Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

43 ratings
A Guide To Soldier Roamer(6vs6).
By buck
First of all, what the soldier roamer does ? How to be a good one ? The best set for it ?

Okay,in competitive of TF2, all of the 6 characters has at least 1role , like: defend areas, restore points, being a distraction for the other team and etc. And for the roaming soldier this is not different, but some people think that the roamer just kill the medic and his job its done.The answer is NO. His primary goal is kill the medic, but sometimes that "tatic" doesn't work that way. So now I'm gonna show in topics what the soldier roamer have to do.

1]Kill the medic:

Kill the german guy it's an art, and take time to do it perfectly and smoothly. If you kill him in the mid-point,its almost a victory, but if the Pocket
its good enough to hit airshoots its not that easy, so you have to surprise them (the combo) doing ambush and coming from the backwards, and that art take time to master it.


As Roamer Soldier you have to do some agressive rollout's, and surprise the combo or even the demoman(next topic), and for that, i advice you to do a "offline" practice without bot's, you have to put these commando in your console:

sv_cheats 1
addcond 5

3]Kill the Black Cyclope:

Sometimes take's the demo down its an advantage for your team, and if you do that in the mid point, your time have a huge advantage, but to do that you need a "Super" Agressive Rollout, and that cost health and ball's of steel, because you won't get buffed by your med and your health will go away easely, so you will have just one chance to put him down to the grave.

4] Set your weapons:

Ohh what set should i use mistah?
Basicly depends of what kind of roamer you are, agressive or defensive, and if you wanna do some "extra" damage i encourage you to use the Shotgun, but its a risky choice, because of the rollouts.




3.Escape Plan.

5] Offclassing as a Roamer:

Hmm and now in some situations what offclass should I use ?
Depend's of your skill with each class, but i think that way:

Defend the spire with the super need to kill the medic?

Just defend the spire without that need?

Defend the last point?
Pyro, to reflect the chain of the uber and the guys who touch your point.

Attacking the last point in open areas ?

In closed areas ?
Pyro to do some panic and reflects the sticky from the point.

Deadly attacks to medic?

So i advice you to offclass when you need with:

Sniper 44%
Pyro 33%
Spy 33%

Guys sorry for my bad english and stuff, but that its the key to be a good roamer, if you have questions you can pm me on steam or make a comment here, and don't forget to like the post.

sl 20 Feb, 2015 @ 12:23am 
Really good guide, thanks!
Ol' Singed 2 Aug, 2014 @ 11:12pm 
noice job mate :csgoa:+
»»Rushes«« 18 Apr, 2014 @ 3:47am 
Love it! Its quick and detailed as well. Thank you!
buck  [author] 27 Jan, 2014 @ 9:29pm 
haha thank you too for spending your time reading.
Pivínko Gaming 27 Jan, 2014 @ 11:49am 
Amazing guide
Infornative and quick
Thank you for creating that ^^
buck  [author] 27 Jan, 2013 @ 6:28am 
lol hahahhaa good one muffin
mr goobies 27 Jan, 2013 @ 6:12am 
Or... get an unusual like that, and you're all set
buck  [author] 26 Jan, 2013 @ 7:30pm 
thanks science
science__1 26 Jan, 2013 @ 7:14pm 
Your English is better than my [insert any other language here], and you got the message across. So Thanks! <= D
buck  [author] 26 Jan, 2013 @ 1:21pm 
my first linguage isn t english but thanks.