Scary Santa Claus / traumatizing poor children / Go away fat man!
"#4713 +(821)- [X]<DCBastard> hey i could get ven to install that saturn modchip that i got him to send me last year

<travolta> ven?

<travolta> who is ven?

<CraiZE> he means VeNoM

<DCBastard> see when you like someone you abreviate their name - that's why I always call you travolta
#4843 +(430)- [X]<GiRLiE-> ur cruel.. but funny

<bytraper> and you have a beuatiful mind... but you're fat
#5338 +(1111)- [X]<Carplos-Duck> You just killed 100 innocent civilians, how do you feel?

<Pedro> patriotic
#6139 +(341)- [X]Clayton: man, i am so tired..but my bed is full of dog puke.
#7586 +(309)- [X]<_Pete_> my abs have never looked so good in my life after losing these 10 pounds fast :D soon they'll turn to flab through lack of use though :(

<Avium> Pete you sound kind of gay

<Avium> no offense you sack of ♥♥♥♥
#8060 +(196)- [X]<Floach> It's pretty well known that your brain continues to function for quite a bit after decapitation

<Bitstorm> the mame board is proof of that
#16012 +(237)- [X]-Stevie-O- from what I hear, the average WebTV user makes it look like the average AOLer belongs in MIT
#17873 +(392)- [X]<Kerpal>the Cd-key is 56dsr67x

<vR|Sn00kie>Wont work....hmm

<kerpal> is x as in zebra

<vR|Sn00kie> you are stupid
#29688 +(314)- [X]<ATAD> I saw a girl that has a pikachu umbrella

<ATAD> it's all yellow, has pikachu's face on it, and 2 pikachu ears sticking off the top

<Wagoo> Was she seckzy?

<ATAD> iono

<ATAD> I was looking at the pikachu umbrella more

<Wagoo> "Hello my dear, that's an awfully attractive pikachu umberella you have there, maybe you'd like to come back to my dorm room to discuss it's forms, themes, and concept."
#33641 +(150)- [X]<evLvsJim> scientest jed wants to battle 

<evLvsJim> what scientist is called jed?
#33835 +(220)- [X]<pagan> dude youll be talking about that still when were 60 years old

<jstepka-w> i know

<jstepka-w> because it's the triumph of my life

<jstepka-w> two ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at once

<jstepka-w> and i didn't pay
#34222 +(22)- [X]* Carson_Marl continues to sing loudly as he showers, "Yoda! Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yooooodaaaaaaaa!"

* Carson_Marl continues to shower and sing, "Music and blasters and old Jedi Masters at the..."
#36394 +(251)- [X]<lec> saying "no kick?" is like walking into the YMCA shower, dropping the soap, and saying "wow, nobody ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ me up the ass?"
#38028 +(143)- [X]<Cody> Sign #2 for me to worry about filling out my selective Service Agreement: The City that they mailed from is called "Palpatine"

<Cody> General> If only you knew the power!


<Huntress> LOL

<Cody> General> So be it.... traitor... *Zaps Cody with Tazer*
#40210 +(287)- [X]<SiFL> wow i was just looking at something and thought to myself, this is kool, i better get a screenshot, then i realized i was just looking at it.... it wasnt on my comp
#40815 +(885)- [X]<PLUR4Life> COUCH

<Evil_Couch> I swear, I'm going to drown you

<Evil_Couch> err

<PLUR4Life> Scuse me?

<Evil_Couch> I mean, hi, how are you doing?

<Evil_Couch> you want to go swimming?
#41531 +(149)- [X]<♥♥♥> Ahhhh, 13% complete and only 16.5 hours to go

<Glitch> lol, of what?

<tharok> u timing your wanking again pb?
#43477 +(1470)- [X]<JohnnyZZ> my friend use to put his cat in a pillowcase and throw it down the stairs when we were little. the cat's name was Oscar. i use to to call him Oscar the grouch, because he was grouchy a lot of the time.

<Padijun> Maybe he was grouchy because you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ threw it down the stairs in a pillowcase, genius.
#50708 +(709)- [X]<Toen> With Starfox Adventures, Rare redefined fun.

<Toen> Fun (adj.) 1: Not fun.
#51104 +(107)- [X]<CoRDWoRK> i know everything your thinking ... you dirty bastard ;)

<Tarrasque> why else do you think the cat is sleeping on my lap?

<CoRDWoRK> to get the mouse outa ya ass?

<Tarrasque> no, because i get no other ♥♥♥♥♥ this close.
#51990 +(129)- [X]< gimbgoth> Fatal-Err: yeah, that's a bummer huh

< Fatal-Err> bummer? what means bummer?

<+insight> damn

<+Moak> it's ♥♥♥♥ in the "okay-to-say-at-mom's-table" version
#53854 +(34)- [X]Rann XXV: The "What's regular coffee?" joke isn't just lame... it's paraplegic.
#56271 +(148)- [X]<mog> I take pride in being completly bitter and cynical

<BosTony> I take pride in the fact that Ive gone 5 weeks without an STD.

<mog> and getting pissed off at the smallest aspects of society

<mog> like personalized license plates

<PsykadelicAngel> Tony, we're so proud

<Jennilala> I'm getting one.

<Jennilala> :P

<BosTony> An STD?

<Jennilala> no

<mog> ahaha
#59054 +(1027)- [X]<Cithorn> Right now.... I'm killing you with my mind

<Cithorn> Tell me if you die

<AntiarcPrime> If  I'm dead, I can't typ........asdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

* AntiarcPrime dies

<AntiarcPrime> [ Restore from last save point? ] (Yes/No)

<AntiarcPrime> Yes

* AntiarcPrime respawns

<Cithorn> Aww sunova ♥♥♥♥♥, now I know what it's like to be a Final Fantasy Villain
#71975 +(1364)- [X]<Raven> spread the word of jesus my brother

<Jonesy> j----e---s----u---s
#75514 +(573)- [X]<mako> my letter "eye" stopped worng

<luca> k, too?

<mako> yeah

<luca> sounds like a mountain dew spill

<mako> and comma

<mako> those three

<mako> ths s horrble

<luca> tme for a new eyboard

<luca> 've successfully taen my eyboard apart and fxed t by cleanng t wth alcohol

<mako> stop mang fun of me

<mako> ths s a laptop!!
#80021 +(276)- [X]* Zapp is now known as Zapp|party

<Zapp|party> see yall

<Zapp|party> PARTY!!

<Zapp|party> w00t

<Zapp|party> drunk white woman for everybody!

* Zapp|party has quit IRC (Quit: Zapp|party)

<W-Cid> busy girl ;)
#81723 +(18)- [X]<Space_Boy> 70% of statistics are made up on the spot
#81927 +(546)- [X]<[4]Ma909>    12R 14olling  12o 14n  12t 14he  12f 14loor  12L 14aughing  12L 14oud  12F 14alling  12D 14own  12T 14he  12S 14tairs  12I 14n  12T 14he  12K 14eller  12S 14tösst  12S 14ich  12T 14he  12S 14chädel  12O 14n  12T 14he  12F 14ußboden  12b 14richt  12s 14ich  12a 14lle  12b 14eine  12u 14nd  12d 14er  12k 14rankenwagen  12k 14ommt  12n 14et

<[4]Ma909> neeiiinnnnn!!!!!!!!

<[4]Ma909> ♥♥♥♥

* [4]Ma909 ( Quit

<RurouniJones> What the bloody hell
#85953 +(-14)- [X]<SaberRider> Yoss, you might be an IRC Adict if you sneak to the computer in the middle of the night to get in more IRC time.
#99139 +(-449)- [X]<Heavy_P> Whats the diffrence between a black and a table

<Heavy_P> A table can support a family


<Mog> -boys
#121175 +(411)- [X]<jvalenzu> dude

<jvalenzu> can you imagine a rice field working game?

<jvalenzu> that would rock

<jvalenzu> SimGrain

<jvalenzu> SimGrain: Wild Rice Expansion Pack
#123711 +(745)- [X]MoonJuice: its amelia you dumb ♥♥♥♥♥

bryanvaim: you accidently typed "you" instead of "the"
#125982 +(400)- [X]<Big_Mike> Science teachers are either really good or complete nutcases.

<DS> sometimes both.

<CurvyEm> I'm actually topless now, i couldn't be arsed to wear a top anymore

<DS> it is a fine line.

<DS> Well, that was a nice random interjection into a completely random conversation.
#128114 +(6331)- [X]<Firefly> Time for my prayers:

<Firefly> Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!

<Firefly> May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!

<Firefly> May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven.

<Firefly> Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
