Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest: Adventure Game

Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest: Adventure Game

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Episode 3 - 100% Achievement Guide
Bởi Marc
Guide to getting 100% Achievements in Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest Episode 3
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Spring Cleaning
In the maze with the Roomba, move it to the right hand side where the dirt/cobwebs are to unlock this achievement.

Use the Robocomp on the Navicomp and win the minigame

Viva la revolución!
Insert the pink (fake) keycard into the Navicomp

Northern Lights
Wait out on lookout point for a minute or so and then interact with the Northern Lights when they appear.

Not Robogardener
Try to use the remote control on the lamp in the greenhouse

Brute Force Attack
Use the pipe on the third keypad to unlock the door

Water all 4 plants, the ones in Amelie's Room under the lamp, The flowers on the shelves in the gym, The tomatoes in the greenhouse and plant near the Fussball table

After fixing the hermetically sealed door, look at the other door mechanism and Barton will admit he has broken it. Then go and talk to Oddy and tell him it's broken.

Prize-Winning Specimen
Put the tomato on the edge of the hot tub, then leave and re-enter the greenhouse.

Water, Water Never Changes
Try to repair the antenna with a cup of water

Deep Space Duck
Try to repair the antenna with the pipe, then take the Rubber duck to Oddy in the greenhouse

Episode 3 - Now Complete!
Unlocks when you complete the episode.