Mr Krebs
hello I am de friendly-ish neighborhood krab!!!111!!!
i love da brickel rigs & le other games, so check those out if you want to be me friend

if you want my dang pronouns they are cheese/stick
dont care if you call me by pronouns, just call me kreb, krab, kreg, or just any variation of kr + any 2 letters.

also dont friend me for no other reason than to be with your favorite brick rigs builder. dont alright? case i need purpose and friending me for no reason has no purpose which angers me and just makes me mad.

disrespect me and d i e

dont you DARE think im good at FPS games
i might have ~640 hours in tf2 a FPS game but is still SUCK!!11!1!
im good at not FPS stuff, things like driving vehicle, being (mostly) productive, building stuff, give request if you want

must also add to the kreb comment story thingamajing if you want to give request to build, or you can tell me on steam dm's
EMD DDA40X 2024年12月8日 19時11分 
kreb 59. the preschool is filled with crablet devoureres...
Mr Krebs 2024年12月8日 19時10分 
kreb 58 carpet devourer dies in a fire after such a heated debate, crablet is shocked and runs into a preeschool
EMD DDA40X 2024年12月8日 19時08分 
kreb 57. carper eats dirt once again. crablet calls him the carpet devourer which leads to a day long argument about if carpets are edible and who should eat them
EMD DDA40X 2024年11月24日 18時54分 
kreb 56 krabbel's corpse falls down a cliff. traumitizes school field trip
Mr Krebs 2024年11月24日 17時34分 
kreb 55, kragle steals a tank and blows up krabbel
EMD DDA40X 2024年11月24日 16時59分 
kreb 54. krablet eats children. rip children