my old typewriter / sleeps under my bed at night... / a cat peed in it!
До улюбленого
В улюблених
"#182 +(753)- [X]<Infe5> A PS2 costs ?40,000, a PSOne costs ?15,000, and a Hello Kitty DC costs ?28,800. :(

<EtherMan> how much is that in real money
#5431 +(592)- [X]<FutabaAoi> i know none of you shower

<Jakov> I shower 40 times a day fool

<FutabaAoi> golden ones dont count
#5999 +(400)- [X]<bogue> you need a woman ;P

<bogue> or maybe a very feminine sheep
#7457 +(223)- [X]<mp> wanna invest in some mp love coupons?

<dev0n> mp: no. i think my mutual fund will perform better :)
#8273 +(208)- [X](caraKATT): great, i found ready whip in the fridge and I wanted to put it in my coffee, but I think my roomate huffed it, cause it won't foam
#8324 +(26)- [X]<Phettachu> cherry coke - letters at the end = herry ♥♥♥  LOL LOL LOL


<Phettachu> GET IT HERRY ♥♥♥?!?  HAIRY ♥♥♥♥?!?!

<Phettachu> LOL

<Phettachu> maybe only gays get it
#11217 +(128)- [X]<@Drezdar> nah I'm not racist - but I am fully against paying for some foreign ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to teach me when I can't figure out what the Habib is saying.

<@Path> !
#11552 +(583)- [X]<happy> dude, when will i be able to buy a big gigantic fibre line for like $10/mo?

<jre> You can make one for free if you eat a lot of bran.
#12070 +(531)- [X]<Meeko-Priest> I was talking to a pimpin' ghost with my friends Lisa and Candace.

<Meeko-Priest> "Are you there?"   Ouija Board:  NO     "Why not?"   Ouija Board: SEX    "Oh. Goodbye"
#13686 +(0)- [X]<geforce2> get voodoo5 6000
#15999 +(169)- [X]<murderoustroll> what do you guys think.. my freinds mum splits neurons n ♥♥♥♥ 2night and tells me that its $3 to stay for dinner, $1 to stay the night , prerequisites being that i shower and strip before bed..

<murderoustroll> was i right to swear a heap n leave?
#16665 +(509)- [X]<@drew> my uterus is bleeding

<@cognac> drew, you don't have a uterus

<@drew> oh
#17345 +(97)- [X]<Mal> dom: hey, when are you gonna put the MMM pics up? or did you not recieve any yet? :]

<kinzillah> Mal: why do you want pictures of men in boxers?

<Mal> kinzillah: because I was one of them :]
#20052 +(288)- [X]<Pozzi> My comments will be well structured, mature and on topic at all times.

<Pozzi> Now ♥♥♥♥ you all!
#20761 +(95)- [X]<lewney> I remember being wasted last night; I went to the bathroom and shared an asla with some other guy

<lewney> cause there was a long queue

<lewney> to the bathrooms...

<lewney> yes, I'll shut up now.
#23124 +(384)- [X]<Nookadum> Microsoft plans to disclose 385 pieces of computer code and internal operating rules, previously kept secret, that outside developers can use to write programs to run on Windows.

<Nookadum> 385 pieces of code...

<Nookadum> WTF do they mean by 385 pieces of code?

<Fraggy> "take one down, pass it around!"

<Fraggy> "384 pieces of code on the page....."
#28923 +(76)- [X]<FZ1> raff on #banan

<FZ1> raff using ATMAN Network, Warsaw, Poland

<FZ1> raff End of /WHOIS list.

<shaan> wow

<shaan> the polish have an irc server

<shaan> i wonder how many it takes to run it
#30045 +(203)- [X]<Grim> <chikster> ♥♥♥♥ a pole

<Grim> *** [#geekissues] No users matching *.pl found on channel.
#33214 +(33)- [X]<Levi> this girl didnt have a mobile number so i asked for her uin :<
#33347 +(189)- [X]<r00t> I thought it was raining outside, but it turned out just to be a cron job
#36641 +(305)- [X]<MacGunner> were learning about the holocust for the 100th time, so my history teacher, takes us all and makes us stand in the corner to make it feel like a train car

<MacGunner> ANND

<MacGunner> since its suppose to smell bad he got some pizza spices from his kitchen and made us smell them

<Arkangel> that's ok in my computer graphics design class the teacher was teaching us about how to use symbol brushes so he got all the hot chicks in class to take off their clothes and kneel by the wall then he jacked off on them. man I tell you... it was pretty gay.

#36737 +(187)- [X]<Althorrat> Sean and Dan provided communion wafers as refreshments. They got them surplus off eBay.

<Althorrat> mmm... surplus Christ.

<Asshead9000> heh. were they the good ones or the papery ones?

<Althorrat> to be honest, I didn't try them.

<Asshead9000> who won the debate?

<Althorrat> (considers saying, "Jesus always leaves a bad taste in my mouth", but doesn't)
#37667 +(430)- [X]<timmo> url age of consent chart

<sx> age of consent chart:

<timmo> check the chart.

<Valgar_> Screw the chart! It is all about discretion!

<NeonAFK> heh

<NeonAFK> its "undefined" in equador

<Guilty> /away Equador
#38231 +(959)- [X]<mordac> Beige: I bought a WATCH from some guy in Battery Park!

<mordac> I totally haggled.

<mordac> I told him I only had $10 for it, and he was like OKAY :( except I only had twenty dollar bills.

<mordac> He even gave me the change.
#39183 +(389)- [X]<fanf1> linux is more compatible with unix than windows is with windows
#49016 +(538)- [X]<armyopsfufu> shoplifting is a victimless crime, like PUNCHING SOMEONE IN THE DARK

<DrivingZucchini> or jacking off into a birdbath
#49909 +(144)- [X]<Amuck50> my buddy shane just started contemplating what the world would be like without boobs

<Amuck50> i think he just scared himself
#49980 +(104)- [X]<CROC-ANOSTRA> Mort: are you PRO American?

<Mort-Hog> Pro American? I'm no proffessional. Nor am I an American citizen.
#50665 +(26)- [X]<Unsounder|HW> Mixs

<Unsounder|HW> didn't you forget to wank?

<Unsounder|HW> there's porn in 30 mins

<Mixs-zZZz> Haven't got that chan :/

<Unsounder|HW> i mean come can't go loaded to school

<Unsounder|HW> on gymnasium you'll have a hardon constantly then :P

<Mixs-zZZz> Did I tell you about the bombthreat? I think I did..

<Mixs-zZZz> I wanked after that :P

<Unsounder|HW> ROFL

<Unsounder|HW> I don't wanna know what you did the 11th sep then :P
#50941 +(87)- [X]* nick > Stalkaout is now known as Stalkachu

<@Miz> and where have you been?

<@Cheez> considering hes at university hes probably been out drinking / getting stoned / getting laid

<@Miz> considering its Stalkeh i'd wager not

<@Cheez> LOL
#56536 +(397)- [X]<Zak-> she's cute as

<Zak-> somebody find her for me

<Agrajag> are you crazy? i thought females were just things people made up on the internet

<Octane> There's only two types of females: *.jpgs and *.gifs.
#58610 +(130)- [X]<rover> I took my Ventolin puffer, and puffed it onto this cockroach that was still

<rover> it died
#61272 +(162)- [X]<Yora> *dryly* you arent paying for it and the company doesnt make money off you playing, what would you call it?

<FireIsFun> Grand Theft Data
#73102 +(143)- [X]<Mitsune_Konno> Yeah, except starbucks sucks

<Mitsune_Konno> for some reason you can getevery color of coffee except black
#78794 +(1122)- [X]<xavas> so i was on the beach wearing my speedo's the other day

<xavas> and some chick walks by and goes "u got a roll of pennies in there?!?!?"

<xavas> so i says "yeah, want me to knock some cents into you?>
#109288 +(104)- [X]<s_> well

<s_> i have button and string shorts

<troop> I'll bet

<s_> and its hell to go to the bathroom

<s_> so i just lift my short leg up

<s_> and pee out the side

<troop> lol
#147532 +(196)- [X]* demo20b has joined #odoru

<timeless> stfu

* demo20b has quit IRC (Exit: if you stand at the top of a very tall building, do u eva feel like jumping off?)

<timeless> omg

<timeless> thats all i takes to get rid of him??
#151295 +(246)- [X]<endura> winme is like wrapping ur penis in p"