadimension fireworks box Replace the original fireworks box skin This fireworks is from my Neptunia Uzume Concert's firworks box. http://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=783812469 Some people ask me can I make only fireworks box like indiv...
Miku Chainsaw
Dibuat oleh RaidenPSX
An aqua coloured chainsaw exterior with a Miku decal! Perfect for any Miku or Vocaloid lover. ...
MIKU jukebox Rainbow Transparent
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
Rainbow Transparent jukebox,The disc is replaced with Miku's CD This MOD does not contain music, you can customize your favorite music MOD The jukebox body is transparent Like the white crystal beauty,and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effec...
Nano Shot [Adrenaline]
Dibuat oleh scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/r88RQLX.png Replaces Adrenaline with Nano Shot from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Nano Shot is a Fujiwara tactical equipment that increases health regeneration. https://i.imgur.com/gK5rJyj.png ◼ Exclusiv...
Neptune and Nepgear's Psyllium β golf club
Dibuat oleh Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the golf club with Neptune and Nepgear's shared β DLC weapon, Neptune's Psyllium Blade β/Nepgear's Psyllium Sword β, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -256px Texture -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with play...
Nico Nico Niinfected! - Love Live [CI Mod]
Dibuat oleh Nekky
Replaces all common and uncommon infected with the School Idol, Nico Yazawa Nico Nico Nii! What better way to show the world that you are the number one idol in the universe than by killing everyone that stands in your way? Get ready to fight for your life...
Peashy's Star Gloves defibrillator
Dibuat oleh Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the defibrillator with Peashy's DLC weapon, the Star Gloves, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -HD Texture (512px) -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model -Glowing texture (if you want a non-glowing version, simpl...
NieR:Virtuous Contract(Crowbar)
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
replace the Crowbar .form NieR:Automata(ニーア オートマタ) 2B. <Virtuous Contract> It is luminous, and the iris diaphragm is dynamic.The animation is all done by myself YoRHa No. 2 Type B Katana : http://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083048677 ht...
Purple Rain Storm
Dibuat oleh Methadone Kitty
This mod adds purpley clouds,rain,puddles/splashes and lightning to rainy maps like Hard Rain and No Mercy*. http://i.imgur.com/T7YGOxf.jpg * Thank you Cassidy for the footage and testing *...
Rainbow Blood
Dibuat oleh K"ashimura♦
Replace the game monotonous dark blood. So that the blood has more rich colors.: ) Replace the list Blood map Shoot the blood Cut the blood Smoker tongue Smoker die smoke Boomer bile Boomer explosion effect Spitter spit out sputum Remove the list Bile vomi...
Dibuat oleh Red Schism
=Features: -Minimalistic Weapons Tray -New Fullscreen " Incapacitation" screen effects. -Full Campaign and Co-op support. -Scavenger/Survival Mode support. -Optional Customization Feautres. -Optional Custom Crosshair Support (Urik crosshair compatible) -21...
Sakura Trees
Dibuat oleh Franky D. Coolsevelt
Pink leaves for Valentines Day! A request of Sir Bombegranate's :P https://cherryblossom.com/...
SPAS12 & Miku - Christmas
Dibuat oleh ClearSkyC
Merry Christmas! Long time no see,guys.Today is Christmas, so i made this weapon. Hope you like it! Credits: TDA -Miku Model; Textures; Warface - SPAS12 model; Textures; CaptainBigButt -Miku rig; Materials;Hair jigglebones; Me - Animations; rig; Materials;...
Sun Flare Removal
Dibuat oleh t0m50n
Remove the sun flare similar to what changing your shader detail < high does....
Thank You Sir Defib Sound (Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ)
Dibuat oleh TrueKringe
Hello bros! Well, It's long holiday in my country, So I can spend time to make some mod. This mod replaces Defibrillator sound with Billy Herrington sound yelling "Huh, You like that huh?" when started shocking. And Duncan Mills moans "Thank You Sir" and s...
The helicopter (miku)
Dibuat oleh 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD changes the rescue helicopter, it is the appearance of blue MIKU,I hope you can like it,My computer technology is not very good, so the MOD is not very perfectBut I still want to thank you for your support,In addition,the MOD as a pink crashed hel...
The Particles Manifest
Dibuat oleh Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
This's your rem & ram (Molotov)RE:0
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
A replace for the Molotov . rem and ram from 《Re:Life in a different world from zero》 (Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 / Re:从零开始的异世界生活) Change the appearance randomly according to different levels , Luminous This's your rem!(Tank concrete chunk) : http://steamcommunity.co...
Umaru Doma Medkit
Dibuat oleh Heartlz
My first mod *yay* Finally figured out how to port MMD models, planing to do more in future. Nothing really fancy just replacing the Medkit texture. Sound not include. Before doing this project I don't know there someone already use this model, but it's fi...
Van Darkholme Smoker Sounds
Dibuat oleh NGJ
This mod replaces Smoker sounds with your favorite Dungeon Master: Van Darkholme....
XL SVD Sniper Mirror
Dibuat oleh Y1hong
It's cool,right? JUST use it!!!!!...
Xmas Stuff
Dibuat oleh Floh
This is a Xmas themed mod that adds Snowmen, Santas, Gifts and some other stuff in the game (In Official and Custom Campaigns) by replacing certain objects . https://i.postimg.cc/nhYMBp51/merry-christmas-text-png-15.png Credits: some Models & Textures by X...
Xmas Tree Decorations
Dibuat oleh Keep Staying Puft
Nothing like killing zombies during the holidays. Now with some lights and decorations on the trees, it really does feel festive. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!...
[NEKOPARA]Azuki For Nick
Dibuat oleh Raitoningu
红豆,来自NEKOWORKs社团GALGAME作品。 Feature: -FPS arms -HUD Icons -Jigglebones -Anime Shader -Zoey's Animations -Boomed texture NEKO 4 PARA 2 For L4D2 Survivors. -Coconut For Coach -Vanilla For Rochelle By Peakness Yang -Chocola For Ellis By Peakness Yang...
Rainbow Velometer
Dibuat oleh シェイディ♑
Adds speedometer to your HUD. Rainbow skin with improved quality. Original version of this speedometer: http://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=483874814...
Safe Door Rainbow Transparent (glowing)
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
replace for the Safe Door. Like the white crystal beauty Self luminous, and has a perspective effect Like friends remember to evaluate my work, The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. Rainbow Trans...
Tracers - Energy Blue ( Infinite Warfare ) (for particles manifest)
Dibuat oleh Urik
disclaimer: I know this new implementaion is super complicated, but let's see how it goes... PLESE SEE REQUIRED MOD ON THE RIGHT Blue Tracers from Infinite Warfare. Originally inspired/made for Scream's releases. - Why doesn't it work for me? 1) Check that...
Touhou boxes chartlet
Dibuat oleh 小芝麻凛
Touhou boxes chartlet Adding a map to the storage rack...
"マジやばくね"pickup sound
Dibuat oleh Sakura Azusa
マジやばくね! マジやばくね! マジやばくね! マジやばくね Modified item pickup. Kanna's "Oh, that's wicked!" terrible-.- 修改物品捡起声音 出自小林家的龙女仆,康纳 亲手从b站原视频截的声音 对声音进行了一些变速但应该无伤大雅(应该 感觉对大佬的作品不太满意所以又做了一个(no...
Hatsune Miku Helicopter Pilot
Dibuat oleh мяFunreal
Hatsune miku found herself a helicopter. Includes corpse models. She will, once in a while scratch her right arm, look at the dashboard, look out the window and move her feet. Credits: Mamama - model, textures Dewobedil - rigging, port to gmod MrFunreal - ...
Is the order a rabbit? Jukebox
Dibuat oleh krkr
こころぴょんぴょん♪ 第2弾 ご注文はうさぎですか? ジュークボックスMOD <<収録曲>>  ①スマイルメーカー / ココア(CV.佐倉綾音)  ②新作のしあわせはこちら! / チノ(CV.水瀬いのり)  ③Dear Me / リゼ(CV.種田梨沙)  ④色葉おしながき / 千夜(CV.佐藤聡美)  ⑤カフェインファイター / シャロ(CV.内田真礼)  ⑥ときめきLOOPにのって / チマメ隊 ...
Alternate Car Alarm
Dibuat oleh C0RSA1R
Replaces the default car alarm sound with a lower pitched one including a horn. More of my mods: http://gtm.you1.cn/profiles/76561198058357555/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550...
極楽浄土 tank music
Dibuat oleh Akatori
Replace tank music. 一种名为“极乐净土”的毒品正在迅速传播。 B站已经沦陷 https://ooo.0o0.ooo/2016/08/05/57a5682e65928.jpg 替换坦克音乐 B站视频地址 : http://www.bilibili.com/video/av5556326/ 这东西已经过气了。。 ——2018年1月21日...
彩玻璃动态铁喷 Rainbow Shotgun (Replace Chrome Shotgun)
Dibuat oleh Stan
替换铁质单喷。 Replace Chrome Shotgun. 对原作者的彩玻璃铁喷进行了修改,实现了动态的效果。 原作者mod地址 http://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=644814504 原作者个人主页 http://gtm.you1.cn/id/911110 在此声明:本mod基于原作者的mod制作,本人仅经过一些相当简单的修改就制作出了现在的这个mod。喜欢彩玻璃系列的可以关注原作者的创意工坊,里面有其他的彩玻璃mo...
Dibuat oleh //
嘛,自制,第一次做可能有点糙 两幅图的P站ID,第二幅好像是某大触改的吧。。 58724194 59144746 选择多人联机 再选喷漆图案就可以了 ...
RNG Cola Bottles
Dibuat oleh Tя!cky ツ
6 Pack of my prior released textures of the Cola Bottles http://imgur.com/j4B37gW.jpg https://imgur.com/nXM8vJJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
[Boomer Sound Mod]Lowsing Boomer Noise Fixed version
Dibuat oleh WillSawJason
Replaces most of the Boomer's sounds with the voice from Lowsing! 用刘醒的音源替换了大部分Boomer的音频! Say goodbye to the NOISE!!!! This is Noise Fixed version,enjoy it! The original version because the audio file error does not only lead to sonic boom, some audio in th...
[jockey Sound Mod]Ge Ping Jockey Noise Fixed version
Dibuat oleh WillSawJason
Replaces most of the Jockey's sounds with the voice from Ge Ping! 用葛炮的音源替换了大部分Jockey的音频! Say goodbye to the NOISE!!!! This is Noise Fixed version,enjoy it! The original version because the audio file error does not only lead to sonic boom, some audio in th...
[Festival] Pump Shotgun
Dibuat oleh K"ashimura♦
Replaced in-game the Pump Shotgun. Finally finished over christmas ago. Changes Add two small parts Modify the bullet model I'm only responsible for the production model.( ´_ゝ`) So thank fo advice and guidance to a friend : ) hope you enjoy : ) -----------...
♂Gachi Charger Sound♂
Dibuat oleh Hundred Spoons
♂First sound addon I've done♂ ♂Happened to be listening to gachi music, when I got the idea to make this♂ ♂Ellis PM: https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=151647497 ♂ ♂Nick PM: https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3350074...
Bow(Grenade launcher)Rainbow Transparent
Dibuat oleh 徒手开根号
replace for the Grenade launcher,Dynamic bowstring,The gun body is transparent and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effect.Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to m...
CS:GO SG 553 Cyrex
Dibuat oleh Nyx Zero
Cs go SG553 replace CSS SG552 include inspect animations and sounds. Credits: Twilight sparkle - model NZ_Workshop - skin http://i.imgur.com/mksS8Z4.png ...
Holiday Loading Bar
Dibuat oleh Konclan
A frosty loading bar for your holiday needs...
Enhanced Audio: Water
Dibuat oleh frawzy
Improves water sounds. Go to Collection ...
Enhanced Water Reflections
Dibuat oleh Theuaredead`
This is an official reupload of this addon, I've gotten permission from the original creator to reupload this. This mod is in an AS-IS State, and will not be updated, be aware of bugs. Original Description: Enables a good unused feature of the Source engin...
Purple-Pink-Blue-Cyan Burning Infected Particles
Dibuat oleh Soleily
I had to seperate them because some people don't like burning infected color and some people like the color of this. Well I just replica Purple-Pink-Blue-Cyan fire. This includes all infected burning particles and also incendiary ammo. The color of molotov...
Padoru Padoru!! (Gnome)
Dibuat oleh 8sianDude
A meme initially introduced in December of 2017, has once again arised from it's grave to annoy the crap out of everyone in December of 2018. Padoru is a meme that features a character from the Fate/Extra game, Nero Claudius (totally not Saber), singing a ...
罪恶王冠片尾曲Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~(替代死亡等待营救观战bgm)
Dibuat oleh Dragon Maid Zz
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923673299820494313/8B5BB2A8F81418B0F593C6BBBDE5F64D8E248448/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 替代了观战时候的音乐,悲伤点毕竟凉了,...
Dibuat oleh ⎛⎝喵喵喵⎠⎞
Purple Haze "Light" - Swamp Fever Color Correction
Dibuat oleh Olde
A light version of my initial Purple Haze color correction for Swamp Fever. This was actually my first conception for pushing Swamp Fever later in the day. Although I eventually decided that the darker version was better for conveying a creepier, more sini...
Coastal Morning Parish Color Correction
Dibuat oleh Olde
A color correction for The Parish only. I wanted to depict the time in the early morning with lots of pink, white, and yellow hues, brightening up the campaign and giving it, in my mind, the kind of coastal look that The Parish warrants. As such, it is hig...
Pink Lady The Passing Color Correction
Dibuat oleh Olde
This is a color correction for The Passing only, bringing in much more pink and peach hues that are more vibrant than the drab, gray color correction of the original, yet still subdued enough to fit the hazy, drizzly atmosphere of the campaign. This will o...
Early Dawn Hard Rain Color Correction
Dibuat oleh Olde
A color correction for Hard Rain only. I wanted to make a version of Hard Rain that takes place very early in the day by making the campaign almost literally explode with bright vibrancy of pink, white, yellow, orange, and red to depict a hyper-realistic b...
Longbow-DMR-Miku(military sniper rifle)
Dibuat oleh 蒜蓉炒面
我看到合集里催更挺多的,于是我就做了这把枪械贴图。。。。真不是炒冷饭。。虽然跟R101-Miku的贴图很像。。。。。。。。。 替换了二代连狙(military sniper rifle),枪声改成了泰坦陨落2的DMR枪声,或许你们会觉得枪声很小。。。。 预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av44523487 原作:Twilight Sparkle 原模:Titanfall Longbow-DMR Sniper 喜欢请三连哦! 跤♂友群:931395294...
Dibuat oleh Anti_Air_Banana
“啊?喜欢玩陪你玩啊?玩一百哈!” ------非凡·屎の妖精·梁 Feature: --替换了部分Spitter的音效 警戒:刘醒! 攻击(吐痰):我要艹你啊,肛到我听到为止 游荡:到外面玩跑步,玩一百哈,啊?喜欢玩陪你玩啊,大声肛,对不起非凡哥,警署有规定,下属不啵上司嘴,etc. 受伤:啊?,刘醒,艹你啊 死亡:我要艹你啊,肛到我听到为止 PS.非凡哥的素(wo)材(te)不(bie)多(lan),所以重复利用了不少。部分音效可能会有异响,还请见谅Orz。 如果喜欢这个MOD,不妨看看我之前做的新日暮...
RPK Miku(m60)
Dibuat oleh 蒜蓉炒面
替换了m60!!枪声也换了 封面是不是很骚呢?因为我除了骚一无所有,,,,首次尝试加入绿色,将本应该是木质的枪托,握把,护木换成了白色与蓝色的电路板花纹。。。。。。。。。。电路板其实很好看的。。。。。。弹夹上绘制者icey的8个boss logo。。。。。。其实因为想偷工减料这个月就。。。。。还是会做icey的武器 喜欢请三连,Happy Spring Festival!!!...
M4A4 | Asiizone (JAPANESE TEXT)
Dibuat oleh kylocat
A japanese text version of my original M4A4 | Asiizone skin Replace m4 model and sound Please rate if you enjoyed:>...
AWP-Tokisaki Kurumi ( 狂三AWP )
Dibuat oleh K4
Replace the AWP. This is the first time to do this, so if you have any Suggestions please feel free to ask, thank you very much. 替换了隐藏武器AWP,根据原版的CS:GO AWP进行修改,瞄准镜上的两个眼睛由于原图抠图形状别扭,所以就用Photoshop纯手工制作,所以若有什么建议还请提出,非常感谢。 测试视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av4...
Blue fire (molotov, gas can, explosive barrel)
Dibuat oleh L0qi
Blue fire from molotovs, gas cans and explosive barrels. I couldn't make blue fire exclusive to molotov, because it shares particles with gas can and explosive barrel. Compatible with molotov reskins. Blue fire (molos, cans, barrels) + custom laser sight c...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
[TouHou]Gungnir replace cricket bat
Dibuat oleh Kangai
大小姐的神枪替换板球棒(replace cricket bat),喜欢的话给个好评吧,也欢迎到我的合集里看我其他的作品x 这个模型的作者真的很有创意,做了很多武器类的模型,而且有各种不同的形态 我很喜欢他的作品,所以做成了mod放进游戏里(有些微改造) 模型作者:天狗天子 (原本想和莱瓦汀打包在一起的,但是这样不方便选择,容易和其他mod冲突,所以分开了 莱瓦汀→ https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2020126628 )...
Star Wars Kylo Ren Lightsaber [Tonfa / Police Baton]
Dibuat oleh Nicky_Da_B
Star Wars Part of the L4D2 Star Wars Project from Nicky_Da_B. This is a weapon mod that replaces the tonfa / police baton model with Kylo Ren's crossguard lightsaber. Live out your Star Wars fantasy in L4D2 today! This mod includes: a custom model custom t...
[Honkai 3rd]M134 Vulcan Minigun replaces minigun
Dibuat oleh 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】M134火神机枪替换加特林机枪 Replace minigun with M134 Vulcan Minigun in Honkai Impact 3....
[Kemono Friends] Bear's-paw -> Frying pan
Dibuat oleh 夕月
(ˉ▽ˉ;)...我也不知道简介应该些什么好了 拿着看上去不违和就行 td29501...
Laser Sights ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Dibuat oleh ✿ N A B I ✿
Laser Sights from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI, or in general often the laser sights spawn in random locations on the map. The intention behind this mod was to make ...
Explosive Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Dibuat oleh ✿ N A B I ✿
Explosive Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https://...
Incendiary Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Dibuat oleh ✿ N A B I ✿
Incendiary Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https...
MP5SD ○✿○ Chia ○✿○ [Replaces MP5]
Dibuat oleh ✿ N A B I ✿
This MP5SD will replace the hidden MP5. A version which replaces the silenced SMG is available here. Description The intention behind this weapon was to make it easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https://i.imgur.com/G3jKXqs.png https://i.img...
Glowing oxygen tank
Dibuat oleh 八雲阿紫
Glowing oxygen tank?Looks good? Because the oxygen tank MOD is very scarce, so made their own use....
Origami Tobiichi Large Poster - 约会大作战 鸢一折纸 大海报
Dibuat oleh NPCsnake
- Date A Live - Origami Tobiichi Satan Version Large Poster Replaces Dead Center Jimmy Gibbs Large Poster You may use it with the complete poster MOD This is two of my Date A Live Posters: gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1252377662 steamcomm...
Mobile toilet
Dibuat oleh ⎛⎝喵喵喵⎠⎞
Mobile toilet...
BlueRosa .50CAL machine gun
Dibuat oleh Axlsandwich
Replace .50CAL machine gun with Blue-Rosa skins 使用了蓝色蔷薇的花纹,装饰了.50立地重机枪 替换了枪声,使用了不是特别吵闹的声音 感谢lulu_001m大佬的帮助 萌新第一次做mod还请多(shou)多(xia)指(liu)教(qing)...
碧蓝航线 夕立(椿)煤气罐
夕立系列应该弄完了,明天开始我要准备弄本命二妹了(先从BGM下手),等我改了哈曼就弄一套哈曼的。 (谁反对夕立就砸爆他的哈曼!) 神教套装: 夕立(椿)门:http://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082968290 夕立(椿)安全门:http://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083285844 夕立(椿)医药箱:http://gtm.you1.cn/shar...
Dibuat oleh mmi开心
Reisen Car Itasha
Dibuat oleh PZY
く__,.ヘヽ. \   ./ ,ー、 〉      \ ', !-─‐-i / /´       /`ー'    L//ヽ、      /  /,  /|  ,  ,   ',    イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i .     レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |      !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   |         |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./ |      レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i |       レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ...
【Princess Connect! Re:Dive キャル - SMG [Mac - 10]
Dibuat oleh Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Modify texture only have fun All Content by CYGAMES ...
Honkai Impact Seele Realm Twin Black Sickle Replace Shovel 崩坏3 彼岸双生黑希尔镰刀替换新近战铁锹
Dibuat oleh ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Seele Realm Twin Black's sickle.it replaces Shovel in game. 崩坏3彼岸双生黑希尔的镰刀替换游戏内铁锹 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Shovel 替换 Shovel ----------------------------Then/补充...
Sentinel Knight Spear From Doom Eternal 毁灭战士:永恒 暗夜守卫之矛
Dibuat oleh PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=Sentinel Knight Spear From Doom Eternal= =毁灭战士:永恒 暗夜守卫之矛= For Pitchfork 替换茅草叉 内含: V模,W模 Feature: V model W model Pitchfork & Shovel source files(Please add a . between mega and nz) 茅草叉和铁铲源文件(请在mega和nz之间加上一个 . 号) mega nz/file/GU12iJSB#rtq5ASo7njot45YdsIZEW...
Kuroneko reskin for sniper修复第一人称贴图缺失
Dibuat oleh Sea
求生之路2在上次大更新后重做了所有CSS隐藏武器的模型,因此导致有些老MOD不兼容,这个MOD在更新后第一人称有显示BUG,武器会变得支离破碎。 我自己修复了这个MOD,让它第一人称的时候不再有这个BUG了。 原作链接:https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1498130141...
[ShunFeng] Tank
Dibuat oleh K"ashimura♦
Add a dress to tank. Clothing from China's express company. If you like this piece of work.Welcome to subscribe! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这次制作是顺丰快递小哥 顺便把石...
かぐらなな KaguraNana [coach]
Dibuat oleh kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's vtuber KaguraNana replace coach in game. 喜欢我的mod就加群鸭 945760874 这次是老婆妈妈的新衣服替换了coach! 圣诞到了给妈妈送件新衣服不是很正常嘛 而且我心情好做了表情 有老板出资让我发那个八重樱老婆的新衣服 那就过几天 给大家爽⑧ 喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动...
nekoha shizuku UZI
Dibuat oleh Axlsandwich
Add a lovely color to Uzi ~ not dazzling during the day and still glowing at night~ 给UZI加上了猫羽雫主题的涂装~ 白天不晃眼~ 夜里还发光~ ...
【原神】单手剑—斫峰之刃(砍刀) \ 【Genshin Impact】 单手剑—斫峰之刃(machete)
Dibuat oleh 洛兮
替换近战武器砍刀,replace machete —传说中象征着某一则特定契约的利刃,曾经斩落过山岳的尖端。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础颜色贴图,法线贴图,夜光效果,沿用官方动作。 contain:basetexture,normal map,Luminous effect,Follow the official action。 L4D2皮肤mod制作群:923879694(游戏不止,MOD不停) 1016787637(漂移巴士群) 我的B站主...
【原神】可莉-蹦蹦炸弹(土质炸药) / 【Genshin Impact】 KLEE-JumpBomb(PipeBomb)
Dibuat oleh 洛兮
替换土质炸弹,replace PipeBomb 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap) 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1767080776703467051/A7FCD4A437D3628A17E0979E26DC5D2266D33274/ 高特效法线效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Stardust theme knife
Dibuat oleh Ribonsan
If you need, you can subscribe. No, please ignore. Thank Elements of the Metatron cube Glow in the dark 2048 * 1024 resolution...
【原神/Genshin】刻晴/KEQING replace Rochelle
Dibuat oleh Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 游戏实况视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19v411673J 素材:mihoyo 制作不易,喜欢请点个赞 DD闲聊群:697196002 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile
说明 · 【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : H2Cu阿相 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
Virtual Youtuber - Sirakami fubuki V2 - Francis
Dibuat oleh NanaNana
V2 Francis Replacement Feature Polished Materials Jigglebones Facial Animations First Person Arms, sleeve jigglebones Boomer Bile Texture Corresponding Francis's Attachments A few model edit 4k texture Ears that move with expression Credits Original charac...
Accurate Icon Fix for SCHISM H.U.D.
Dibuat oleh Qude
After TLS, the hud icons on SCHISM HUD looked odd but never got officially fixed. However some unofficial fixes has been released later on. I've reviewed a few of these fixes and they fixed the broken hud icons, but also changed the position of some hud el...
M14 Improved-甘城なつき(动态+夜光)
Dibuat oleh 老瑞瑞
M14 Improved 替换 15发木狙 又是一期甘城猫猫,没想到吧。都怪猫猫太可爱了!!! 本次尝试加入动态,以及甘城猫猫的声音,好好享受!!! 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/19/mc5dUGKv1wjFfup.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/19/Wt2UnGaOcuTSmK6.png 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/19/bsupqFyWYdik6t4.png 本次的mod是最心累的一次,各种出问题,...
【原神】胡桃 加载图标 [Hu Tao]Loading Icon
说明 · 【原神】胡桃 加载图标 Loading Icon · GIF来自BliBili Dazeroyuu · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome.) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1709664318114281751/F52CE841B4F35982668EB8B1ED90E9C98B3497DE/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterb...
Vtuber がうる・ぐら Gawr Gura(Bill)
Dibuat oleh 呃呃
Vtuber 噶呜·古拉 替换比尔 Vtuber Gawr Gura replaces the bill 猫鲨可爱~ 模型/Model: げのげ 编译/Compile: Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :)...
露背旗袍 猫娘 雨空 替换路易斯 replace louis
Dibuat oleh 荷寒雨露
模型来源:我自己在恋活内捏人出来的,衣服是读取服装卡的 如果服装作者觉得有什么不妥请联系我进行处理。 本来是我自己用的,纪念我b站过500粉,转成公开版本 包括飘动骨骼 删除胖次 各项基本的mod都有 穿着这么漂亮又色气的旗袍猫娘 我已经好了 八人自选包加群获取,之前的群号搞错了,这次好了 655077118 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Pe4y1Y7da?vd_source=03c973b51fb9c267f6adcb6181af2ccf ...
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