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发布于:2022 年 9 月 12 日 下午 8:25
更新于:2022 年 10 月 22 日 下午 6:49

help me it i played 100 hours more of this game help help help :c goofy ahh robot kills demons and go's boom brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr shot but it a good game it very fun and take alot of skill to have fun when you learn all of it. it is so fun and you can be like a normal shooter be on the ground and go shoot shoot or be good or learn so much about the game and just kill everything with a few buttons can use railgun and core form shotgun and kill everything and you find so much ways to get rid of a room with a few buttons if you know the game. also one thing that bad is the community they are weird and funny too most is asking robot s e x :/ or teaching about the game ,combos, etc. also you don't need a 1500 dollars for a pc just to play. can play it on the most crap laptop phone tablet computer and still play it but still buy it pls it's so good it fun :D thank for reading this and have a good day hope the best in your life :D also better then sex by a F ing MILE
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