Elizabeth   North Carolina, United States
27 years old from Raleigh, NC

When I'm not gaming, I'm your favorite Adult Babysitter at the local bar.

My favorite games are builders, or anything that can allow me to relax my mind and be creative after a long day of work. I have also been known to play things such as WOW and other like it, as well as survival games like Scum.

I enjoy trying games that aren't that popular or have been made by someone and their friends, trying to get their name out there so if you come across anything you enjoy like what I've described, please pass it along!

I make friends in this community based on mutual interests in games, and coming across people that watch the same YouTube videos or on the same Facebook groups I'm a part of, but I do not want bullying, scammers, harassers of any kind on my list and you will be quickly vetoed if I sense any of the sort from you. I like to log onto a healthy, friendly, and helpful site when I unwind from the real world. Please respect that. I also don't typically add people on Facebook or Insta as friends.

I'm not the most active player, but welcome to my page and I am always a friendly face to talk to about mutual gaming interests, I also have Discord but I'd love to join an active group of gamers that like to chat and help each other out if you have any references, hit me up!
