❤ 壊れた ケニース❤
Daniel   Rajhrad, Jihomoravsky Kraj, Czech Republic
        W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E

Cant Be toxic
Read this and after it send me FRQ

╔══════════**Please read ** ═════════

║   Random friend requests are declined !

║ . Clearly state the reason why you add me in my comments or trading thread.
║  "added to discuss", "need to talk to you" , "added for selling" or similar comments will be
║ ignored

║ In any case I will decline if:
║ Your profile is private
║ Your inventory is private
║ You're flagged as scammer from SR
║ You had a VAC ban for the last 730 days
║ Your steam level is under 3

║ . I never trade out of the steam trading window
║ . I do not use or accept any form of real money (Paypal/Bank transfer/Opskins...) to trade
║ . Do not add me just because you want me to be a part of your friendlist
║ . Do not ask me for free stuff
║ . Do not add me for pricecheck
║ . Do not send me invitation to join a group

═══════════ ** About me ** ══════
║ CSGO Rank: Gn2
║ Gender: Male
║ Name: Daniel
║ Age: 12
║ Country: CZ
║ Speak: English , Czech
║ Job: none
║ Gaming history: Was a Gamer from my beginings, began gaming in 2015 and have been
║ Playing all the way to today, And have no intent ║im stopping.

╠═══════** Social Media **════════════ ════════════════════════

║ Twitch: ??
║ Twitter: ??
║ Youtube: ??
║ Instagram: ??
║ Discord : PanMráček#2452
║ Messenger : DaNy SuKy
║ Facebook : ??? XD
║ Fortnite : FLS PanMráček

1 件の VAC 検出記録 | 情報
最後の接続禁止から 1705 日
76561198978679786 2021年11月19日 1時02分 
ontes. 2020年1月23日 12時22分 
❤ 壊れた ケニース❤ 2019年9月20日 9時27分 
76561198991663671 2019年9月18日 9時59分 
justy. 2019年9月15日 4時52分 
+rep Frajer