Riga, Latvia
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FastDni 13 nov. 2024 à 4h33 
To the Right Honourable Sir,

I doth write unto thee concerning a friend, who, though once esteemed, hath of late been sorely remiss in matters of courtesy and honour, such that I can no longer forbear but must lay my complaint at thy feet.

This fellow, who once spake in words fair and deeds honourable, hath now shown himself a knave of low fidelity. He doth break promises as one breaketh dry twigs beneath his heel, leaving me sorely aggrieved and in want of good company. Oft he doth pledge his presence, yet fail to appear; many a time hath he vowed to lend his aid, yet withdrawn it without cause, leaving me in great disadvantage and ill repair. His wit, once bright as steel, hath now turned to rust, and his heart, once steadfast, doth now waver like a leaf in a tempest.

By my hand, I am, Thy faithful servant,
Ishtarys 2 aout 2024 à 16h35 
+rep, fair killer
strongboy6060 16 déc. 2023 à 15h23 
es gribu sex ar šo cilveku
Broken_Ankle 26 mars 2023 à 9h49 
Jūsu kreisā smadzeņu puslode iedalās autisma spektruma septītajā diafragmā, kas 100% apliecina jūsu veselības stāvokļa nestabilitāti. Šī medicīniskā fenomena pazīmes ir pārlieku liela vēlme skatīties pornogrāfiju veidotu tieši homoseksuālu, pusmūža vīriešu auditorijai. Effektīvākā ārstniecības metodes terapija ir balinātāja koncentrāta filtrēšana caur anālo
Firput 15 nov. 2022 à 7h32 
-rep, jo +rep
lowgrane Alb.Kvies 1 juil. 2022 à 13h38 
ļoti labs sviedrains čalis