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Belisaurius's Notebook of Naval Combat
Belisaurius 님이 작성
As much a log of what I've found does and doesn't work as a beginner's guide to Not Sucking. I'll be covering basic technique for every occasion, class specific advice, and finally some theory on group tactics.
즐겨찾기 해제
Basic Tips
ver 0.1, 11/3/2018
Fight like a Coward
Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed-Serentity(2005)

I know this sounds counter intuitive but you are under no obligation to give your enemies easy kills. Hide behind cover, run from superior forces, Abandon your comrades to di not really but in general you want to avoid unfavorable odds. I don't care how shiny your ship is or how l33t your skills are, 2v1 odds generally isn't going to end well for you.

Also, never count on healing to outpace damage. Most taccie cruiser modules focus on healing multiple ships rather than focusing on just one.

Fight as a group

While it seems to be obvious, I've lost count of teammates that have run out alone and gotten themselves double or tripple teamed. Don't go it alone, always double or tripple team your enemies whenever possible. Don't worry about kill stealing either. The kill goes to whomever does the most damage with separate bonuses for the killing blow and assists. Focus down each enemy and take them out quickly.

Be An Hero

Sometimes you can't fight with the odds in your favor. Sometimes you've got to do something stupid and suicidal.But if you do, make sure it's worth it. Never accept defeat without taking at least one of them with you.

Tips by Class
You Classy Motherf-

It's not immortal but you can see it from here

So I suppose you want to charge right through the enemy, shiny and invincible, smashing asside all opposition in your brand spankin' new Dreadnought, right?

Well don't.

Dreads are tough, don't get me wrong, but if you're focused down you'll still die. Patience is the key. Patience to grind down the enemy at range, patience to hold near your cruisers so they can buff you. Patience to get to the battle because Good Yeshu you are SLOW.

And that slowness is why you're such a crappy linebreaker. By the time you get to close quarters you've basically have nothing left.

So you're less of an Unstoppable Force and more of an Immovable Object. Park you're billion ton rear in front of your Arty Cruisers, next to your Taccie Cruisers, or just on top of your objective and Punish Anyone that comes into gun range.

Insert Quote Here

If the dreads are the Shields of a fleet, Destroyers are the Swords. Destroyers are more than just faster, less tanky Dreads, they're actually more offensive as more Destroyer Modules are designed for laying on the Hurt.

Destroyers are best for linebreaking but you need to be careful, if you faila all you've done is given away free kills. Gang up with friends or look for an opportunity or both. Maybe right after a Corvette Raid or a Dreadnought's nuke. Sometimes all you need is for the enemy to make a mistake and break formation or for there to be enough focused fire on an enemy Dread to kill it before it can get into cover.

HOWEVER, Destroyers are the most Versatile class by far so feel free to change tactics on the fly.

Tag WoopWoopWoopWoopWoopWoop

In contrast to Destroyers, Corvette tactics are so orthodox that I can give you actual bullet points

1. Stay low. Anyone can kill you if they see you.
2. Stay moving. the sooner you break line of sight, the better.
3. Hit hard. Power to weapons, nearly point blank, and Torpedoes.
4. Run like Hell. Natch
5. Don't be affraid to bug out. You're a glass cannon so don't take unnecessary risks.

Tactical Cruiser
Can't you Stay Repaired for 5 Mother Flippin' Seconds

Frankly, most Taccie Cruiser players have had their ♥♥♥♥ together so I'm not going to belabor the obvious.

Just remember that you're healing beam is more powerful at short range than at longer range and that with Autorepair you're surprisingly tanky.

Artillery Cruiser
The entire forwards half of my ship is a gun and yet I find myself wanting more gun

The iconic sniper class. Sort off. See, the Oberon line has trouble with their primary weapons not having particularly good range and the signature ability, Siege Mode, has a blast radius so is more of a long range counterpart to the Corvette.

In general, you want to cloak, spam all the firepower you have, and then run before they realize you've got the armor of a cheap sudan.

I've seen many players try to throw down in direct combat with Artillery cruisers. This...isn't reccomended as your primary weapons actually don't have particulary good DPM.

Finally, Artillery Cruisers often like to opperate independently from the group so their often the favored prey of Corvettes.
Group Tactics
Keep in mind that most of this is theoretical as I haven't been able to get a group together to try this.

Snipe and Skirmish
This one is a heavily psychological trap with a high skill floor.

What you'll need is as many Corvettes and Artillery Cruisers as you can get.

The first step is to get the enemy to scatter using Artillery Siege Mode. If they scatter, you can pick them off with the Corvettes. If they don't you can keep pounding them with Arty until they do or they loose.

What you don't want the enemy to do is to move against the artillery cruisers in force as there's no way you'll be able to force them back with so little firepower.

However, coordination between Randos being what it is, there's a good chance of this tactic netting you a win with almost no deaths.

Taccie Boosting

This takes advantage of the fact that Healing Beams count as weapons and are subject to the same buffs. Namely, buffs from the Destroyer's WeaponsBooster Pulse

In this way you can have a very agile force that doesn't skimp on tankiness. However, this trick will only last while your modules do.
댓글 6
Jeb T. Firefly 2022년 9월 5일 오후 1시 57분 
Jeb T. Firefly 2022년 9월 5일 오후 1시 57분 
"you've got the armor of a cheap sudan ." (from the Arty Cruiser section)
I guess Sudan doesn't have much armor either, now that I think about it.
falcrowbracken 2022년 1월 25일 오전 8시 06분 
dreads at t5 can output major dps and if you use the officer briefings correctly and have endurance mode and armor pulse you are basically invincible i can rak up 20 kills or more and alot of assists per game in bot battles 7-9 kills pvp with a good eye for the biggest threats the trans-human dreadnought is classified as a dreadnought but it is a cruiser at heart with it output so much dps i have a hard time finding targets it is the fastest dreadnought with the fastest firing main gun of the dreadnoughts at t5 in bot battles its a beast of you cant kill it in pvp it is just as good but not as tanky as most smart people target the healers first then target the dread second and focus the trans-human dread mostly first oh and shields are you friend use them almost every second you can
Pokeking 2020년 5월 8일 오전 7시 54분 
Stay close to cover, and tactical cruisers should stay behind cover, or close to it. Being out in the open (aka high up near map ceiling) is a death sentence
JPalmx12 2019년 11월 22일 오후 2시 51분 
That was really detailed. Also, Blevins, I think he means arty cruisers split up and probe for a weak spot then call it out and everyone hits it from all sides.
Blevins 2019년 1월 26일 오후 7시 44분 
I can say that the first set of tactics will fail horribly. All it would take is 1 good nuke to kill all of your Arties. Healballs are a very real tactic that revolve around 2 or more tactical cruisers keeping each other and their team alive.

Otherwise, this is fairly solid