Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

2,631 人が評価
Bot Improvements - Combat
Categories: QoL, Balance/Tweaks
344.879 KB
2018年5月26日 18時57分
2023年12月13日 20時30分
25 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Bot Improvements - Combat

Grimalackt 作成の 1 件のコレクション
The Quality of Life Modpack - Official Realm
33 アイテム
A set of various tweaks that empower the fighting capabilities of bots in a fair manner.

Having been recently updated, the mod now features 8 modifications :

1 - Better Melee Choices: The bots will now favor normal attacks over charged much more, unless their target would not be damaged by normal attacks.

2 - Ping Elites: The bots will ping any elites that attack them, within the same limits of what a player could do. This will trigger appropriate voicelines and Witch-Hunt buffs.

3 - Healing Threshold: Gives an option to change when bots should want to heal themselves, between when hurt, when wounded, and when extra heals are available. There's two seperate options for bots with and without natural bond equipped, since the default behaviour for those two is already different.

4 - No Longer Chase Specials: Bots will no longer walk towards specials to melee them if the special is too far away. They may still shoot them at any range.

5 - Ignore line of fire: Bots will no longer look for cover against ratling gunners, unless the ratling gun is within a lethal range.

6 - Bots No Longer Focus Bosses: Bots will ignore bosses entirely unless attacked by them, or no other enemies are nearby.

7 - Improved Revive Logic: Makes bots more likely to attempt revives through danger, and makes some careers use their active ability to secure an attempt if needed.

8 - Improved Active Ability Usage: Changes the logic that several careers use to determine when to use their active ability. NOTE: This may cause some careers to use their active ability too sparingly on difficulties below legend.

Each of these features can be independantly toggled on and off in the mod options.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
8月26日 10時57分
It would be great if this modification works again.
2023年10月23日 5時48分
Misc Ideas/Suggestions
819 件のコメント
Apocaleptic 11月16日 9時48分 
thats the way it is team
Kissalim 11月11日 9時17分 
we need this mod pls :c
Chestilence 9月29日 8時46分 
Seems like not wurking. :SupercrossSettings:
P.S. tryed auto-disable unsactioned mods and enter lobby - has "Timed sign-out" message and game exit's. :sad_creep:
Kratchet 9月20日 11時31分 
Is mod propperly working?
KingLich 9月14日 22時18分 
why the fuck this is not part of the game? ffs
Morghy 9月14日 3時04分 
I wish we had one of this for Darktide.
We already have two mod: one allows you to actually do solo with bots and the other allows you to use your other characters as replacement for Fatshark default bots.
All we need is Bot Improvements - Combat for Darktide.
Tar Bogotà 9月12日 14時29分 
update please :(
вечный жид 8月31日 7時08分 
Rat 8月22日 18時20分 
Please update, I want my bots to be good again :(