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Osiągnięcia gracza

Edit icon for the first time

Edit once icon
Odblokowano: 18 lipca o 12:57

Add icon

Drag and drop to add an icon
Odblokowano: 9 lipca o 12:08

App library

Add an icon to the launch pad
Odblokowano: 9 lipca o 10:51

Custom logo

Manually select an image logo
Odblokowano: 9 lipca o 10:51

System functions

Right-click the MyFinder button to activate the system function
Odblokowano: 9 lipca o 11:28

System detection

Turn on a CPU or memory detection function
Odblokowano: 9 lipca o 10:47

MyDockFinder old users

Steam cloud backup

Use the steam cloud to back up the configuration file once

Weather forecast

Add a weather forecast icon

Turn off the computer

Shut down once from the MyFinder menu

Tray icon

Click the button on the left side of the tray list to set a constant display icon

Button sort

Hold down Ctrl and drag and drop the MyFinder bar button position once