Garry's Mod
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Context Menu Model Manipulator
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
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4 gen 2013, ore 7:02
13 mar 2013, ore 23:19
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Context Menu Model Manipulator

Model Manipulator for the context menu. While using this, applying models with the model manipulator tool doesn't work. This is because of the way this addon adds the console variables. It interferes with the way the tool retreives the values.

This manipulator does work with effects. No more accidentaly grabbing watermelons.

The physfix works exactly as it does with the tool. In order to toggle it, you have to type the command 'modelmanipulator_physfix 0/1" into the console.

When replacing NPC models, physfix will always be off unless you set 'modelmanipulator_physfix_npc_override' to 1. Be warned, however, that this will produce strange effects. The characters seem to 'roll' around the center of the entity's feet. The only reason I actually included the command is because, well, I thought it was pretty damn funny.

Physfix is always off when replacing ragdoll models. This is non-negotiable, it crashes otherwise.

I added an option to set your playermodel. This set your model that that of the entity you are right-clicking.

NOTE: The 'Paste Model' option will NOT appear if a model hasn't been copied with either the tool or the context menu.

NOTE 2: This seems to cause some issues with the original model manipulator tool. You'll probably have to choose one or the other.

NOTE 3: Set Player Model is not compatible with PAC3.

This is based directly off of LuaPineapple's original code.
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (5)
18 gen, ore 0:24
little bit of a problem
17 ott 2017, ore 14:41
Using it on server, does nothing!
12 gen 2022, ore 0:16
166 commenti
thescorchingshot 13 ago, ore 15:48 
when i use inflator tool after i manipulate it becomes invisible
Snofosnargen 3 giu, ore 2:44 
Just_Amadeus 4 mag, ore 5:07 
It's not setting my player model for some reason
kiwi 2 16 apr, ore 16:28 
dorpingas FOUND workshoiop ceemtoentnsbotsj
Hawk9984 23 feb, ore 4:11 
I love this so much
tf2 soldier 3 dic 2023, ore 6:40 
oh my fred one the best mods I have ever got and I gave the mind blowing reward
dorpenguin 16 lug 2023, ore 16:21 
please make it work on vehicles, the classic tool has been starting to break really badly
ProtoScanda 25 apr 2023, ore 9:09 
So I have to disable PAC3 to use this addon?
SonicTheCoolKid 30 mar 2023, ore 0:41 
Can you set ragdolls as playermodels? I'm trying to do Brawl Sonic PM
SkullNinja343 4 nov 2022, ore 14:17