Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Multiplayer

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Ultimate Run & Gun class
Av {WNRQ}Slaughterbob
Hi there. So you found my class setup guide. Congratz. Now let me help you with a class who really is gonna piss people off. This is my class which im running with right now. Gonna be honorst with ya'all. Im playing HC Team Deathmatch, so in regular you might gonna switch a perk out for something more hardhitting.

First of all your killstreaks. Well this is free to choose. Im going with Precision Airstrike, Helicopter & AC-130, sometimes im running with Harrier Strike, Pavelow and Nuke. So when this is done, is time to take a closer look on the weapons and perks.

Prim weapon: UMP-45 with FMJ

Secondary weapon: Spas-12 with grip (Insane range)

Perks, be aware these are the perks for HC TD

Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Ninja Pro



This is my Run&Gun class, and i have went 46-6 in Trailer Park with it. I have been called a cheater/hacker several times over and over again. But i can assure you that im legit. Players just can't handle being raped. If you still are in doubt, check out my steam profile, there is 3 video link's to Youtube. Those video's are recorded with fraps and its showing my Run & Gun class and how effective it really is. They are worth a watch. Trust me.

Hope you find this useful.

{WNRQ}Slaughterbob out -

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