Phobos (moon) Keys ⇄ Sets !!!
Phobos orbits 6,000 km (3,700 mi) from the Martian surface, closer to its primary body than any other known planetary moon. It is indeed so close that it orbits Mars much faster than Mars rotates, and completes an orbit in just 7 hours and 39 minutes. As a result, from the surface of Mars it appears to rise in the west, move across the sky in 4 hours and 15 minutes or less, and set in the east, twice each Martian day.
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Commands to level up
:goldennugget:!check - shows how many sets the bot has available and how much you can craft.

:goldennugget:!check [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of CSGO keys.

:goldennugget:!checktf [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of TF keys.

:goldennugget:!checkgems [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of gems.

:goldennugget:!level [your dream level] - calculates how many sets and how many keys it will cost for the desired level.

:goldennugget:!buy [amount of CS:GO keys] - use this to buy the sets you have not crafted yet for that amount of CS:GO keys, following the current bot rate.

:goldennugget:!buytf [amount of TF keys] - use this to buy the sets you have not crafted yet for that amount of TF keys, following the current bot rate.

:goldennugget:!buygems [amount of sets] - use this to buy that amount of sets you have not crafted yet for gems, following the current bot rate.

:goldennugget:!buyany [amount of CS:GO keys] command to buy sets that has already been crafted on your account.