Pillars of Eternity

Pillars of Eternity

Ocen: 101
All console commands
Autorstwa: Grumpy Wombat
All the console commands listed on the official wiki.
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Console commands.
Disables achievements, do NOT use any of the commands, if you want to keep earning them!

NOTE: Some commands accept only exact internal character designations (capitalization matters), use the "FindCharacter" command to find them.

Item, Ability and Talent names can be found under:

Open console by pressing (~) and type one of the following commands:

  • Iroll20s Allows you to use all of the commands on this list and disables achievements.

  • ActivateStronghold Grants access to Stronghold screen (if player hadn't acquired it yet).

  • AddAbility <target> <abilityname> Grants the <target> an ability. "addability player defender" - will give the player character the Defender ability, also works with talents.

  • AddExperience <value> Adds <value> experience.

  • AddExperienceToLevel <value> Adds enough experience to reach level <value>.

  • AddItem <itemname> <amount> Adds <amount> items with name <itemname> to inventory.

  • AddTalent <talent> Grants the player character the given talent.

  • AddToParty <name> Adds the specified character to your party. Example: AddToParty NPC_Medreth

  • AdjustPrestige <value> Increases or decreases Stronghold prestige by <value>.

  • AdjustSecurity <value> Increases or decreases Stronghold security by <value>.

  • AdvanceTimeByHours <numberofhours> Advance in-game time by <numberofhours> hours.

  • Areatransition <areaName> <startpoint> Teleports the party to the <areaName> map at <startpoint>.

  • <startpoint> can be one of: North1, North2, South1, South2, East1, East2, West1, West2.

  • AttributeScore <playername> <attributename> <amount> Set an attribute of a target to value X e.g. "AttributeScore Player Might 18" - will give the player character a base Might score of 18).
    (Companions need to follow a syntax of Companion_<name>. Certain companions have different command names compared to their actual name, e.g. Grieving Mother is "Companion_gm".)

  • CraftingDebug Adds high amount of all crafting ingredients to stash.

  • DealDamage <id> <value> Example: DealDamage NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man 200

  • Difficulty <level> Changes the difficulty to the selected level.

  • <level> can be one of: Easy = 0, Normal = 1, Hard = 2, PathOfTheDamned = 3.

  • DispositionAddPoints <disposition_type> <level> Sets the selected disposition to the specified level.

  • <disposition_type> can be one of: Benevolent, Cruel, Clever, Stoic, Aggressive, Diplomatic, Passionate, Rational, Honest, Deceptive. <level> can be one of: Minor = 1, Average = 3, Major = 7.

  • FindCharacter <name> Finds the proper character designation for use in other commands. Example: "FindCharacter Medreth".

  • FreeRecipesToggle Allows crafting without having the ingredients.

  • GivePlayerMoney <value> Adds <value> money.

  • God Makes party members invulnerable.

  • HealParty Heals the party.

  • Kill <id> Kill NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man

  • LevelUpSoulbind <id>(Clone) Advances a soulbound item to the next level, the item must be bound to a character. Example: LevelUpSoulbind px1_hunting_bow_stormcaller(Clone).

  • ManageParty Opens the party management screen.

  • NoFog Removes the Fog of War.

  • OpenCharacterCreation Allows recreation of the Player character. Note that all worn items and player inventory will be lost.

  • OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion <cost> <level> The first parameter represents how much it will cost if the player does hire this companion. The second one stands for what level the companion will be. Example: OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion 0 8

  • OpenContainer <id> Opens specified container. Example: OpenContainer chest_01.

  • RemovePlayerMoney <value> Decreases player's money by <value> coppers.

  • RemoveTalent <target> <talent/ability> Removes the specified talent or ability from the target character. Only works with exact internal character designations.

  • ReputationAddPoints <faction> <axis> <value> Adds reputation for the specified faction. For axis, set positive or negative depending if you want to increase or lose reputation. Example: ReputationAddPoints GildedVale Positive 4

  • Rest Forces rest no matter where you are and no matter what your supplies are.

  • SetTime <timewanted> Advances the game time, the parameter is in milihours (eg. 9 AM is 9000, 1 PM 13000). A day has 26 hours.

  • SetZoomRange <minValue> <maxValue> Modifies the zoom range you can reach with the mouse wheel. Smaller numbers mean more zoomed in, larger numbers mean more zoomed out. Example: SetZoomRange 0.1 200. The default is 0.75 1.5.

  • Skill <target> <skillname> <value> Sets a selected skill of a target to value. "skill player athletics 6" - will give the player character a base Athletics score of 6). Modifiers from classes, leveling and items will be added to this number.

  • ToggleScaler <scalername> Forces high level scaling. Example: ELMSHORE_HIGH_LEVEL, ACT3_HIGH_LEVEL, ACT4_HIGH_LEVEL, PX1_HIGH_LEVEL, PX2_HIGH_LEVEL

  • UnlockAll Unlocks all containers in the area.

  • UnlockAllMaps Unlocks all areas on the World Map.

  • UnlockBestiary Unlocks all Bestiary entries.

  • WorldMapSetVisibility <mapname> <visibility_type> Changes the visibility of an area on the World Map.

  • <visibility_type> can be one of: 0 = locked, 1 = unlocked, 2 = hidden, 3 = developerOnly.

  • StrongholdBuildAll Builds all buildings in Stronghold.

  • StrongholdBuild <building_id> Builds or destroys selected building in Stronghold.

  • <building_id> can be one of: Barbican, WestCurtainWall, SouthCurtainWall, Bailey, MainKeep, Barracks, Dungeons, BeastVault, Towers, Library, CraftHall, AritficersHall, Forum, MerchantStalls, CurioShop, TrainingGrounds, Chapel, HedgeMaze, BotanicalGarden, RoadRepairs, WardensLodge, WoodlandTrails, Bedding, AdditionalStorage, Hearth, Lab, CourtyardPool, EasternBarbican, Count.

  • StrongholdDestroy <building_id>

  • StrongholdForceAdventure <adventure_type> Starts random Stronghold adventure of selected category.

  • <adventure_type> can be one of: Minor, Average, Major, Grand, Legendary.

  • StrongholdForceBadVisitor Forces random bad visitor event to occur in Stronghold.

  • StrongholdForcePayHirelings Forces "hirelings payday" event in Stronghold.

  • StrongholdForcePrisonBreak Random prisoner will escape from Stronghold's Dungeons (if player has anyone imprisoned).

  • StrongholdForceSpawnIngredients Forces spawning of ingredients in Stronghold's Curio shop (regardless of whether it is built or not).

  • StrongholdForceVisitor <index> Forces visitor event with index <index> to occur in Stronghold.

  • StrongholdForceAttack <index> Forces attack event with index <index> to occur in Stronghold.

Komentarzy: 14
ShadesOfKnight 13 listopada 2024 o 6:58 
When I enter any of these, it says the script is unavailable. What does that mean?
John Doe 11 listopada 2024 o 11:08 
HelmetVisibility False will make the selected party member(s) helmet invisible.
twitch.tv/montak44 12 czerwca 2024 o 21:02 
is there any option either through console or other editing methods to where I can give my wizard all the spells?
jollila75 24 sierpnia 2023 o 5:20 
I can't get the console to open... I'm playing with a non-us keyboard and tried pressing the above TAB. Game version is 3.7.0
goinghomeagain 5 sierpnia 2022 o 14:31 
Kleaner. the beat place I’ve found for item codes is on Fandom’s POE wiki — just look up the ordinary name of the item and you can find its ID in the item page
K1eaner 30 czerwca 2022 o 6:24 
The prefabs folder doesn't exist. would anyone know where I can find the console commands for items, possibly an excel sheet or something, I searched online, but there's nothing.
SotiCoto 11 sierpnia 2021 o 11:17 
StrongholdForceVisitor doesn't work. The game doesn't recognise it.
Killerdoll 2 kwietnia 2021 o 11:17 
is itemname = itemid?
CorujaC 2 stycznia 2021 o 6:37 
@birdfurnace try Player_XXXX see if that works. (XXX is Player name)
Khorne Flakes 25 listopada 2020 o 17:12 
Thank you so much for this! Would you consider ever posting the item codes here too? It's not a big deal though, just more convenient. :P