Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

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Starship Guide for Beginners and stuff (Updated!)
Rustic Doggo 님이 작성
A complete guide on starships and tips on how to improve them in combat n stuff for newbs & returning players
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Basic Starship Stuff: Flying and organising your first starship
So, your new in star trek online, and you have your ship, but don't know how to use it nor some controls for them. Well, I'm going to tell you some secrets and stuff that pro starship players use.

New Starship Guide:
Rule 1:

ALWAYS have Auto Fire on during combat. A very easy way to enable Autofire is simply by RIGHT clicking on your weapons in the weapon tray. This will easily enable you just to spam spacebar to attack with all abilities.

Rule 2:

Organise your Hud and toolbar
Organizing your hud and toolbar for your starship will GREATLY increase your combat effectiveness because you won't have to look for your abilities. Organizing your Hud can be done by press ESC, or simply pressing F12 (warning, this will take a screenshot if used in steam) Here is an example of my layout:

As you can see, its far more organized, and I can easily access abilities, etc.

Rule 3:

NEVER use mixed weapons, It is a horrible idea, and WILL stop your ship from being at its best ability. This is how your ship should look

As you can see, my loadout is organized with only one type of weapon, Diffusive Tetryon. (New players you will either have Phaser, Disruptor, or Plasma.) Speaking of this rule, it is not entirely true. If you come to be advanced and are into the PVP side of STO, then there are special sets for mixed weapons to achieve maximum DPS.

Rule 4:

Boost your ship's weapons with amplifiers
Take a look at the tactical slot on my ship. Those two blue chamber looking things are resonators to boost my damage output on enemy ships. Use them along with the SAME type of weapon to get the best out of your ship.

Basic Starship Control: Movement and basic flanking and manuevering
Now, I will teach you basic starship movement and how to evade enemy fire, etc.

Basic movement:

The basic movement is different from most games. Instead of W being the forward, it is actually to look upwards.
Here is a list of movements
W=Move starship upward(face up, not move forward)
S=Move starship downward(face down, not reverse speed)
A=Move left
D=move right
E=E is the basic command to move your starship FORWARD
Q=Q is the basic command to move your starship BACKWARDS
R(full stop/full impulse)=This sets your speed level to max or sets it to 0
Your Speed Meter is represented by a meter that increases or decreases as you fly forward/backward.

Using Evasive maneuvers:
You can use Evasive maneuvers to quickly evade enemies firepower and torpedoes. Once activated, I recommend flying in a Zig-Zag pattern for the best results.

Once you hit Level 50 you will unlock patterns like Rock and Roll, which allows for temporary immunity to damage. (check advanced starship control for details)

Flanking Flanking is a pretty common tactic for raiders (Klingons) and proves extremely useful during combat. Best results happen when using evasive maneuvers to get behind enemies.
Advanced: Reading Ship Stats
So when you eventually buy a new ship, you are faced with this.

Now let's talk about those stats you probably don't care about, but WILL come in useful during combat. But before we can do that, let's review what you learned back then about this.

According to Newton's first law of motion, INERTIA is the tendency of and object TO RESIST A CHANGE IN MOTION.

Basic Stats:
Hull: The amount of health your ship has
Shield HP: The amount of shield your ship has to defend it
Defense Rating: This provides a bonus to your ship's defense against all types of damage. This also gives boosts to evasion, and reapplication of weapons fire back to the enemy.
Hull and Shield repair rate: Rate at which your hull and shields regenerate
Resists against DMG: This tells you how much your ship will deduct of that type of damage

Accuracy Rating:% in which your ship will hit small and fast-moving targets. This also plays into speed, as well, more speed, less accuracy.
Crit chance/severity: chance and bonus damage your ship will inflict upon enemies when Crit hits occur.

INERTIA This determines how much your ship will REMAIN moving once stopped. One effective maneuver that Pro starship players will use is to SIDESTRAFE enemies, using inertia to their advantage.

Flight speed/turn rate: rate in which starship will turn and fly.
Advanced: Piloting and Starship Roles
So as I said earlier in the guide, the Rock and Roll maneuver comes in useful when taking tons of dmg, such as when an enemy starship explodes.

Other things to do is use builds such as DPS, Tanking, and support such as draining expert, etc.

DPS Roles=
These roles are usually good at DPS, but not so good at surviving. DPS Roles usually include rapid damaging and fast attacks such as Dual-beam banks, or Dual heavy cannons.

Tank Roles=
These roles including a lot of damage reduction such as tzenkethi ships (what I'm using as of now) and as a tank main, your main goal is to drain energy, absorb shields, take all firepower and convert it into health and stuff, and have high threat. Tzenkethi ships are expertly made for tanking (rhas'bej on the most part)

Support Roles=
These roles focus on Extremely high healing outputs, or things even to draining ships completely, to where they cannot fire. This role is the hardest because COMBAT IS USUALLY NOT AN OPTION

Now let's go over some starship types

-Cruisers: Main backbone ship, good hull, but fewer shield health than usual. Cruisers usually have a moderate weapons count.

-Escorts: Weak hull, weak shields, but extremely fast and maneuverable. heavy-hitting. I suggest using a main dual heavy cannon build on these ships because they can easily turn their front to enemies.

-Science Vessels: moderate hull, extremely powerful shields, and a ton of healing and support abilities. More into that later. Science ships can play a large role in support now.

-Battleships: heavy hull, moderate shields, slow but powerful, and used for tanking.

-Battlecruisers: Moderate hull, moderate-heavy shields, fast, and somewhat maneuverable, but pack a punch.

-Dreadnought: Extremely Heavy hull, moderate-heavy shields, very slow and UNmanueverable, less damage output than a battlecruiser in some situations, and very tanky.

-Carriers: Moderate hull, heavy shields, and usually two hanger bays to aid them in combat. not the heaviest hitting ships tho...

-Escort carriers: Escorts, but with a hanger bay

-Dreadnaught Carriers: Jack of all trades. heavy, durable, slow, and 2 hanger bays to aid in combat. Some are more tanky while others dish out more damage.

-Destroyers: Similar to an escort, these ships pack a punch, however at the sacrifice of speed and maneuverability to sustain a higher shield and hull health. These (as all escort types do) usually come with an experimental weapon slot, which is a unique but powerful weapon now added to the game.

-Juggernauts: There is currently only one in the game as of now. These ships boast superheavy hull, and the cost of shields, good speed, and somewhat decent maneuverability. These ships also tend to boast overpowering weaponry, greater than any other ship class.

Starship Build Types
So you've made it past all of this and want to set up a build. Well your in luck! I will list all build types currently in game down below, in case you can make up your mind on which one to pick, or are just looking for one to main!

All of these builds can be found on youtube, other guides, etc. Feel free to roam around!

- DPS Build
- Tank build
- Drain build
- Exotic build
- Mine build
- Aft DPS Build
- Plasma/Phaser/Disruptor/etc. based build
- Projectile (torpedo) build
- Support Build
My Starship Recommendations
So you've reached level 60, or you finally earned like 100 million each, and now you wanna buy a starship, but you don't know which one to chose. There are several starships that I love and have.

Tank Build starships:
These starships are great at tanking and attacking

-Tzenkethi Rhas'Bej Battlecruiser - 215~300 million EC
This ship is magnificant and has a ton of tanking abilities. It has a massive damage resistance and a massive shield modifier. This ship's special T6 trait, at max stacks, can even raise your starship shield hardness BY A WHOLE 30%, as well as grant you insane maneuverability!

-Tzenkethi Tzen-tar Dreadnought - 1.250~2 BILLION EC
A very expensive ship, but it is worth picking one of these up. This ship has a pair of deadly hanger pets, which effectively use Lock trajectory and even use special Tzenkethi torpedoes!
The Tzen-tar's special T6 trait launches a Protomatter torpedo whenever using tactical, or miracle worker abilities! This trait is extremely powerful, and I've witnessed these ships single-handedly take out enemy ships using JUST this trait.

Hit-and-run starships
These starships are good with cloaking, attacking, and running. Most of these are from the Romulan category.

-Romulan/Reman Scimitar Dreadnaught Warbird (scimitar roughly $25, as a pack $50)
This ship is epic. For a ship of its size, it is extremely maneuverable and packs quite the punch. I've destroyed Borg Cubes in one salvo of cannons with this ship. :NOTICE: I recommend buying the scimitar over the other 2 (if you wanna buy just 1) because it can FIRE ITS WEAPONS WHILE CLOAKED!

-Na'kuhl Acherous Battlecruiser 60~100 million EC
This ship is very formidable. Using its special module, it can single-handedly take out multiple ships and leave behind a deadly cloud of plasma!
This ships special T6 trait allows it to call a "temporal ally" of itself when at low health, and become immune to all damage for a certain amount of time.

-Elachi Qualsh Frigate - Spore Event 2019
This menacing (or ugly) little ship packs quite the punch. From its trait, module, and even including raider flanking, this ship makes quick work on opponents.

These ships are extremely powerful, despite their lack of shielding, they have quite the hull.

-Herald Vonph Dreadnaught Carrier - 500mill~1bill EC
Altho the carrier itself doesn't pack that much damage while using herald beams, its hanger pets are extremely deadly, by using quite literally suicide runs on their targets. On one occasion, I sent the hanger pets at a Borg Cube in a red alert, and they alone destroyed them.

-Vorgan Ryn'Kodan carrier - Summer Event 2017
This ship is extremely agile and powerful. Its hanger pets swarm enemies with endless mines.

-♥♥♥'hiri Fe'rang Carrier - Winter Event 2019
This gothic beast of a ship just released last December boasts arguably the best fighter combo and module there is for carriers. Its hanger pets use physical, fire, and psionic damage to obliterate foes. The module this ship comes with allows for an additional 12 hanger pets, on top of the max 12 already able to be deployed.
Setting up for the Late Game
There are a few things to consider if your planning on sticking with the game and making a legit build for your starship. For this, you are going to need a few things.

Step one:
Have every single reputation leveling as you play. This means to have the "daily contribution" assignment for all twelve or so going at once. This will unlock basic, yet much needed buffs for these builds in the long run.

Step two:
Once you have leveled your reps, pick up these items for generally any dps build

1) Prevailing Innervated Impulse Engines via the competitive reputation
2) Mycelial Harmonic Matter-Antimatter core via the Discovery reputation
3) Tilly's review pending modified shield from the Discovery reputation
4) Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter deflector with [ColCrit] and [EPG]

Once you have these, its pretty much fair game for any weapon build.

Step Three:
After choosing your desired choice of weapons, refer to the guide linked below for advanced end-game tips on how to construct your build. In a nutshell

I highly advise going with a supportive weapon such as the Assimilated Plasma or Diffusive Tetryon beam arrays, as these give passive bonuses such as shield heal, or hull repair.

Beam Boats:
Go after either Phaser or Disruptor beam types. With this, you can pick up various pieces of equipment from the reputation to aid you in getting the best output for these. For Phasers, I highly recommend going for Agony Phaser beams as they not only give you a passive bonus to crit sev, but also give you a dot, and proc stat to aid with traits and such. Other options are linked-emitter weapons, and withering weapons.

Torpedo Boats:
If you've chosen this type of boat, congrats. You've managed to pick the most time consuming one! Stick with it, it will seem endless, yet worth it in the end! For this build, pick up the Enhanced Bio Molecular torpedo, as well as the antimatter torpedo from the 8472 and Discovery reputations. These are the backbones to a decent torp-boat. On this same note, the omega plasma torpedo from the Omega reputation is also a must, when paired with the assimilated module.
Last Note
Thank you for viewing my guide! More details are coming soon!

If you would like my IGN it is Deathstalker@deathstalker6765

Hope you found this guide usefull! :D

I recently noticed the steep incline of viewers, and decided to revise this entire guide. Everything from spelling to factors have been fine-tuned or made. Hope this helps in the long run!

Also check out my new guide about beam boats!
댓글 32
TheDirtyGlutton 2023년 10월 27일 오전 10시 21분 
omg this was amazing ill be to to use this as a reference during my play
Vuyek 2022년 10월 19일 오후 3시 22분 
when you have all beams, and do not use torps, fire all the time
ZeeHero 2022년 7월 10일 오전 5시 27분 
I would argue a state of the game that encourages thinking about when is the best time to fire specific weapons is superior to one where you can just nonstop fire and not think about it.
Rustic Doggo  [작성자] 2022년 7월 9일 오후 9시 07분 
@ZeeHero, you actually have a point. In the current state of the game, saving your weapons has major benefits as to what buffs are triggered and outright how many enemies you hit (maximizing that torp spread). More advanced setups such as macros n such sync very well.
TheAdmiralMatt 2022년 7월 6일 오전 10시 00분 
ZeeHero 2022년 6월 16일 오전 8시 11분 
I would challenge rule 1, at least for less beginner players, I never have auto fire on in combat, I bind energy weapons to spacebar and torpedoes to X, and manually choose when to fire.

While I am nearly always firing energy weapons being able to time your torpedoes is a huge improvement over not.
Kynnar 2022년 1월 31일 오후 10시 45분 
Great guide - thanks!..
Onuuk 2021년 7월 11일 오후 3시 19분 
Ephiral 2021년 6월 24일 오전 8시 51분 
Torpboats: Ignore this guide entirely. They're *great* entry-level boats because you can get started on pure mission gear (Rapid Reload Transphasics, House Martok, Preserver Resonant, Breen DECS) and then grow into a more refined build (say, a Quantboat with Dark Matter, Neutronic, Quantum Phase, and Radiant torps, running a Ferrofluid console, with the AMACO 2pc...) Also, torpboats benefit from single-typing like any other; mixing photons and quantums is not the "backbone" of most torp boats.
Buzz Killington 2021년 6월 6일 오전 9시 01분 
My Fed cruisers can take a beating and dish out punishment , trick for me is , stop using the engines , come to complete stop and use the ship as a defence or offence platform relocate engine power to shields and weapons .. Its a cruiser not a speedboat ....