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20 of 39 (51%) Succès remportés ::

Succès personnels

The First Time

Clear a stage
Débloqué le 30 déc. 2022 à 21h21

The Strongest among the Weak

Clear 20 stages
Débloqué le 11 févr. 2023 à 20h30

Tower of Strength

Clear 20 Hard Mode stages
Débloqué le 25 févr. 2023 à 20h49


Achieve grade "S" in a stage
Débloqué le 30 déc. 2022 à 21h25


Achieve grade "S" in a Lv.7 or Lv.7+ stage
Débloqué le 31 déc. 2022 à 19h03

Full Combo!!

Get Full Combo in a stage
Débloqué le 30 déc. 2022 à 21h25

300 Combo!

Reach 300 Combo in a stage
Débloqué le 11 mars 2023 à 0h27

Accurate Positioning

Select a song through Music Index, Difficulty Filter or Search and play it
Débloqué le 17 déc. à 22h27

Stream of Consciousness

Totally knock back 300 Ghosts
Débloqué le 4 oct. 2023 à 1h53

Blue Notes Hunter

Totally collect 500 Notes
Débloqué le 2 avr. 2023 à 0h23

Playing along Both Lines

Totally knock back 100 enemies or BOSS's remote attacks while playing a Sheet (hold note)
Débloqué le 12 mars 2023 à 0h24

Is the Order a Lovely Girl? ~ I started from scratch and did everything I could to become a Muse master with 14 lovely girls. However, when I looked forward to a happy life in this exotic world, I was suddenly thrown into a "scene of carnage" of gears and hanging hammers. There must be something wrong with my Lovely Girl Monogatari~ For these girls’ bright future, I must successfully play Lv.12 songs!

Totally unlock 14 characters
Débloqué le 30 sept. à 23h10

Musemon Master

Totally collect 8 elfins
Débloqué le 30 sept. à 23h10

Have a Try?

Play a Lv.11 stage
Débloqué le 13 oct. 2023 à 21h00

Uh-oh, a Rear-end Collision…

Clear a Blackest Luxury Car stage at any difficulty level
Débloqué le 12 mars 2023 à 0h05

APP Logo Found!

Clear a Lights of Muse stage at any difficulty level
Débloqué le 11 févr. 2023 à 20h33

I don't care about Christmas though

Clear a stage of I don’t care about Christmas though at any difficulty level
Débloqué le 12 mars 2023 à 0h24

You Peak at It

Achieve grade "Silver S" in a Lv.7 or Lv.7+ stage
Débloqué le 1 janv. 2023 à 4h00

One More Needed

Achieve only 1 "Miss" judgement in a Lv.7 or Lv.7+ stage
Débloqué le 2 janv. 2023 à 7h08


Achieve grade "S" of Mujinku-Vacuum Track#ADD8E6 on hard or master mode
Débloqué le 13 oct. 2023 à 20h58

Welcome to Muse Dash

Complete the tutorial stage

You’ve Conquered It!

Clear 10 Master Mode stages
9 / 10

Full Combo Master

Get Full Combo in 30 different stages
9 / 30

You Have a Great

Clear a stage with only one "Great"

Melee Fight

Totally knock back 100 BOSS's melee attacks

Walk on the Tip of a Blade

Clear a song with Little Devil Marija

Love Actually

Totally collect 300 Red Hearts
142 / 300

Illustration Collection

Totally collect 20 illustrations
15 / 20


Clear a Mopemope stage at any difficulty level

Trick or treat?

Clear an umpopoff stage at difficulty level "?"

Conquering the Newbie Zone

Finish the tutorial April Fool's Day ver

8 succès cachés restants

Les détails de chaque succès seront révélés une fois débloqués