148 ratings
The Purpose Driven Exile
By Solistine
A moderate length strategy guide for those seeking to proceed in Pyre at standard, or higher difficulty levels. Theory-crafting, and roles of the exiles are a large part of each ritiualistic Rite. It is critical you pass through with flying colours.

Hello, and welcome to "The Purpose Driven Exile".

As mentioned in the description, this guide is about theory-crafting, and the individual roles of Pyre's cast of characters. From humanoid exiles to creatures out of some mystical world, each comes with their own rather unique package of skills, and uses.

Composing each Exile's kit with purpose can render your triumvirate victorious in most, if not all of your Rites. Leading on a glorious path towards the Commonwealth as you gather friends on the otherside.

There will most likely be spoilers in this guide. While I've attempted to minimize their impact, they are still spoilers regardless. Continue at your own risk.
Exiles, and their roles

Each of the exiles you meet in their travels have their own distinct races associated with them. Their races also give-way to certain 'classes' among the exiles. Their classes are determind after their name in the list below. A quick explantion first-off.

In Pyre, the further you advance into the game, it begins to require all three Exiles under the leadership of the Reader, to act as one whole. The Rites are a 3v3 activity, and cannot solely be won by the skills of an individial exile, and therefore, they must combine their strengths to blot-out each other's weaknesses.

The classes I've determind (names not set in stone), seem to be the most (I hesitate to say) advanced way to complete the more difficult Rites in Pyre. Exiles may fall into several categories, and their skills are a set of three aren't always uniform. These are typically guidelines, lesser so rules. They are as follows;

Keeper :
  • An Exile with a large Presence[], and high Glory[]. Typically slower than most other Exiles, though, difficult to banish due to the immense space they consume on the Rite. Keepers are most-likely the backline of most triumvirates created by the Reader; they protect the pyre, and keep enemies like Runners from dashing into the flame.

  • They have awkward offensive capibilities, most due to the lack of Quickness[], and thus have limited reaction to faster characters. (Example: Jodariel's Aura, Jump, and Rush have wind-up, and wind-down delays too them, as well as a lack of stamina regeneration.)

Skirmisher :
  • Exiles with moderate to high Quickness[], graced with quick casting, longer ranged Auras capable of banishing enemies from a far. Your triumvirate should consist of at least of these characters for most, if not all Rites. Once leveled appropriately, they become a force to be reckoned with. They're the mid to frontline Exiles of the Reader's team, and will constantly be moving, passing, and decimating enemies.

  • As mentioned somewhat previously, Skirmishers have fairly adequate offensive powers. Their presence is typically at a moderate level, allowing their auras to become moreso Area-Of-Effect, rather than a direct strike akin to some of the Runners. (Example: Hedwyn's Aura is enough to banish two foes not directly standing behind one another. This is due to his Presence being at a approximately 13 points, unlike the Aura of Runners which lands between 3 - 5.)

Runner :
  • Exiles with typically high base Quickness[], high Hope; they are without large gap-closers, though are quite nimble during the Rites. Runners aren't capable of flashy dives, however, they are the scoring backbone of your team. When in the thick of the Rite, you may happen to find some enemy characters challenging you might have underestimated previously. Runners are the safest bet when you're stuck in sticky situations. They're the front, to midline of any good Reader's force.

  • Due to their distinct ability to reliably douse the enemy's Pyre, they have drawbacks. While high Quickness[] is definitely one of the upsides, and responsiveness in controls, their Glory is lacking. The Reader will have to douse the opposing Pyre more often once a Runner is deemed the one to score. Their Presence[] is typically lower than average, with a few exceptions.

Diver :
  • Exiles with moderate to high Quickness[], capable of diving into the enemy's Pyre. This class only pertains to the Nomad, Crone, and Savage races. While Divers may fall into the three other categories, one key ability distinguishes them from the other Exiles. They all have Jump & Sprint, or Pounce & Slither. These ability combinations allow these particular Exiles to evade large auras, and cross over large portions of the field into the enemy's pyre untouched.

  • Paired with Quickness trinkets, or any trinkets that grant increased damage/health when "Pyre X" is lower or higher than the friendly Pyre; they become destructive in nature, and merely unstoppable when they're not banished.

Recruitable Exiles :

(Nomad) Hedwyn - Skirmisher, Diver

(Demon) Jodariel - Keeper

(Cur) Rukey - Runner

(Savage) Vagabond Girl - Skirmisher, Diver

(Imp) Ti'zo - Skirmisher, Runner

(Wyrm) Sir Gilman - Runner

(Harp) Pamitha - Skirmisher, Runner

(Sap) Volfred - Keeper

(Crone) Bertrude - Keeper, Diver

Unrecruitable/Versus Mode :

(Nomad) Sandra - Skirmisher, Diver

(Nomad) Lendel - Skirmisher, Diver

(Demon) Ignarius - Keeper

(Demon) Oralech - Keeper

(Cur) Barker - Runner

(Cur) Dalbert - Runner

(Savage) Almer - Skirmisher, Diver

(Imp) Messenger-Imp - Skirmisher, Runner

(Wyrm) Sir Deluge - Runner

(Harp) Tamitha - Skirmisher, Runner

(Sap) Manley - Keeper

(Crone) Udmildth - Keeper, Diver
Teams, and their primary exile
Keeping the classes in mind, we now look at the teams of Pyre. The participants of the Rites who are marked against the Nightwings.

This section will cover their team, and if any special or particular tactics should be considered against them. Whether they have preset special teams, pull dirty tricks, or just employ a motley crue of Exiles.

Accusers : Headed by Lendel

The Accusers are a mixed group of Nomads and Savages alike. In the early stages of Pyre, they're fairly easy to best. Beware as the game progresses; enemies grow stronger with each victory, and the Accusers become very swift.

Fate : Headed by Dalbert & Almer

Fate is a triumvirate constructed with a Cur, and a couple of Savages. Fate provides a slightly new experience, though, is still fairly quick to best early on. Later, the threat remains on the Savages. And beware, Dalbert still has a few tricks up his sleeve as well.

The Dissidents : Headed by Barker

The Dissidents are entirely comprised of Curs. All three are relatively quick, but lack any sort of presence unless grouped together. Their auras are more direct, but aren't entirely effective until the second, or third Rite with the Dissidents. They increase in speed, leading to who can douse the flame faster.

The Withdrawn : Headed by Udmildhe

The Withdrawn are driven by sinister forces rather than freedom. Their ranks compose of a Crone, and two Nomads. While the Crone will pose a significant threat to the player due to its unique aura, the Nomads shouldn't be a surprise. As the Withdrawn become more advanced, the Crone will advocate for diving techniques, leaping bounds over your Exiles - be weary.

Pyrehearts : Headed by Sir Deluge

The Pyrehearts harbour three Wyrms. Their abilities compose of fleeting tactics; slithering up to the target, and bursting the leftover aura in hopes the Reader's exiles step into them by accident. Later on, Quickness is the only applicable tactic these Wyrms pose. Most flying, or agile exiles can best the pack of three.

Essence : Headed by Tamitha

Comprised of three Harps, these foes pose an interesting threat the the Reader in their first Rite, as well as any that follow. Relatively unique auras similar to those of the Crones, "Tackle" abilities, and dashes create odd, messy Rites that end one-sided. Banish two to three at a time, and find yourself walking into their Pyre. Or, even so the opposite; Harps surrounding your dimly lit Pyre.

Chastity : Headed by Manely

Manley, and his motley crue of followers empoly interesting tricks during their time in the Rites with the Reader's Exiles. While Saps are not typically threatening, Manley is one trickster; reimagining the field on the first Rite, and regaining Pyre health at random during other Rites. When dueling him, make quick work of his triumvirate, and douse his flame swiftly.

Tempers : Headed by Ignarius

Found in later stages of the campaign, The Tempers are founded from Demons. Though, a few mixed faces are thrown in with the group, the Demon presence is understandably the greatest threat to the Reader. Fast runners are made quick work of by the 25+ sized auras of the large blockades called Demons. Divers make the swiftest victory against the clunky Exiles, and vast areas of unwalkable ground.

Beyonders : Headed by Sandra

Located in the Beyonder Crystal inside the wagon, the Beyonders are an opposing triumvirate for practice. They have a mixed selection of permanently banished exiles to play against. A great place to experiment!

The True Nightwings : Headed by Oralech

The last remaining member of the True Nightwings before your band of misfits. The main character is a Demon with an insanely large presence (40+), and a random selection of other exiles. Most likely Nomads & Savages. During seemingly random increments, The True Nightwings play dirty
tricks on the Reader's Exiles. Banishing the party by lightening, and Pyre regeneration aren't out of the question. Passing the orb, and creating confusion among the enemy is the most efficient way to best this foe. Continue at your own discretion.
Rites, and the Reader's composition

In this section, we'll discuss the compositions the Reader can choose to achieve Victory in the Rites. Whether too many, or too little of one class can be the downfall of the team. Or whether certain decisions are more valuable than others against various triumvirates.

Beginning Pyre :

The composition in the header-picture above is the perfect beginner group, as it was meant to be.

These three are extremely capable of dispatching, and dousing the enemy team further into the downside. Consisting of a Skirmisher/Diver, a Keeper, and a Runner, they're set for liberation with the tools necessary. Jodariel is a solid backline, while Hedwyn and Rukey can safely pass the orb between the midline, and frontline. Synergy is as great of a power as having a level V exile. These three are gifted with it, being as they're the primary three.

There really isn't much a reason to disrupt this basic combination until a little further into Pyre, where new cast members are introduced.

Further into Pyre :

Once more members have been accrued, one of the powerful combinations relies on the Vagabond Girl. She's located strangely close to the beginning of the game, so she comes into effect quickly.


The first considers you've kept Hedwyn as a main Exile in your Rites (I had liberated him, as I felt he was the most worthy). He has considerably the highest potential out of all of the exiles. With a close following from the Vagabond Girl; They are instrumental for Victory in the Rites. Ti'zo is considering you've liberated Hedwyn first, as he's one of the better runners due to his AOE implode ability, Flutter ability, and Zip ability. While slower than Rukey, and Sir Gilman, Ti'zo can be conditioned by trinkets to have +8 Quickness, Unlimited Stamina, or bonuses of the like.

These four Exiles are my personal favourite after I had learned of their prowess. (25, and 0 with no Gameplay resets isn't too shabby.)

Middle-Journey in Pyre :

During Rites with specialized triumvirates (three Crones, or several Demons as examples), the Reader will have to compose their own strategy based upon their leveled characters. Three crones with any sort of Titan stars is a nightmare beyond belief. There's enough aura-casting, and diving to have any hardened Reader begin to crack.

Skirmishers are favoured here, as they can swiftly dodge the auras. A keeper is punished regularly in a three Crone game, however. It is recommended to either keep a keen eye on the casting animations, or select three Skirmishers, or two Skirmishers and a Runner.


And one of the following :

Ending in Pyre

Another strong combination worthy of mention comes oddly delayed in the game. Volfred, and Bertrude are a lethal composition willing to deal out all sorts of punishment to the most difficult of adversaries.

Paired with any runner, they provide the fire power to shutdown even the most aggressive of teams. Their combined auras along with Volfred's sapling allow them to shutout the majority of the friendly pyre from the enemy. The sweetest fruit of the pair is that Bertrude can be modified to increase Quickness, and thus her agility improves. This allows the hulking beast to plunge 25 to 30-points of damage into the enemy Pyre on a regular basis. I urge most players to attempt this with their third character of choice.
Closing remarks

Woah. You've made it this far.

It's like reading the Book of Rites cover to cover again! In all honestly, though, I appreciate if you've taken the time to read my writing. I sincerely hope my insistent theory-crafting babbling is interesting to others enjoying Pyre similarly to myself.

Any questions, or comments, and even possibly grammar corrections should be popped into the comments. I'll see what I can do, and answer! As for Supergiant Games, the developers of Pyre; If you haven't already, go check out these awesome people![]

PaperLaur 25 Jun, 2022 @ 12:48am 
I know I'm SUPER late to this game, but thanks for this! I definitely immediately got the idea that there were "classes" but had no idea what they were or what they did, and the "one person moving at a time" thing is still kind of breaking my brain a little bit. This clarified a lot!
Chester 14 Aug, 2021 @ 10:18pm 
Did you think you wouldn't get any more comments on a 4+ year old post? This is a great break down for anyone going into harder difficulties
Photon 27 Jun, 2020 @ 7:34am 
Great guide, thanks
callowGuru 21 Oct, 2017 @ 4:13pm 
A couple tips for anone playing. If you're using Pamitha against an enemy Harp, Cast your tackle second and you'll be the one surviving the joust.

Flame Leech on Bertrude is amazing.

Pamitha is a strong choice against exiles with big auras such as Saps or Demons, as you can charge right through the Aura to take them out.

The Pyrehearts are a joke, slap all the titan stars on every time you face them.

Just finished True Nightwing mode with 12 titan stars on nearly the whole time, Pamitha/Bertrude/Volfred is an amazing combination, with Bertrude getting Stubborn Flame with Flame Leech, Pamitha using Triesta's Plume and the +8 quickness mastery, with Volfred using his rekindle oriented masteries with a fully levelled up Lu's Bough.
Helevorn 23 Sep, 2017 @ 4:18am 
guides like these should have their spot on gamefaqs too!
DerWunderWaffle 15 Aug, 2017 @ 11:15pm 
You get a thumbs up for the punny title.
Solistine  [author] 2 Aug, 2017 @ 7:35pm 
@xD, Donezo
ARES 2 Aug, 2017 @ 4:54pm 
Small error: You marked Dalbert and Almer as Accusers.
6000j 29 Jul, 2017 @ 6:45pm 
There are some certain versus mode synergies that if you were to expand this guide you should touch on (oralech+gilman), but amazing guide.
MatchaPanda 29 Jul, 2017 @ 7:24am 
Nice guide. Good to see that effective teams are being worked out.