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[FiB] BR24 8. lis. v 15.48 
╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═════════════════════╗
Lalisa Manobal 28. srp. v 19.45 
canadian bacon eater
JT 28. srp. v 19.44 
BEWARE of this man.. we were playing a match of csgo and he asks me to runboost. he wanted me to get on top and kept staring up at my a$$, i thought nothing of it and ignored him... he then fails the runboost and comes close to my ear and whispers " im sorry baby" i was shook. he then decides hold my hand and drag me into enemy lines.. before we got killed he quickly nibbled on my ear and i pushed him off... dont trust this man he is not who he says he is
[FiB] BR24 5. dub. 2023 v 19.02 
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________________§§§█████▀§@@@@█OOOOOOO █
leaja 30. říj. 2022 v 20.39 
luv u :Heartyou:
leaja 29. srp. 2022 v 23.49 
suck me dry?