過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 1 / 36(3%)項成就:

First Time

Make a dialogue choice
解鎖於 2024 年 6 月 7 日 下午 10:18

Friendly I

Make 10 friendly choices

Friendly II

Make 25 friendly choices

Friendly III

Make 50 friendly choices

Witty I

Make 10 witty choices

Witty II

Make 25 witty choices

Witty III

Make 50 witty choices

Aggressive I

Make 10 aggressive choices

Aggressive II

Make 25 aggressive choices

Aggressive III

Make 50 aggressive choices

Mortis I

Find all deaths in part 1

Mortis II

Find all deaths in part 2

Mortis III

Find all deaths in part 3

Mortis Tollorix

Die on Tollorix

Mortis Corth

Die on Corth

Mortis Interrogatio

Die by interrogation

Mortis Aeon

Die twice on Aeon Station

Affection: Kaylee I

Flirt once with Kaylee

Affection: Kaylee II

Flirt three times with Kaylee

Affection: SAndrA I

Flirt once with SAndrA

Affection: Vesnia I

Flirt once with Vesnia

Affection: Elysra I

Flirt once with Elysra

Affection: Elysra II

Flirt three times with Elysra

Affection: Emily I

Flirt once with Emily

Affection: Emily II

Flirt three times with Emily

Affection: Ashe I

Flirt once with Ashe

Affection: Ashe II

Flirt three times with Ashe

Bonus I

Finish part 1

Bonus II

Finish part 2

Bonus III

Finish part 3

Bonus IV

Finish part 4

Bonus V

Finish part 5

Bonus VI

Finish part 6

Finish it

Finished the game


Unlock all codex entries

El's Game

Win Elysra's question game