96 értékelés
Acquiring combat card list from NPC and bosses while playing as a Windfall Class
Készítő: JiggsMeister
This guide will help new and existing players on where to find and absorb different combat card lists as a Windfall fighter. I have included the corresponding experience points you gain with every NPC you beat including the boss ones. I would suggest to absorb all the combat list as quickly as you can, because as you level up further, these NPC will become stronger and will carry a weapon with them thus giving you a hard time absorbing the combat list.

Please do note that the game can be played differently, how you want it or how you will want to beat a boss in no particular order. The guide that I created only helps to note where to find the location of the combat styles that will complete your deck. Combat styles can be acquired from other NPCs in another location as well. Also note that this is acquired through unarmed combat meaning no weapon combat cards will be mentioned in this guide.

The combat card list that you absorb while playing as a Forsaken or a Khalt fighter will vary and will not be the same as mentioned in the lists. A different guide will be created after this.

I am using a keyboard and mouse configuration so directional icons might be different if you are using a controller.
(Note: at this stage, you cannot edit your combat decks but can only allocate your level up skill points stats)
Disclaimer notice: Bruce Wayne Lee is not affiliated with any Batman and Green Hornet franchises.

I am using a newly created Windfall figher account for this guide, if you are playing as a Forsaken or Khalt Class, the combat lists might not be the same as shown

1. You start off with the guard / taunt tutorial lady NPC (300 exp)
You can absorb the following combat card
- Jab punch / Wing Back kick / Urawashi / Spinning wide hook

- Note: you can practice your timings for guard, feint, slide or dodge and your fighter abilities like avoid(Windfall), parry (Forsaken) and absorb (Khalt)

1.a. After you have absorbed all the combat cards and finish off the lady NPC, you can break the 2 doors on both sides and kill the idle NPCs for free exp (180 each)

2. You will then run down the alleyway and will be met by 2 NPCs. (As i am playing a windfall fighter, there are no combat cards to learn from them)
- You can finish them off for 300 exp each

3. As you continue to the path and climb the stairs you will be met by 1 NPC sitting outside a house. (As i am playing as a windfall fighter, there are no combat cards to learn from them)
- You can finish him off for 300 exp

4. Climb up to the next floor and you will be met by 2 NPCs. (As i am playing as a windfall fighter, there are no combat cards to learn from them)
- You can finish them off for 300 exp each

5. Next will be another lady NPC standing next to a practice statue.(As i am playing as a windfall fighter, there are no combat cards to learn from them)
- You can finish her off for 300 exp

6. After defeating the NPC, you will then have the chance to fight off Silan (mini boss level) (2100 exp)
You can absorb the following combat card
- Fast Elbow / Knife Hand Strike / Straight Punch / Hook / Fast Punch / 360 Tornado Kick

- Note: Silan can deal heavy attacks (with his 360 tornado kick and spinning back hook) and can suck up your stamina bar pretty quickly. Try to use your "avoid" ability so you can still absorb the combat card without losing your stamina

7. Open the door leading to the tower of and you will be met by 3 NPCs. There are no combat cards to learn from them so you can finish them off for 300 exp each. Continue heading the path to activate the cut scene.

Chapter One: Hunting Path
Note: Using the guidance bridge as a starting point, I am using the hunting path as the first chapter of the walkthrough, though this game you can start off anywhere but for this guide, this is where we will start.

(For players who dont know the way, this is the way heading to the Hunting path)

1. Follow the foot path leading to a fallen tree, you will be met by few npcs (Note: NPC can be a random spawn (350 - 400 exp). As you run around the Hunting Path area, several random NPC will spawn (either male or female) and will have the same combat list as show below:

(1.a. it can be a shirtless NPC with a Silan chest armor)

You can absorb the following combat card (Shirtless NPC wearing a Silan chest armor)
- Pushed Elbow / Front Kick / Leg Breaker / Ankle Stamp

(1.b. It can be an NPC wearing a shoulder pad)

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC wearing a shoulder pad )
- Spin Elbow / Mill Punch

(1.c. It can be an NPC wearing a tunic overtop)

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC wearing a tunic overtop )
- Charged Haymaker / Stretched out hook

2. Once you pass the altar, on the right where there is a fallen tree like bridge is the way to the first marked boss. (Revario). You can acquire the Earthquake power (powerful tremor that shakes the ground stunning nearby enemies) after defeating him. (Note: this boss can pack a heavy blow and a very good parry fighter)

You can absorb the following combat card (Revario)
- Liver Knee / Crouching Elbow / Curled Uppercut / (Pushed Back Kick (if you cannot absorb this combat skill from Revario, you can acquire this skill from one of the NPC at the Forgotten Temple
( Chapter 2)))

Chapter Two: Forgotten Temple
After beating Revario, the first marked boss, head back to the path after the altar and you will see a temple entrance as shown: (head straight to this tunnel path and you will go into the Forgotten Temple)

1. Within this small area, (Note: NPC can be a random spawn (250 - 600 exp) as you run around the Forgetten Temple, several random NPC will spawn, which majority of them are also from the Hunting Path map (either male or female) so it is likely that you have absorbed it from Chapter One.

1.a. NPC wearing a tunic same as below:

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC wearing a tunic )
- Pushed Back Kick

1.b. NPC Captain wearing a shoulder armor same as below:

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC Captain wearing a shoulder armor )
- Body Blow

2. After running around and killing all the NPCs and once you are ready to face the second marked boss, head inside the temple to challenge Angrel (he has the absorb ability and has an uninterrupted haymaker). You will also gain the Shield Power from him that increases protection and knock back during 20 seconds.

As most of the combat skills he has had been absorbed by you from other NPCs, the remaining skill that you can take from him is the Roll Punch technique.

After you have defeated Angrel, head to the altar behind the temple and you will find a path as shown below: (path to Bird Callers Outpost - Chapter 3)

Chapter Three: Bird Callers Outpost
As you enter the path going up hill from the Forgotten Temple, you will enter another area which is called the Bird Callers Outpost. Here you will find another marked boss to challenge and NPC combat skills to absorb.

1. Within this small area, (Note: NPC can be a random spawn (300 - 600 exp) as you run around the Bird Callers Outpost, several random NPC will spawn, which majority of them are also from the Hunting Path and Forgotten Temple map (either male or female) so it is likely that you have absorbed it from Chapter One and Two.

1.a. Before heading to the boss area, on top of the big barn is an NPC captain shown below:
The NPC Captain has some powerful but slow blows where you can dodge and avoid very easily.

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC Captain ) - 800 exp
- Bounced Knee / Wallop Blow

2. After you have defeated the mini boss, go inside the barn and there you will meet up with the third Mark One boss "Ama Saba".
Her techniques mostly comprised of the same style as you (Windfall). She is fast and nimble so maintain a good distance once you have completed your combo. After defeating her, you will also acquire her Exhaust power where enemies consume more stamina for their actions during 15 seconds and only affects nearby enemies.

You can absorb the following combat card (Ama Saba) - 2700 exp
- Slap Kick

As you exit the barn, follow the path to the left towards the mountain to head to the Adalian Columbary where you will challenge the twin bosses. (Chapter Four)

Chapter Four: The Adalian Columbary
The Adalian Columbary area is only but within a Columbary and an Altar outside of it. From within this building, here you will challenge the twin boss named Cargal and Killnor.

After you defeated Cargal (Female) and Kilnor (Male) in any order, you will acquire the curved sword to equip in your weapon slot. This weapon slot can be activated once your shards are powered up or full.

You can absorb the following combat card (Cargal ) - 9100 exp
- Dwit Chagi / Tetsuzanko / Twist Parry Strike / Spinning High Kick / Pulmonary Palm / Falcon Punch / Tripped Kick / Double Palm

You can absorb the following combat card (Kilnor - Male) - 9100 exp
- Upper Elbow / Roll Uppercut / Front Sweep / Crushing Palm / Back trip Kick / Cleaver Blow

For this guide, head back to our starting point (Guidance Bridge) to start the next chapter.
As you have noticed, we have cleared one part of the island by putting the lights out on the bosses. I did that on purpose as to not confuse any new players on the map.

For Chapter Five, we will head to the harbor by going to that direction.
Chapter Five: Central Harbor
For this guide, the Central Harbor will be our main route to the other locations of this island before going and defeating the remaining bosses at the Tower. (250 - 400 exp)

1. As your roam around this area, you will be met by several of the NPCs like the ones below:
Please do note that some of the combat skills that you have not absorbed from the twin bosses from Chapter Four can be acquired from this area or at the Oratian Quarter (Chapter Five).

1.a. NPC wearing a shawl

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC wearing a shawl) - 300 exp
- Upper Elbow

1.b. NPC wearing an undertop tunic

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC wearing an undertop tunic) - 300 exp
- Sidekick / Tetsuzanko / Roll uppercut / Dwit Chagi

1.c. NPC with chest cover with shoulder pad (male or female)

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC with chest cover with shoulder pad) - 400 exp
- Parry and Strike

1.d. NPC Captain with Rastafarian themed tunic

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC Captain with Rastafarian themed tunic) - 800 exp
- Twist Parry and Strike / Roll Back Fist / Spinning High Kick / Front Sweep / Twist Parry Strike / Meia Lua

Close to the entrance of the harbor is where the fourth marked boss lies. Head to this archway as shown below to challenge him. (Lamren)
He is also a Windfall fighter with 2 devastating charge attacks. This is a good time to practice your avoid and dodge skills.

You can absorb the following combat card (Lamren) - 2600 exp
- Spiral Palm

After defeating Lamren, head towards this doorway to head to the Oratian Quarter. (Chapter 6)

Chapter Six: Oratian Quarter
The Oratian Quarter is the area that intersects to the Colliseum or to the Tower of Adal. In order to open the door that leads to the tower is you need to defeat 2 more bosses around this island.
You can absorb new combat cards from this area to add to your collection. (350 - 1000 exp)

1. As you move around this area, you will meet some NPC as shown below:

1.a. NPC with an elbow pad

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC with an elbow pad) - 800 exp
- Jump Out Elbow / Scissor Kick / Crushing Palm / Back trip Kick

1.b. NPC with Shoulder armor pad

You can absorb the following combat card (NPC with shoulder armor pad) - 1000 exp
- Tripped Kick

After you have absorbed all the necessary combat list in this area, look for a path like below to proceed to the Colliseum. (Chapter Seven)

Chapter Seven A: Raslan Colliseum - Ristael Citadel
This area has 1 mark one and 1 main boss which are almost near each other. For this guide, we will head to that citadel on the left to challenge the marked one boss. As you have leveled up much at this stage, few of the NPC spawn stronger and harder to kill. Majority of the combat list from this area had been acquired from the previous Chapters. If not then you can absorb the ones you dont have yet. (400 - 800 exp)

As you head towards the top of the citadel, you will face Ristael.
Ristael is a fast stagger style fighter that can absorb your attacks.

Once you have defeated her, you will acquire the "Gravity" power that stuns your target and increases its weight during a short time.

You can absorb the following combat card (Ristael) - 2900 exp
- Double Palm

Head back down to the colliseum to try absorbing some of the combat skills from NPC within the area. If you are ready to face the main boss, head to the center of the colliseum to activate the cut scene.

Chapter Seven B: Raslan Colliseum - Kuretz FaceOff
Kuretz is a Forsaken fighter that can deal some few devastating blows. As his health diminishes to a certain extent, he will spawn his minion NPC to help him with his fight.

As his health dwindles down to certain low level, he will use his spike gloves to damage you even when you block. His minion NPC will be annoying as well.

Dodge, Avoid and small 2 hit combos are your best option at this round. If you combo too much, you might lose a lot of your stamina which can be fatal to you.

After defeating him, you will acquire his Spike Turtle War Gloves that can be used under your weapons option.

You can also absorb the following combat card (Kuretz) - 10100 exp
- Jumped Spin Kick / Jackhammer Punch / Under Knee Kick / Furious Upper cut

Go this way to head back to the Oratian Quarter. As mentioned previously the Oratian Quarter intersects the road to the Colliseum and the road to the Tower of Adal. (Chapter Eight)
Chapter Eight: Tower Of Adal - Base of Tower
From the Oratian , just follow the wooden bridge that heads up to a fort that connects to another wooden bridge to the other side. Follow the path up, cross to the other side and follow the path heading to the Tower of Adal.

1. a. At the big open area, you will be met by 1 or 2 NPC as shown below:

You can also absorb the following combat card (NPC with undertop) - 400 exp
- Falcon Punch / Pulmonary Palm

Keep exploring the area to find more NPC like below:

1.b. Strong Punch Lady NPC with shoulder armor pad

You can also absorb the following combat card (Strong Lady Punch NPC) - 400 exp
- Jackhammer Punch / Back Fist

1.c. Strong Punch Lady NPC - 400 exp

You can also absorb the following combat card (Strong Lady Punch NPC) - 400 exp
- Furious Uppercut / Cleaver Blow

1.d. Strong Puncher NPC

You can also absorb the following combat card (Strong Puncher NPC) - 1100 exp
- Chin Palm / Knee Strike

Once you are ready, go to this location under the stairs to challenge the marked one boss.
Dormek, the 6th marked one boss. At this stage she is the final mark one boss left for the tower door to unlock. She has some devastating attacks and dodging and avoiding will be your best defense against it.

Once you have defeated her, you will acquire her "Silence" power that you can use in your powers menu. It will freeze the shards of the target.

You can also absorb the following combat card (Dormek) - 3100 exp
- Knee Strike / CollarChop

Once you head to the Tower Gate, you can see that it can now be opened as the seal has now been unlocked.

Open the gate to head to Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine: Essence Reserves
Once inside the area, try to absorb and farm of the NPC combat list like the ones below: (300 - 1300 exp)

1.a. NPC with cape

You can also absorb the following combat card (NPC with cape) - 1300 exp
- Axe Kick / Rising Kick / Under Knee Kick / Jumped Spin Kick

Once you have absorbed the skills, you can go up the tower heading to the Imperial Quarters
Final Chapter: Imperial Quarters
Once you are ready to challenge Rislynm activate the portal to enable the cutscene.

Rislyn is quick and able to dish out devastating damage to you. Good use of your dodge and avoid is crucial at this match.

As soon as her health goes to a certain low, she will activate her sword. Make sure you disarm her quickly. Once she goes to a very low health, she will again activate her sword. Make sure you disarm her as the sword damage will be very critical to you.

When you defeat her, you will acquire her sword including an exp of 20100. You will be teleported back to the Guidance Bridge and will be rewarded with your Absolver Cloak.

Searching for Jinn Mesca and Stagger style
Jinn Mesca spawns once the player reaches level 25 or becomes an Absolver. He spawns on a bridge inside the tower area, he also spawns just outside the tower region on the path inbetween the tower and the outlook. At half health he spawns a sword, if not disarmed he will lower your health rapidlly. After defeating him a doorway in the coliseum is unlocked allowing you to join the school of the Golden Bottle, and meet Rakkio to learn the stagger style. (from Absolver Wiki)

You can also absorb the following combat card (Jinn Mesca) - 3500 exp
- Drunken Smash / Spiral Back Punch / Wrist Jab / Eye Poke / Wobble Low Kick / Foot Slap / Double Fist Stretch / Back Hop Wrist / Back Turn Wrist /Elbow Stub / Gut Punch / Drunken Paw / Grab Punch / Drunken Stomp

Notes and Upates
:I have created this section to inform that some of the combat list are still missing as I will farm with this character especially the Calbot move and the rest of the stagger moves.
As I got the Calbot from my main character, chances of this NPC spawning will be very rare when creating a new character.
: Hope this guide will help the new and existing players in the community and please do not hesitate to ask anything.

-- 8th Sep: Added 4 new combat styles acquire from Jinn. Will be working on getting the sword styles from other NPCs too.

17 megjegyzés
obliviondoll 2019. ápr. 17., 4:45 
The only difference between styles with relevance to this guide is your starting movesets. Each one has different moves in their default deck, and different moves available to them at the start of the game. Windfall is the only style which starts with Direct Punch, while Forsaken and Kahlt both have Jab Punch in that spot (front right first attack). Forsaken's starting front left alt (breaking) is Front Kick, Windfall gets Hammer Kick, and Kahlt gets Jump Out Elbow. Not included in the starting deck, Kahlt is the only style which starts with access to a charging attack - Charged Haymaker. There's other differences, but those are a couple of obvious examples.
obliviondoll 2019. ápr. 17., 4:45 
ALL moves are available in the game world - but many are only available from higher-level NPCs who you won't see much of in the open world until you've leveled up past 30. Some of the moves in the tutorial aren't available in open world early in the game, but will appear later. Also, Jinn only spawns after level 25, not on Absolver status - but he will spawn when you're lower level if you're in zone with a higher-level player (confirmed by devs through several sources).
JiggsMeister  [készítő] 2019. márc. 26., 8:12 
i believe you have some moves in prologue which you cannot find after. it would be best to absorb this skill at this stage.
핏쟈 2019. márc. 23., 8:30 
I can't read English well, but this is the best guide I've ever seen. Aaand I have some questions because I'm not good at English, Can I get all styles's moves with follow your guide? Also, What if skipped the Prologue? Then how to get Prologue's moves..? By the way, So much Thank you :)
JiggsMeister  [készítő] 2019. márc. 6., 6:25 
yes my bro.. this is a long pending thing in my to do list haha
Vagabond X 2019. febr. 28., 19:22 
Yeah, I'm at the point where I could use a new rig myself, really. (Stupid video card memory requirements...) If you ever get the time, you may want to make work on a separate guide for the sword moves. The NPCs won't always cooperate, but in general it's easy to drop a weapon near them and have them pick it up, so you can pick up a few attacks that way as well.
JiggsMeister  [készítő] 2019. febr. 28., 2:20 
Thank you for the compliment. Still in the midst of upgrading my gaming rig. I will continue on this guide as soon as i can.
Vagabond X 2019. febr. 22., 16:44 
Thanks for the guide, it's been very helpful!
useyourowntech 2018. aug. 3., 13:38 
Screech Verminking spinning flute swing is the lower right hand triangle's right click/switch attack for the default drunk style AKA stagger style.
SHIA WARRIOR 2017. dec. 20., 8:57 
i cant go online how do i fix this