NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM

NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM

271 ratings
Achievement Guide
By Frogboogie
Basic guide to Perfect Storm Master for 'Naruto: Ultimate Ninja STORM'
I got bored, no one has made a guide for achievements so I'd make one for everyone.
This is my first guide and I'm not perfect so hopefully if there's any questions I can answer them.
I also only know English, sorry other languages. <3

It should be stated that none of the achievements in 'Naruto: Ultimate Ninja STORM' are missable, so play to your hearts content and don't stress about it.
Story/Mission Achievements
Genin Training Arc Complete
The first storyline achievement and essentially the tutorial for the player.
Awarded after completing all 7 Genin Arc missions.

Chunin Exam Arc Complete
The second storyline achievement.
Awarded after completing all 11 Chunin Exam Arc missions.

Leaf Destruction Arc Complete
The third storyline achievement.
Awarded for completing all 10 Leaf Destruction Arc missions.

The Search For Tsunade Arc Complete
The fourth storyline achievement.
Awarded for completing all 11 Tsunade Search Arc missions.

Chasing Sasuke Arc Complete
The fifth and final storyline achievement.
Awarded for completing all 10 Chasing Sasuke Arc missions.

All missions, including storyline and ranked freeplay missions, increase your total mission percentage. Completing missions a second time and clearing bonus conditions will increase mission percentage. Freeplay missions unlock as the story progresses.

Unless you want to challenge yourself to harder missions, you can decide to do only story missions and D+C+B ranked missions with all bonus conditions met to achieve 50%. There is no 100% mission achievement.

Overflowing with Innocence
Awarded for reaching 10% total mission completion.

A Long Road Ahead
Awarded for reaching 20% total mission completion.

You've Got Potential
Awarded for reaching 30% total mission completion.

A Formidable Presence
Awarded for reaching 40% total mission completion.

Hidden Leaf's New Hero
Awarded for reaching 50% total mission completion.
Finishers/General Combat Achievements
For a finisher to count, the condition of the achievement must be met as the final blow or during the final blow to count and unlock the achievement. All of these achievements can be gained either during Ultimate Mission Mode (the main game) and Free Battle Mode.

As the game itself doesn't give a very good description of how to achieve certain aspects of gameplay, I will give you an idea of what to do.

Finish while Awakened!
As simple as it sounds, just finish a fight with any attack whilst in awakened mode. To get into awakened mode, all you need to do is be hurt enough by the AI or player to have a fire-like symbol added onto the end of your chakra gauge like so:
Continuing to charge chakra when it appears will allow you to enter awakened mode.

Finish with Ninjutsu!
Finishing a fight with your characters ninjutsu attack awards this achievement.

Finish with an Ultimate Jutsu!
Finishing a fight with your characters ultimate jutsu awards this achievement.

Finish with a Full Power Ultimate Jutsu!
Finishing a fight with your characters ultimate jutsu after filling your storm gauge will net you this achievement. The storm gauge is the three tomoe to the left of your health and chakra bars behind your character portrait. Performing combos will fill the gauge until all three tomoe become flames:
After all three are on fire, Full Power mode starts. It lasts a limited time and if an ultimate jutsu is activated and connects, it will be a full power jutsu. If the ultimate jutsu does not end the fight, it will not count towards the achievement and a new fight will have to be started.

This is how a ninja fights!
To get this achievement, you need to end a fight whilst on a wall and this is trickier than it sounds. I'm not 100% sure on how to get on the wall, but if you manage to blow back your opponent with a heavy attack like an ultimate impact and they hit a wall, like the ones found in the Chunin Exams Prelim Stage, they will stick to it and you will be on the wall as well. Any heavy attack will end up propelling both characters off the wall so I've seen, and might ruin the chance at the achievement. For the best chances of success, whittle your opponent down and then blow them back against a wall, and use an ultimate jutsu to finish them off.

Finish with a Throw!
Just as the achievement says, finish a fight with a throw. This is achieved by attacking whilst guarding. Most throws have incredibly poor range so should be treated with caution. Simply end the fight with a throw and the achievement will be yours.

Finish with an Ultimate Impact!
A much easier achievement to complete than throwing, to perform an ultimate impact all you need to do is hold down the attack button. Land it as the final hit and the achievement is yours.

The following finisher achievements were glitched for me and some were glitched for others in the discussions. These were the only achievements glitched for me but if you have any others glitched please let me know. I achieved all of the following achievements by plugging in a second controller and fighting a second player. You can also have a single controller and use your keyboard. (Thanks to ShamaloDXD)

If you do have access to a controller and these achievements are glitched for you please try this method.

Finish with a Downed Strike!
One of the most difficult achievements to pull off with the AI getting in the way, this requires you to finish the fight with the pitifully weak attack performed when pressing the attack button next to a downed enemy.
A surefire method to getting the achievement is Free Battle Mode with a second controller. (Credits to LAZY SHIKAMARUX on trueachievements for the method) Setting the handicap fully in your favour, and choosing Naruto, first hit your opponent once with a basic attack. Then perform a throw and while they're down, hit them with a single extra hit while they're on the floor. Afterwards only use throws until they have a sliver of health and are on the ground for you to deliver the final extra hit and netting yourself the achievement.

Finish with a Ninja Tool!
A fairly simple achievement if not hampered by the glitch. Simply damage your opponent enough til they have very little health using a character that has combat tools like the explosive balls or the delayed parachute kunai (whatever they're called), then finish them off with said tools.

Finish with Support Ninjutsu!
An even simpler achievement to perform, simply end a fight with a support character dealing the final blow. No specific character, no specific move, just let your support character end it for you.

Finish with a Support Combo!
Since the game doesn't explicitly tell you what a support combo is, I experimented a little. If you damage your opponent til they have very little health, then launch two support characters and they hit and end the fight, you should get the achievement. I'm not 100% sure though.

General Combat
These achievements are gained by doing very specific things that for me very rarely happened.

Interrupt an Ultimate Jutsu!
As the name implies, you have to interrupt an enemy ultimate jutsu. To achieve this, you need to let yourself be targeted by and hit by an ultimate jutsu, then perform better in the power showdown with the button presses. If performed correctly, mid-animation for the ultimate jutsu you will evade or substitute out and earn yourself the achievement.

Succeed with a Supportive Extra Hit!
One of the rarest things I saw and I could never purposefully pull off was this and never knew how to do it. However this achievement involves blowing your opponent away and getting a split second support button pop up for you to press. Pressing this button will call out that support to smack down the enemy and deal them more damage AND get you your achievement.

Prevent an Extra Hit!
Just as rare as the last for me, this involves the previous achievement but in reverse. You need to be the one blown away and have the popup given to you. Successfully hitting the quick time event will have your support save you from fall damage and net you this achievement.

Ninjutsu Clash!
A fairly simple achievement, use a ninjutsu while your opponent uses a ninjutsu at the same time and have them connect. I'm not sure if there are multiple people that can perform this, but the perfect place to grab this achievement is the final story mission between Sasuke and Naruto. Wait for Sasuke to charge a Chidori and quickly let off a Rasengan, for a small quick time event.
General Store Achievements
These achievements will be what drain your Ryo/money, so you can leave these until after finishing the story or finishing a couple of the freeplay mission ranks. Figures, Ultimate Jutsu movies, and music all unlock as the story progresses and more characters are unlocked.

The General Store can be found on the map in the red ring as shown here:

There are 53 total figures that can be purchased but not all have to be purchased for all related achievements.

Newbie Figure Collector
Awarded for purchasing your first figure. The cheapest figures are 5000 Ryo each.

Amateur Figure Collector
Awarded for purchasing 30% of all figures. You will need to purchase 16 figures for this achievement. At 5000 minimum Ryo per figure this will set you back at least 80,000 Ryo.

Veteran Figure Collector
Awarded for purchasing 50% of all figures. You will need to purchase 27 figures for this achievement. At 5000 minimum Ryo this will set you back at least 135,000 Ryo.

Ultimate Jutsu Movies
There are 35 total ultimate jutsu movies that can be purchased but not all have to be purchased for all related achievements.

Ultimate Jutsu Fan
Awarded for purchasing your first ultimate jutsu movie. The cheapest movies are 25,000 Ryo each.

Ultimate Jutsu Maniac
Awarded for purchasing 30% of all ultimate jutsu movies. You will need to purchase 11 movies for this achievement. At 25,000 minimum Ryo this will set you back at least 275,000 Ryo.

Ultimate Jutsu Master
Awarded for purchasing 50% of all ultimate jutsu movies. You will need to purchase 18 movies for this achievement. At 25,000 minimum Ryo this will set you back at least 450,000 Ryo.

There are 28 total tracks of music that can be purchased but not all have to be pruchased for all related achievements.

Music Fan
Awarded for purchasing your first track of music. The cheapest tracks are 5,000 Ryo each.

Music Maniac
Awarded for purchasing 30% of all tracks of music. You will need to purchase 9 tracks of music for this achievement. At 5,000 minimum Ryo this will set you back at least 45,000 Ryo.

Music Master
Awarded for purchasing 50% of all tracks of music. You will need to purchase 14 tracks of music for this achievement. At 5,000 minimum Ryo this will set you back at least 70,000 Ryo.

Cultivating to around about 655,000 Ryo in total you can see why these achievements will drain your money stash very quickly.
Leaf Village Achievements #1
As broad as I could make them, these achievements range from the handbooks to the Naruto cannon rings.

Naruto Cannon Rings
These achievements are tied to training regime missions Kakashi and Jiraiya have, and are very simple and all three can be achieved in one jump. Since that's possible, I'll list that one spot although there are a couple places you can achieve the other first two before.

After completing all of Kakashi's ring challenges, you'll be met with A-rank "Jiraiya's Special Training". This mission introduces obstacles that stop your cannon midair if you hit them. After beginning, heading due south-east will meet you with a straight line of rings composed entirely of the obstacles. There are exactly 42 rings here, and failing to grab all of them will mean you must reset and run back.
This is the location of the rings on the map:

Hitting all 42 rings here will get you:

Naruto Cannon Novice
Awarded for clearing 12 rings with one cannon.

Naruto Cannon Pro
Awarded for clearing 24 rings with one cannon.

Naruto Cannon Master
Awarded for clearing 42 rings with one cannon.

Rope Swinging
A pretty easy achievement to get with a little timing done right, and possibly one of the first achievements to get.

Acrobatic Ninja
All this achievement asks you to do is swing from a rope stationary to five other ropes without breaking the flow of the quick time event. Every time you swing off a rope you'll be met with an the jump action prompt, failing to do so with stop you on the rope you land on. A few easy spots to do this are marked here:

Shuriken Throwing
At the beginning of the game, entering shuriken mode lets you lock onto four targets and chuck shurikens at them. Some people may have thought that the shurikens need to penetrate through and break objects behind them. In fact what you need to do is head to the item shop on the west side of the village marked in red here:

There are six pouches available for purchase in increasing cost.

Shuriken Pro
Getting just one pouch will let you target five objects. Simply destroy all five of those objects and you will earn this achievement.

Shuriken Master
After purchasing all six pouch upgrades, you'll be able to lock on with and throw up to ten shuriken and earn yourself the most expensive useless skill ever.

Speaking of useless skills, here's another.

How to Use a Rasengan
Following the conclusion of the Tsunade Search Arc, you'll learn how to use the Rasengan in the Leaf Village. However all you can do with it is destroy sealed doors. Find one and activate it, then spam the quick time event to blow open the door. Voila. Achievement.
Leaf Village Achievements #2
Item Shop

Order Representative
This is one of the few delivery achievements you'll have done, and one of the easiest. Simply head to the item shop in the west of town and complete one of the order lists, which requires ingredients you gain from fighting and exploring, at the bottom of the shop menu. Then simply head into the buy menu and it'll tell you new stock is in and your achievement will be given.

A Satisfying Selection
Pretty much the same thing as Order Representative, but complete five more order lists for a total of six and head into the buy menu to complete this set of achievements.

Ichiraku Ramen
One of the more useful Leaf Village growths, completing ramen orders grants you extra chakra in town to sprint for longer. All of the ramen order ingredients are found after certain points in the storyline in town, or are gained from battle like flowers. ITADAKIMASU

Ramen Lover
As simple as simple gets, the first orders will be based solely on ingredients from fights so they're easy to make. Simply get the ingredients and make a single ramen and the achievement is yours. ITADAKIMASU

Ramen Gourmand
To get this achievement you'll have to be a short way into the storyline for the single time ingredients to appear. Simply progress further in the story, get the ingredients, make your way back to Ichiraku and make 10 bowls of unique ramen for your achievement. ITADAKIMASU

Ninja Handbooks and Support Scrolls
Ninja handbooks allow you to use different skills for playable characters, and are very useful if you don't like a certain characters ninjutsu. Ninja handbooks can be found around the village after progressing further in the storyline as green dots on the map.

Ninjutsu 101
Simply progress through the story and locate one of the green dots on the map. Finding it will grant the achievement.

Ninjutsu Master
More than likely by the last arc, you'll have found or have access to find 14 ninja handbooks. Manage to find 14 and you'll score yourself this achievement.

Support scrolls on the other hand do the same thing but exclusively for the characters you choose as support. They are all purchased from Iruka just due west of the Hokage's office with secret scrolls which can be found immediately after finishing a mission. You will need about 8-10 thousand-ish to unlock all of them.

Support Ninjutsu 101
Purchasing your first support book from Iruka will grant this achievement after exiting the store menu.

Support Ninjutsu Master
After finding enough secret scrolls in the leaf village and purchasing 8 support books from Iruka, you'll gain your final scroll achievement.
Perfect Storm Master
If you decide not to 100% the game which I don't doubt you with the timeframe of some of the S rank QTE's, if you manage to get past the glitches and hiccups of the game and how slow it can be, you'll eventually get the final achievement.

Perfect Storm Master
Awarded automatically for achieving every achievement.
❥ SexySexyLover 3 Sep @ 2:37pm 
I can confirm that most of the "Finish the battle with" achievements are broken, as they either don't work the first time or don't work at all. Usually achievement stats don't lie, as people don't bother with such things, but in this case it's true, which is disappointing.
Iwakiri 28 Apr @ 8:55am 
Hey man thanks, but I need to clarify on one thing that bugged me for at least an hour. The "Finish with a support combo" achievement isn't a qte or a "both supports should hit at the same time". A support combo is the first support move of the list of every character, which therefore has the "COMBO" title instead of the "NINJUTSU" title , for example Jiraya's "Dance of the lion", Naruto's "Skyrocket" and Sasuke's "Swallow turn fire". Choosing these instead of a Chidori or Rasengan or any other support ninjutsu, makes them use their basic combo attack and vanish. I can assure this works, because I tried Frogboogie's method with two ninjutsus as support, and it gave me the "Finish with a support ninjutsu" achievement, instead of the combo one, so I tried to finish a battle with Jiraya's Dance of the lion as a support, and after I defeated them with said combo, it gave me the combo achievement. So yeah, it's waaay easier. Hope this helps.
Ferda 29 Jan @ 1:54am 
Thanks for your guide man. It helped a lot for a game that can get frustrating during the 100% part. Luckily we only had to get 50% of most things! The support combo is when you do a side special and it prompts (RB/LB (Xbox controller)). So you have to have your support KO them with their hit from it.
Madara || Matt 25 Nov, 2023 @ 3:16am 
Thank you so much I’m on PlayStation and needed this
DemonChicken 27 Sep, 2023 @ 4:44am 
Glitch Achievements Fix 100%. TRIED IT IN 2 ACCOUNTS.
One thing I found out is that it doesn't seem like a lot of people noticed is that, when you are playing as a Player 2, you can't get achievements. For example you can't get the "Finish the opponent with a ninjutsu!" no matter how many times you try if the one finishing the opponent is Player 2. This was probably done to prevent achievements from unlocking if the NPCs do said finishers.
I also found out that if you connect a controller after opening the game, it counts as a Player 2. That also happens in Story Mode, thats why some achievements are "Glitched". So if you want to unlock the fighting achievements, make sure you connect the controller before opening the game.
Yarble 24 Jun, 2023 @ 8:28pm 
Don't know if it matters for achievments but for getting steps faster you can spam chakra while running and it does a step for every click i believe
Armado Hellguard 18 Apr, 2023 @ 8:58am 
Is there any chance by getting some achiements like item kill or comobo help in the story? I did it so often and i dind`t ge tit....
big guy bill 17 Mar, 2023 @ 8:09am 
how get mission xp
pink 2 Nov, 2022 @ 11:03pm 
成就有bug 本来完成了 但是成就就是不点亮
Mr.Piesalad 31 Aug, 2022 @ 5:16pm 