STAR OCEAN™ - THE LAST HOPE™ - 4K & Full HD Remaster

STAR OCEAN™ - THE LAST HOPE™ - 4K & Full HD Remaster

28 ratings
Spaceships Collection Data
By askasys
Some Spaceship Data can be missable.

Missable: 002 - 006 - 007 - 008 - 012 - 015 - 016 - 021
Spaceship Data 001
Found: Calnus Flight Deck (Monitor)

  • Official Name: SFSS-6002B-003 Calnus
  • Length: 85.6m
  • Crew Capacity: 8
  • Engines: Fusion pulse engine, antimatter reactor
  • Maximum Speed: Warp 6

An interstellar craft developed as part of a space exploration project following the successfull warp-drive experiments of A.D. 2087. Equipped with boosters and a warp drive in addition to its primary engine, allowing it to operate in both intra- and extra- atmospheric conditions. Rolled out to the USTA´s moonbase in A.D. 2095. A total of five ships of this type have been manufactured.
Spaceship Data 002

Found: Aeos - Exploration Base - Transmission Room (Monitor, after obtaining Calnus)

An upgrade of the Calnus, extensively repaired and refurbished under the watchful eyes of
the Eldarians after crash-landing on Aeos. The ship´s warp engine power output and reliability have been considerably inproved, and it now boasts a stabilizer, making it far sturdier than its previous incarnation.
The modifications made to the craft have helped it realize a 25% boost in warp speed.
Spaceship Data 003

Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish, after visiting Nox Obscurus).

A further upgraded version of the Calnus that has been armed and modified for assault warfare on En II, making it more powerful and mobile in battle against enemy Phantom craft.
It has been equipped with two large particle cannons, and excess energy from its newly-upgraded generator can now be diverted to the ship´s electromagnetic shield.
These upgrades have made it impossible for the craft to perform atmospheric re-entry; in order to execute the job, the extra weaponry must first be discarded entirely.

The addition of highly mobile thruster verniers give the ship astonishing speed in action.
Spaceship Data 004
Found: Calnus Flight Deck (Monitor)

  • Official Name: SFSS-6002B-001 Aquila

One of the SRF´s five interstellar ships, captained by Edge´s long-time friend, Crowe F. Almedio. Rolled out at the same time as the Calnus, its B-series sibling, the Aquila is essentially identical in design save for its coloring. A strengthened frame allows more of the craft´s interior to be utilized than in older A-series models. Excess energy from the engines provides a constant interior gravity of 0.98G.
Spaceship Data 005

Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish, after visiting Nox Obscurus).

An enhanced version of the Aquila, upgraded to a cruiser-class offensive craft on En II under Bacchus´s design guidance to help support the Morphus´ mission.
The new Aquila uses gravitic warp drive, a product of advanced Morphus technology, and is now purely a spacefaring craft, with atmospheric transport handled by shuttles stationed inside.

Due to issues with the design of the warp drive, however, heavy damage can disrupt the weak control link from the bridge, requiring the crew to relocate to a sub-bridge (to which control is automatically transferred) located in the engine section of the ship.
Spaceship Data 006
Found: Aeos - Exploration Base - Communications Room (Monitor)

  • Official Name: SFSS-6002A-002 Balena

The first 6002-series craft to be deployed. The Balena´s central room can be fully partitioned, allowing easy installation of laboratory and probe units. Similar to the Aquila and the Calnus in its overall capabilities.
Spaceship Data 007
Found: Aeos - Exploration Base - Communications Room (Monitor)

  • Official Name: SFSS-6002C-004 Dentdelion

The final evolution of the 6002 series. The operator stations on its flight deck features double seats, while the sub-engineer seat has been removed. Its upgraded balance unit gives it a 5% stability boost during conventional travel.
Spaceship Data 008
Found: Aeos - Exploration Base - Communications Room (Monitor)

  • Official Name: SFSS-6002C-005 Eremia

The last of the 6002-series ships, rolled out simultaneously with the Dentdelion. Of the five SRF ships to take flight, the Eremia was the only one to arrive on Aeos unscathed. However, it was soon destroyed by its own crew for unknown reasons.
Spaceship Data 009

Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish, after visiting Nox Obscurus).

A mysterious fighter bent on destruction whose silhouette resembles that of the SFSS-6002 series
ships. Its entire body is covered with strange black material that makes it look like some kind of organic weapon. Details on its engines and weaponry are unknown, but its capabilities easily outclass those of conventional warships.
Spaceship Data 010
Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish, after visiting Nox Obscurus).

  • Official Name: SFSS-1005X
  • Length: 110.8m

A new Earth-designed spacecraft, based on the SFSS-6002 series and unveiled in A.D. 2096 at the
USTA´s third spacebase factory. Its "X" designation indicates that it is an experimental craft. Its subspace warp drive, designed by Professor Trillas Bachtein, allows it to navigate at speeds of up to warp 6. Equipped with both a large charged-particle cannon and a rapid-fire railgun, it was originally rolled out as part of Earth´s solar system defense arsenal. The craft is designed with two bridges; a shuttle inside the main bridge allows transport to planetary surfaces. The 1005X is the first military craft on record to travel faster than the speed of light.
Spaceship Data 011

Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish, after completing the game).

  • Official Name: SFSS-10008
  • Calnus Length: 130m

A ship deployed to transport resources across space for the sake of rebuilding Earth, following the
ratification of the Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact in S.D. 12. Fully redesigned using the stable SFSS-1005 blueprint as a base, the new craft features a large cargo bay in its center. In addition to standard cargo transport, the new Calnus also carries out planetary investigations in previously unexplored regions of space. Captained by Edge Maverick.
Spaceship Data 012

Found: Aeos - Exploration Base - Living Quarters (Monitor)

  • Length: 285m

The flagship of the Eldarian military fleet. The Zagzagel is a massive craft that boasts advanced
cruising capabilities which assist in guiding the Eldarian emigration fleet. Its three giant phase cannons on each side of the ship have the ability to obliterate enemy craft at the molecular level. The ship can also navigate within planetary atmospheres, though this task is normally handled by a pair of shuttles stored inside. Its cone-shell subspace warp engine, an Eldarian invention, makes use of an antimatter-powered gravity ring core to obtain speeds of up to warp 7.5.
Spaceship Data 013

Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish, after visiting Nox Obscurus).

  • Length: 270m

A standard destroyer with weaponry and armor upgraded to cruiser-class for its defensive post in the Eldarian emigration fleet. Each of its two wings has 16 guided photon missile launchers on its tip, allowing the ship to annihilate enemies at will. The ship´s atmospheric entry ability was removed to make room for an expanded defensive shield generator. Its engines are the same as those used in cruisers. Zamzagiels account for 60% of all ships in the Eldarian fleet.
Spaceship Data 014

Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish, after visiting Nox Obscurus).

  • Length: 3,860m
  • Maximum Speed: Warp 6.5

A massive personnel transport ship constructed to carry the Eldarian population away from their doomed planet. Built on a factory satellite orbiting the Eldarian homeworld, the ships were then opened to the planet´s citizens via orbital elevators. Each craft can hold a total of 48,000 people in the eight ejectable living blocks stored inside. 28 of them were constructed and launched before the destruction of Eldar, but as they were forced to launch before full installation of their armaments was complete, they were assigned armed escorts for safety.
Spaceship Data 015

Found: Aeos - Exploration Base - Living Quarters (Monitor)

  • Length: 90m
  • Crew Capacity: 5

A highly mobile battlecraft charged with pursuing and engaging the enemy in combat. Equipped with two rapid-fire phase cannons and six laser guns, its agility allows it to adept to a wide variety of battle situations. It cannot maneuver within planetary atmospheres, for which it uses a shuttlecraft stored
inside. Two of these craft are deployed in every Eldarian battalion. The Rednuhts in the 13th Independent Armored Division feature upgraded, fine-tuned mobility and firepower, and are marked by special coloring and the number "004" in their identifiers.
Spaceship Data 016

Found: Aeos - Exploration Base - Living Quarters (Monitor)

A small shuttlecraft capable of atmospheric entry stores inside many ships in the Eldarian fleet. The
original, designed by Faize Sheifa Beleth, can be controlled remotely via brainwave synchronization. The Sol is armed with only a plasma gun and an electromagnetic defense shield, but its engine includes a gravity ring core powered by a small antimatter reactor, allowing the craft to fly at near-lightspeed in normal space and reach speeds of up to warp 5 during subspace flight.
Spaceship Data 017
Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish).

  • Official Name: ND-Alpha F (single-seat)
  • Official Name: ND-Alpha J (double-seat)
  • Length: 35m

A small battlecraft stationed on En II. Built from arcanatite alloy, the ship is both lightweight and extremely durable. Both single- and double-seat types exist, and the craft can be remotely operated from En II as well. Its main weaponry consists of two phase cannons and two photon torpedo pods. It uses a gravitational shift engine to fly at high speeds of up to 0.96c, but since its range as a battlecraft is limited to within 20 AU of En II, it is not equipped with its own warp system.
Spaceship Data 018
Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish).

  • Official Name: ND-Beta S
  • Length: 58m

A probe ship used by En II for carrying out missions involving or related to exploration. As the main base of operations for many of the Morphus´long-term missions, it is frequently customized to meet its occupants´ particular needs, with options ranging from stealth flight capability and emergency escape-pod cockpits to an array of different weapons. The standard type is capable of both space and planetary flight, and can even operate on the ground or underwater. Its spatial gravity-shift warp engines allow for speeds of up to warp 7.
Spaceship Data 019
Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish).

An emergency escape unit built into some of the Morphus´ smaller exploration craft. It is equipped with life-support systems, cold-sleep functionality, and a homing device to return to its own craft, as well as a shuttlecraft-grade gravitic warp drive. It can be operated manually, but its system prioritizes
he survival of the occupant, and the autopilot will override the manual controls if necessary to protect the pod´s occupant from danger.
Spaceship Data 020
Found: Celestial Ship (the computer in the room with the recovery point)

  • Length: 316m

The battleship that serves as the main muscle of the Cardianon invasion force. With an eerie, daunting exterior, it can storm planets even into their atmospheres. The ship, which is also home to six smaller battlecraft within, uses the Grigori-the root of the Cardianon´s rapid evolution-as a propulsion engine.
As a result, the Grigori has begun mutating the shape of the craft itself. The ship lost control near Lemuris and crash-landed, leading to the subsequent outbreak of bacculus in the region.
Spaceship Data 021
Found: Cardianon Mothership B1 (Computer on the western side of the room)
In the console at the opposite end of the room from chest 14.

A giant, saucer-shaped fortress, over 30 kilometers wide. A city has been built in the saucer´s center, but its population is minimal, as half of the Cardianon are in coldsleep. Invading the craft from outside is virtually impossible, and any attempt at an attack is greeted with a phalanx of unmanned battle drones. Its current mission is unknown, but it occasionally uses a tractor beam to capture and seize nearby ships. It is believed to run on energy generated by matter/antimatter annihilation; the reactor where this takes place uses the mysterious particles emitted by the Grigori as its power source.
Spaceship Data 022
Found: En II - Monitoring Room B (Monitor dish)..

  • Length: 60m

An unmanned battlecraft launched by the Cardianon mothership. Its seemingly organic structure resembles that of the Phantom ships, and its armor is capable of regenerating itself automatically. The beams it fires from the center of the ship not only destroy their target, but can also knock all quantum and electronical systems offline. Its propulsion system is unknown, but it has been sighted engaging in warp travel.