Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

28 人が評価
PCC Aircar in LA livery
Assets: Vehicle
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2018年3月13日 10時09分
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PCC Aircar in LA livery

komurka 作成の 2 件のコレクション
Murka's Public Transport Collection
48 アイテム
PCC Streetcars and Stuff
14 アイテム
Pre-war PCC Aircar in LA city streetcar ("LA Railway") livery.

You can always say 'thanks' via MY PAYPAL[]!
4 件のコメント
komurka  [作成者] 2018年3月14日 10時18分 
If you mean Pacific Electric, I know it and even made PE 2-headed version of this PCC. It would be uploaded later.
sohryu_l 2018年3月14日 9時56分 
Yeah, not to mention LA had two different streetcar companies...

But does look a lot like El Paso. Or Mexico.
komurka  [作成者] 2018年3月14日 2時32分 
nope it is just as wide as other PCCs, actually. I know that LA trams used smaller gauge then other but I knewer heard of another size. Count it as a fictional PCC car in LA (or may be even El Paso) livery.
sohryu_l 2018年3月13日 14時17分 
Not as wide as other PCCs, too?