Conan Exiles
1,521 人が評価
Deco & Placeables - 3.31.0117
Features: Features
Buildings: Buildings
Admin: Admin
Roleplaying: Roleplaying
1.129 GB
2018年6月17日 7時34分
1月17日 3時25分
169 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Deco & Placeables - 3.31.0117

Add some decorations items and crafstations to decorate your surroundings.

What's in this mod?
Decoration items and Craftstations but also some specific elements
such as the possibility to see metal ingots or tar in 3D, to place weapons on a table or on the floor (using a special box: > see video)
as well as larger elements such as Nordheimer or Stygian houses, wooden ramparts, skins, water areas.
Objects can now be crafted by player (since 3.0 update)
(As admin, you can use the Admin Chest to see all items).

What's the point?
Mainly to add visual content and create ambiences.
But above all, this mod exists to work with another mod: Crafting Overhaul, currently in stand by.

I really like what you do, how can I support you?
If you appreciate my work and the phenomenal amount of time I spend on it,
you can help me on Patreon > here[] or Paypal > here[]

How to animate the Craftstations?
I recently changed the ID of the craft stations which can then be used as classical workshops (this way of process is temporary).

Can't we add Thralls in?
Yes, this is now possible.

Road to Crafting Overhaul?
(ancient complementary title text)
The goal is to release (finally) my Crafting Overhaul project and this mod, here present, contains the visual elements and the crafting station necessary for this project.
Since 3.0, this project is compromised

I'd like more informations.
You can join my Discord on which I post content and will answer your questions.
> link to the Discord[]

ID 1414531358
人気スレッド 全て表示 (4)
2022年10月30日 5時59分
Liist of Thralls that Work
[EASY] Wingnut
2023年12月19日 17時43分
Why is there a little rating for this mod?
2019年11月20日 12時23分
Besoin d'une petite aide si tu peux et/ou le veux :)
633 件のコメント
Asghaard  [作成者] 1月18日 3時14分 
it's just a visible element, I've made small adjustments and checked other elements, I've only listed what was visible and had been the subject of a specific request. There were a few polygon optimizations, but I didn't list them.
By the way, I forgot to look at the comments in this comment area and should have also looked at the northern foundations!
I check on my Discord but don't necessarily think to check the Workshop comment area, sorry.
bonesieboy 1月17日 12時02分 
alright listen i enjoy mod updates on a reg but listen update for one item texture? i mean atleast wait for a few more items to fix/add
Asghaard  [作成者] 2024年12月10日 13時52分 
ok, thank you
Jargal 2024年12月10日 12時27分 
got Fatal error:
FilenameToLongPackageName failed to convert
'../../../ConanSandbox/Conten|/Mods/Asghaard_deco_and_placeables/lcons/177366_icon_cloth_purple.uasset'. Attempt result was
'../../../ConanSandbox/Conten|/Mods/Asghaard_deco_and_placeables/lcons/177366_icon_cloth_purple, but the path contains illegal characters'
aqualung99 2024年12月8日 16時56分 
Update: it only seems to be a problem when the foundations are stacked.
aqualung99 2024年12月8日 14時04分 
I think the name of the particular one is "North Stone Side Foundation" -- 800161. But it's also possible that *all* of the "North Stone xxx Foundation" pieces are having the problem. So that would be 800160, 800163, 800162, and 800173
Asghaard  [作成者] 2024年12月8日 13時20分 
ok, do you know the ID of the North Stone Foundation (just to be sure which one I must check)
aqualung99 2024年12月8日 10時47分 
There is a problem on my server that's running with this mod. A friend did some excellent detective work tracking it down -- and whenever a piece of the North Stone foundation set gets deleted, everyone on the server gets booted. The server doesn't *crash* -- but everyone gets booted. I was hoping you might look into it. Everyone really likes the mod and we'd all be unhappy to have to remove it :(
Asghaard  [作成者] 2024年11月1日 7時13分 
" add Jungle, Highland, and snow versions" of what ?
Hastyr Wuulf 2024年11月1日 3時30分 
Is there plans to add Jungle, Highland, and snow versions?