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0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 16.2 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 12 déc. 2023 à 10h35

If you enjoyed the first Life is Strange game, I really feel like you will enjoy True Colors. This story is not set in the PNW as all the other past games are, but it is in Colorado, Haven Springs. It feels very nostalgic to us fans because the area looks so much like the PNW. You navigate Alex Chen's life as an empath and experience making choices. As someone who also considers themselves an empath, a lot of what Alex goes through is relatable. Alex is a big hearted soul who wants to do right by the people around her, and in this story we get to dive into how she became an empath and where her psychic powers originated from. Those of you who maybe aren't as empathetic may learn a lot about emotions and empathy while playing. I definitely found myself crying during some moments and felt connected to Alex more than any other Life is Strange series character. This game is gorgeous. I found every scene to be art. The record store is beautiful and the scenery outdoors was comfy. This has to be my favorite release by Deck Nine so far. If you were looking for a sign to buy this game, this is it.
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