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100% Achievements Guide
Von battletailors
Complete guide on how to get all the achievements in Pyre
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Hello, my fellow completionist. This is a complete guide on how to get all of the achievements in another Supergiant Games masterpiece - Pyre. Guide consists of 3 main sections: story achievements, missable achievements, versus mode achievements. I hope you will find it useful. It is also full of spoilers, so tread carefully.
And thus i yield the floor to Sandra.

"Now listen well, lovely Reader. You answer to me here."

Story Achievements
These are the achievements that you can't miss and will get no matter what on your first playthrough

The Reader
Begin your quest for freedom

This one is quite simple. Just start the game and play it for a few minutes until your team of Nightwings is assembled.

Gather the Band
Find an exile for each of the different masks

I don't think there is actually an option to reject anyone to join your team. But if there is, be sure to not do so in order to get the achievement.
Note: you dont need to have all species in your team at once. So if you already liberated, for example, Rukey, don't worry - you don't need to find another Cur so you can get the achievement.

True Freedom
Complete your quest for freedom

Now this one i'm not quite sure if it belongs in this section. It might matter that you have to make sure you Plan in Commonwealth succeeds. Success rate is shown in jorunal, that Sandalwood gives you.
I can't check it anymore really, as there is no "bad-ending achievement", so maybe some of you (who didn't liberate enough Nightwings on your first playthrough and Commonwealth stayed the same) can tell us.
Campaign achievements that you CAN MISS: Part 1
Achievements that you can get at almost any point in the game. So if you are standing before your very last Rite and you wanna make sure that you got all the achievements you could, this is the list for you:

Book Worm
Check 50 different pages in the Book of Rites

This one is really easy to get. There are more than 50 pages that you can reveal, and i think, no matter what you do, you will have enough of them in the end. So if you don't have these achievements yet be sure to read all new pages that you revealed.

Sandra's Disciple
Complete two Scribe Trials in the Beyonder Crystal

If you never had looked into Beyonders Crystal (green globe in your wagon), there are these Scribe Trials, that Sandra offers to any of your companions whos level is 3 or higher (except for Rukey, Jodi and Hedwyn, i think). You have to complete two trials so you can get this achievement

Scribes' Chosen
Prevail in a Rite with three or more Titan Stars active

Scribes' Guardian
Prevail in a Rite with six or more Titan Stars active

Scribes' Champion
Prevail in a Rite with 12 Titan Stars active (Campaign)

Well, this is your last Rite. Might be not the best place to get them, as you are facing your strongest opponent, but it's doable! Can't really give any tips, aside from running your favorite comp and maybe changing the difficulty in options.
Of course, this achievement is more easy to get, when you face some of the other triumvirates, whom you've beaten many times and feel confident to fight.

Update: you can get this achievement without even fighting anyone, if you activate all 12 stars before heading into 2nd to last Rite (where no one shows up).
Thanks to apricityhal from Reddit for this information!
Update 2: It got fixed, apparently
Update 3: You can't get this achievement on easy difficulty!
Thanks EeK09 from Reddit for pointing this out!

Untouched Flame
Prevail in a Rite without your Pyre taking damage

No no no, you don't need to flawlessly defeat Fake Nightwings, if you didn't get this achievement. Practice Rite, accesible in Beyonder's Crystal is the way to go!

Mystic Training
Complete a Practice Rite in the Beyonder Crystal

If you didn't get the last one yet, you can get both at the same time!

Banished One and All
During a Rite, banish three adversaries with a single Aura Cast

Again, you can get it in Practice Rite. Scribes with suitable abilities: Jodi, Pamitha (with right masteries), Bertrude, and, of course, Ti'Zo with hiw aura blast can easily get the job done.

Star Struck
During a Rite, fling the Orb at an adversary, then banish them within two seconds

Simple as it sounds: grab an orb, throw an orb at your opponent so he catches it, banish him.

Home Free
Prevail in a Liberation Rite

Mercy Shown
Suffer defeat in a Liberation Rite

If you had lost every single Liberation Rite you commenced, maybe it's time to step it up and show them who truly deserves to be free. And the other way around: if you won every single one so far, maybe you can show Oralech some mercy.

The White Lute
Use the White Lute to play a tune

If you for some reason never clicked on this beautiful white musical instrument in your wagon, do it now.
Campaign achievements that you CAN MISS: Part 2
This section contains all the missable achievements, that you can get only at certain points in the game and/or under specific circumstances:

Downside Pilgrim
Prevail in a Rite at each of the Celestial Landmarks

You have to win at every location in the game.
If you already lost one of the Rites and came here to look, if you will be able to get this achievement be at ease - you will get several chances to revisit previous locations.
Note: if you completed your first journey to the Mountain of Alodiel, won the Liberation Rite (just as any of the previous ones) and didn't get the achievement, don't you worry - there is one more celestial landmark, that's called Isle of Khaylmer. It will be open to you later.

Favored to Prevail
Prevail in a Rite against each of the other triumvirates

This one is similar to the last one. It doesnt matter where you prevail, but agaisnt whom. Later in the game you will receive a special journal that will keep score against every other triumvirates.
Note: I believe that Fake Nightwings do not count as another triumvirates, but i might be wrong. Do not miss the chance to win agaisnt them, as there are only 2 chances given to do so.
Update: Fake Nightwings do count as another triumvirates, so dont't let them slip away with victory.
Thanks Fexus for this information!

The Faithful Drifter
Using the Stowaway, deal 200 Pyre Damage

The Fallen Soldier
Using Jodariel, deal 200 Pyre Damage

The Fast Talker
Using Rukey, deal 200 Pyre Damage

The Free Spirit
Using Hedwyn, deal 200 Pyre Damage

The Guilty Sister
Using Pamitha, deal 200 Pyre Damage

 The Honor Seeker
Using Sir Gilman, deal 200 Pyre Damage

 The Little Watcher
Using Ti'zo, deal 200 Pyre Damage

 The Plan Maker
Using Volfred, deal 200 Pyre Damage

 The Serpent Queen
Using Bertrude, deal 200 Pyre Damage

Quite simple isn't it? Just be sure to not liberate those companions, who didn't achieve this yet.
Note: Practice Rites count
Note 2: Stowaway is the Moon-touched Girl - Rhae, Bae, whatever you named her.

New Alliance
Prevail in a Rite using Jodariel and Pamitha

Now this one i missed myself on my first playthrough. In order to get it make sure you don't liberate neither Jodariel nor Palitha in your first Liberation Rite.
To make them not hate each other you just have to wait. After you commenced 10 Rites and will be heading to the 11th, dialogue will happen and peace will be made


"You can get the New Alliance achievement much sooner by going into a Practice Rite. Jodariel and Pamitha won't be unwilling to fight alongside each other there."

Master of the Rites
Achieve Rank 5 with any exile

Note: I might check if it's even possible to not get anyone to level 5.

Found Your Calling
Do Vocations 10 times

If you somehow skipped, missed or forgot what are the Vocations - it's when you get to choose between three options: search vor valuable items, read your book or train one of your companions.
If you dont have it yet, make sure to travel places, that give you opporunity to do so. There is no achievement for hoarding amulets or anything like that, so might as well do your vocations.

Start Duster
Upgrade a Talisman to Rank 20

You upgrade amulets with Star Dust by dragging it on the amulet itself.
You can buy stardust at the Slugmarket. Sometimes you can get some by choosing the path that provides it.

Crowd Pleaser
Complete three Feats of Glory

Look out for optional goals during Rites. These are yours Feats of Glory. Complete 3 of them and you will get the achievement.

Sandra's Favorite
Complete five Scribe Trials in the Beyonder Crystal

Same as the Sandra's Disciple. The reason why it's in this section is because you might not have 5 worthy Scribes before the last Rite

There For Them
Initiate 20 different conversations in the blackwagon

Just watch out for a conversation icon in the bottom left corner. There is plenty of conversations in this game, don't wanna miss that easy of an achievement.

Big Spender
Spend 1,000 Sol in the Slugmarket

Slugmarket is the only palce where you can spend money, so don't be greedy, spend it all!
Froody: "if you've missed this you can actually get it by selling a single item over and over again in one visit"

Returned to Glory
Liberate any three exiles from your party

Note: if you freed only 2 of your companions, and it's already time for the last Liberation Rite - do not choose Oralech.

First Whiff
Use Scribe Snuff to reset an exile's Masteries

Avalaible at the Slugmarket

Fear Not the Flame
During a Rite, douse the adversary's Pyre by 40 health or more

There are several ways to do so: certain masteries, amulets and such. But if you already liberated all of Scribes that can do so, dont have or can't afford amulets, it's really easy and to get just by starting a new game:
1. Get Jodariel to level 3
2. Choose mastery that gives her ability to gain +10 damage if she recently saluted
3. Destroy

Flame Quencher
Prevail in a Rite in no more than three dousings

You have to win, by scoring 3 or less times. Instructions to the achievement above work here too.
Note: if at your stage of the game, where everyone's Pyre seems to have more than 100hp, remember: you can always do it at Practise Rite
Note: you can also get it automatically in 2nd to last Rite (where no one shows up)

Cover to Cover
Unlock every chapter in the Book of Rites

Update: This achievement was moved from previous section as you might miss it, if you never prevailed in a Rite with at least 1 Titan Star chosen (5th chapter in the book is all about Titans)
Flying over the Downside
I actually just couldn't fit these 2 achievements in the last section. Nothing special about them, yet they are still missable
Sky Explorer
While flying, interact with 10 different observation points

As you get access to flying, look for little flashing grey circles in every location. Fly closer to them and a dialogue will happen. Fly closer to 10 of them - you get the achievement.

Scourge of the Skies
While flying, bump into five different adversaries' wagons

After your first Liberation Rite you will get your Flying Wagon, and soon you will start to notice that other triumvirates, apparently, have the same technologies. Bump into 5 different flying wagons and watch them get mad at you
Versus Mode
This section contains all the achievements that you can get in Versus Mode

But first, let me make it clear, what "Versus Mode, default Talismans and Masteries" means. Because it confused me at the start and i had to win Master CPU with 6 stars three times before i got the achievement.
1. Pyre health only matters in the setup. Stars that change the amount of pyres health is not against the rules.
2. Masteries should be at Preset (Star icon). Setting it to 0 wouldn't work
3. NO talismans.
4. You can customize your and CPU's teams
5. Teams and stages don't matter

This is how it should look:

Now let's get to achievements:
The Will of the Scribes
Complete a Rite against a CPU opponent

Quite simple and easy to get. Don't think i need to write anything here.

First Ceremony
Complete a Rite against another mortal

Sadly, there is no multiplayer in this game, except for playing on the same pc/ps4.
If you don't have a friend, willing to play with you, it's okay - all that matter is a setup. Set opponent to Player2 and destroy those not moving opponents.
Note: also good for practicing and getting to know a character you're not comfortable with

Classic Nightwings
Prevail using Volfred, Ti'zo, and Oralech

Sons of Jomuer
Prevail using Rukey, Barker, and Dalbert

Dames of the Downside
Prevail using Sandra, Tamitha, and Udmildhe

Home-field Heroes
Prevail at the Isle of Khaylmer using Ti'zo and Messenger Imp

Just win a match against an AI (or another mortal), using characters as stated. No limits on pyre health, masteries, amulets or difficulty. For Home-field Heroes achievement 3rd Scribe in your team doesn't matter.

Lick of Flame
Prevail in a Rite against a CPU opponent while you have less than 10 Pyre Health (Versus Mode with default Masteries, Talismans, Pyre Health)

This one is tricky. I'd suggest customizing your opponent's team, as you don't want them all to deal the same amount of damage or too much damage (Demons).
I made my enemy team consist of 2 Curs and 1 Nomad
Note: also, don't set AI difficulty too low, as it would take ages for them to even score (i, personally, got this achievement with CPU level: 3)

Prevail in a Rite against a Master-level CPU opponent (Versus Mode, default Talismans and Masteries)

Now we're getting to the hard part. I'd suggest you to get this achievement along with the next one, though.

Master Conductor
Prevail against a Master CPU opponent with six or more Titan Stars active (Versus Mode with default Masteries, Talismans, Pyre Health)

And behold: hardest achievement in this game and probably the reason why you're here.
But don't get scared too soon! This knight shall show you one of the most easiest (yet maybe not that noble) way to achieve victory!

Your team in order of choosing:

Opponent's team (order doesn't matter):

Strategy: You probably already see where this is going. All 3 demons are slow and clunky, and most important, have the least Hope in the game, which makes their respawn time super long.
Now to our heroes and their goal in this game:
Tamitha is our banish-master and because of that - our opener. At the start of the round dash forward and start charging your Aura. Cast it as opponents get close. And don't forget to use her Aura-Burst for it is the reason i chose her over Palitha
Sandra is in our team for mostly of one of her masteries: Divine Retribution that makes enemies respawn for 2 seconds longer which is just perfect for out strategy. Her other masteries also help a little.
Dalbert may be doesn't run as fast as Barker or jump as far as Rukey, but his Guiding Light makes him our win condition. Everytime we banish all enemies with Tamitha we pass the orb to Dalbert so he can freely jump into the pyre. And this Guiding Light mastery makes him comeback next round, so we can always have 3 people.
Note: if you feel comfortable throwing orbs in to the pyre, you can replace Dalbert with, literally, anyone else, because his mastery just becomes useless.

As for the stars:
DO NOT choose following stars: Shax Six Shoulders, Yslach Astral-Born, Limbless Arizech.
Any of the other 9 stars should do. It doesn't matter how much health our or their pyre has, doesn't matter how much they deal damage, how quickly they move, how large are their auras (they just cant even get close to your pyre). All we need is for them to be banished for enough time so our old dog can score

Thank to zrallikrats@17yo for recording a video, using this guide

Note: this achievement was one of the most fun in the game. Making stragies like this and trying to figure out the best possible comp just make me wish more that an actual multiplayer existed.
Note 2: this is not the only way to do it. There are other strategies with different comps and tatics (you can even find a whole guide, dedicated to this achievement). I can't fit all of them here (this guide is already becoming thicker and thicker with every day), but you can always do a little bit of reading in the comment section!
Final Words
And this is it. Thank you all for reading my guide. I'm glad if i could help someone.

And please, if you noticed any mistakes (including grammar and typos), misleading tips, wrong conclusions or just want to add something, leave a comment and i will gladly fix the problem!

:fan-art still not included:

Update: Hey, everyone! I'm happy that so many people found this guide helpful. But it jut becomes more and more thick with all these notes and updates. So i'm probably gonna rearrange some sections, cut out a few sentences here and there, hide something in spoilers and just make it more compact and easy to read. Ofcourse, i wll still credit all of you, who helped me with your tips and suggestions :)
60 Kommentare
Doctor Long 92 21. Sep. 2024 um 9:25 
This Game Let You Watch 2 AIs Battle With:winterbunny2023: Each Other
Bob Spigot 2. Sep. 2024 um 20:11 
I used the dogs I didnt actually change level or their team but by chance got Fall of Soliam, the long level that seemed to confuse the opponent the most, and they had Oralech. He was actually a huge pain, but taking him out first, (and he is a big target to hit.) made scoring easy against the remaining two.
(Primarily just by walking the first half and drawing them out, then going in to a sprint to score. They couldnt keep up and didnt seem to ever work out how to head me off.)
I finished the achievement 9 to 0.
Scarleton 14. Mai 2024 um 18:37 
Thanks for making this, helped me out a lot!
White Fire 15. Sep. 2023 um 0:45 
I randomly got Master Conductor at the same time as Enlightened even though I don't recall activating the Titan Stars. I wonder if there's some kind of glitch where activating them in the Campaign ticks off some kind of box in Versus mode. Since others have experienced the same thing, I think that's the case.
Drael 24. Juni 2023 um 13:18 
@Mauabj : Kaylmer perhaps ?
Misericordel 11. Feb. 2023 um 19:04 
I don't know if anyone already mentioned it, but for the Scribes' Champion achievement (12 titan stars) you can play on easy difficulty and change it to normal just before the last hit on enemy's Pyre, just tested it
coffeeboy 18. Juli 2022 um 10:35 
I personally disagree with the team comp example for the Master Conductor achievement; the demons aura cast makes them really powerful at both offense and defense. I recommend instead of using demons that you use saps instead. They are extremely slow, and if you use characters that either easily dodge auras, or have especially useful aura casting types. There are only two saps, so I used an imp for the third opponent, seeing as they have to sacrifice themselves to cast their aura and don't have much glory. For teammates, Sandra seems like an absolute must. For my second, I suggest using either crone, because they excel in banishing enemies and jumping right past their aura. I used Oralech for my third, but he didn't end up doing much, so I think somebody faster would be your best bet. Either another nomad or a dog character.
GS 18. Juni 2022 um 20:35 
Really excellent guide for a great game. thanks for the help!
Mauabj 3. Juni 2022 um 12:29 
Hey man, I don't know how to get the "Downside Pilgrim" achievement. I mean, I don't know what landmarks I'm supposed to win on, I already won on:
Where else am I supposed to win?
sloppenheimer jones 24. Dez. 2021 um 12:37 
Also, I was trying to get the Enlightened achievement (with no titan stars active) and randomly got Master Conductor. Without the titan stars even enabled, let alone six active. Is master conductor known to be bugged?