Project 5: Sightseer

Project 5: Sightseer

Flag and symbol codes
由 naib864 發表
A list of all flag and symbol codes I know of. (will update everytime I find something new)
Flag Codes
DE - german flag
US - american flag
RU - russian flag
pirate - pirate flag
CA - canadian flag
tash1 - tasharen flag (dev)
Text codes
When entering text ingame (in text, signs, faction names etc.) you can use some codes to display symbols:

(*) - weird dot
(S) - shield
(Y) - check
(N) - cross
(T) - clock
(M) - mass
(I) - science symbol
(!) - !
(H) - heart
(KEY) - key
(POW) - lightning
(LIQ) - drop
(GAS) - cloud
($) - credit sign
/!\ - warning icon
(WAR) - crossed swords
(HAZ) - hazard symbol
(SQR) - square
(RAD) - radiation symbol

Also you can color your text by RGB code when creating floor signs:
For example "[FF7700] Test" would show you an orange colored Test.