Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

217 évaluations
how to eat chicken without getting your keyboard greasy
Par bug mode et 1 collaborateur(s)
chicken wings tf2
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eat it with one hand
eating chicken with one hand makes it so your other hand has no grease on it. you can use that hand to type on it. it will be slower but it will save your keyboard from getting all messy.

wash your hands
washing your hands after you're done with soap will get rid of all the chicken grease. when you do that, you're able to type as much as you want.
eat chicken in a paper towel
if nothing else works you can just eat it with a paper towel. or literally eat it at a proper table with your family you disgusting pig
become a somali pirate and take over india's kfc
hee haw
use the liberty launcher
crutch weapon
117 commentaires
Isolde 11 nov. 2020 à 20h18 
call that shit a mcchicken
The Windy Wizard of Atlas 21 sept. 2019 à 3h32 
Finally found this guide after I saw the thumbnail like a a year ago
Demna Gvɒsalia 9 sept. 2019 à 16h18 
how eat
asphyxia. 9 juil. 2019 à 4h28 
How do I eat
Symbols and Manners 6 juil. 2019 à 8h17 
Eat the belt first
asphyxia. 6 juil. 2019 à 1h05 
How do I eat capri-sun without my dad hitting me with his belt
Capivara Feliz 2 mai 2019 à 9h27 
how do i eat yogurt without getting it into my rectum?
StoneGhost 2 févr. 2019 à 5h00 
why tf is this still the most trending guide get this shit out of here its already months old
Gnome owl 9 janv. 2019 à 0h20 
Emeralve 6 nov. 2018 à 0h26 
I dont use hands, i eat it like a disgusting pig like you said i was