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Doors Expanded
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28 févr. 2018 à 8h24
20 avr. à 10h38
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Doors Expanded

Dans 1 collection faite par Ryoma
Lord of the Rims
9 objets
Door expansion pack for RimWorld. Adds new types and sizes of doors.

Barky Mod Showcase Video:

Originally included:
  • Doors (1x2) - Double sized doors.
  • Doors (1x3) - Triple sized doors.
  • Curtains (Tribal)
    -Fragile, flammible, and made of fabric, these curtains provide fast movement through buildings.
  • Jail Doors
    -Strong doors for keeping prisoners inside.
  • Gates
    -Stylized doors perfect for meeting pre-industrial needs.
  • Blast Doors
    -Incredibly large and secure doors used to keep greater threats at bay.
Comissioned by CMDR Toss Antilles.

Available in English, Polish (by sma342), Korean (by MarinHigh), Portuguese (by Freewayz), Russian (by kr33man), Japanese (by Proxyer), French (by qux), Spanish (by Crusader), Chinese (by Jujiote)

Updates and Notes
Add 2x1 and 3x1 autodoors
Add 3x1 remote garage-style doors
Add 2x1 and 3x1 tribal curtains
Add 1x1 blast door (thanks Jiopaba/InsanityPrelude!)
Autodoors, including the vanilla 1x1 autodoor, are remote controllable
Blast doors and remote garage-style doors can now breakdown like autodoors, but only at half the normal frequency
Remote doors rebalanced such that they open more slowly than autodoors but cost less and use less power (and breakdown less frequently)
Tweak all the various costs of blast doors and remote garage-style doors such that: blast doors > autodoors > remote doors > vanilla doors
Modders: DoorExpandedDef deprecated in favor of new CompProperties_DoorExpanded (see Heron_Doors.xml for examples)

Ludeon Thread:
Patreon Direct Download:

Join the Rim of Madness Discord to discuss the mod.

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Discussions populaires Tout voir (16)
Il y a 17 heures
Remote broken
1 sept. à 4h06
ÉPINGLÉ : Please send all bugs, issues, suggestions, etc, to the Rim of Madness Discord!
17 juil. 2022 à 7h39
Bug with Doors Expanded
1 194 commentaires
maulkye Il y a 17 heures 
I used to use this mod to stop "door opening" enemies, as they couldn't open doors that were set to "secured remotely". That no longer works due to the "remote bug" that seems to have crept into this mod.

Given that this issue does not appear likely to be addressed; does anyone know of an alternative mod that will stop "door opening" enemies? (short of building temporary walls in front of my doors).
Kotalisk 25 oct. à 0h01 
Keksss, but how do you close them then after?
-Kekssssss- 27 sept. à 13h05 
If you want remote doors to stay open just set them to "hold open" and they will stay open after the button press
Pipblade 27 sept. à 11h56 
remote doors no longer work
Buck 19 sept. à 15h04 
So whats the point of the prison cell doors when the prisoners just open them up and leave. =)
TurtleShroom 24 aout à 13h35 
Now that V1.5 has native support for multi-tile doors, is this Mod still needed?
天哪,那是接近的 20 aout à 11h37 
The remote control function is almost ineffective
Kham 14 aout à 6h17 
@NuanKi nice! I do have VVE so that will do the trick, thanks!
NuanKi 13 aout à 23h44 
@Kham, if you use Vanilla Vehicles Expanded, you can use my Garage Doors Expanded for remote doors
Kham 7 aout à 9h18 
Really missing the remote door functionality of this mod. Forgot how annoying it is having to send pawns to walk into a door to open or close it manually.