Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to Survive the TF2 Forums (Most Toxic i've ever seen)
Von Helena
Alright, if you have never been to the TF2 Discussion Forums and plan on foruming there in the Future. Please, don't forum there. Just leave and click that little "X" on the top right screen. You will be doing yourself a big favor. But if you're still here, i'll continue.
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Ah yes, the Team Fortress 2 forums. I have forumed here in the past and came back sometime in 2017.

Unfortunantely, when i came back (i forumed on my old account) the people were twisted, toxic idiots. Who think the world revolves around them and will say "bait" to any posts, any opinions they do not agree with and will even spread false lies just because they do not agree with your opinion. One time one of those users found my personal facebook and spread death threats to members of my family. Yes, they're that toxic. You are probably a person who is very curious about this forum. So before you enter. Here's a picture that perfectly describes what this forum is.

What to expect from the TF2 Forums.
When i returned to the forums sometime in 2017. At first they weren't so bad. Little did i know i was about to experience a huge amount of toxicity. To the point where it even became worse than the ROBLOX Forum and Minecraft Forum combined. Both of which i have forumed for a long time. Yes, the ROBLOX Forum in it's current state is constantly being raided by spammers but that is understandable. ROBLOX Forum has lesser people patrolling it. But at least those people actually knew what a opinion, joke or anything.

Well anyway. Since this section is about what to expect from the TF2 Discussion forums. I might as well say it.

For the first threee months of posting. You will experience:

- People bashing you for your opinions
- Humourless forumers who go to the point where they find a baiters facebook and send hate messages.
- People with big ego's
- And many many more toxic people

This list could go on, but it's all the same. Toxic people, toxic people, toxic people and more toxic people. This makes you wonder "God, how bad did the TF2 Community become"
What NOT to post
As soon as you click "Community" and click discussions. You are quickly greeted with a statement that says: "Everyone is invited! The Steam discussions are for everyone, new and advanced user alike!"

Well, if only the community wasn't that bad. But sadly, most of the forumers are unsufferable idiots with toasters for computers. They bash on opinions, dox forumers they don't like and even more injustifiable actions.

I bet when you got your eyes on the section title which reads "What NOT to post" you probably thought stuff like "My mom just farted" or your adress or personal info. That's not the case. Having a different opinion of others which get you bashed and harassed because the forumers think the TF2 Forums is only for people who agress with them. So, here's a bunch of posts on you shouldn't post so you wouldn't get bashed.

- Giving out your opinion on why i liked thing in TF2 is terrible (people will just think it's bait)
- Asking for help
- Asking for an obvious question
- Making a post on why you like a hated user
- And more

Any post that you make that isn't agreed or liked by that horrible community will just be called "bait, bait,bait". And then they will go to a moderator's profile and spam the post link like brats.

What TO Post
Well, you don't want to be harrassed by the community for having your own opinion right?. Well here are somethings you can post so that you can be liked. (This involves removing your ability to have your own opinion. You must follow everything or like everything the majority likes in order to not be called a baiter".)

So here's what to POST if you don't want to be harassed.

- Say a negative opinion on a hated user

- Make a post wishing for a over powered weapon to be nerfed

- Anything the majority likes

Basically, post these things if you do not wish to be harassed. Because in the TF2 forums. You will get harassed for having your own opinion. People in the TF2 forums are not open to opinions and will make a reply filled with rage and anger if you disagree with them.

25 Kommentare
Phen 9. März 2018 um 18:26 
That last picture was really really dark.
apple 8. Jan. 2018 um 13:49 
And some other thing from this is +to why I hate society is double standards, its totaly nosens.:steamsad:
apple 8. Jan. 2018 um 13:47 
I don't play csgo but I expect that they will look at your hours playied.

But yeah people are bigots(I looked for meaning)someone want example? If you are not "normal" then people will judge you like if someone is taller, smaller etc or even male who don't follow gender roles/stereotypical, just look at it everyone who have different opinion than "official"/averge and don't agree with "official"/most people and is different is mostly judge etc, you know what I mean
"It's sad, but thanks to the community discussions, my faith in humanity is diminished."
by community discussion you mean this "wall"?!

That one of why hate society, its sad.
cavil 2. Jan. 2018 um 3:33 
It's sad, but thanks to the community discussions, my faith in humanity is diminished.
Helena  [Autor] 2. Jan. 2018 um 3:02 
Another thing i hate is how they will render your opinions invalid without even reading it if you don't have 1K hours or more.
cavil 2. Jan. 2018 um 2:28 
Though I'm starting to wonder about posting to get rid of the AWP in CSGO. Stupid weapon with a stupid idea.
Helena  [Autor] 2. Jan. 2018 um 0:11 
@Fair Trade

I agree with you, people in the forums are full of bigots nowadays.

By the way, i'd just like you to know that they actually removed the forums in ROBLOX not so long ago...
apple 31. Dez. 2017 um 14:12 
Well after long time I could agree
"Forums is only for people who agress with them." this works in MOST forums no matter what type is it. Do you have other opinion? KIll him! I playied roblox for 5-6years and stopped becasue of forum and no control and unoptimized.
Helena  [Autor] 9. Dez. 2017 um 17:49 
cavil 9. Dez. 2017 um 16:37 
I mean like, they would give you death threats if you said that you need help!