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Скорошни рецензии на WilliHam1218

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2.7 изиграни часа
This is unequivocally the best game ever created. GOTY should be taken back from Elden Ring and awarded to the Chop Goblins. It is far more deserving of such an award. The pure artistry is heart wrenching, and it is obvious how much passion and effort was poured into the creation of the game. The story told by this masterpiece is unique and magical. It transcends our narrow concept of video games to enlighten the mind and soul, exposing the profound truths of life. It is revolutionary. You can also blast lil goblin dudes into meaty chunks, and the protagonist is obviously British (evidenced by the violent stabbing), so that's pretty cool.
Публикувана 20 декември 2022.
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